how to extract an integer range from a string - string

I have a string that contains different ranges and I need to find their value
var str = "some text x = 1..14, y = 2..4 some text"
I used the substringBefore() and substringAfter() methodes to get the x and y but I can't find a way to get the values because the numbers could be one or two digits or even negative numbers.

One approach is to use a regex, e.g.:
val str = "some text x = 1..14, y = 2..4 some text"
val match = Regex("x = (-?\\d+[.][.]-?\\d+).* y = (-?\\d+[.][.]-?\\d+)")
if (match != null)
println("x=${match.groupValues[1]}, y=${match.groupValues[2]}")
// prints: x=1..14, y=2..4
\\d matches a single digit, so \\d+ matches one or more digits; -? matches an optional minus sign; [.] matches a dot; and (…) marks a group that you can then retrieve from the groupValues property. (groupValues[0] is the whole match, so the individual values start from index 1.)
You could easily add extra parens to pull out each number separately, instead of whole ranges.
(You may or may not find this as readable or maintainable as string-manipulation approaches…)

Is this solution fit for you?
val str = "some text x = 1..14, y = 2..4 some text"
val result = str.replace(",", "").split(" ")
var x = ""; var y = ""
for (i in 0..result.count()-1) {
if (result[i] == "x") {
x = result[i+2]
} else if (result[i] == "y") {
y = result[i+2]

Using KotlinSpirit library
val rangeParser = object : Grammar<IntRange>() {
private var first: Int = -1
private var last: Int = -1
override val result: IntRange
get() = first..last
override fun defineRule(): Rule<*> {
return int {
first = it
} + ".." + int {
last = it
val str = "some text x = 1..14, y = 2..4 some text"
val ranges = rangeParser.findAll(str)


How reverse words in string and keep punctuation marks and upper case symbol

private def reverseHelper(word: String): String = {
var result = new StringBuilder(word)
if (word.head.isUpper) {
result.setCharAt(0, word.head.toLower)
result.setCharAt(word.length - 1, word.last.toUpper)
val formatString = str
.split("[.,!?: ]+")
.map(result => str.replaceFirst(result, reverseHelper(result)))
Input: What is a sentence?
Ouput: Tahw si a ecnetnes?
but i have Array[String]: Tahw is a sentence?, What si a sentence?, What is a sentence?, What is a ecnetnes?
How i can write this in right format?
Restoring the original capitalization is a bit tricky.
def reverser(s:Seq[Char], idx:Int = 0) :String = {
val strt = s.indexWhere(_.isLetter, idx)
if (strt < 0) s.mkString
else {
val end = s.indexWhere(!_.isLetter, strt)
val len = end - strt
val rev = Range(0,len).map{ x =>
if (s(strt+x).isUpper) s(end-1-x).toUpper
else s(end-1-x).toLower
reverser(s.patch(strt,rev,len), end)
reverser( "What, is A sEntence?")
//res0: String = Tahw, si A eCnetnes?
You can first split your string at a list of special characters and then reverse each individual word and store it in a temporary string. After that traverse the original string and temporary string and replace word matching any special characters with current character in temporary string.
private def reverseHelper(word: String): String = {
var result = new StringBuilder(word)
if (word.head.isUpper) {
result.setCharAt(0, word.head.toLower)
result.setCharAt(word.length - 1, word.last.toUpper)
val tempStr = str
.split("[.,!?: ]+")
.map(result => reverseHelper(result))
val sList = "[.,!?: ]+".toList
var curr = 0
val formatString = => {
if(!sList.contains(c)) {
curr = curr + 1
else c
Here's one approach that uses a Regex pattern to generate a list of paired strings of Seq(word, nonWord), followed by reversal and positional uppercasing of the word strings:
def reverseWords(s: String): String = {
val pattern = """(\w+)(\W*)""".r
map{ case Seq(word, nonWord) =>
val caseList =
val newWord = (word.reverse zip caseList).map{
case (c, true) => c.toUpper
case (c, false) => c.toLower
newWord + nonWord
reverseWords("He likes McDonald's burgers. I prefer In-and-Out's.")
//res1: String = "Eh sekil DlAnodcm's sregrub. I referp Ni-dna-Tuo's."
A version using split on word boundaries:
def reverseWords(string: String): String = {
def revCap(s: String): String =
s.headOption match {
case Some(c) if c.isUpper =>
(c.toLower +: s.drop(1)).reverse.capitalize
case Some(c) if c.isLower =>
case _ => s

