Elastalert2 rules folder config not working - python-3.x

I'm using Elastalert2 now to get notifications from error log in slack.
We need to receive alarms of all service logs through our dozens of rules.
Docker builds ElastAlert2 and deploy it on Argocd.
But, there is a problem that the rules_folder config does not work
There is rules_folder in config.yaml
rules_folder: /home/elastalert/rules
and this is Example Dockerfile
FROM python:3.9.13-slim
# installation
RUN pip3 install --upgrade pip \
&& pip3 install cryptography elastalert2
# add configuration and alarm
RUN mkdir -p /home/elastalert
WORKDIR /home/elastalert
ADD ./config.yaml /home/elastalert
COPY ./rules /home/elastalert/rules
and this is run command
command: [ "/bin/sh", "-c" ]
- >-
echo "Finda Elastalert is started!!" &&
elastalert-create-index &&
elastalert --verbose --config config.yaml
but error occur like...
I think the rule files cannot be imported as args.
In other words, it seems that rules_folder does not apply
If, specify a specific rule file in the start command, it works well.
For example,
elastalert --verbose --config config.yaml --rule ./rules/example/example.yaml
However, it can only execute one rule.
We have dozens of rules.
What's the problem?

Don't store empty yaml in your rules/ sub.
The problem was that I commented out all the yaml files except the test rule yaml for the operation test.
By replacing the commented yaml file with another extension such as .text.
Now elastalert recognizes and operates all rules.


Docker - unable to run script

What I'm doing
I am using AWS batch to run a docker container for a large compute job. I have configured the ECR/ECS successfully to the best of my knowledge but am having issues running the required commands for reasons that are beyond my level of understanding with docker ( newbie )
What I need to do is pass the below commands into my application and start my application to perform some heavy computing tasks; all commands listed below must be present.
The Issue(s)
The issue arises when I send the submit job to AWS batch; this service pulls the image from the ACR ( amazon container repository ) and spins up a compute environment. The issue comes from when I try to run the command I pass in, below I will go throgh it.
"command": [
"mkdir -p logging",
"chmod 777 logging/",
"docker run -t -i -e my-application", # container name
"-e APIKEY",
"-v WORKSPACE /logging:/src/log",
"python my_app.py",
"-t APP_USER",
"-i IN_PATH",
"-o OUT_PATH",
"-b tmp/"
The command above generates the following error(s)
container_linux.go:370: starting container process caused: exec: "mkdir -p log": executable file not found in $PATH
I tried to pass in the command to echo the env var $PATH but was unsuccesfull getting a response and resulted in a similar error.
I have ran successfully "ls" and was able to see the directory contents of my application inside.
I am not however able to run any of these commands that I have included in the command [] section. I have tried just running python and such in hopes of getting a more detailed error but was unsuccessful.
Logic in plain English
Create a path called logging if it doesnt exist
set the permissions for logging
run the docker container and pass in the environment variables while doing so
Tell docker to run the python file my_app.py and pass in the expected runtime args
Execute and perform the required logic deligated in the python3 application
Why can I not create a directory here called "logging" where am I ?
Am I running these properly as defined by AWS batch? or docker
What am I missing or where am I going wrong?
AWS Batch high level doc
AWS Batch link specific to what i'm doing
Assuming that you're following the syntax described in the Container
section of the AWS docs, you have several problems with the syntax of
your command directive.
The command directive can only run a single command. You can't mash together a bunch of commands as you're trying to do in your example. If you need to run multiple commands you would need to embed them as an argument to a shell. For example, something like:
command: ["/bin/sh", "-c", "mkdir -p logging; chmod 777 logging; ..."]
You must properly tokenize your
command lines -- that is, when you type mkdir -p logging at the
command prompt, the shell splits this into three parts (or "tokens"): ['mkdir', '-p', 'logging']. You need to do the same thing when building up the
list of arguments to command.
This is invalid:
command: ["mkdir -p logging"]
That would looking for a command named mkdir -p logging, and of course no such command exists. That would properly be written as:
command: ["mkdir", "-p", "logging"]
I'm not very familiar with the AWS batch environment, but it's unlikely you can run a docker command inside a docker` container as you're trying to do. It's unclear why you're doing this, though: why not just configure your AWS batch job with the appropriate image, environment variables, etc?
Take a look at some of these example job definitions.

