How to print more than one value in the same line? - carbon-lang

A simple example
Print("This is a number {0}", 1) // results in 4
How can I print 1 2 3 in the same line?
I have tried
Print(1, 2, 3) // Does not work
The forloop also does not work.
The while loop below prints the elements but each in a separate line since we do not have control over the line feed character \n:
fn Main() -> i32 {
var a: [i32;3] = (1, 2, 3); // Define array containing the numbers 1,2,3
var i:i32 =0;
Print("{0}", a[i]);
i= i+1;
return 0;
which results in
here is the code
How can I get 1 2 3?

Short explanation: Providing more than 2 arguments to Print is currently not supported, so is not including a line break.
This is definitely something that will change in the future, as the language is in its early design phases. You can find the source for Print as an instrinsic (non-carbon native) here:
case IntrinsicExpression::Intrinsic::Print:
// TODO: Remove Print special casing once we have variadics or
// overloads. Here, that's the name Print instead of __intrinsic_print
// in errors.
if (args.size() < 1 || args.size() > 2) {
return CompilationError(e->source_loc())
<< "Print takes 1 or 2 arguments, received " << args.size();
e->source_loc(), "Print argument 0", arena_->New<StringType>(),
&args[0]->static_type(), impl_scope));
if (args.size() >= 2) {
e->source_loc(), "Print argument 1", arena_->New<IntType>(),
&args[1]->static_type(), impl_scope));
If you look at the code you will also see that the type of input variable is limited to just integer types. It would be easy enough create a PR to manually add support for 2-3 if you want :)


How do I generate a string that contains a keyword?

I'm currently making a program with many functions that utilise Math.rand(). I'm trying to generate a string with a given keyword (in this case, lathe). I want the program to log a string that has "lathe" (or any version of it, with capitals or not), but everything I've tried has the program hit its call stack size limit (I understand exactly why, I want the program to generate a string with the word without it hitting its call stack size).
What I have tried:
function generateStringWithKeyword(randNum: number) {
const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/";
let result = "";
for(let i = 0; i < randNum; i++) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
if(result.includes("lathe")) {
} else {
This is what I have now, after doing brief research on stackoverflow I learned that it might have been better to add the if/else block with a continue, rather than using
if(!result.includes("lathe")) return generateStringWithKeyword(randNum);
But both ways I had hit the call stack size limit.
A "correct" version of your algorithm, written as an iterative function instead of as a recursive one so as not to exceed stack depth, would look something like this:
function generateStringWithKeyword(randNum: number) {
const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/";
let result = "";
let attemptCnt = 0;
while (!result.toLowerCase().includes("lathe")) {
result = "";
for (let i = 0; i < randNum; i++) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
if (attemptCnt > 1e6) {
console.log("I GIVE UP");
return result;
I don't like when my browser hangs because of a script that won't finish, so I put a maximum attempt count in there. A million chances seems reasonable. When you try it out, this happens:
generateStringWithKeyword(10); // I GIVE UP
Which makes sense; let's perform a rough back-of-the-envelope probability calculation to see how long we might expect this to take. The chance that "lathe" will appear in some case at position 1 of the word is (2/64)×(2/64)×(2×64)×(2/64)×(2/64) ("L" or "l" appears first, followed by "A" or "a", etc) which is approximately 3×10-8. For a word of length 10, "lathe" can appear starting at positions 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6. While this isn't exactly correct, let's think of this as multiplying your chances by 6 of getting the word somewhere, so the actual chance of getting a valid result is somewhere around 1.8×10-7. So we can expect that you'd need to make approximately 1 ÷ 1.8×10-7 = 5.6 million chances to succeed.
Oh, darn, I only gave it a million. Let's up that to 10 million and try again:
generateStringWithKeyword(10); // "lATHELEYSc"
Great! Although, it does sometimes still give up. And really, an algorithm which needs millions of tries before it succeeds is very, very inefficient. You might want to read about bogosort, a sorting algorithm which works by randomly shuffling things and checking to see if they are sorted, and it keeps trying until it works. It's used for educational purposes to highlight how such techniques don't really perform well enough to be practical. Nobody would ever want to use such an algorithm for real.
So how would you do this "the right" way? Well, my suggestion here is to just build your result correctly the first time. If you have 10 characters and 5 of them need to be "lathe" in some case, then you will need 5 truly random characters. So randomly decide how many of those letters should be before "lathe". If you pick 2, for example, then put 2 random characters, plus "lathe" in a random case, plus 3 more random characters.
It could be something like this, where I mostly use your same style of for-loops and += string concatenation:
function generateStringWithKeyword(randNum: number) {
const keyword = "lathe";
if (randNum < keyword.length) throw new Error(
"This is not possible; \"" + keyword + "\" doesn't fit in " + randNum + " characters"
const actuallyRandNum = randNum - keyword.length;
const chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789+/";
let result = "";
const kwInsertionPoint = Math.floor(Math.random() * (actuallyRandNum + 1));
for (let i = 0; i < kwInsertionPoint; i++) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
for (let i = 0; i < keyword.length; i++) {
result += Math.random() < 0.5 ? keyword[i].toLowerCase() : keyword[i].toUpperCase();
for (let i = kwInsertionPoint; i < actuallyRandNum; i++) {
result += chars[Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length)];
return result;
If you run this, you will see that it is very efficient, and never gives up:
console.log(Array.from({ length: 4 }, () => generateStringWithKeyword(5)).join(" "));
// "lathE LaThe lATHe LatHe"
console.log(Array.from({ length: 4 }, () => generateStringWithKeyword(7)).join(" "));
// "p6lAtHe laThE01 nlaTheK lATHeRJ"
console.log(Array.from({ length: 4 }, () => generateStringWithKeyword(10)).join(" "));
// "giMqzLaTHe 5klAthegBo oVdLatHe0q twNlATheCr"
Playground link to code

