Azure Cloudshell Powershell Copy Blob between Containers - azure

I set up a storage account (Blob, v2) with two containers. I uploaded a test excel file into one of the containers. Now I would like to use Azure Cloudshell PowerShell in order to copy that file from one of the containers and insert it to the other.
Does anyone know what command(s) I've got to type in there? (command, src-format, dest-format)
Thanks in advance
cp https://...blob... https://...blob...
returns "cannot stat 'https://...blob...': no such file or directory"

Glad that # T1B for solved the issue. Thank you #holger for the workaround that helped to fix the issue. Posting this on behalf of your discussion and few points so that it will be beneficial for other community members.
To copy the files between containers we can use the below cmdlts after azcopy login. So that we can able to copy the files within
container as mentioned in this MICROSOFT DOCUMENT .
azcopy copy ' Overflow.xlsx' ' Overflow.xlsx' --recursive
To do the above make sure that we have sufficient permissions to that storage account likewise storage blob data contributor or owner role.
For more information please refer this similar SO THREAD| How to copy files from one container to another containers fits equally in all dest containers according to size using powershell


Azure container copy only changes

I would like to update static website assets from github repos. The documentation suggests to use an action based on
az storage blob upload-batch --account-name <STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME> -d '$web' -s .
If I see this correct, this copies all files regardless of the changes. Even if only one file was altered. Is it possible to only transfer files that have been changed? Like rsync does.
Else I would try to judge the changed files based on the git history and only transfer them. Please also answer, if you know an existing solution in this direction.
You can use azcopy sync to achieve that. That is a different tool, though.
Based on the sugggestion by #4c74356b41, I discovered that the mentioned tool was recently integrated into the az tool.
It can be used the same way as az storage blob upload-batch. The base command is:
az storage blob sync

How to create a empty folder in Azure Blob from Azure databricks

I have scenario where I want to list all the folders inside a directory in Azure Blob. If no folders present create a new folder with certain name.
I am trying to list the folders using
But the problem with the above command is it fails if the path doesn't exist, which is a valid scenario for me.
If my program runs for the first time the path will not exist and command will fail.
Is there any way I can handle this scenario dynamically from Databricks.
It will also work for me if I can create an empty folder in Azure Blob from Databricks before executing my job.
I have tried running below command from databricks notebook
%sh mkdir -p /mnt/<mountName>/path/folderName
Here the command runs successfully and even though my container in Azure Blob is mounted it doesn't create the folder.
Sorry for such an elongated post. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance
I found this was able to create a folder with a mounted blob storage

Yaml configuration to mount Azure Blob Container share

How to configure Azure Blob Storage Container on an Yaml
- name: scripts-file-share
secretName: dev-blobstorage-secret
shareName: logs
readOnly: false```
The above is for the logs file share to configure on yaml.
But if I need to mount blob container? How to configure it?
Instead of azureFile do I need to use azureBlob?
And what is the configuration that I need to have below azureBlob? Please help
After the responses I got from the above post and also went through the articles online, I see there is no option for Azure Blob to mount on Azure AKS except to use azcopy or rest api integration for my problem considering the limitations I have on my environment.
So, after little bit research and taking references from below articles I could able to create a Docker image.
1.) Created the docker image with the reference article. But again, I also need support to run a bash script as I am running azcopy command using bash file. So, I tried to copy the azcopy tool to /usr/bin.
2.) Created SAS tokens for Azure File Share & Azure Blob. (Make sure you give required access permissions only)
3.) Created a bash file that runs the below command.
azcopy <FileShareSASTokenConnectionUrl> <BlobSASTokenConnectionUrl> --recursive=true
4.) Created a deployment yaml that runs on AKS. Added the command to run bash file in that.
This gave me the ability to copy the files from Azure File Share Folders to Azure Blob Container

How to copy one storage account's container's blobs to another storage account's container's blobs

I have two storage accounts(storage1) and (storage2) and both of them have containers called data.
Now, storage1's data contains folder called database-files which contains lots of folders recursively. I mean it's kind of huge.
What I am trying to do is I want to copy database-files and everything that's in it from storage1's data container to storage2's data container. Note: both storage accounts are in the same resource group and subscription.
Here is what I've tried:
az storage blob copy start-batch --source-account-name "storage1" --source-container "data" --account-name "storage2" --destination-container "data"
This worked fine, but The problem is time it takes is ridiculously big and I can't wait this much because I want to do this command for one of my release . Which means that i need this as soon as fast, so that my deployment happens fast.
Is there any way to make it faster? maybe zip it/copy it/unzip it? Even If I use AzCopy, I have no idea how it's going to help with timing. All it helps is it doesn't have point of failure and also I have no idea how to use it via azure cli.
How can I proceed?

