Azure VM templates - azure

So, I exported a VM template and I'm trying to build more VMs based on that template.
How can I define the subscription, resource group and region in the template or in the parameters file?

You can use Azure Powershell to Deploy Virtual Machine, I have reproduced in my environment and followed Microsoft-Document :
Firstly if you donot have a resourcegroup create it using below cmdllet:
New-AzResourceGroup -Name 'rithwik' -Location 'EastUS'
(rithwik- Resourcegroup name)
Then you need to try below cmdlet for deploying VM:
New-AzVm `
-ResourceGroupName 'myResourceGroup' `
-Name 'myVM' `
-Location 'East US' `
-VirtualNetworkName 'myVnet' `
-SubnetName 'mySubnet' `
-SecurityGroupName 'myNetworkSecurityGroup' `
-PublicIpAddressName 'myPublicIpAddress' `
-OpenPorts 80,3389
After giving the command type your username and password as below:
References of Code taken from:
In Portal:


Is it possible to install application while creating Azure VM from PowerShell?

I am trying to create a new Azure VM from PowerShell.
I am currently using the below script to create VM:
$location = "EastUS"
$rgName = "TestRG"
$credential = Get-Credential
New-AzResourceGroup -Name $rgName -Location $location
New-AzVm `
-ResourceGroupName $rgName `
-Name "TestVM" `
-Location $location `
-VirtualNetworkName "TestVnet" `
-SubnetName "TestSubnet" `
-SecurityGroupName "TestNsg" `
-PublicIpAddressName "TestPip" `
-OpenPorts 80,3389 `
-Credential $credential
Can anyone achieve installing applications from PowerShell into Azure VM while creating it? If it's possible, how to do that? Can anyone assist??
Thanks in Advance.
You can not install apllication or add extension to the VM while creating the VM . Once VM will be provisioned then only can only install the application or the add the extension.
You can refer this Micorosoft Document to install the Custom Script Extension Using Set-AzVMExtension.

How do you associate an Azure web app with a vnet using PowerShell Az?

I know it can be done using Azure CLI like this:
az webapp vnet-integration add -g $resourceGroupName -n $applicationName --vnet $vnetName --subnet $subnetName
Is there an equivalent command using PowerShell Az?
If you reference the docs at, at the bottom is a link to the Script Center gallery where this is a full PS1 script at which shows how to integrate web app with vnet.
The final lines of interest (it uses AzureRM, but should be easy to convert to Az):
$PropertiesObject = #{
"vnetName" = $VirtualNetworkName; "vpnPackageUri" = $packageUri
New-AzureRmResource -Location $location -Properties $PropertiesObject -ResourceName "$($webAppName)/$($vnetName)/primary" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites/virtualNetworkConnections/gateways" -ApiVersion 2015-08-01 -ResourceGroupName $webAppResourceGroup -Force

How to create a Linux AppService Plan with New-AzAppServicePlan?

What is the equivalient of this code using New-AzAppServicePlan?
az appservice plan create --resource-group $ServerFarmResourceGroupName `
--name $AppServicePlanName `
--is-linux `
--location $ResourceGroupLocation `
--sku $AppServicePlanTier `
--number-of-workers $NumberOfWorkers
Is there really no way to create an App Service Plan using Az Powershell? Why can it only be done via Azure CLI or ARM?
I only found this answer, which basically uses ARM directly: How do I use Powershell to create an Azure Web App that runs on Linux?
There are some issues about this, suppose for now this is not supported for New-AzureRmAppServicePlan, however you could use New-AzureRmResource to create a linux plan. You could try the below command.
New-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName <>group name -Location "Central US" -ResourceType microsoft.web/serverfarms -ResourceName <plan name> -kind linux -Properties #{reserved="true"} -Sku #{name="S1";tier="Standard"; size="S1"; family="S"; capacity="1"} -Force
I originally used my script to create a ConsumptionPlan (Y1) through PowerShell and AzureCLI because I don't like when Azure put a generated name when creating a ConsumptionPlan.
Please find my solution to create a Linux App Service Plan (B1) using New-AzResource:
$fullObject = #{
location = "West Europe"
sku = #{
name = "B1"
tier = "Basic"
kind = "linux"
properties = #{
reserved = $true
$resourceGroupName = "rg-AppServicePlanLinux"
$serverFarmName = "aspl-test"
Write-Host "Step 1: CREATING APP SERVICE PLAN B1:Basic named [$serverFarmName]"
# Create a server farm which will host the function app in the resource group specified
New-AzResource -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/serverfarms" -Name $serverFarmName -IsFullObject -PropertyObject $fullObject -Force
So I used the ARM template to understand which information you need to provide on the -PropertyObject parameter
It also now seems possible to do an App Service Plan Linux with New-AzAppServicePlan command since Az PowerShell 4.3.0 (June 2020) with the parameter -Linux
Added safeguard to delete created webapp if restore failed in 'Restore-AzDeletedWebApp'
Added 'SourceWebApp.Location' for 'New-AzWebApp' and 'New-AzWebAppSlot'
Fixed bug that prevented changing Container settings in 'Set-AzWebApp' and 'Set-AzWebAppSlot'
Fixed bug to get SiteConfig when -Name is not given for Get-AzWebApp
Added a support to create ASP for Linux Apps
Added exceptions for clone across resource groups
Release Note:
If you get "The Service is unavailable" after deploying your new Function app (Consumption Plan) with Azure CLI, please make sure the following statement from Microsoft:
I waste the whole day because I got another Function App (Premium Plan) in the same resource group I used to deploy the Consumption one.
This worked for me:
Adding -Linux as a parameter to my command
New-AzAppServicePlan -ResourceGroupName 'MyResourceGroup' -Name 'MyServicePlan' -Location 'northeurope' -Linux -Tier 'PremiumV2' -NumberofWorkers 2 -WorkerSize Medium
That's all.
I hope this helps

How to deploy a VM Scale set in exisiting vnet?

How can I deploy a VM scale set generalized image into an existing vnet?
Are there some powershell commands to do this?
How could I go about this?
You can create a scale set with New-AzureRmVmss command that uses the -ImageName parameter. I run the following Powershell Scripts successfully. The existing virtual network and existing Image are in the same resource group.
New-AzureRmVmss `
-ResourceGroupName "myResourceGroup" `
-Location "EastUS" `
-VMScaleSetName "myScaleSet" `
-VirtualNetworkName "myVnet" `
-SubnetName "mySubnet" `
-PublicIpAddressName "myPublicIPAddress" `
-LoadBalancerName "myLoadBalancer" `
-UpgradePolicyMode "Automatic" `
-ImageName "myImage"
Ref1: Create a VMSS with New-AzureRmVmss

using parameters.json file instead of -TemplateParameterObject in Azure Runbook Arm deployments

In this example here
They use a -TemplateParameterObject $Parameters for passing parameters to an ARM template. What is the syntax to use a parameters.json file instead?
Deploy the storage account
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -TemplateFile $TemplateFile -TemplateParameterObject $Parameters
Just use the -TemplateParameterFile parameter to pass the file:
New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName -TemplateFile $TemplateFile -TemplateParameterFile "yourFilePath"
You can read more about the cmdlet in the New-AzureRmResourceGroupDeployment documentation.
