I have a problem with settings a build system to sublime text - sublimetext3

I've created a build system, which I can't see when going to tools > build system.
I saw at file explorer that There aren't any packages downloaded (hope that's helpful).
I'm trying to learn makefile with cpp, as part of an tutorial.

The build system file needs to be saved in your Packages/User directory, and with the .sublime-build extension. The Packages directory is the one opened when selecting Preferences → Browse Packages… (macOS: Sublime Text → Preferences → Browse Packages…):
Linux: ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages or ~/.config/sublime-text/Packages
macOS/OS X: ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages or ~/Library/Application Support/Sublime Text/Packages
Windows Regular Install: C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text 3\Packages or C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Sublime Text\Packages
Windows Portable Install: InstallationFolder\Sublime Text 3\Data\Packages or InstallationFolder\Sublime Text\Data\Packages
The exact path depends on version and whether or not you upgraded from Sublime Text 3.
Please note that if you start your build system by selecting Tools → Build System → New Build System…, then hit Save when you're done, it will automatically save in Packages/User.


What's the difference between ./nuget.exe pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj vs nuget pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj on mac?

I am following a lab designed for visual studio on windows, on visual studio for mac.
The lab instructions are
./nuget.exe pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj but it doesn't build anything and just pops open my finder to the folder where .csproj is in.
I had to do nuget pack ./PartsUnlimited.Shared.csproj for it to build successfully.
What is the difference between these 2 commands?
Is it a shell/executable thing, or specific to nuget, or specific to macos?
With the Windows OS, executable programs are expected to have a .exe file extension. With macOS and *nix operating systems, executable program do not have a special file extension.
When the lab instructions for Windows use nuget.exe, change it to nuget for macOS.
To specifically run the version of NuGet that you downloaded, cd to the directory that contains nuget and run the command as ./nuget. (The lab is using the *nix directory separator in the examples.)

How do I install Android Studio 3.5 Canary 12?

I need to install it, and downloaded the file, but it is in ZIP format. Inside the archive there is no install file, only `uninstall. How do I install it?
You don't install the canary builds. They are meant to work alongside the stable versions which are installed.
For Windows, extract to some place like C:\Programs\AndroidStudioCanary and inside the bin there will be an executable file for 64bit version(and also for 32bit). Create a shortcut to the file and you are done.
For Linux, extract to some place like /home/user/AndroidStudioCanary and inside the bin there will be a bash script file studio.sh. After first launch close all projects via File->Close projects but do not close the IDE. Now in the main UI, click the settings cog and add desktop entry to create application shortcut.
Launch the shortcut from applications now.
Canary and stable versions can run along side each other and their settings can be changed independently. For Windows and linux the folder named .AndroidStudio3.6 will contain config for stable version and .AndroidStudioCanary4.0 or similarly named folder will contain config for the canary version. These folders are inside user directory and are hidden. I don't have a mac but assume something similar.
For canary builds, there are no traditional executable files that you use to "install" the IDE.
You can go into the bin folder, then run the studio.exe or studio64.exe file (depending on your platform) to run Android Studio

where is the Android Studio executable

Where is the Android Studio executable file stored in the system?
I have it installed, but have unpinned it from the taskbar, which was the only shortcut I had. Since I can't find it in File Explorer, I can't load it.
I've tried the Start menu search function, and used File Explorer to search the entire install directory. The only thing left I can think of to do is reinstall it, but I don't really want to do that, as it was working fine.
P.S. I wasn't sure if this was more appropriate for SuperUser, since it's not directly coding related, or SO, since I doubt the number of people on SuperUser with the answer.
You can find the executable file in bin folder where the android studio is installed, default location is
C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio\bin\studio.exe
There is also studio64.exe in the same directory for 64-bit machines
In Ubuntu/Gnome make sure you create an application file in
with the following content
[Desktop Entry]
Comment=Android Studio
This way you will be able to find Android Studio in the applications list, create desktop shortcuts for Android Studio or add it to the favourites bar.
I don't remember how did I installed Android Studio on my Ubuntu 16.04, but my android studio executable is located as /snap/bin/android-studio.

Android Studio Beta v0.8.14 not showing in start menu

I have downloaded Android Studio Beta v0.8.14 and followed the steps to install it on Windows 7 from the link:
The link says to launch studio.exe and follow the installation wizard. But the zip file contains studio.exe file in bin folder and directly launches Android Studio(after resolving all issues). There is no installation wizard and so it is not showing up in start menu. I don't have any others problems though but just want to make sure that everything is all right.
Am I missing something?
Android studio doesn't have an installer. you just unzip the file and its ready to go. You are not missing anything.
However, if you want to you can adda start menu shortcut for the .exe file if you want, that doesn't have an installer.

Ubuntu GTK+3 Eclipse Link

Is there any simple tutorial on linking gtk+3 libraries with eclipse indigo cdt on ubuntu platform? As I googled, I have been trying to use the pkg-config commands but still getting same result; the SDK cannot resolve gtk methods.
I downloaded libgtk3-dev and gtk3 from synaptic properly.
I included all the headers properly from C++ settings - gcc compiler - includes. But what to do about gcc linker - libraries? Any tutorial on this will be appreciated. Thanks...
As I had this problem recently, I'll post here all needed to get a working gtk+ v3 project on Debian 8 with Gnome 3 and Eclipse Indigo.
First of all, ensure you have downloaded all needed packages:
root# apt-get install libgtk-3-dev gdb eclipse-cdt build-essential cmake git pkg-config
As all this software is installed, open Eclipse. We will install the Marketplace, a new eclipse feature not present in Eclipse Indigo.
Open the Help menu (in the upper File bar) and select "Install new Software". A window like this will be opened:
Click on Add... button and enter this repository: Name="Marketplace" and Location="http://download.eclipse.org/mpc/indigo/".
Once you have added the repository, you'll be able to select the Marketplace client, as shown in this image:
Select the "Marketplace client" and install it. Restart the eclipse IDE when needed.
Now you have Marketplace available, so lets use it. We need a tool called Pkg-config to configure all the GTK+ v3 libraries in our project.
Open again the Help menu and select the new "Eclipse Marketplace..." option. In the search bar, type the text "pkg-config" and you should get a screen like this:
This is the pkg-config tool for Eclipse. Press the button "Install" and restart the IDE when needed.
Now proceed creating a simple C++ project in eclipse. Once you have created it, select its main folder and go to Project > Preferences (or just right click on it and select the preferences option). You will get a preferences window, so go to C/C++ Build > Settings and select the Pkg-config tab. Now select the gtk+ 3 option from the list like this:
And all the needed configuration is ended. Close that window and build your beautiful GTK+ v3 application ;)