Incomprehensible technical interview

This was a question asked in a recent programming interview.
Given a string "str" and pair of "N" swapping indices, generate a lexicographically largest string. Swapping indices can be reused any number times.
String = "abdc"
cdba, cbad, dbac,dbca
You should print only "dbca" which is lexicographically largest.
This might sound naive, but I completely fail to follow the question. Can someone please help me understand what the question means?
I think it's saying that, given the string mystring = "abdc", you are instructed to switch characters at the specified index pairs such that you produce the lexicographically "largest" string (i.e. such that if you lex-sorted all possible strings, it would end up at the last index). So you have two valid operations: (1) switch mystring[1] with mystring[4] ("abdc" --> "cbda"), and (2) switch mystring[3] with mystring[4] ("abdc" --> "abcd"). Also, you can multiply chain operations: either operation (1) followed by (2) ("abdc" --> "cbda" --> "cbad"), or vice versa ("abdc" --> "abcd" --> "dbca"), and so on and so forth ("abdc" --> "cbda" --> "cbad" --> "dbac").
Then you (reverse) lex-sort these and pop off the top index:
>>> allPermutations = ['abcd', 'cbad', 'abdc', 'cbda', 'dbca', 'dbac']
>>> lexSorted = sorted(allPermutations, reverse=True) # ['dbca', 'dbac', 'cbda', 'cbad', 'abdc', 'abcd']
>>> lexSorted.pop(0)
Based on the clarification by #ncemami I came up with this solution.
public static String swap(String str, Pair<Integer, Integer> p1, Pair<Integer, Integer> p2){
TreeSet<String> set = new TreeSet<>();
String s1 = swap(str, p1.getKey(), p1.getValue());
String s2 = swap(s1, p2.getKey(), p2.getValue());
String s3 = swap(str, p2.getKey(), p2.getValue());
String s4 = swap(s3, p1.getKey(), p1.getValue());
return set.last();
private static String swap(String str, int a, int b){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(str);
char temp1 = str.charAt(a);
char temp2 = str.charAt(b);
sb.setCharAt(a, temp2);
sb.setCharAt(b, temp1);
return sb.toString();
Here my Java solution:
String swapLexOrder(String str, int[][] pairs) {
Map<Integer, Set<Integer>> neighbours = new HashMap<>();
for (int[] pair : pairs) {
// It contains all the positions that are reachable from the index present in the pairs
Set<Integer> reachablePositionsL = neighbours.get(pair[0]);
Set<Integer> temp = neighbours.get(pair[1]); // We use it just to merge the two sets if present
if (reachablePositionsL == null) {
reachablePositionsL = (temp == null ? new TreeSet<>() : temp);
} else if (temp != null) {
// Changing the reference so every addition to "reachablePositionsL" will reflect on both positions
for (Integer index: temp) {
neighbours.put(index, reachablePositionsL);
neighbours.put(pair[0], reachablePositionsL);
neighbours.put(pair[1], reachablePositionsL);
StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(str);
for (Set<Integer> set : neighbours.values()) {
Iterator<Character> orderedCharacters =
.map(i -> str.charAt(i - 1))
set.forEach(i -> result.setCharAt(i - 1,;
return result.toString();
Here an article that explain my the problem.
String = "abcd"
co_ord = [(1,4),(3,4)]
def find_combinations(co_ord, String):
l1 = []
for tup_le in co_ord:
l1 = [x-1 for x in l1]
l1 = list(set(l1))
l2 = set(range(len(String)))-set(l1)
return l1,int(''.join(str(i) for i in l2))
def perm1(lst):
if len(lst) == 0:
return []
elif len(lst) == 1:
return [lst]
l = []
for i in range(len(lst)):
x = lst[i]
xs = lst[:i] + lst[i+1:]
for p in perm1(xs):
return l
lx, ly = find_combinations(co_ord, String)
final = perm1(lx)
temp = []
for i in final:
for j in i:
final_list = [ i[:ly] + String[ly] + i[ly:] for i in final_list]