Counter for two binary strings C++

I am trying to count two binary numbers from string. The maximum number of counting digits have to be 253. Short numbers works, but when I add there some longer numbers, the output is wrong. The example of bad result is "10100101010000111111" with "000011010110000101100010010011101010001101011100000000111000000000001000100101101111101000111001000101011010010111000110".
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
bool isBinary(string b1,string b2);
int main()
string b1,b2;
long binary1,binary2;
int i = 0, remainder = 0, sum[254];
cout<<"Get two binary numbers:"<<endl;
while (binary1 != 0 || binary2 != 0){
sum[i++] =(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + remainder) % 2;
remainder =(binary1 % 10 + binary2 % 10 + remainder) / 2;
binary1 = binary1 / 10;
binary2 = binary2 / 10;
if (remainder != 0){
sum[i++] = remainder;
cout<<"Result: ";
while (i >= 0){
}else cout<<"Wrong input"<<endl;
return 0;
bool isBinary(string b1,string b2){
bool rozhodnuti1,rozhodnuti2;
for (int i = 0; i < b1.length();i++) {
if (b1[i]!='0' && b1[i]!='1') {
}else rozhodnuti1=true;
for (int k = 0; k < b2.length();k++) {
if (b2[k]!='0' && b2[k]!='1') {
}else rozhodnuti2=true;
if(rozhodnuti1==false || rozhodnuti2==false){ return false;}
else{ return true;}
One of the problems might be here: sum[i++]
This expression, as it is, first returns the value of i and then increases it by one.
Did you do it on purporse?
Change it to ++i.
It'd help if you could also post the "bad" output, so that we can try to move backward through the code starting from it.
EDIT 2015-11-7_17:10
Just to be sure everything was correct, I've added a cout to check what binary1 and binary2 contain after you assing them the result of the atol function: they contain the integer numbers 547284487 and 18333230, which obviously dont represent the correct binary-to-integer transposition of the two 01 strings you presented in your post.
Probably they somehow exceed the capacity of atol.
Also, the result of your "math" operations bring to an even stranger result, which is 6011111101, which obviously doesnt make any sense.
What do you mean, exactly, when you say you want to count these two numbers? Maybe you want to make a sum? I guess that's it.
But then, again, what you got there is two signed integer numbers and not two binaries, which means those %10 and %2 operations are (probably) misused.
EDIT 2015-11-07_17:20
I've tried to use your program with small binary strings and it actually works; with small binary strings.
It's a fact(?), at this point, that atol cant handle numerical strings that long.
My suggestion: use char arrays instead of strings and replace 0 and 1 characters with numerical values (if (bin1[i]){bin1[i]=1;}else{bin1[i]=0}) with which you'll be able to perform all the math operations you want (you've already written a working sum function, after all).
Once done with the math, you can just convert the char array back to actual characters for 0 and 1 and cout it on the screen.
EDIT 2015-11-07_17:30
Tested atol on my own: it correctly converts only strings that are up to 10 characters long.
Anything beyond the 10th character makes the function go crazy.

