when i use {page break after:always} then second page not showing - page-break

<div class="page-break-after">
<p>Stackoverflow is a best website< p>
<div><p>suggest me solution <p>
#media print{
page-break-after: always;
then only content of first div show one first page and second page not getting a printing page ?


Click on href link selenium python

I'm using Selenium and Python to try and click on each of the links shown. the same class name is used for the different websites.
`<div class="rp-table-col c7">
<span class="mobile-title">Action</span>
<a class="action" href="https://website.com" target="_blank">View</a>
<div class="rp-table-col c7">
<span class="mobile-title">Action</span>
<a class="action" href="https://website2.com" target="_blank">View</a>
<div class="rp-table-col c7">
<span class="mobile-title">Action</span>
<a class="action" href="https://website3.com" target="_blank">View</a>
<div class="rp-table-col c7">
<span class="mobile-title">Action</span>
<a class="action" href="https://website4.com" target="_blank">View</a>
so far I'm able to get the 'View' text of all the classes but what I want to do is click on each of the links in the href (website, website2, website3, etc...)
y_list = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector("div[class*='rp-table-col c7']")
You can select all links and click them one by one using:
from selenium import webdriver
driver = webdriver.Chrome()
# Some code
links = [div.find_element_by_tag_name('a') for div in driver.find_elements_by_class_name('rp-table-col c7')]
for link in links:
Warning! You must consider the possibility if clicking them switched the control to the new tab. So, I think you have the URLs saved in the links (list of <a> tags) variable, which you must use one by one by navigating to each URL. The links[0].get_attribute('href') will give you the first webdite URL.

Unable to open Bootstrap modal popup from a partial view

I have a webgrid with a hyperlink column and upon clicking that link it should open a modal popup I have a modal named #examplemodal in a partial view named"GetDetails". Below I try to open the modal from a controller action method that returns partial view.
new{id = item.ID}, new{data_target="#exampleModal", data_toggle="modal", #class="modal-backdrop"});
When I click on the link with Ordernumber screen blacks out and I dont see the grid at all. Any pointers on where I am doing a mistake. I am using asp.Net mvc5 and bootstrap v4.3.1
I think your concept is totally wrong. I assume you want to display the order details in a modal? And since you have a method to return a partial view for that already, you want to load that order details content into modal whenever the user clicks the hyperlink column?
If that's the case, bootstrap modal is not the right tool for you. It's designed to load static content. If you want to load dynamic content, i.e., order details for different order numbers, you should look into a concept called iframe, and libraries like Fancybox, etc.
Here's what I would do:
1.Define a modal layout
Because you want to display the partial view on a modal, you generally don't want to have things like sidebar, top navigation, etc, from your site layout. Hence I will define a layout for modals.
<!-- _PopupLayout.cshtml -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<!-- Required meta tags -->
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, shrink-to-fit=no" />
<!-- All your necessary styles, meta data, etc -->
#RenderSection("css", required: false)
<main class="container-fluid">
<!-- All your necessary javascripts -->
#RenderSection("scripts", required: false)
2.Return views that use _PopupLayout
I know you've created partial views. But regular view is fine. In fact, it's better because you can setup the layout the regular view uses, as well as the view models for that.
Because you want this view to look like a bootstrap modal, you should construct your view using bootstrap modal structure.
#model ...
ViewData["Title"] = "Order Details";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_PopupLayout.cshtml";
<div class="modal-header">
<h5 class="modal-title">Order Details</h5>
<div class="modal-body">
3.Write JavaScript to trigger FancyBox on link clicking
You can use a custom css class for the selector for all links you want to load the iframe from. In my case I call it .popup-fancy. You can also define multiple classes for popping up different sizes of modals/fancybox modals.
$(function() {
selector: 'a.popup-fancy',
defaultType: 'iframe',
baseClass: 'fancybox-md',
iframe: {
preload: false
arrows: false,
infobar: false,
smallBtn: true
selector: 'a.popup-fancy-lg',
defaultType: 'iframe',
baseClass: 'fancybox-lg',
iframe: {
preload: false
arrows: false,
infobar: false,
smallBtn: true
selector: 'a.popup-fancy-xl',
defaultType: 'iframe',
baseClass: 'fancybox-xl',
iframe: {
preload: false
arrows: false,
infobar: false,
smallBtn: true
See how it sets the default type to iframe? You can find those configuration options from Fancybox documentation. Not to forgot those 3 base classes styles (I'm using Sass):
.fancybox-md {
.fancybox-content {
max-width: 36.75rem;
.fancybox-lg {
.fancybox-content {
max-width: 65.625rem;
.fancybox-xl {
.fancybox-content {
max-width: 78.75rem;
4.Create links to open modal
Now you can create links with any of those fancybox trigger classes:
<a href="#Url.Action("details", "order", new { area = "", id = item.Id })"
See Order Details
I assume you have the order controller and details action method all setup to return a view that uses the _PopupLayout, then when the user clicks on the link, instead of the regular redirect to the page using standard layout, the page content should be loaded into the fancybox modal.
For example:
If you can only use bootstrap modal??
In that case, you will have to create a modal template (probably in the layout so that it can be called anywhere) with an iframe inside. And then on link clicked, you use javascript to set the source of the iframe and manually popup the modal.
Sample of modal template
<div id="fancy-modal" class="modal fade" tabindex="-1" role="dialog">
<div class="modal-dialog">
<div class="modal-content">
<iframe src="" frameborder="0"></iframe>
Then on the page where you generate links, instead to generate actual links, you will have to generate the modal triggers:
<a href="#" class="fancy-modal-trigger"
data-iframe-src="#Url.Action("details", "order", new { area = "", id = item.Id })">
See Order Details
See here you put the actual link to your view on a data-attribute instead of href, because you don't want the link to actually navigate to the destination.
$(function() {
$('a.fancy-modal-trigger').click(function() {
let iframeSrc = $(this).data('iframe-src'),
$fancyModal = $('#fancy-modal');
$fancyModal.find('iframe').prop('src', iframeSrc);
return false;
DISCLAIM: this is not yet tested.

