Formula Help (Month's Total, Between Two Dates) - excel

I am trying to generate a report that will show that month's total gas billed. I have two excel sheets in the same document.
The goal is to total a month's gas billing at a specific location for that month.
Conditions in the formula are Location Name, Beginning of the month, and end of the month.
=SUMIFS(Data!M:M,Data!L:L,"Olive Branch",">="&C3,'Data'!F:F,"<="&EOMONTH(C3,0))
This formula above is the formula not working for me. I am not sure what I can change. I've tried to mimic resources online the best that I could, but I'm missing something. This data is coming from an Excel form that I created as well.
Column M is Receipt Total.
Column L is Location.
C3 is The month criteria on the front sheet.
Column F is the purchase date of the gas
Front Sheet
Data Table
Including rest of data table

You needed to reference the Data!F:F range for each check against the date range, but the formula you gave only did this once.
=SUMIFS(Data!M:M,Data!L:L,"Olive Branch",Data!F:F,">="&C3,Data!F:F,"<"&EDATE(C3,1))


sumifs syntax for multiple conditions incorrect

I'm currently working from two worksheets, a main data sheet titled 'Equities' which details the stock trading data undertaken on a daily basis. I've attached a screenshot of the column labels below for this worksheet.
I have a monthly commission worksheet which draws information from the equities sheet using sumifs to return results to a relevant date range. I've attached the column labels screenshot below and the date column to show how it is categorised.
The above sumif returns an accurate result for the gross revenue USD column on the monthly commission worksheet. I have tried to adjust the sumif by adding an additional criteria so as to have monthly figures for Trader 1, 2, 3 etc.
=SUMIFS(Equities!$N:$N, Equities!$L:$L, Monthly Commission!$C1, Equities!$A:$A,">=1/10/2018",Equities!$A:$A,"<=31/10/2018"
The SUMIF above is the one I've edited to include the trader as an additional criteria. However, it has not worked and returns a 0 value, and also prompts me to open a file. I'm not sure where the error is in the syntax or composition of the sumif, so any advice on how to correct it would be greatly appreciated.
Because the name of the Monthly Commission sheet has a space in it, you need to put it in single quotes:
=SUMIFS(Equities!$N:$N, Equities!$L:$L, 'Monthly Commission'!$C1, Equities!$A:$A,">=1/10/2018",Equities!$A:$A,"<=31/10/2018")
The incorrect column was being summed, answer provided by #XORLX.
=SUMIFS(Equities!$L:$L, Equities!$N:$N, 'Monthly Commission'!$C1, Equities!$A:$A,">=1/10/2018",Equities!$A:$A,"<=31/10/2018")

Column Name in Pivot table is a day Need to group by month

Good Morning,
New user here; need assistance please. My data is structured with days across a spreadsheet. t1 = 9/30/2016, u1 = 10/1/2016, v1 = 10/2/2016 etc...
The right side of the sheet s1:s711 has structured data which are the specific employee numbers i.e. 5672291. These are unique identifiers and do not repeat.
The data contained between t2:bsa711 represents the amount of sales on a given day for the employee.
I have tried several sumifs and sumproduct functions to capture the amount of sales for each employee by month. This did not work due to the multiple criteria (employees name and <= EOMONTH => EOMONTH criteria to sum the sales within the month)
My last attempt has been to pivot the data and group by month, but I am unable to produce the desired result because I can only get column names (the days) in the pivot list (1000+ due to the T-BSA range of columns/days).
My overall goal is to know the total per month I am not averse to using pivot or some type of array sumifs. Sorry that I do not have much to add to show research. I have been looking.
Thank you in advance.
Make sure the dates are formatted as dates.
Click on analyze -> insert timeline-> select column for dates.
You might want to experience with slicer and pick the days you want which is even more specific.

