im using python 3.10.5
and heres my code
import pyautogui
target = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('target.png')
but for some reason it just prints None
and doesnt move the mouse to the images coordinates
The fact that it prints None means it didn't find the image. Check the image you are trying to find (is it properly cropped?) or try setting the confidence parameter to make a match more likely.
pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('target.png', confidence=x)
# x can be anywhere between 1 and 0, the lower the more likely a match
import pyautogui
target = pyautogui.locateCenterOnScreen('target.png', confidence = 0.5)
#start at 0.5 and then scale as needed.
when returning location from locateCenterOnScreen, it needs coordinates, I use this one extensively, with locateonscreen to check for validity first, then the former for actual utility. I use .sleep() extensively as the target applications usually don't respond at computer speed.
Need to find the images are same , even if it has different resolution and size. No need of a pixel to pixel comparison, need to find all the images , texts, color etc. are same in the other image also.
Tried with different python packages to compare, but all are asking for same resolution. One of my image is screenshotted from Mac and other is from Ubuntu. Even both are same html, the contrast and resolution difference of the machines causing the images to become different when compare.
Perceptual diff,
Image Hash etc.
• PDIFFER – Python wrapper for perceptualdiff tool (
Problem - pip install pdiffer failed to install in the Macs for the latest as well as old versions
• NEEDLE - Installed needle ( This one has an option to specify comparison engine to be perceptualdiff/Imagemagick instead of default PIL.
Problem Found - Has an option to save baseline image first and then run assertions on them. It works when baseline is saved and then compared. I didn’t find anything that would compare the screenshots with existing images.
• OPENCV – Histogram based comparison. This converts images into grayscale, and into histograms and compares the histograms. Returns a value between -1 and 1 (-1 means not similar at all and 1 means highly similar) ( )
Findings - I tested two images by converting into histograms and compared them Which returned a value of 0.8 (meaning somewhat similar).
Below code i tried using imagehash:
from PIL import Image import imagehash
image_one = 'result.png'
img = image_one_hash = imagehash.whash(img)
image_two = 'not-found-02.png'
img2 = image_two_hash = imagehash.whash(img2)
similarity = image_one_hash - image_two_hash print(similarity)
I recently ran across the PhotUtils package and am trying to use it to perform PSF Photometry on some images I have. However, when I try to run the code, I get very strange results. When I plot the image generated by get_residual_image(), the stars are not removed well. Some sample images are shown below.
The first image has sigma set to 2.05, as it is in one of the sample programs in the PhotUtils documentation:
However, the stars only appear to be removed in their center.
The second image has sigma set to 5.0. This one is especially strange. Some stars are way over-removed, some are under removed, some black squares are added to the image, etc.
Here is my code:
import photutils
from photutils.psf import DAOPhotPSFPhotometry as DAOP
from photutils.psf import IntegratedGaussianPRF as PRF
from photutils.background import MMMBackground
bkg = MMMBackground()
background = 2.5*bkg(img)
gaussian_prf = PRF(sigma=5.0)
gaussian_prf.sigma.fixed = False
photTester = DAOP(8,background,5,gaussian_prf,31)
photResults = photTester(imgStars)
finalImg = photTester.get_residual_image()
After this, I simply plot the original and final image in MatPlotLib. I use a greyscale colormap. The reason that the left images appear slightly darker is that they use a different color scaling.
Perhaps I have set one of the parameters incorrectly?
Could someone help me out with this? Thank you!
Looking at the residual image instantly told me that the background subtraction might be wrong. I could reproduce the result and wondered, if MMMBackground did not do the job correctly.
After taking a closer look at the documentation, Getting startet with Photutils finally gave the essential hint:
image -= np.median(image)
I am trying to mark a bunch of points on the map with gmplot and observed that after a certain point it stops marking and wipes out all the previously marked points. I debugged the module and saw that when the length of points array exceeds 256 this is happening without giving any error and warning.
self.points = [] on
Since I am very new to Python and OOPs concept, is there a way to override this and mark more than 256 points?
Are you using gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter.Scatter or gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter.Marker. I used either and was able to get 465 points for a project that I was working on. Is it possible it is an API key issue for you?
partial snippet of my code
import gmplot
import pandas as pd
# df is the database with Lat, Lon and formataddress columns
# change to list, not sure you need to do this. I think you can cycle through
# directly using iterrows. I have not tried that though
# center map with the first co-ordinates
gmaps2 = gmplot.GoogleMapPlotter(latcollection[0],loncollection[0],13,apikey='yourKey')
for i in range(len(latcollection)):
gmaps2.marker(latcollection[i],loncollection[i],color='#FF0000',c=None,title=str(i)+' '+ addcollection[i])
gmaps2.draw(newdir + r'\laplot_marker_full.html')
I could hover over the 465th point since I knew approximately where it was and I was able to get the title with str(464) <formataddress(464)>, since my array is indexed from 0
Make sure you check the GitHub site to modify your gmplot file, in case you are working with windows.
