Creating compressed tar file, with only subset of files, remotely over SSH - linux

I've successfully managed to transfer a tar file over SSH on stdout from a remote system, creating a compressed file locally, by doing something like this:
read -s sudopass
ssh me#remote "echo $sudopass | sudo -S tar cf - '/dir'" 2>/dev/null | XZ_OPT='-6 -T0 -v' xz > dir.tar.xz
As expected this gets me a dir.tar.xz locally which is all of the remote /dir compressed.
I've also managed to figure out how to locally only compress a subset of files, by passing a filelist to tar with -T on STDIN:
find '/dir' -name '*.log' | XZ_OPT='-6 -T0 -v' tar cJvf /root/logs.txz -T -
My main question is: how would I go about doing the first thing (transfer plain tar remotly, then compress locally) while at the same time telling tar that I only want to do it on a specific subset of files?
When I try combining the two:
ssh me#remote "echo $sudopass | sudo -S find '/dir' -name '*.log' | tar cf
-T -" | XZ_OPT='-6 -T0 -v' xz > cypress_logs.tar.xz
I get errors like:
tar: -: Cannot stat: No such file or directory
I feel like tar isn't liking the fact that I'm both passing it something on STDIN as well as expecting it to output to STDOUT. Adding another - didn't seem to help either.
Also, as a bonus question, if anyone has a better idea on how to pass $sudopass above that would be great, since this method -- while avoiding having the password in the bash history -- makes the sudo password show up in the process list while it's running.

Remember that the f option requires an argument, so when you write cf -T -, I suspect that the -T is getting consumed as the argument to f, which throws off the rest of the command line.
This works for me:
ssh me#remote "echo $password | sudo -S find /tmp/dir -name '*.log' | tar -cf- -T-"
You could also write it like this:
ssh me#remote "echo $password | sudo -S find /tmp/dir -name '*.log' | tar cf - -T-"
But I prefer to always use - for options, rather than legacy tar's weird options without any prefix.


Remote to Local rolling backup script

I'm trying to create a bash script that runs through crontab to execute a backup remote to local. Everything works but my rolling backup part, where it only keeps 4 backups.
dateForm=`date +%m-%d-%Y`
echo backup started for [redacted] on: $dateForm >> /home/backups/backLog.log
ls -tQ /home/backups/[redacted] | tail -n+5 | xargs -r rm
ssh root#[redacted] "tar jcf - -C /home/[redacted]/[redacted] ." > "/home/backups/[redacted]/$fileName".tar.bz2
if [ ! -f "/home/backups/[redacted]/$fileName.tar.bz2" ]
echo "something went wrong with the backup for $fileName!" >> /home/backups/backLog.log
echo "Backup completed for $fileName" >> /home/backups/backLog.log
the ls line will work if executed in the directory just fine, but because crontab is executing it and I need the script to be outside of the folder it's targeting. I can't get it to target the rm to the correct directory utilizing the piped ls
I was able to come up with an interesting solution after studying the man page for ls a little more and utilizing find to grab the full paths.
ls -tQ $(find /home/backups/[redacted] -type f -name "*") | tail -n+5 | xargs -r rm
just posting an answer for someone that didn't want to create a rolling backup script that completely depended on date formatting, as there would ALWAYS be at least 4 backups in the folder targeted.

scp multiple files with different names from source and destination

I am trying to scp multiple files from source to destination.The scenario is the source file name is different from the destination file
Here is the SCP Command i am trying to do
scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
Basically i do have more than 7 files which i am trying seperate scps to achieve it. So i want to club it to a single scp to transfer all the files
Few of the scp commands i am trying here -
$ scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
$ scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
$ scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
$ scp /u07/retail/ rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/
I am looking for a solution by which i can achieve the above 4 files in a single scp command.
Looks like a straightforward loop in any standard POSIX shell:
for i in de as pt op
do scp "/u07/retail/Bundle_$" "rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/MultiSolutionBundle_$"
Alternatively, you could give the files new names locally (copy, link, or move), and then transfer them with a wildcard:
dir=$(mktemp -d)
for i in de as pt op
do cp "/u07/retail/Bundle_$" "$dir/MultiSolutionBundle_$"
scp "$dir"/* "rgbu_fc#<fc_host>:/u01/projects/"
rm -rf "$dir"
With GNU tar, ssh and bash:
tar -C /u07/retail/ -c Bundle_{de,as,pt,op}.properties | ssh user#remote_host tar -C /u01/projects/ --transform 's/.*/MultiSolution\&/' --show-transformed-names -xv
If you want to use globbing (*) with filenames:
cd /u07/retail/ && tar -c Bundle_*.properties | ssh user#remote_host tar -C /u01/projects/ --transform 's/.*/MultiSolution\&/' --show-transformed-names -xv
-C: change to directory
-c: create a new archive
Bundle_{de,as,pt,op}.properties: bash is expanding this to before executing tar command
--transform 's/.*/MultiSolution\&/': prepend MultiSolution to filenames
--show-transformed-names: show filenames after transformation
-xv: extract files and verbosely list files processed