Digital Ocean Apps can't locate chromium directory for puppeteer

I've been wrestling with this all day. I get the below error whenever I try to run my puppeteer script on Digital Ocean Apps.
/workspace/node_modules/puppeteer/.local-chromium/linux-818858/chrome-linux/chrome: error while loading shared libraries: libnss3.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
I did some research and found this helpful link below that seems to be the accepted solution.
However since I'm using digital ocean apps instead of the standard digital ocean droplets it seems I can't use sudo commands in the command line so I can't actually run these in the command line.
Does anyone know of anyway around this?
I'm using node.js by the way.
Thank you!!!!
I've struggled with this issue myself. I needed a way to run puppeteer in order to run Scully (static site generator for Angular) during my build process.
My solution was to use a Dockerfile to build my DigitalOcean App Platform's app. You can ignore the Scully stuff if not needed (Putting it here for others who struggles with this use case like me) and have a regular yarn build:prod or such, and use something like dist/myapp (instead of dist/scully) as output_dir in the appspec.
In your app's root folder, you should have these files:
FROM node:14-alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache \
chromium \
# This is to prevent the build from getting stuck on "Taking snapshot of full filesystem"
WORKDIR /usr/src/myapp
COPY package.json yarn.lock ./
RUN yarn
COPY . .
# Needed because we set PUPPETEER_SKIP_CHROMIUM_DOWNLOAD true
# build_prod_scully is set in package.json to: "ng build --configuration=production && yarn scully --scanRoutes"
RUN yarn build_prod_scully
- domain: myapp.com
- domain: www.myapp.com
type: ALIAS
name: myapp
region: fra
- catchall_document: index.html
branch: master
deploy_on_push: true
repo: myname/myapp
name: myapp
output_dir: /usr/src/myapp/dist/scully # <--- /user/src/myapp refering to the Dockerfile's WORKDIR, dist/scully refers to scully config file's `outDir`
- path: /
source_dir: /
dockerfile_path: Dockerfile # <-- may be unneeded unless you already have an app set up.
Then upload the digitalocean.appspec.yml from your computer to your
App Dasboard > Settings > App > AppSpec > edit > Upload File.
For those who use it with Scully, I've also used the following inside scully.config.ts
export const config: ScullyConfig = {
puppeteerLaunchOptions: {
args: ['--no-sandbox', '--disable-setuid--sandbox'],
Hope it helps.

Fabric chaincode container (nodejs) cannot access npm

I appreciate help in this matter.
I have the latest images (2.2.0, CA 1.4.8), but I'm getting the error when I'm installing chaincode at the first peer:
failed to invoke chaincode lifecycle, error: timeout expired while executing transaction
I'm working behind a proxy, using a VPN.
I tried to increase the timeouts at the docker config, for all peers:
The process works perfectly up to that point (channel created, peers joined the channel). The chaincode can be installed manually with npm install.
I couldn't find an answer to this anywhere. Can someone provide guidance?
UPDATE: It seems that the chaincode container gets boostrap (and even attributed a random name), but gets stuck at:
+ INPUT_DIR=/chaincode/input
+ OUTPUT_DIR=/chaincode/output
+ cp -R /chaincode/input/src/. /chaincode/output
+ cd /chaincode/output
+ '[' -f package-lock.json -o -f npm-shrinkwrap.json ]
+ npm install --production
I believe it is the proxy blocking npm.
I tried to solve this with:
npm config set proxy proxy
npm config set https-proxy proxy
npm set maxsockets 3
After days of struggling, I've found a solution:
-Had to build a custom fabric nodeenv image, that contained the env variables to setup the npm proxy vars: as in node chaincode instantiate behind proxy. After that, I've setup the following env vars in docker.yaml:
Useful! For Chinese users, npmjs may sometimes be disconnected and can build their own instances.
For example, if I use version 2.3.1, Download https://github.com/hyperledger/fabric-chaincode-node/tree/v.2.3.1 Edition. Then enter docker/fabric-nodeenv, modify the Dockerfile, and add a line to modify the warehouse source for npmjs:
RUN npm config set registry http://registry.npm.taobao.org
The entire file is as follows:
ARG NODE_VER=12.16.1
FROM node:${NODE_VER}-alpine
RUN npm config set registry http://registry.npm.taobao.org
RUN apk add --no-cache \
make \
python \
RUN mkdir -p /chaincode/input \
&& mkdir -p /chaincode/output \
&& mkdir -p /usr/local/src;
ADD build.sh start.sh /chaincode/
Then build a docker image, using the command
docker image build-t whatever/fabric-nodeenv:2.3.
Wait a few minutes, and he'll build the image, and then with docker images, you'll see the image he created
Finally, in peer's configuration file, add in peer-environment
- CORE_CHAINCODE_NODE_RUNTIME=whatever/fabric-nodeenv:2.3
Hope it can help others!