Reveal.js presentation full screen from JHipster

I am trying to show a reveal.js presentation full screen from a JHipster single page app. The reveal.js example below works fine inside JHipster, it's just not full screen. It can be made full screen by creating a second page, but given JHipster's design as a single page app things get messy with grunt and the production profile. I've also tried hiding the app menu bar and footer div elements but the reveal presentation still has padding around it. Ideally a full-screen view can configured.
Simple Reveal slide
<div ng-cloak>
<div class="reveal">
<div class="slides">
<section data-background="#faebd7">
A second page is the way to go and below is a way to by-pass optimizations made by JHipster's production build.
JHipster's production build only optimizes files under src/main/webapp/scripts and src/main/webapp/assets directories. So, put your presentation files including revealjs under another folder (e.g. src/main/webapp/slides) and use a simple link from your app to load the presentation.
This is what is done for swagger-ui under src/main/webapp/swagger-ui
I solved the problem while keeping it a single page app. Previously I tried hiding elements of the page that prevented full-screen, but padding on the main div container was preventing full screen. The solution was to create a second ui-view div designed for full screen and hide all other div elements.
1. Add "hidewhenfullscreen" class to the elements to hide.
2. Use javascript to show/hide elements
3. Add a second fullpage ui-view designed for full screen
4. Reference the fullpage ui-view from the controller
<div ng-show="{{ENV === 'dev'}}" class="development hidewhenfullscreen" ng-cloak=""></div>
<div ui-view="navbar" ng-cloak="" class="hidewhenfullscreen"></div>
<div class="container hidewhenfullscreen">
<div class="well" ui-view="content"></div>
<div class="footer">
<p translate="footer">This is your footer</p>
JavaScript to show/hide elements
function hide (elements) {
elements = elements.length ? elements : [elements];
for (var index = 0; index < elements.length; index++) {
elements[index].style.display = 'none';
function show (elements) {
elements = elements.length ? elements : [elements];
for (var index = 0; index < elements.length; index++) {
elements[index].style.display = 'block';
JavaScript controller
.state('show', {
parent: '',
url: '/show/{presentationName}',
data: {
authorities: [], // none, wide open
pageTitle: 'page title'
views: {
'fullpage#': {
templateUrl: 'scripts/show/show.html',
controller: 'ShowController'
The page has a single small "Home" href that calls the show function. This way the user can go back and forth between the full-screen Reveal presentation and the standard jHipster view.
<div ng-show="{{ENV === 'dev'}}" class="development"></div>
<div class="miniMenu" id="miniMenu" ng-cloak="">
<div class="reveal">
<div class="slides">
<section data-background={{getBackgroundURI($index)}} ng-repeat="slide in slides track by $index">
<div ng-bind-html="getContent($index)"></div>
For completeness, creating a second page can work but I don't think it is worth the added complexity. A two-page solution worked fine in the development profile, but the production profile had issues with caching shared css files, js files and fonts. With time and energy, I am sure the proper grunt configuration can be made to work, although the idea seems to counter the single page design concept. While in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Display paragraph in Jade template

I have started working on a sample NodeJS / Express web application ,
and I am using Jade template engine.
Below is the partial .jade code for one of the screens.
link(href='/css/bootstrap.css' , rel='stylesheet')
p= error
My intention is to have "p" element within the div
<div class='container'>
<p>Error message comes here.. </p>
But what is happing is "p" element is after div
<div class='container'>
<p>Error message comes here.. </p>
Please let me know what needs to be modified so that "p" is within div.
Your code may be indented in the wrong way. Try this:
Copied the jade code and seems you indented unevenly. Try this :
link(href='/css/bootstrap.css' , rel='stylesheet')
p error
This worked for me
p= error