I want to plot an inset by specifying the width and height in the Data reference frame. However when converting these values to inches (as required by inset_axes) using transData.transform the inset axe doesn't respect the given width and height. Any idea why? Here is my code:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator import inset_axes
from matplotlib.projections import get_projection_class,get_projection_names
### Process
ax_val= inset_axes(ax_main, width=new_width, height=new_height, loc=3,
Though I don't know in how far the result is unexpected, the problem might be due to the wrong conversion used. transData transforms from data in pixel space. You divide the result by 72. The result of this may or may not be inches, depending on whether the figure dpi is 72 or not. By default the dpi is set to value from the rc params "figure.dpi" and that is 100 for a fresh matplotlib install and in case you haven't changed your rc params.
To be on the safe side,
either set your figure dpi to 72, plt.subplots(dpi=72)
or divide by the figure dpi, (ax_main.... ) / fig.dpi
However, much more generally, it seems you want to set the width and height of the inset_axes in data coordinates. So best don't specify the size in inches at all. Rather use the bounding box directly.
ax_val = inset_axes(ax_main, width="100%", height="100%", loc=3,
I updated the inset_axes documentation as well as the example a couple of months ago, so hopefully this case should also be well covered. However feel free to give feedback in case some information is still missing.
Even more interesting here might be the new option in matplotlib 3.0, to not use the mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1.inset_locator, but the Axes.inset_axes method. It's still noted to be "experimental" but should work fine.
ax_val = ax_main.inset_axes((x_center,y_center,width,height), transform=ax_main.transData)
The question about how to do maximize a window before saving has been asked several times and has several questions (still no one is portable, though), How to maximize a window using Python
and How do you change the size of figures drawn with matplotlib?
I created a small function to maximize a figure window before saving the plots. It works with QT5Agg backend.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def maximize_figure_window(figures=None, tight=True):
Maximize all the open figure windows or the ones indicated in figures
figures: (list) figure numbers
tight : (bool) if True, applies the tight_layout option
if figures is None:
figures = plt.get_fignums()
for fig in figures:
manager = plt.get_current_fig_manager()
if tight is True:
I have to wait for the windows to be actually maximized before using the plt.savefig() command, otherwise it is saved with as not maximized. This is a problem if I simply want to use the above function in a script
(minor problems:)
2. I have to use the above function twice in order to get the tight_layout option working, i.e. the first time tight=True has no effect.
The solution is not portable. Of course I can add all the possible backend I might use, but that's kind of ugly.
how to make the script wait for the windows to be maximized? I don't want to use time.sleep(tot_seconds) because tot_seconds would be kind of arbitrary and makes the function even less portable
how to solve problem 2 ? I guess it is related to problem 1.
is there a portable solution to "maximize all the open windows" problem?
-- Edit --
For problem 3. #DavidG suggestion sounds good. I use tkinter to automatically get width and height, convert them to inches, and use them in fig.set_size_inches or directly during the figure creation via fig = plt.figure(figsize=(width, height)).
So a more portable solution is, for example.
import tkinter as tk
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def maximize_figure(figure=None):
root = tk.Tk()
width = root.winfo_screenmmwidth() / 25.4
height = root.winfo_screenmmheight() / 25.4
if figure is not None:
plt.figure(figure).set_size_inches(width, height)
return width, height
where I allow the figure to be None so that I can use the function to just retrieve width and height and use them later.
Problem 1 is still there, though.
I use maximize_figure() in a plot function that I created (let's say my_plot_func()) but still the saved figure doesn't have the right dimensions when saved on file.
I also tried with time.sleep(5) in my_plot_func() right after the figure creation. Not working.
It works only if a manually run in the console maximize_figure() and then run my_plot_func(figure=maximized_figure) with the figure already maximized. Which means that dimension calculation and saving parameters are correct.
It does not work if I run in the console maximize_figure() and my_plot_func(figure=maximized_figure) altogether, i.e. with one call the the console! I really don't get why.
I also tried with a non-interactive backend like 'Agg', so that the figure doesn't get actually created on screen. Not working (wrong dimensions) no matter if I call the functions altogether or one after the other.
To summarize and clarify (problem 1):
by running these two pieces of code in console, figure gets saved correctly.
fig = plt.figure()
w, h = maximize_figure(fig.number)
followed by:
my_plot_func(out_file='filename.eps', figure=fig.number)
by running them together (like it would be in a script) figure is not saved correctly.
fig = plt.figure()
w, h = maximize_figure(fig.number)
my_plot_func(out_file='filename.eps', figure=fig.number)
instead of
it does not work in both cases.