Use pre-installed Terraform plugins instead of downloading them with terraform init

While running terraform init when using Terraform 0.11.3 we are getting the following error:
Initializing provider plugins...
- Checking for available provider plugins on https://releases.hashicorp.com...
Error installing provider "template": Get
https://releases.hashicorp.com/terraform-provider-template/: read tcp> read: connection reset by peer.
Terraform analyses the configuration and state and automatically
downloads plugins for the providers used. However, when attempting to
download this plugin an unexpected error occured.
This may be caused if for some reason Terraform is unable to reach the
plugin repository. The repository may be unreachable if access is
blocked by a firewall.
If automatic installation is not possible or desirable in your
environment, you may alternatively manually install plugins by
downloading a suitable distribution package and placing the plugin's
executable file in the following directory:
I realized it's because of connectivity issues with https://releases.hashicorp.com domain. For some obvious reasons, we will have to adjust with this connectivity issue as there are some SSL and firewall issues between the control server and Hashicorp's servers.
Is there any way we could bypass this by downloading the plugins from Hashicorp's servers and copying them onto the control server? Or any other alternative to avoid trying to download things from Hashicorp's servers?
You can use pre-installed plugins by either putting the plugins in the same directory as the terraform binary or by setting the -plugin-dir flag.
It's also possible to build a bundle of every provider you need automatically using the terraform-bundle tool.
I run Terraform in our CI pipeline in a Docker container so have a Dockerfile that looks something like this:
FROM golang:alpine AS terraform-bundler-build
RUN apk --no-cache add git unzip && \
go get -d -v github.com/hashicorp/terraform && \
go install ./src/github.com/hashicorp/terraform/tools/terraform-bundle
COPY terraform-bundle.hcl .
RUN terraform-bundle package terraform-bundle.hcl && \
mkdir -p terraform-bundle && \
unzip -d terraform-bundle terraform_*.zip
FROM python:alpine
RUN apk add --no-cache git make && \
pip install awscli
COPY --from=terraform-bundler-build /go/terraform-bundle/* /usr/local/bin/
Note that the finished container image also adds git, make and the AWS CLI as I also require those tools in the CI jobs that uses this container.
The terraform-bundle.hcl then looks something like this (taken from the terraform-bundle README):
terraform {
# Version of Terraform to include in the bundle. An exact version number
# is required.
version = "0.10.0"
# Define which provider plugins are to be included
providers {
# Include the newest "aws" provider version in the 1.0 series.
aws = ["~> 1.0"]
# Include both the newest 1.0 and 2.0 versions of the "google" provider.
# Each item in these lists allows a distinct version to be added. If the
# two expressions match different versions then _both_ are included in
# the bundle archive.
google = ["~> 1.0", "~> 2.0"]
# Include a custom plugin to the bundle. Will search for the plugin in the
# plugins directory, and package it with the bundle archive. Plugin must have
# a name of the form: terraform-provider-*, and must be build with the operating
# system and architecture that terraform enterprise is running, e.g. linux and amd64
customplugin = ["0.1"]
config plugin_cache_dir in .terraformrc
plugin_cache_dir = "$HOME/.terraform.d/plugin-cache"
then move the pre-installed provider into the plugin_cache_dir,
terraform will not download the provider anymore
btw, use the ~/.terraform.d/plugin directory doesn't work
/.terraform.d/plugin/linux_amd64$ terraform -v
Terraform v0.12.15
The proper way to handle this since terraform 0.14, as also discussed on the terraform-bundle page mentioned in the currently accepted answer, is to use terraform providers mirror as described on https://www.terraform.io/cli/commands/providers/mirror. This command creates all the necessary index files etc so the folder can be used for plugins. Eg:
$ cd your-tf-root-module
$ terraform providers mirror path/to/tf-plugins
$ terraform init --plugin-dir path/to/tf-plugins
