He does not allow me to send images with a size greater than 800kb - sharepoint-online

I created a flow in Power Automate for it sent scheduled mails from a Sharepoint list, the Sharepoint list contains columns such as Subject, Recipient, Hyperlink, Date and Time sent, and additional I make use of the attachments column for him sent image.
The only thing I'm interested in sending in scheduled emails is an image which I'm uploading and sending from the attachment column.
Here the problem that I am presented is that when the image exceeds 800 kb it is not sent in the body of the mail, that is to say that the mail arrives without the image only with the information loaded in the subject.
The flow I have built as follows:
When you add an item or modify it later you will have a delay that is until the Date and Time that has been defined in the creation of the new Item of the Sharepoint list, then you will get the changes or properties to identify if the mail has already been sent and not be sent each time the item is created.
Then I get the attachments, which as I mentioned is the image that is going to be sent in the scheduled emails and is the one with which I am having problems, after obtaining the attachments I initialize a variable of type String that I will use later.
I apply this for each, then get the contents of the attachments and attachments to the variable that had previously been initialized the value of the hyperlink and image in the dataUri.
The dataUri expression is defined as follows:
Finally I validate in a condition that the mail has not been sent and finally I prepare the content of the mail by sending the parameters that I had previously entered in the Sharepoint list, if they are fixed in the body of the mail I make use of the str variable that I had previously initialized for him sent the image.
As you see this is the flow I have built to send images in scheduled emails through a Sharepoint list, here the error I am already presenting as I comment is that when I try to send an image that exceeds 800kb the image is not sent in the mail. Are there any modifications that may change in my flow? Or another way to do it but that images above 800kb arrive in the mail.

If you use the Azure API to send e-mails, you will have limit of 4Mb to Attach files; to use this, you need to consume endpoint https://outlook.office.com/api/v2.0/users/{USER-EMAIL}/sendmail in your flow and attach the files needed to be as base64 string. In this article, constains a complete reference with all step-by-step that you need to do: Overcome 4MB mail limit sent from Microsoft Flow


Import multiple email attachments from 1 email in Logic Apps

I am currently receiving an email with 2 email attachments. I only care about pulling in one of those attachments "Delivery Sales" and I don't care if I pull in or disregard the other.
My workflow should be: Run when new email is detected > Grab attachments > Push attachment to Blob > Archive Email.
I can get all of these to work (and it even archives the email) but it will error out on the archive step because it seems to fire it off twice (once for each attachment it seems).
So how can I pull in the email, throw the attachment to blob, and then archive the email into another outlook folder?
Below is my current setup. I have tried moving the email move to outside the loop (still fails), I have also added a condition to look at the attachment names, true/false, still fails.
The email arrives in a shared email box, the move now seems to take a while and times out with a status of "BadGateway"
My issue appeared to be in the move toe mail folder I had selected an "Archive" folder that was on the same level as my inbox. My Outlook for whatever reason didn't like that. So I clicked on Inbox and navigated to "Archive". I then re-ran and it worked just fine.

Is there a way to directly read data in an Excel attachment received in an email in Microsoft Power Automate?

I have created a MS Flow which triggers as soon as an email with attachment comes into the inbox folder, now this part I am able to achieve it and also i am able to add action to get attachment successfully from the email.
What I want to achieve or know is?
Now I want to read the data inside the received attachment directly in the MS flow without storing it any location of any sort, reading the data inside the attachment directly from the email.
Is it possible or this is a wrong expectation and we have to store it in share point or one drive or any other location to read the data inside the excel attachment received in the email?
IF this is possible to read data inside attachment received along with email directly from MS flow, can you please let me know step by step how to do it as fairly new to the flow?
Searched blogs did not find anything related to the query I have.
There is no way to directly read the attachment from email in Power Automate or a logic app. We have to store it somewhere then only we can read it.

Returned document lacks signature

I'm performing a DocuSign integration with a FileMaker solution to send signature requests via email, and receive a copy of the signed document once completed. I'm using the Java SDK to email signature request, as well as a Javalin app process to listen for the completed signature event, as well as more Java to pull the document back into FileMaker.
When the completed document is sent to my listener and pulled in, the document lacks a signature and tab field. It essentially looks just like the pdf document before being sent.
I have a feeling there's a variable I can tweak in some object to allow the signature to appear after being signed. I've played with all the usual suspects (e.g., eventNotification.setIncludeDocumentFields("true")), but nothing seems to do the trick. Any hints?
Aside from looking through the code for every object I'm instantiating and trying different variations, it's hard to pinpoint the exact source of failure in this. Thanks for any leads!
Sounds like you're receiving notifications by either including the eventNotification object in your Envelopes::create call or are using Connect at the account level. Either way, that's great, that's exactly right.
You can request notifications at many different points along the processing route of the envelope. To receive signed documents, you'll want the notification when the envelope is completed. At that point all signer recipients have signed.
To receive the notification when the envelope is complete, either adjust your Envelope Send parameters (the eventNotification value) or the settings for Connect (via the Admin tool), whichever one you're using.

Why attachments from Gmail drafts copied to Trash?

I use this Gmail API request for fetching Gmail messages in user mailbox. I need to list messages from Trash as well. But in some cases message list got by list messages request is different from actual content of Trash folder content.
To reproduce the problem next steps can be performed:
Ensure that my Trash folder is empty - no messages visible in Gmail web client and API list messages request returns 0 messages in Trash.
Start creating message by pushing "COMPOSE" button in Gmail web client.
Attach file to this draft message.
Get messages list in Trash using Gmail API list messages request.
The request returns 1 new message in user Trash folder (with the file attached to draft mentioned above) however it`s not visible in Gmail web client.
Is it normal or kind of bug? Is this a problem of Gmail web client or Gmail API?
Based from this thread, when you upload a file to Gmail as an attachment, Gmail creates a temporary file to hold the data and is then sent to Trash.
So, to get a more precise search, try adding q parameter using the advanced search syntax.
See Searching for Messages to learn more.

Approve/Reject in email generated by SharePoint

When I make a meeting in Outlook, the recipient gets a approve/reject button in the top of the email. I'd like to do a similar thing with SharePoint: when a task is created, an email is sent to the person the task is assigned to, and the email asks the recipient to either accept or reject the task. I've seen demos of people doing this with a custom ASPx page, but I'd like to make it directly in the email. How should I go about doing that?
I'm used to making workflows in Visual Studio, so I'm happy with code examples for setting up an email and/or parsing the response
The approve/reject buttons in Outlook shows up because the email is in the iCalendar format. I dont know if this is the best way, but you can send out your own iCalendar emails using C# code and set the response email to a mail server you control. From that mail server you can process the email and use the SharePoint WebService API to approve the item in SharePoint.
I like JMD's suggestion but I don't know how you'd interact with SharePoint from the mail server.
It might be a easier to send an HTML-formatted email with two links (...) for the Accept and Reject buttons. You could use CSS to format them so that they look like real buttons.
You could then create an ASPX page (or better an IHttpHandler implementation) to perform an action based on parameters passed to it via a URL. You'd want to pass in the site, web and list details and the list item ID along with a value to indicate whether the item is approved or rejected.
Then set the URLs of your "buttons" in the email to call your handler and pass in the appropriate parameter values.
The downside to this is that the "buttons" would be part of the message body and not part of the Outlook chrome but, on the other hand, they would be usable from any email client.