Orchard CMS: Logon Page doesn't work with my custom layout

I am very new to Orchard.
I have created a new theme, based on the Minty theme. The only real change is the layout, where I have adapted the html from an existing asp.net masterpage to match the orchard style razor layout.cshtml. I have experience with MVC and razor, so no problem on that side... unless I have missed something vital.
The problem is the login page. Clicking the sign in link takes me to the correct url without errors, but not login form gets rendered. I have checked that this is the case by Inspecting Element in google chrome.
I am aware that setting up widgets, etc, I can make content appear. However, I can't find how the login form gets inserted when the login url gets requested. I presume it uses the Orchard.Users module, but not sure how. Does it need a specific zone? I can't see why, but see how else.
As a result, I can't solve my problem...
Any pointers?
Any books or other learning media?
The code for my layout.cshtml is:
#functions {
// To support the layout classifaction below. Implementing as a razor function because we can, could otherwise be a Func<string[], string, string> in the code block following.
string CalcuClassify(string[] zoneNames, string classNamePrefix) {
var zoneCounter = 0;
var zoneNumsFilled = string.Join("", zoneNames.Select(zoneName => { ++zoneCounter; return Model[zoneName] != null ? zoneCounter.ToString() : "";}).ToArray());
return HasText(zoneNumsFilled) ? classNamePrefix + zoneNumsFilled : "";
/* Global includes for the theme
SetMeta("X-UA-Compatible", "IE=edge,chrome=1");
/* Some useful shortcuts or settings
Func<dynamic, dynamic> Zone = x => Display(x); // Zone as an alias for Display to help make it obvious when we're displaying zones
/* Layout classification based on filled zones
//Add classes to the wrapper div to toggle aside widget zones on and off
var asideClass = CalcuClassify(new [] {"Sidebar"}, "aside-"); // for aside-1, aside-2 or aside-12 if any of the aside zones are filled
if (HasText(asideClass)) {
//Add classes to the wrapper div to toggle tripel widget zones on and off
var tripelClass = CalcuClassify(new [] {"TripelFirst", "TripelSecond", "TripelThird"}, "tripel-"); // for tripel-1, triple-2, etc. if any of the tripel zones are filled
if (HasText(tripelClass)) {
//Add classes to the wrapper div to toggle quad widget zones on and off
var footerQuadClass = CalcuClassify(new [] {"FooterQuadFirst", "FooterQuadSecond", "FooterQuadThird", "FooterQuadFourth"}, "split-"); // for quad-1, quad-2, etc. if any of the quad zones are filled
if (HasText(footerQuadClass)) {
var slideshowClass = CalcuClassify(new[] {"HomeSlideshow"}, "slideshow-");
if (HasText(slideshowClass)) {
/* Inserting some ad hoc shapes
//WorkContext.Layout.Header.Add(New.Branding(), "5"); // Site name and link to the home page
//WorkContext.Layout.Footer.Add(New.BadgeOfHonor(), "5"); // Powered by Orchard
WorkContext.Layout.Footer.Add(New.User(), "10"); // Login and dashboard links
/* Last bit of code to prep the layout wrapper
Model.Id = "layout-wrapper";
var tag = Tag(Model, "div"); // using Tag so the layout div gets the classes, id and other attributes added to the Model
<a name="top"></a>
<div id="SiteHeader">
<div id="PageContainer">
<div style="position: absolute; Left:-80px; top:-88px;z-index:1000;">
<img id="bird" title="Pheasant" src="/Themes/TheFarmsBlogs/Styles/Images/PositionedImages/pheasant.gif" />
<div class="SiteMenu"><p>Hello Menu</p></div>
<div id="Specialized">
<div id="PageName">
PageName NOT in use!
#if (Model.RightColumn != null) {
<div id="RightCol">
<!-- Page divided into two main columns, of which the left column is subdivided as necessary -->
<div id="LeftCol">
<div id="PageBanner">
<div id="PageBannerLeft">
#if (Model.MainImage != null) {
<div id="PageBannerImage">
#if(Model.TheStrip != null) {
<div id="TheStrip">
<div id="SpecializedContent">
#if(#Model.content != null)
<div id="SpecializedFooter">
<div id="PageFooter">
#if (Model.FooterPage != null){
<div id="SiteFooter">
The Farms Ltd - © 2007
PS: the branding and badge of honour are commented out as I am only enabling bit by bit to eliminate the source of errors. It will be in the live site.
See Bertrand Le Roy's answer below. The Orchard.Users module requires a Content zone with a Capital C. That instantly cured the problem.
I added this as Bertrand's response was tentative, and I wanted to reinforce that the problem was the name of the zone.
In Orchard.Users, look for Controllers/AccountController.cs. In there, there is a LogOn action. It creates a LogOn shape that it then puts in a shape result. This then gets resolved as the Views/LogOn.cshtml template (which you can override in your theme by just dropping a file with the same name in there, for example a copy of the original that you can tweak). The LogOn template will be rendered within the theme's layout, in the Content zone. Does this answer your question?
I think the mistake you made was to name your Content zone content (notice the casing).