You can cd to each of your root modules (ie those that have terraform state) and run the mirror command; multiple versions of a plugin may be installed there, and that's ok. When you run the terraform init command, it will fetch the proper one. Same as without the --plugin-dir arg.
So the only difference is that the internet is not used to acquire the plugins, terraform init gets them from the plugin folder.
This is very useful also for creating a cache that can then be used by terraform in ci/cd. Eg in circleci you would have a manual job that calls mirror and does a save-cache; and your automated terraform init job would restore-cache, and use --plugin-dir arg; then the automated terraform apply job would behave as usual.
Starting 0.13.2 version of Terraform release, one could download plugins from a local webserver/http server via network mirror protocol.
For more details, check this link
It expects a .terraformrc file in $HOME path, pointing to the provider path of the plugins like below. If the file is in different directory, you could provide the path with TERRAFORM_CONFIG env var.
provider_installation {
network_mirror {
url = "https://terraform-plugins.example.net/providers/"
Then, you define providers in a custom tf like below.
terraform {
required_providers {
azurerm = {
source = "registry.terraform.io/example/azurerm"
openstack = {
source = "registry.terraform.io/example/openstack"
null = {
source = "registry.terraform.io/example/null"
random = {
source = "registry.terraform.io/example/random"
local = {
source = "registry.terraform.io/example/local"
However, you have to upload the plugin file in .zip format along with index.json and the <version>.json files for terraform to discover the version of plugin to download.
Example index.json containing the version of plugin::
"versions": {
"2.3.0": {}
Again, 2.3.0.json contains hashes of the plugin file. In this case it's <version>.json
"archives": {
"linux_amd64": {
"hashes": [
"url": "terraform-provider-random_2.3.0_linux_amd64.zip"
How do you get details of index.json and <version>.json files?
By running terraform providers on the directory containing tf files. Note, the machine running this command, needs to connect to public terraform registry. Terraform will download the information of these files. If you have different terraform configuration files, it makes sense to automate these steps otherwise, you could manually do :)
Upon, terraform init, terraform downloads the plugins from above web server rather from terraform registry. Make sure you don't use plugin-dir argument with terraform init as it will override all the changes you made.
Updated Dockerfile for #ydaetskcoR 's solution, because currently terraform-bundle doesn't work with 0.12.x (the problem was fixed at 0.12.2, but appeared on 0.12.18)
FROM hashicorp/terraform:0.12.18 as terraform-provider
COPY provider.tf .
RUN terraform init && \
mv .terraform/plugins/linux_amd64/terraform-provider* /bin/
FROM hashicorp/terraform:0.12.18
# Install terraform pre-installed plugins
COPY --from=terraform-provider /bin/terraform-provider* /bin/
And here is the content of provider.tf
provider "template" { version = "~>2.1.2" }
provider "aws" { version = "~>2.15.0" }
This took me awhile, had the same problem. I ended up having to download from source and use the image that this spits out. Its nasty, but it does what i need it do to to work with the Google provider.
FROM golang:alpine AS terraform-bundler-build
RUN apk add --update --no-cache git make tree bash curl
RUN mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers && curl -sLO https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google-beta/archive/v$GOOGLE_PROVIDER.tar.gz
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers && tar xvzf v$GOOGLE_PROVIDER.tar.gz && mv terraform-provider-google-beta-$GOOGLE_PROVIDER terraform-provider-google-beta
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google-beta && pwd && make build
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers && curl -sLO https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google/archive/v$GOOGLE_PROVIDER.tar.gz
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers && tar xvzf v$GOOGLE_PROVIDER.tar.gz && mv terraform-provider-google-$GOOGLE_PROVIDER terraform-provider-google
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-google && pwd && make build
RUN mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp && curl -sLO https://github.com/hashicorp/terraform/archive/v$TERRAFORM_VERSION.tar.gz