How to split a string into multiple strings if spaces are detected (GM:Studio)

I made a console program, but the problem is that it doesn't allow parameters to be inserted. So I'm wondering how would I split a single string into multiple strings to achieve what I need. E.g.: text="msg Hello" would be split into textA="msg" and textB="Hello"
This is the main console code so far (just to show the idea):
if (keyboard_check_pressed(vk_enter)) {
text_console_c = asset_get_index("scr_local_"+string(keyboard_string));
if (text_console_c > -1) {
text_console+= "> "+keyboard_string+"#";
text_console_c = -1;
else if (keyboard_string = "") {
text_console+= ">#";
else {
text_console+= "> Unknown command: "+keyboard_string+"#";
keyboard_string = "";
I cant recommend spliting string with iteration by char, because when u try split very very very long string, then time to split is very long and can freeze thread for a short/long time. Game maker is single threaded for now.
This code is much faster.
var str = argument[0] //string to split
var delimiter = argument[1] // delimiter
var letDelimiter = false // append delimiter to each part
if(argument_count == 3)
letDelimiter = argument[2]
var list = ds_list_create()
var d_at = string_pos(delimiter, str)
while(d_at > 0) {
var part = string_delete(str, d_at , string_length(str))
part = part + delimiter
str = string_delete(str, 1, d_at)
d_at = string_pos(delimiter, str)
ds_list_add(list, part)
if(d_at == 0 && str != "")//last string without delimiter, need to add too
ds_list_add(list, str)
return list;
Dont forget ds_list_destroy after you iterate all strings
for example:
var splited = string_split("first part|second part", '|')
for(splited) {
//do something with each string
Something like this may help, haven't tested it out but if you can follow what is going on its a good place to start.
Text = "msg Hello"
counter = 0
stringIndex = 0
for (i = 0; i < string_length(text); i++)
if string_char_at(text,i) == " "
stringIndex = 0
} else {
allStrings should be an array containing each of the separate strings. Whenever a " " is seen the next index of allStrings starts having it's characters filled in. stringIndex is used to add the progressive characters.

