Authenticating a Vue 2 Azure Static Web App Locally Against Auth0 - azure

I am researching the feasibility of porting an existing Vue 2 app to be an Azure Static Web App (SWA). A requirement is the ability to run the Vue app locally and authenticate against our Auth0 tenant to retrieve a access/bearer token to send along with our HTTP requests.
It appears that a SWA can utilize custom authentication (Auth0), and I was able to complete that successfully by following this article. However, I'm not seeing any information around capturing the access token. There is an /.auth/me/ endpoint which has user information, but that does not contain the access token:
I also looked into the Azure Static Web App Emulator which allows for defining an identity profile when running locally, but I'm not seeing a way to specify an access token here either.
Is it possible at the moment with a SWA to obtain an access token using a custom auth provider when running locally and when published live?

Managed Authentication in Azure is really only useful for fairly simple use cases. I think you're going to want to implement your security directly inside your Vue application.
You mentioned needing an access token but didn't say where it comes from or what you're doing with it. Are you trying to call an Auth0-secured API?


Restrict Access to my Azure Web App only to my web job?

I am trying to restrict access to my azure web app only to one of my web jobs.
Can I use IP Restrictions to achieve this.
To achieve this type of restriction, IP Based restriction will not be of use for the following reasons:
There might be other applications(owned by you, in case of standard above plans, or other customer apps in case of free/shared planes) that will be running on the same server and those also will have access to your web app.
There is no fixed outbound IP for your web job as it might be moving to different instances (in case you have multiple instances in your app)
A quick and easy solution for your original problem is:
Implement either BASIC Auth (username/pwd) or Bearer token Auth on your web app side.
From your web Job (in the Invoke-WebRequest) pass either the username/pwd or auth token based on whichever auth mode you choose.
Here are a few links that discuss implementing Basic Auth for Azure Web Apps and how to call such an app via PowerShell:
How to use the script (Invoke-WebRequest -Uri) to pass a parameter to your page
Use Invoke-WebRequest with a username and password for basic authentication on the GitHub API
How to use a C# code in the Web App to authenticate the request parameter
Since with basic authentication, credentials are passed in plaintext an can be easily decoded, we recommend that the web job calls the WebApp URL over SSL. Also, Basic Auth is one of the simplest authentication mechanisms, there are other more complex authentication schemes available too that you might want to explore.

Azure Mobile App Service APIkey

I created an Azure Mobile App Service which is currently accessible 'Anonymously'
Anonymous access is enabled on the App Service app. Users will not be prompted for login.
To make it secure I can enable App Service Authentication which will ask users to log in
But this is not what I want - The data in this app is only accessed by Application without the need of each and every user to login to my app before using it.
So you might say, in this case, Anonymous access is fine but I want to restrict it with something at least like an API Key so I will have access to the API which my app can use to access the data to prevent random requests as anyone can just go and use Postman and start getting data without any authentication.
So in short, I don't want individual user authentication, but at least an API Key to ensure only requests made from my app are authenticated and nothing else.
I am using the following in my mobile app to create a connection and also doing Offline sync etc
MobileServiceClient client = new MobileServiceClient(applicationURL);
Any idea how do I do that?
FYI. My server side backend is in C#
Since you are using Azure Mobile Apps, for your requirement, you could leverage Custom Authentication for building your CustomAuthController to login and generate the JWT token for a specific user without user interaction. The core code snippet for logging would look like as follow:
MobileServiceClient client = new MobileServiceClient("https://{your-mobileapp-name}");
client.LoginAsync("custom", JObject.FromObject(new{Username="***",Password="***"}));
Note: As the above tutorial mentions as follows:
You must turn on Authentication / Authorization in your App Service. Set the Action to take when request is not authenticated to Allow Request (no action) and do not configure any of the supported authentication providers.
And you must explicitly add [Authorize] attribute for your controllers / actions which need to be authorized access. Details you could follow Authentication in the Backend.