How to upload a file from azure blob storage to Linux VM created on azure

I have one large file on my azure blob storage container. I want to move my file from blob storage to Linux VM created on azure> How can I do that using data factory? or any Powershell Command?
The easiest and without any tools is to generate SAS token for the blob and run CURL.
Generate SAS
And then CURL
curl <blob_sas_url> -o output.txt
If you need this automated every time you can generate SAS URL from the script or just use AzCopy.
Please reference this blog:How to copy data to VM from blob storage, it gives you a way to solve the problem with Data Factory:
"To anyone who might get into same problem in future, I solved my problem by using 'copy wizard' present in ADF.
We need to install Data Management Gateway on VM and register it before we use 'copy wizard'.
We need to specify blob storage as source and in destination we need to choose 'File Server Share' option. In 'File Server Share' option we need to specify user credentials which I suppose pipeline uses to login to VM, folder on VM where pipeline will copy the data."
From the Azure Blog Storage document, there is another way can help you Mount Blob storage as a file system with blobfuse on Linux.
Blobfuse is a virtual file system driver for Azure Blob storage. Blobfuse allows you to access your existing block blob data in your storage account through the Linux file system. Blobfuse uses the virtual directory scheme with the forward-slash '/' as a delimiter.
This guide shows you how to use blobfuse, and mount a Blob storage container on Linux and access data. To learn more about blobfuse, read the details in the blobfuse repository.
If you want to use AzCopy, you can reference this document Transfer data with AzCopy and Blob storage. You can download the AzCopy for Linux. It provided the command for upload and download files.
For example, upload file:
azcopy copy "<local-file-path>" "https://<storage-account-name>.<blob or dfs><container-name>/<blob-name>"
For PowerShell, you need to use PowerShell Core 6.x and later on all platforms. It works with Windows and Linux virtual machines using Windows PowerShell 5.1 (Windows only) or PowerShell 6 (Windows and Linux).
You can find the PowerShell commands in this document:Quickstart: Upload, download, and list blobs by using Azure PowerShell
Here is another link talked about Copy Files to Azure VM using PowerShell Remoting 6 (Windows and Linux).
Hope this helps.
You have many options to copy content from the blob store to the disk on the VM:
1. Use AzCopy
2. Use Azure Pipelines - File copy task
3. Use Powershell cmdlets
A lot of content is available on these approaches on SO!
It seems this is not properly documented anywhere so I am sharing the most basic approach which is to use the azcopy tool that is available for both windows/linux OS. This approach doens't need the complexity of creating the credentials/tokens.
Download azcopy
Its simple executable which can be run directly after extraction
Create a managed identity(system-assigned identity) for your Virtual machine. Navigate to VM-> Identity -> Turn the Status to 'ON' -> Save
Now the VM can be assigned permission at the following levels:
Storage account
Container (file system)
Resource group
For this case, navigate to storage account -> IAM -> Add role assignment -> Select role 'Storage Blob Data Contributor' -> Assign access to 'Virtual machine' -> Select the desired VM -> SAVE
NOTE: If you give access to the VM on IAM properties of a Resource Group, the VM will be able to access all the storage accounts of the RG.
Login to VM and assume the identity (run the command from the same location where the azcopy is located)
For windows : azcopy login --identity
For linux : ./azcopy login --identity
Upload or download the files now:
azcopy cp "source-file" "storageUri/blob-container/" --recursive=true
Example: azcopy cp "C:\test.txt" "" --recursive=true
IAM permission can take few minutes to propagate. If you change/add the permissions/access level anywhere, run the azcopy login --identity command again to get the updated identity.
More info on Azcopy is available here
