Importing Azure DevOps Work Item attachments to PBI - azure

I am currently working on a project that involves using Azure DevOps as the main management tool. However, our team has decided to analyze the data generated in the platform through Power BI reports. As such, there are some attachments in the work items that we would like to see displayed in PBI, is there any way to do this?

There are multiple ways to connect to the powerbi to devops and get the work item data. Such as by using analytical view, oData queries and oData feed, etc.
To Create power bi reports using analytical view first you have to import data in the power bi, this can be done by selecting azure devops as an option in the Online service tab which itself is in the get data tab in the powerbi destop app
getdata -> online options -> azure devops
After that it will ask you for organization and team and ask you to login to your devops account too.
After this a popup will immerge and in which you can select the work items data based upon the duration time which has passed such today, last 30 days, entire history, etc.
Refer the following documentation


How to connect labeled data in Azure Machine Learning Studio/Data Labeling to Power BI?

I am trying to connect already labeled dataset in Azure ML Studio in Data Labeling to PowerBI. I would like to see the progress of labeling or the result of labeled data without exporting it manually and connecting the exported files one by one.
Thank you!
Please Follow these steps
Step 1: First Create a Workspace and Launching Machine Learning Studio
Step 2: Go to Machine Learning Studio and create model,
Refer this Doc for more information
Step 3: Deploy the Web Service
After customizing the web service output, you are ready to deploy it. Click the Deploy Web Service icon at the bottom. After the deployment is finished, you will see the following output with web service properties as shown below
Copy the API key as shown above link and save it. This will be a different API key for your Azure account.
Step 4: Test the Web Service
Test the web service refer this link for more information
Step 5 Connect power bi with azure Machine learning
• Open power bi login with same account were you create the Azure model
• Import Data into Data Flow you need to save and store the data ( it will takes some time).
• To see the data and prediction result in Power BI desktop, first open it then sign into premium account, click on the get data and choose the Data flow connector.
• you able to see all data flow you have, choose the related data flow and the prediction results
• Select Get Data and go to power bi dataflow Then load it into Power BI desktop to see the result
• Need more information about power bi connection refer this Link

Power BI - question about local and cloud data source

I am creating a report in Power BI, where some data is imported from a cloud storage system. There is also a local data source (an excel sheet) being used.
My question is, if I publish this report on Power BI service and share it with someone, will they be able to see visuals using local data source as well?
There is also possibility of using Sharepoint. I can create a team in Sharepoint with the local excel file and use that as a source in Power BI. Am I correct in assuming this way people in my sharepoint team will be able to see all data in the report?
For your scenario with a spreadsheet from a desktop and a cloud data source:
If you prepare the report using import mode in PowerBI desktop and publish it to PowerBI online, then that report data will be visible to all users with access to the report in the provisioned workspace. The caveat is that data will not be able to be refreshed from the Excel file once the report is deployed online. When you create the report on your desktop, you have access to the cloud data and the spreadsheet, then a copy of that data is published to the PowerBI service. When PowerBI service is set to refresh, then it can't connect to your desktop and causes the issue.
To solve this you either need a personal or standard gateway. This provides the technology for PowerBI to connect to your on-premise (standard gateway) or on-desktop (personal mode) data. Once the gateway is in place, PowerBI can pull data in to the cloud from an on-premise network or a personal desktop to refresh reports.
The other alternative is, as you mention, putting the excel in SharePoint online. This effectively makes the spreadsheet a "cloud data source" and can be refreshed from PowerBI service without the need for a gateway.

Show Azure DevOps Task / Sprint Statistics on SharePoint (PowerApps)

I want to show KPIs (Key Performance Indicator) on my SharePoint. My Datasource will be my TFS (Azure DevOps). For example showing the planned and finished Tasks for a Sprint on SharePoint and generate a graph out of it.
I saw that in Microsoft PowerApps - which are integrateable in my SharePoint-View - there are DevOps-Connectors, but i didnt rly saw a possibility to aggregate my task-statistics (planned / finished in a sprint) and show them.
Writing a C#-Backend that has a TFS-Client running.
Can I use this for a Power-App-CustomConnector?
Is there another way to acess data in a PowerApp from a REST-API?
Worst Case the Backend will have shedule to create and update SharePoint-Tables with my TFS-Stats
What is the best way to aggregate and show my tfs (azure devOps) statistics on my sharepoint page?
I'd recommend using Power BI, I use it for my Azure DevOps KPIs. You should be able to embed your Power BI reports within SharePoint easily. Power BI has ready-made connectors for aggregating work item data via the new Analytics Views preview feature. You'll want to start by enabling it within your Preview Features:
Once you have the feature enabled, create an analytics view that aggregates the data you'll use in Power BI (or use a default view):
Creating an Analytics View:
After that, go ahead and open Power BI to connect to your Analytics View and start composing your KPI dashboard:
Create a Power BI report with a default Analytics view:
After you've finished your report, embed it within SharePoint:
Power BI - Embed a Report in SharePoint: Dataset Refresh for Azure Data Lake with OAuth2

Situation: I have a Power BI desktop workbook with a data source connection to Azure Data Lake storage. I can query the storage and get to the datasets without any problem. I've created my visuals and published the workbook to
Next: I want to schedule the refresh of the dataset so the reports hit my Azure Data Lake files and get updated. However the OAuth2 popup and dialogue don't seem to work and after completing the login prompts I just get an endless spinning circle that never returns. As below.
Additional things: I've followed several different sets of instructions to register a new app in my Azure AD, granting it PowerBI API services. Assigning the app permissions to the storage etc. But without success. Tried native and web/API apps. Instructions here...
I've testing using various URLs for the data lake storage as my Power BI workbook source. Including ADL://... webhdfs://... and https://... All result in the same situation.
I can confirm my Power BI logins are my Microsoft "Work" accounts. As is my Azure Data Lake storage all connected up correctly with Office 365 and Azure AD.
Questions: What am I missing? I wish there was even an error message to work from. But it gives me nothing. If this were a .Net app giving it the client ID etc would make sense. But Power just asks for my login details.
Does the Power BI preview connector for Azure Data Lake even work once published to I can't find any example out there of anybody else doing this.
Many thanks for your time and assistance friends.

trigger azure ml experiment from powerbi

I have created an azure ml experiment which fetches data from API and updates it in sql azure database. My power bi report picks data from this database and displays the report. The data from the source is changing frequently. So I need something like a checkbox in power bi which when checked will trigger the azure ml experiment and update the database with latest data.
I know that we can schedule it to run in Rstudio pipeline but we are not thinking of this approach as it is not financially viable.
Thanks in Advance.
You could use a direct query connection from Power BI to your Azure SQL instance. Then the reports in power bi will be always up to date with the latest data you have. Then the only question is when to trigger the ML experiment. If this really needs to be on demand (rather than on a schedule) you could do that in a button in your own App. You could embed the report in your app so that you get an end to end update.
You could have a look at the Azure Data Factory (ADF), that will help you build data pipelines in the cloud.
You can use ADF to read the data from the API (refresh your data), batch-wise-score it in Azure Machine Learning, and push it directly to your Azure SQL making PowerBI always seeing the latest data which will be scored.
Take a look at the following blog where they take data through this kind of pipeline. You just have to change that the data doesn't come from Stream Analytics but from your API.