Dont get any scopes when calling my Azure AD OAuth web api

I have a web api, using azure ad oauth authentication. I want my associates´ web sites to be able to use this api to display content on their public website. To clearify: No user should be needing consenting/grant anything and they are anonymous.
I have used this guide to set up my web api and this code ("Web Application to Web API"->WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-AppIdentity-DotNet-code) for my demo client.
The default scope/permission was assigned to client app in azure portal, like so
The actual problem I trying to solve is my different associates webpages should have different permissions. I was hoping to create different scopes and assign different associates client apps with different scopes and I could check if they for example has update_customer_x-scope.
All this "seems" to work ok. I get my authentication token and I am able to get content from the web api. BUT I dont get any scopes at all. Reading the first guide(web api) I see that you should be able to get the default scope by using the code:
if (ClaimsPrincipal.Current.FindFirst("").Value == "user_impersonation")
{/*you have the default scope*/}
But I dont find anything here, and no scopes at all. Any clues?
This is the content of the JWT-token, as requested
The TodoListController.cs from WebApp-WebAPI-OAuth2-AppIdentity-DotNet just use the client credentials flow as astaykov commented for retrieving the access token without user interaction, at this time, if you decode your code via, you would not find the scp property.
For your requirement, you need to follow WebApp-WebAPI-OpenIDConnect-DotNet for calling a web API with the signed-in user's permissions.

Authorising a .net user-application through Google or Twitter

My question is [Similar to this one1, but with third party providers instead of active directory.
I have an end-user UWP app, and I want to consume my Azure API App. I am NOT Azure mobile app and it's client side SDK.
Most of documentation is of sort "copy paste this magic code" and never explains how authentication actually happens.
I was inspecting mobile app SDK because Microsoft's documentation says that it's auth. process is the same.
From what I see, the mobile App SDK opens a web-view very similar to that produced by a WebAuthenticationBroker. Then every request to the server is accompanied by a header X-ZUMO-AUTH and a token. It appears that this token is issued by the azure app service, not the original provider. It is much longer than the tokens issued by Twitter or Google.
At the same time when I point web-browser at the end-point and go through the log-in process, I see that the browser is using a Cookie: ARRAffinity=c4b66198677464de573103f7aa267c33ea38617020514011cea4506e0a55d9d0; AppServiceAuthSession=EIVymV
The problem is Mobile app documentation is it just provides
instructions on how to use the SDK. I am unclear on how I would
obtain the token issued by the app service.
Everyone knows how to obtain access tokens for Google
and Twitter. Can they be used to access Azure API apps?
You are correct that API apps use the same built-in authentication as mobile apps. The basic flow looks like this:
Login to the app using provider credentials. This can be done using either a client-directed flow using your provider's SDK or can be done using a server-directed flow involving browser popups (i.e. the web view you mentioned). In the latter case, there is an endpoint at /.auth/login/ which is provided by App Service and manages the login flow for your app.
App Service will respond to your client app with a session token (a JWT).
You call into your APIs using the session token from #2. It is passed via the x-zumo-auth HTTP request header (it's named this way for legacy reasons).
The AppServiceAuthSession cookie you are seeing is the session cookie for when you use a browser to do authentication. ARRAffinity is an internal routing cookie used by App Service and is not related to auth.
If you're looking for more internal technical details on how the built-in App Service Authentication / Authorization works, check out my blog, starting with this post:

Azure web api authentication

I would like to secure my Azure WebApi with 3rd party providers (FB, G+... I basically just need a valid email). Was looking at Auth0 and seems like it will do the thing paired with Jwt middleware in web api project, but I was wondering if the same can be done using Azure only.
Azure Web App authentication confused me a bit - it does not seem to give anything to my Asp.Net web app. I still have to configure all the middleware in Startup.cs and the app still works fine if I completely turn authentication off.
I could do the same thing Auth0 does - issue my own Jwt tokens based on access tokens from FB or G+ - but would like to avoid that.
Could you please point me to the right direction?
You have a couple options:
App Service Authentication
Configure the authentication via middle ware
App Service Authentication
The App Service Authentication does not require any code inside your application because your App Service has a gateway that inspects request for authorization. Depending on the setting you can either secure the entire site or secure individual resources (by using the [Authorize] attribute on the endpoint in MVC/WebAPI).
With the latest release you can control authorization on a site by site basis including manually triggering the sign in by navigating the user to the <yoursiteurl>/.auth/login/<provider>. By defualt the token store is enabled so you can make a request to <yoursiteurl>/.auth/me and get back information from the provider.
Middleware Authentication
This is the default way authorization happens in the Single Page ASP.NET Template. The middleware authentication uses OAuth/OpenId to secure the resources. This option does it at the application layer instead of at the gateway. If you are using ASP.NET Identity (from the single page project template) the email from the persons log in will automatically be stored in the Users table. The tutorial in the link above gives lots of details on how to get it working.
Make sure you use the [Authorize] attribute to trigger the Authorization in either case.
Hope that helps you get started in the right direction.
