convert list of dictionary values in to list of values - python-3.x

Hi all below is my list of dictionary
a=[{'Name': 'dhaya', 'Place': 'pune', 'Designation': 'fleetEngineer'},
{'Name': 'rishi', 'Place': 'maharastra', 'Designation': 'Sr.Manager'}]
iam expecting output like this
can any one assist

new_dict is the answer to the question you posted. Its the smallest and simplest.
b = list(a[0].keys())
new_dict = {}
for x in b:
new_dict[x] = [l[x] for l in a]
print('My expected dictionary',new_dict)

One can use nested for loops for this:
inputList = [{'Name': 'dhaya', 'Place': 'pune', 'Designation': 'fleetEngineer'}, {
'Name': 'rishi', 'Place': 'maharastra', 'Designation': 'Sr.Manager'}]
outputDict = {}
for origDict in inputList:
for key, val in origDict.items():
if key in outputDict:
outputDict[key] = [val]

a=[{'Name': 'dhaya', 'Place': 'pune', 'Designation': 'fleetEngineer'}, {'Name': 'rishi', 'Place': 'maharastra', 'Designation': 'Sr.Manager'}]
Name = []
Place = []
Designation = []
for ele in a:
new_a = {}
new_a['Name'] = Name
new_a['Place'] = Place
new_a["pune"] = Designation


create new dictionary based on keys and split the dictionary values

I am relatively new to python programming. I was trying some challenges in online to thorough my programming skills. I got stuck with the below code. Please someone help here.
ress = {'product': ['Mountain Dew Spark', 'pepsi'], 'quantity': ['7', '5']}
prods_list = []
prods_dict = {}
for k , v in ress.items():
if "product" in k:
if len(ress['product']) > 1:
entity_names = {}
entity_list = []
for i in range(len(ress['product'])):
prod = "product_" + str(i)
entity_names['product'] = ress['product'][i]
entity_names['quantity'] = ress['quantity'][i]
prods_dict[prod] = entity_list
i am expecting output as below
Expected output:
{"quantity" : "7",
"product" : "mountain dew spark"}
{"product_1" : {
"quantity" : "5",
"product" : "pepsi"
Actual output:
[{'product_0': [{'product': 'pepsi', 'quantity': '5'},
{'product': 'pepsi', 'quantity': '5'}],
'product_1': [{'product': 'pepsi', 'quantity': '5'},
{'product': 'pepsi', 'quantity': '5'}]}]
Please note i want my code work for single values as well like ress = {'product': ['Mountain Dew Spark'], 'quantity': ['7']}
This is one way you can achieve it with regular loops:
ress = {'product': ['Mountain Dew Spark', 'pepsi'], 'quantity': ['7', '5']}
prods_list = []
for key, value in ress.items():
for ind, el in enumerate(value):
prod_num = 'product_' + str(ind)
# If this element is already present
if (len(prods_list) >= ind + 1):
# Add to existing dict
prods_list[ind][prod_num][key] = el
# Otherwise - create a new dict
prods_list.append({ prod_num : { key : el } })
The first loop goes through the input dictionary, the second one through each of its lists. The code then determines if a dictionary for that product is already in the output list by checking the output list length. If it is, the code simply appends new inner dict for that product. If it is not - the code creates an outer dict for that product - and an inner one for this particular value set.
Maybe using a list comprehension along with enumerate and zip might be easier:
>>> res = {'product': ['Mountain Dew Spark', 'pepsi'], 'quantity': ['7', '5']}
>>> prods_list = [
... {f'product_{i}': {'quantity': int(q), 'product': p.lower()}}
... for i, (q, p) in enumerate(zip(res['quantity'], res['product']))
... ]
>>> prods_list
[{'product_0': {'quantity': 7, 'product': 'mountain dew spark'}}, {'product_1': {'quantity': 5, 'product': 'pepsi'}}]
This assumes that there will be no duplicate product entries. In that case, you would need to use a traditional for loop.

Storing multiple values into Dictionary

I am new to python and am facing difficulties in dictionary. I am trying to store multiple values from excel into dictionary.
This is my input:
And i am trying to store in this way.
My expected output is:
d = [
I tried like this:
df_service = pd.read_excel(existing_excel_file, sheet_name='Sheet1')
df_service = df_service.replace(np.nan, "dummy")
list1 = []
for i in range(0, len(df_service['name'])):
dict1 = {}
lst = []
if df_service['name'][i] != 'dummy':
dict1["name"] = df_service['name'][i]
dict1["sub"] = lst
And what if the excel data is like given below:
What if we have data like this? How to create a dictionary for this?
Need some suggestion, not getting any idea.
df_service = df_service.fillna(method='ffill')
result = [{'name':k[0],'usn':k[1],'sub':v["sub"].tolist(),"marks":v["marks"].tolist()} for k,v in df_service.groupby(['name', 'usn'])]
pprint (result)
You can use pandas.DataFrame.fillna with the method='ffill' option. 'ffill' stands for 'forward fill' and will propagate last valid observation forward.
df_service = pd.read_excel(existing_excel_file, sheet_name='Sheet1')
df_service = df_service.fillna(method='ffill')
result = [{'name':k,'sub':g["sub"].tolist()} for k,g in df_service.groupby("name")]
print (result)
[{'name': 'dhdn', 'sub': ['c', 'java', 'python']}, {'name': 'subbu', 'sub': ['java', 'perl']}]
Hi #ncica, I appreciate your answer, what if we have data like this? How to create a dictionary for this.