Truncate text to get preview in Scala

I need to truncate a text to get a preview. The preview is the text prefix of ~N chars (but not more) and it should not split words in the middle.
preview("aaa", 10) = "aaa"
preview("a b c", 10) = "a b c"
preview("aaa bbb", 5) = "aaa"
preview("a b ccc", 3) = "a b"
I coded a function as follows:
def preview(s:String, n:Int) =
if (s.length <= n) s else s.take(s.lastIndexOf(' ', n))
Would you change or fix it ?
Now I am thinking how to handle the case when the text words are separated by one or more white spaces (including \n,\t, etc.) rather than just a single space. How would you improve the function to handle this case ?
How about the following:
def preview(s: String, n: Int) = if (s.length <= n) {
} else {
s.take(s.lastIndexWhere(_.isSpaceChar, n + 1)).trim
This function will:
For the strings shorter or equal n return the string (no preview required)
Otherwise find the the last space character in the n + 1 first characters (this will indicate whether the last world is being split, as if it's not than n + 1 will be a space chracter and otherwise a non-space character) and take a string up to this point
Note: The usage of isSpaceChar will not only provide support for space, but also new line or paragraph, which is what I believe you're after (and you can replace it with isWhitespace if you're after even more extended set of word separators).
I propose next one:
def ellipsize(text : String, max : Int): String = {
def ellipsize0(s : String): String =
if(s.length <= max) s
else {
val end = s.lastIndexOf(" ")
if(end == -1) s.take(max)
else ellipsize0(s.take(end))
ellipsize0("\\s+".r.replaceAllIn(text, " "))
Or your (modified):
def preview(str : String, n : Int) = {
(s : String) => if (s.length <= n) s else s.take(s.lastIndexOf(' ', n))
}.apply( "\\s+".r.replaceAllIn(str, " "))
How about this
def preview(s:String, n:Int) =
if (s.length <= n) s
else s.take(n).takeWhile(_ != ' ')
Try it here:
This seems to work:
// find the last word that is not split by n, then take to its end
def preview(text: String, n: Int): String =
text take (("""\S+""".r findAllMatchIn text takeWhile (_.end <= n)).toList match {
case Nil => n
case ms => ms.last.end
An alternative take (pun intended) but doesn't like input of all whitespace:
text take (("""\S+""".r findAllMatchIn text takeWhile (m => m.start == 0 || m.end <= n)).toList.last.end min n)
object Previewer {
implicit class `string preview`(val text: String) extends AnyVal {
// find the last word that is not split by n, then take to its end
def preview(n: Int): String =
text take (("""\S+""".r findAllMatchIn text takeWhile (_.end <= n)).toList match {
case Nil => n
case ms => ms.last.end
Looks nice that way:
class PreviewTest {
import Previewer._
#Test def shorter(): Unit = {
assertEquals("aaa", "aaa" preview 10)
#Test def spacey(): Unit = {
assertEquals("a b c", "a b c" preview 10)
#Test def split(): Unit = {
assertEquals("abc", "abc cba" preview 5)
#Test def onspace(): Unit = {
assertEquals("a b", "a b cde" preview 3)
#Test def trimming(): Unit = {
assertEquals("a b", "a b cde" preview 5)
#Test def none(): Unit = {
assertEquals(" " * 5, " " * 8 preview 5)
#Test def prefix(): Unit = {
assertEquals("a" * 5, "a" * 10 preview 5)