Shell Scripting for archiving and encrypting

I need to create a script which receives from the CLI the name of a file with the extension .tar.gz and a folder(e.g ./ box.tar.gz MyFolder). This script will archive the files from the folder(only the files WITHIN the folder and without any compression) and they will be moved into the archive received as a parameter. The archive will be then encrypted(using the aescrypt) with the password 'apple'.
OS: Debian 6
Note: The final encrypted archive will have the same name as the first given parameter.
What i have tried so far is this:
tar -cvf $1 $2/* | aescrypt -e -p apple - > $1.aes | mv $1.aes $1
And this is what I receive when I am trying to check my script:
tar: This does not look like a tar archive
tar: Exiting with a failure status due to previous errors
Try doing this :
tar cf - $2/* | aescrypt -e -p apple - > $1
- here, means STDIN
Works well on Linux (archlinux) with GNU tar 1.26
If it doesn't work, run the script in debug mode:
bash -x
then come again to post the output.
After a little research, here is the solution:
pushd $2
tar cvf $1 .
openssl aes-256-cbc -in $1 -out $1.enc -pass pass:apple
mv $1.enc $1
Your error seems to signal that the interpreter is receiving a file which is not a tar archive, yet it expects one. Have you checked to make sure the file your providing is a tar archive?

rsync with --remove-sent-files option and open files

Every minute I need to copy recorded files from 3 servers to one data storage. I don't need to save original files - data processing is outside of all of them.
But when i use option --remove-sent-files, rsync sends and removes not finished (not closed) files.
I've tried to prevent sending these open files with lsof and --exclude-from, but it seems, that rsync does not unserstand full paths in exlude list:
--exclude-from=FILE read exclude >>patterns<< from FILE
lsof | grep /projects/recordings/.\\+\\.\\S\\+ -o | sort | uniq
/projects/recordings/<uid>/<path>/2012-07-16 13:24:32.646970-<id>.WAV
So, the script looks like:
# get open files in src dir and put them into rsync.exclude file
lsof | grep /projects/recordings/.\\+\\.\\S\\+ -o | sort | uniq > /tmp/rsync.exclude
# sync without these files
/usr/bin/rsync -raz --progress --size-only --remove-sent-files --exclude-files=/tmp/rsync.excldude /projects/recordings/
# change owner
ssh chown -hR storage:storage /var/www/storage/recordings
So, may be i should try another tool? Or why rsync does not listen to exludes?
I'm not sure if this helps you, but here's my solution to only rsync files which are not currently being written to. I use it for tshark captures, writing to a new file every N seconds with the -a flag (e.g. tshark -i eth0 -a duration:30 -w /foo/bar/caps). Watch out for that tricky rsync, the order of the include and exclude is important, and if we want sub-directories we need to include "*/".
while true;
sleep $delay_between_syncs
# Calculate which files are currently open (i.e. the ones currently being written to)
# and avoid uploading it. This is to ensure that when we process files on the server, they
# are complete.
echo "" > /tmp/include_list.txt
for i in `find $save_path/ -type f`
op=`fuser $i`
if [ "$op" == "" ]
#echo [+] $i is good for upload, will add it list.
c=`echo $i | sed 's/.*\///g'`
echo $c >> /tmp/include_list.txt
echo [+] Syncing...
rsync -rzt --include-from=/tmp/include_list.txt --include="*/" --exclude \* $save_path user#server:/home/backup/foo/
echo [+] Sunk...
rsync the files, then remove the ones that have been rsync'd by capturing the list of transferred files, and then removing only the transferred files that are not currently open. Rsync figures out what files to transfer when it gets to the directory, so your solution was bound to fail later even if it worked at first, when a newly opened file (since rsync started) was not in the exclude list.
An alternate approach would be to do a
find dir -type f -name pattern -mmin +10 | xargs -i rsync -aP {} dest:/path/to/backups

Wget Output in Recursive mode

I am using wget -r to download 3 .zip files from a specified webpage. Here is what I have so far:
wget -r -nd -l1
Right now, the zip files all begin with abc_*.zip where * seems to be a random. I want to have the first downloaded file to be called, the second to be, and the third to be
Is this possible with wget?
Many thanks!
I don't think it's possible with wget alone. After downloading you could use some simple shell scripting to rename the files, like:
i=1; for f in abc_*.zip; do mv "$f" "xyz_$"; i=$(($i+1)); done
Try to get a listing first and then download each file separately.
let n=1
wget -nv -l1 -r --spider 2>&1 | \
egrep -io 'http://.*\.zip'| \
while read url; do
wget -nd -nv -O $(echo $url|sed 's%^.*/\(.*\)_.*$%\1%')_$ "$url"
let n++
I don't think there is a way you can do it within a single wget command.
wget does have a -O option which you can use to tell it which file to output to, but it won't work in your case because multiple files will get concatenated together.
You will have to write a script which renames the files from abc_*.zip to xyz_*.zip after wget has completed.
Alternatively, invoke wget for one zip file at a time and use the -O option.
