This question might be quite trivial and illogical, but I am a bit confused.
Does adding a article, which does not contain any entity tagged in it, into a NER training dataset add any value to model.
Does the model(specifically a spacy NER model) get some understanding of what not to tag as an entity out of this type of articles? Or is it not required and ignored while training?
This maybe the most beginner question of all :sweat:.
I just started learning about NLP and hugging face. The first thing I'm trying to do is to apply one the bioBERT models on some clinical note data and see what I do, before moving on to the fine-tuning the model. And it looks like "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT" to be the closest model for my data.
But as I try to use it for any of the analyses I always get this warning.
Some weights of the model checkpoint at emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT were not used when initializing BertForSequenceClassification: ['cls.predictions.transform.dense.bias', 'cls.seq_relationship.bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.dense.weight', 'cls.seq_relationship.weight', 'cls.predictions.bias', 'cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.weight', 'cls.predictions.transform.LayerNorm.bias', 'cls.predictions.decoder.weight']
From the hugging face course chapter 2 I understand this meant.
This is because BERT has not been pretrained on classifying pairs of sentences, so the head of the pretrained model has been discarded and a new head suitable for sequence classification has been added instead. The warnings indicate that some weights were not used (the ones corresponding to the dropped pretraining head) and that some others were randomly initialized (the ones for the new head). It concludes by encouraging you to train the model, which is exactly what we are going to do now.
So I went on to test which NLP task I can use "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT" for, out of the box.
from transformers import pipeline, AutoModel
checkpoint = "emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT"
nlp_task = ['conversational', 'feature-extraction', 'fill-mask', 'ner',
'question-answering', 'sentiment-analysis', 'text-classification',
'zero-shot-classification' ]
for task in nlp_task:
process = pipeline(task=task, model = checkpoint)
And I got the same warning message for all the NLP tasks, so it appears to me that I shouldn't/advised not to use the model for any of the tasks. This really confuses me. The original bio_clinicalBERT model paper stated that they had good results on a few different tasks. So certainly the model was trained for those tasks. I also have similar issue with other models as well, i.e. the blog or research papers said a model obtained good results with a specific task but when I tried to apply with pipeline it gives the warning message. Is there any reason why the head layers were not included in the model?
I only have a few hundreds clinical notes (also unannotated :frowning_face:), so it doesn't look like it's big enough for training. Is there any way I could use the model on my data without training?
Thank you for your time.
This Bio_ClinicalBERT model is trained for Masked Language Model (MLM) task. This task basically used for learning the semantic relation of the token in the language/domain. For downstream tasks, you can fine-tune the model's header with your small dataset, or you can use a fine-tuned model like Bio_ClinicalBERT-finetuned-medicalcondition which is the fine-tuned version of the same model. You can find all the fine-tuned models in HuggingFace by searching 'bio-clinicalBERT' as in the link.
I am trying to build a relation extraction model via spacy's prodigy tool.
NOTE: ner.manual, ner.correct, rel.manual are all recipes provided by prodigy.
(ner.manual, ner.correct) The first step involved annotating and training a NER model that can predict entities (this step is done and model is obtained)
The next step involved annotating the relations between the entities. Now, this step could be done int wo different method.
i. Label the entities and relations all from scratch
ii. Use the trained NER model to predict the entities in the UI tool and make corrections to it if needed (similar to ner.correct) and label the relations between the entities
The issue I am now facing is, whenever I use the trained model in the recipe's loop (rel.manual), there is no entities predicted.
Could someone help me with this??
PS: There is no trailing whitespaces issue, i cross-verified it
in terms of NER(name entities recognition), assuming I have one pretrained langauge model, which could recognize some predefined entities, if I perform retraining on this model, and don't want to those predefined entities to be overwritten during retraining, what can I do? For example, in one BERT-based model, it has been trained to recognize Databricks as SKILL, in case of it won't be retained as PRODUCT, how can I do during the retraining process?
When we train custom model, I do see we have dropout and n_iter parameters to tune, but which deep learning algorithm does Spacy Uses to train Custom Models? Also, when Adding new Entity type is it good to create blank or train it on existing model?
Which learning algorithm does spaCy use?
spaCy has its own deep learning library called thinc used under the hood for different NLP models. for most (if not all) tasks, spaCy uses a deep neural network based on CNN with a few tweaks. Specifically for Named Entity Recognition, spacy uses:
A transition based approach borrowed from shift-reduce parsers, which is described in the paper Neural Architectures for Named Entity Recognition by Lample et al.
Matthew Honnibal describes how spaCy uses this on a YouTube video.
A framework that's called "Embed. Encode. Attend. Predict" (Starting here on the video), slides here.
Embed: Words are embedded using a Bloom filter, which means that word hashes are kept as keys in the embedding dictionary, instead of the word itself. This maintains a more compact embeddings dictionary, with words potentially colliding and ending up with the same vector representations.
Encode: List of words is encoded into a sentence matrix, to take context into account. spaCy uses CNN for encoding.
Attend: Decide which parts are more informative given a query, and get problem specific representations.
Predict: spaCy uses a multi layer perceptron for inference.
Advantages of this framework, per Honnibal are:
Mostly equivalent to sequence tagging (another task spaCy offers models for)
Shares code with the parser
Easily excludes invalid sequences
Arbitrary features are easily defined
For a full overview, Matthew Honnibal describes how the model works in this YouTube video. Slides could be found here.
Note: This information is based on slides from 2017. The engine might have changed since then.
When adding a new entity type, should we create a blank model or train an existing one?
Theoretically, when fine-tuning a spaCy model with new entities, you have to make sure the model doesn't forget representations for previously learned entities. The best thing, if possible, is to train a model from scratch, but that might not be easy or possible due to lack of data or resources.
EDIT Feb 2021: spaCy version 3 now uses the Transformer architecture as its deep learning model.
inherently the classifier must be using a cut-off to classify an Entity in a certain class say person or organization.
how do I get that probability score?
for example can I get something like.
Hiranandani : location(0.8),builder(0.7),name(0.3)
where location,builder,name are different classes of named entity
The Stanford NER uses a CRF to determine the NER type. The NERDemo (see shows how you can print out the per token marginalized probabilities for each NER type (see call to classifier.printProbs).