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp && tar xvzf v$TERRAFORM_VERSION.tar.gz && mv terraform-$TERRAFORM_VERSION terraform
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp/terraform && go install ./tools/terraform-bundle
ENV TF_DEV=false
COPY my-build.sh $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp/terraform/scripts/
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp/terraform && /bin/bash scripts/my-build.sh
ENV HOME=/root
COPY terraformrc $HOME/.terraformrc
RUN mkdir -p $HOME/.terraform.d/plugin-cache
FROM alpine:3
ENV HOME=/root
RUN ["/bin/sh", "-c", "apk add --update --no-cache bash ca-certificates curl git jq openssh"]
RUN ["bin/sh", "-c", "mkdir -p /src"]
COPY --from=terraform-bundler-build /go/bin/terraform* /bin/
RUN mkdir -p /root/.terraform.d/plugins/linux_amd64
COPY --from=terraform-bundler-build /root/.terraform.d/ $HOME/.terraform.d/
RUN cp /bin/terraform-provider-google $HOME/.terraform.d/plugin-cache/linux_amd64
RUN cp /bin/terraform-provider-google-beta $HOME/.terraform.d/plugin-cache/linux_amd64
COPY terraformrc $HOME/.terraformrc
COPY provider.tf $HOME/
COPY backend.tf $HOME/
# For Testing (This should be echoed or taken care of in the CI pipeline)
#COPY google.json $HOME/.google.json
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/bash"]
plugin_cache_dir = "$HOME/.terraform.d/plugins/linux_amd64"
disable_checkpoint = true
# Define which provider plugins are to be included
provider "google" {
credentials = ".google.json"
provider "google-beta" {
credentials = ".google.json"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script builds the application from source for multiple platforms.
# Get the parent directory of where this script is.
while [ -h "$SOURCE" ] ; do SOURCE="$(readlink "$SOURCE")"; done
DIR="$( cd -P "$( dirname "$SOURCE" )/.." && pwd )"
# Change into that directory
cd "$DIR"
echo "DIR=$DIR"
# Get the git commit
GIT_COMMIT=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
GIT_DIRTY=$(test -n "`git status --porcelain`" && echo "+CHANGES" || true)
# Determine the arch/os combos we're building for
XC_ARCH=${XC_ARCH:-"amd64 arm"}
XC_EXCLUDE_OSARCH="!darwin/arm !darwin/386"
mkdir -p bin/
# If its dev mode, only build for ourself
if [[ -n "${TF_DEV}" ]]; then
XC_OS=$(go env GOOS)
XC_ARCH=$(go env GOARCH)
# Allow LD_FLAGS to be appended during development compilations
if ! which gox > /dev/null; then
echo "==> Installing gox..."
go get -u github.com/mitchellh/gox
# Instruct gox to build statically linked binaries
export CGO_ENABLED=0
# In release mode we don't want debug information in the binary
if [[ -n "${TF_RELEASE}" ]]; then
LD_FLAGS="-s -w"
# Ensure all remote modules are downloaded and cached before build so that
# the concurrent builds launched by gox won't race to redundantly download them.
go mod download
# Build!
echo "==> Building..."
gox \
-os="${XC_OS}" \
-arch="${XC_ARCH}" \
-osarch="${XC_EXCLUDE_OSARCH}" \
-ldflags "${LD_FLAGS}" \
-output "pkg/{{.OS}}_{{.Arch}}/${PWD##*/}" \
## Move all the compiled things to the $GOPATH/bin
case $(uname) in
GOPATH="$(cygpath $GOPATH)"
# Create GOPATH/bin if it's doesn't exists
if [ ! -d $MAIN_GOPATH/bin ]; then
echo "==> Creating GOPATH/bin directory..."
mkdir -p $MAIN_GOPATH/bin
# Copy our OS/Arch to the bin/ directory
DEV_PLATFORM="./pkg/$(go env GOOS)_$(go env GOARCH)"
if [[ -d "${DEV_PLATFORM}" ]]; then
for F in $(find ${DEV_PLATFORM} -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type f); do
cp ${F} bin/
cp ${F} ${MAIN_GOPATH}/bin/
ls -alrt ${MAIN_GOPATH}/bin/
terraform {
backend "gcs" {
bucket = "my-terraform-bucket"
prefix = "terraform/state"
credentials = ".google.json"
required_version = "v0.12.20"
You can use pre-installed plugins by either putting the plugins binaries in the same directory where Terraform binary is available by setting the "plugins-dir" flag.
By default, all plugins downloaded in .terraform folder. For example, Null resource plugin will be available at below location
Create new folder like "terraform-plugins" inside Terraform directory and copy all content including registry.terraform.io folder mentioned in above example in created folder.
Now run the terraform init command with plugins-dir flag
terraform init -plugin-dir="/terraform-plugins"
specify complete directory path with plugin-dir flag