Check if a string is a shuffle of two other given strings

This is a question from The Algorithm Design Manual:
Suppose you are given three strings of characters: X, Y, and Z, where |X| = n,
|Y| = m, and |Z| = n+m. Z is said to be a shuffle of X and Y if and only if Z can be formed by interleaving the characters from X and Y in a way that maintains the left-to ­right ordering of the characters from each string.
Give an efficient dynamic ­programming algorithm that determines whether Z is a shuffle of X and Y.
Hint: the values of the dynamic programming matrix you construct should be Boolean, not numeric
This is what I tried:
Initially, I made a 1-D char array and pointers to the starting characters of X,Y,Z respectively. If Z-pointer with matches X-pointer store X in the char array else check the same with Y-pointer.If each entry in the char array is not different from its last entry, Z is not interleaved.
Can someone help me with this problem?
First, let's start with some definitions. I write X[i] for the ith element of X and X[i) for the substring of X starting at index i.
For example, if X = abcde, then X[2] = c and X[2) = cde.
Similar definitions hold for Y and Z.
To solve the problem by dynamic programming, you should keep a 2D boolean array A of size (n+1) x (m+1). In this array, A[i, j] = true if and only if X[i) and Y[j) can be interleaved to form Z[i+j).
For an arbitrary (i, j), somewhere in the middle of the 2D array, the recurrence relation is very simple:
A[i, j] := X[i] = Z[i+j] and A[i+1, j]
or Y[j] = Z[i+j] and A[i, j+1]
On the edges of the 2D array you have the case that either X or Y is already at its end, which means the suffix of the other should be equal to the suffix of Z:
A[m, j] := Y[j) = Z[m+j)
A[i, n] := X[i) = Z[i+n)
A[m, n] := true
If you first fill the border of the array (A[m, j] and A[i, n], for all i, j), you can then simply loop back towards A[0, 0] and set the entries appropriately. In the end A[0, 0] is your answer.
Following approach should give you an idea.
Define the condition d(s1,s2,s3) = (s1 + s2 == s3) { s3 is a shuffle of s1 and s2 }
We have to find d( X, Y, Z ).
if lengths of s1 and s2 are 1 each and length of s3 = 2,
d( s1,s2,s3 ) = { (s1[0] == s3[0] && s2[0] == s3[1]) || (s1[0] == s3[1] && s2[0] == s3[0])
Similarly d can be obtained for empty strings.
For strings of arbitrary length, following relation holds.
d( s1,s2,s3 ) = { ( d( s1-s1[last],s2,s3 - s3[last]) && s1[last] == s3[last] )
|| ( d( s1,s2 - s2[last],s3 - s3[last]) && s2[last] == s3[last] )
You can compute the d() entries starting from zero length strings and keep checking.
It is defined by following recurrence relation:-
S(i,j,k) = false
S(i,j,k) = S(i,j,k)||S(i+1,j,k+1)
S(i,j,k) = S(i,j,k)||S(i+1,j+1,k)
Where S(i,j,k) corresponds to Z[i to end] formed by shuffle of X[j to end] and Y[K to end]
You should try to code this into DP on your own.
I think this is quite easy if you are solving this problem by using this approach with java
Java Based Solution
public class ValidShuffle {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String s1 = "XY";
String s2 = "12";
String results = "Y21XX";
validShuffle(s1, s2, results);
private static void validShuffle(String s1, String s2, String result) {
String s3 = s1 + s2;
StringBuffer s = new StringBuffer(s3);
boolean flag = false;
char[] ch = result.toCharArray();
if (s.length() != result.length()) {
flag = false;
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < ch.length; i++) {
String temp = Character.toString(ch[i]);
if (s3.contains(temp)) {
s = s.deleteCharAt(s.indexOf(temp));
s3 = new String(s);
flag = true;
} else {
flag = false;
if (flag) {
} else {
If any problem in my code then comment me please. thank you
function checkShuffle(str1, str2, str3) {
var merge=str1+str2;
var charArr1= merge.split("").sort();
var charArr2= str3.split("").sort();
if(charArr1[i] == charArr2[i]){
return true;
return false;
checkShuffle("abc", "def", "dfabce"); //output is true
const first = "bac";
const second = "def"
const third = "dabecf";
function createDict(seq,str){
let strObj = {};
str = str.split("");
strObj[letter] = {
wordSeq: seq,
index : index
} ;
return strObj;
function checkShuffleValidity(thirdWord,firstWord,secondWord){
let firstWordDict = createDict('first',firstWord);
let secondWordDict = createDict('second',secondWord);
let wordDict = {...firstWordDict,...secondWordDict};
let firstCount=0,secondCount = 0;
thirdWord = thirdWord.split("");
for(let i=0; i<thirdWord.length; i++){
let letter = thirdWord[i];
if(wordDict[letter].wordSeq == "first"){
if(wordDict[letter].index === firstCount){
return false
if(wordDict[letter].index === secondCount){
return false;
return true;
Key points:
All strings shouldn't be null or empty.
The sum of the 2 strings length should be equal to the third string.
The third string should not contain the substrings of the 2 strings.
Else create arrays of characters , sort and compare.
public static boolean validShuffle(String first, String second, String third){
boolean status=false;
if((first==null || second==null || third==null) || (first.isEmpty()|| second.isEmpty() || third.isEmpty())){
status = false;
} else if((first.length()+second.length()) !=third.length()){
//check if the sum of 2 lengths equals to the third string length
status = false;
} else if(third.indexOf(first,0)!=-1 || third.indexOf(second,0)!=-1){
//check if the third string contains substrings
status = false;
} else {
char [] c1_2=(first+second).toCharArray();
char [] c3 =third.toCharArray();
status=Arrays.equals(c1_2, c3);
return status;