Adding keys and value pair to a dictionary within a dictionary with duplicate keys

results is a list within a list with the data as shown in the results section. I am hoping to achieve a dictionary within a dictionary as shown in the results portion.
results = [['abc','12'3,'1123','qwe', 'asd'],['abc','123,'1123','qwe', '123'],['abc','123','1123','ewq','zxc'], ['bcd','123','1123','ewq','zxc'], ['bcd','123','1123','ewq','zxc]]
report_dict = dict()
axis_list = []
results = self.report_data(conn)
for row in results:
report_dict[row[0]] = {}
report_dict[row[0]][row[3]] = row[1]
except IndexError:
report_dict = { 'abc': {'qwe':['asd','123'], 'ewq':['zxc']}, 'bcd' : {'qwe':['asd'], 'ewq':['zxc']} …..}
Please note there are duplicate keys in the dataset.
you could do:
d = {}
for i in results:
if not d.get(i[0],0):
d[i[0]] = {}
if not d[i[0]].get(i[3],0):
d[i[0]][i[3]] = []
{'abc': {'qwe': ['asd', '123'], 'ewq': ['zxc']}, 'bcd': {'ewq': ['zxc', 'zxc']}}
The following is a solution to your immediate question with tuples in the list:
from collections import defaultdict
report_dict = defaultdict(list)
# results = self.report_data(conn)
results = [["abc",123,1123,"qwe", "asd"],["abc",123,1123,"ewq","zxc"], ["bcd",123,1123,"ewq","zxc"], ["bcd",123,1123,"ewq","zxc"]]
for row in results:
report_dict[row[0]].append((row[3], row[1]))
except IndexError:
Result: defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'abc': [('qwe', 123), ('ewq', 123)], 'bcd': [('ewq', 123), ('ewq', 123)]})
you can also change it to a dictionaries in the list with the following line
report_dict[row[0]].append({row[3]: row[1]})
Result: defaultdict(<class 'list'>, {'abc': [{'qwe': 123}, {'ewq': 123}], 'bcd': [{'ewq': 123}, {'ewq': 123}]})

Create a list of maps from multiple lists

Given three lists:
l1 = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Jane']
l2 = ['30', '40', '50']
l3 = ['NY', 'Berlin', 'Stockholm']
how do I create something like this:
[['name': 'Alice', 'age': '30', 'city': 'NY'],
['name': 'Bob', 'age': '40', 'city': 'Berlin'],
['name': 'Jane', 'age': '50', 'city': 'Stockholm']]
I've tried [l1,l2,l3].transpose() but it returns list of lists and I can't figure out how to add proper keys to collectEntries()
Not-so-elegant solution I came up with is this:
assert l1.length == l2.length
assert l2.length == l3.length
def mapping = []
l1.eachWithIndex {name, index ->
def obj = [:] = name
obj.age = l2[index] = l3[index]
mapping += obj
obj = []
But there must be a better way, right?
An attempt at solving this more elegantly.
The following code:
def l1 = ['Alice', 'Bob', 'Jane']
def l2 = ['30', '40', '50']
def l3 = ['NY', 'Berlin', 'Stockholm']
def result = [l1, l2, l3].transpose().collect { a, b, c ->
[name: a, age: b, city: c]
println result
when run, prints out:
~> groovy solution.groovy
[[name:Alice, age:30, city:NY],
[name:Bob, age:40, city:Berlin],
[name:Jane, age:50, city:Stockholm]]
(formatting added for readability).
The trick here is the transpose method which the question already mentions - [l1, l2, l3].transpose() returns:
[[Alice, 30, NY], [Bob, 40, Berlin], [Jane, 50, Stockholm]]
and the collect { a, b, c -> expression uses groovy destructuring to assign [Alice, 30, NY] to a, b, c etc. This is essentially the same mechanics that make it possible to write:
def (a, b, c) = [1, 2, 3]
for multiple assignments.
collectEntries returns a map and since you want a list on the outermost level it's not really the right tool here.

Create dictionary from values found in two other dictionaries

Issue: I want to compare the two dictionaries - alist & blist - and use the values to create a new dictionary (clist).
****Please note that the alist is a result of comparing two other dicts****
The final solution would be:
clist = {'actual_url': ['bizname', 'buyer', 'date', 'Amount']
my attempt at doing this is below
Thanks for your help as I am really stuck!
alist = {acct_number': ['file_no', 'url', 'user', ['Biz_name', 'tool', 'date', 'amt']]}
blist = {acct_number: ['actual_case', 'actual_url']}
for k, v in alist.item():
for k, v in blist.item():
if v==v:
If the 'actual_url' is always the second item in the list, you can do this:
clist = {}
clist[blist['acct_number'][1]] = alist['acct_number']
To iterate over multiple items in alist:
alist = {
'12345': ['2', '', 'James', ['James corp', 'a', '100', '30']],
'35299': ['5', '', 'Carrie', ['Carrie corp', 'b', '60', '20']],
blist = {
'12345': ['actual_case', ''],
'35299': ['actual_case', ''],
clist = {}
for acct_number, value in alist.items():
clist[blist[acct_number][1]] = value