rsync files from inside a docker container?

We are using Docker for the build/deploy of a NodeJS app. We have a test container that is built by Jenkins, and executes our unit tests. The Dockerfile looks like this:
FROM node:boron
# <snip> some misc unimportant config here
# Run the tests
I would like to modify this step so that we run npm run test:cov, which runs the unit tests + generates a coverage report HTML file. I've modified the Dockerfile to say:
# Run the tests + generate coverage
ENTRYPOINT npm run test:cov
... which works. Yay!
...But now I'm unsure how to rsync the coverage report ( generated by the above command inside the Dockerfile ) to a remote server.
In Jenkins, the above config is invoked this way:
docker run -t test --rm
which, again, runs the above test and exists the container.
how can I add some additional steps after the entrypoint command executes, to (for example) rsync some results out to a remote server?
I am not a "node" expert, so bear with me on the details.
First of all, you may consider if you need a separate Dockerfile for running the tests. Ideally, you'd want your image to be built, then tested, without modifying the actual image.
Building a test-image that uses your NodeJS app as a base image (FROM my-nodejs-image) could do the trick, but may not be needed if all you have to do is run a different command / entrypoint on the image.
Secondly; stateful data (the coverage report falls into that category) should not be stored inside the container (i.e., not stored on the container's filesystem). You want your containers to be ephemeral, and anything that should live beyond the container's lifecycle (anything that should be preserved after the container itself is gone), should be stored outside of the container; either in a "volume", or in a bind-mounted directory.
Let me start with the "separate Dockerfile" point. Let's say, your NodeJS application Dockerfile looks like this;
FROM node:boron
COPY package.json /usr/src/app/
RUN npm install && npm cache clean
COPY . /usr/src/app
CMD [ "npm", "start" ]
You build your image, and tag it, for example, with the commit it was built from;
docker build -t myapp:$GIT_COMMIT .
Once the image was built succesfully, you want to test it. Probably a quick test to verify it actually "runs". Many ways to do that, perhaps something like;
docker run \
-d \
--rm \
--network=test-network \
--name test-{$GIT_COMMIT} \
And a container to test it actually does something;
docker run --rm --network=test-network my-test-image curl test-{$GIT_COMMIT}
Once tested (and the temporary container removed), you can run your coverage tests, however, instead of writing the coverage report inside the container, write it to a volume or bind-mount. You can override the command to run in the container with docker run;
mkdir -p /coverage-reports/{$GIT_COMMIT}
docker run \
--rm \
--name test-{$GIT_COMMIT}\
-v /coverage-reports/{$GIT_COMMIT}:/usr/src/app/coverage \
myapp:$GIT_COMMIT npm run test:cov
The commands above;
Create a unique local directory to store the test-artifacts (coverage report)
Runs the image you built (and tagged myapp:$GIT_COMMIT)
Bind-mount the /coverage-reports/{$GIT_COMMIT} into the container at usr/src/app/coverage
Runs the coverage tests (which will write to /usr/src/app/coverage if I'm not mistaken - again, not a Node expert)
Removes the container once it exits
After the container exits, the coverage report is stored in /coverage-reports/{$GIT_COMMIT} on the host. You can use your regular tools to rsync those where you want.
As an alternative, you can use a volume plugin to write the results to (e.g.) an s3 bucket, which saves you from having to rsync the results.
Once tests are successful, you can docker tag the image to bump your application's version (e.g. docker tag myapp:1.0.12345), docker push to your registry, and deploy the new version.
Make a script to execute as the entrypoint and put the commands in the script. You pass in args when calling docker run and they get passed to the script.
The docs have an example of the postgres image's script. You can build off that.
Docker Entrypoint Docs