Date Dependant Calculation

I've got a (Excel) sheet with running totals of income and expenses. The data from each day is fed into a weekly running total. I also have monthly expenses that I would like to include into the weekly total expense count/profit count but don't want to put each category of monthly expenses into each day's or week's input fields.
I would like to keep the monthly expenses in it's own input field but add the data to the corresponding week the bills were paid.
I've been at this for weeks but can only find solutions that end with circular references. Bonus challanges: I'm pretty happy with the size of each input field and don't want to add any more fields nor do I want to do macros or any VBA. I really just want a formula to take care of it.
Is there a way to have Excel stop adding to a total after a certain day?
Link to the sheet.
it seems like you are entering your expense directly into your "dashboard" am I right? E.g. the rent 875 in cell H13. If this is the case, without a date, then you can't get Excel to intelligently place the expense to the correct week report in your dashboard.
try creating an input table and all your dashboard figures should come from the input table, utilizing functions like SUMIFS and SUMIF.
Then in your dashboard
formula in H13 would be =SUMIFS(E:E,C:C,"Rent",D:D,"Check")
formula in G4, =SUMIFS(E:E,C:C,"Food",D:D,"Cash")
formula in D23, =SUMIFS(E:E,B:B,51,C:C,"Rent",D:D,"Cash")

Find all matching categories, there equivalent value, and only grab the values for that month? Images attached to help understand

I am trying to create a budgeting spreadsheet, I nearly have it all working except one function.
Monthly Budget Sheet:
In this I am trying to read all data on my Transactions Sheet column B:
if they match the Category I have in Monthly Budget B column, I grab the value from Monthly Budget column C and add them up in Transactions column D.
This is my current function: =sumif(Transactions!B:B,A4,Transactions!C:C)
Hopefully my pictures explain what I am talking about. My issue is I also want to filter it so it only adds the values of the ones for that month. E.g. the column 'Actual' in Monthly Budget should grab the value of Eating Out categories in Transactions ONLY IF they are in January, so the first 2 in the image but not the third.
So basically I need to add some way to modify =sumif(Transactions!B:B,A4,Transactions!C:C) so that it will only take entries between 01/01/2014 and 31/01/2014.
Thanks in advance!
use the Month() formula
i think it would be alot easier if you add another column(B) on the transaction sheet after date called month( hide it if you like)
then use the SUMIFS function to add up based on 2 criteria
=SUMIFS(Transactions!D:D,Transactions!C:C, A4 ,Transactions!B:B, "1-2015")

Invoice List Running Balance based on date and Account

I'm using Excel 2010 and have made a UserForm that Displays a complete list of Invoices from Worksheets("InvoiceListIncome") using a ListBox control, the Worksheet has 13 Columns and Thousands of rows, an example image below;
The problem I'm having is the Balance Row Range("InvoiceListIncome_Balance")" displays the balance of each Invoice individual, what I need is a running balance starting from the first invoice Range("InvoiceListIncome_Date") so with each Transaction it Adds up the Current + all previous invoices for that account.
The Macro I'm currently using is;
Range("InvoiceListIncome_Balance").FormulaR1C1 = "=SUM(RC[-1])-SUM(RC[-2])"
which simply subtracts whats Paid in Column F from Item Price in Column G, but I cant seem to figure out how to add all previous balances by date, I can either get it to Sum the complete Range with the Customers account as the criteria or just the activerow.
I have been running circles trying to figure this out for days now, any help would be muchly appreciated, thanks.
Here is an example of what I need;
Assuming you have Account, Price, and Paid in columns A, D, and E, respectively, with your first row of data in row 2, try the following formula in row 2:
Copy the formula down the column. This assumes that your data is sorted in increasing chronological order as you show.
Also, if this formula is working, you have the wrong sign on the 4th row from the bottom of the column that you want????
You want a running total, so you want to incorporate the balance of row (n-1) when calculating the balance for row n.
Based on your 1st picture, make the following changes:
formula in G2: =F2-E2
formula in G3: =G2+F3-E3
copy formula from G3 down to the end of the list; the last value is your current balance
sorry ... I seem to have overlooked the break-on-account condition. Well that makes it even easier as there is only one formula you need all the way down ....
to break on customer (provided the customer column is sorted) you would use the following formula
formula in G2: =IF(A2=A1,G1+F2-E2,F2-E2)
copy formula from G2 down to the end of the list
(if this.account = previous.account then else
This will work as long as your first customers' name is <> "Account" :-)