Find the missing number in a given string

I found this interview question floating around, and after having given much thought to it, I couldn't really develop a sound algorithm for it.
Given a string of numbers in sequential order, find the missing number.The range of numbers is not given.
Sample Input:"9899100101103104105"
This is a simple problem.
Guess the number of digits for the first number
Read numbers from the string one by one. If the previous number you have read is x, the next number must be either x + 1 or x + 2. If it is x + 2, remember x + 1 as the missed number, continue until the end of the string anyway to verify that the initial guess was correct. If you read something else than x + 1 or x + 2, the initial guess was wrong and you need to restart with (next) guess.
With your example:
First guess length 1
read 9
the next number should be either 10 or 11. Read the next two digits, you get 89.
That is incorrect, so the initial guess was wrong.
Second guess length 2
read 98
the next number should be either 99 or 100. Read the next two digits for 99
the next number should be either 100 or 101. Read the next three digits for 100
... 101
... 103 (remember 102 as the missed number)
... 104
... 105
end of input
Guess of length 2 was verified as correct guess and 102 reported as missing number.
The only dififcult part, of course, is figuring out how many digits the numbers have. I see two approaches.
Try a certain number of digits for the first number, decide what the following number should therefore be (there'll be two options, depending on whether the missing number is the second one), and see if that matches the following string of digits. If so, continue on. If the string doesn't fit the pattern, try again with a different number of digits.
Look at the starting and ending portions of the string, and reason the number of digits based on that and the length of the string. This one's a little more handwavey.
parse the string like the first number conatins digits digits only.
parse the next number and check if it is sequential correct related to the last parsed one
if it decreases, digit+=1, goto 1.
if it is 2 higher than the last parsed, you might found the gap, parse the rest, if parsing the restis not an increasing sequence, digit+=1, goto 2, otherwise you have found the gap.
if it is 1 higher than the last parsed number, goto 3.
digit+=1, goto 2. (I am not sure if this case can ever happen)
given: "131416".
1. digits=1
2. parse '1'
3. parse '3'
4. it does not decrease
5. possibly found the gap: parse the rest '1416' fails, because '1' != '4'
=> digit+=1 (digit=2) goto 2
2. parse '13'
3. parse '14'
4. it does not decrease
5. it is no 2 higher than the last parsed one (13)
6. it is 1 higher (14 = 13+1) => goto 3
3. parse '16'
4. it does not decrease
5. possibly found the gap: parse the rest '' passed because nothing more to parse,
=> found the gab: '15' is the missing number
Here is a working C# solution you can check in LINQPad:
void Main()
FindMissingNumberInString("9899100101103104105").Dump("Should be 102");
FindMissingNumberInString("78910121314").Dump("Should be 11");
FindMissingNumberInString("99899910011002").Dump("Should be 1000");
// will throw InvalidOperationException, we're missing both 1000 and 1002
public static int FindMissingNumberInString(string s)
for (int digits = 1; digits < 4; digits++)
int[] numbers = GetNumbersFromString(s, digits);
int result;
if (FindMissingNumber(numbers, out result))
return result;
throw new InvalidOperationException("Unable to determine the missing number fro '" + s + "'");
public static int[] GetNumbersFromString(string s, int digits)
var result = new List<int>();
int index = digits;
int number = int.Parse(s.Substring(0, digits));
while (index < s.Length)
string part;
digits = number.ToString().Length;
if (s.Length - index < digits)
part = s.Substring(index);
part = s.Substring(index, digits);
index += digits;
return result.ToArray();
public static bool FindMissingNumber(int[] numbers, out int missingNumber)
missingNumber = 0;
int? found = null;
for (int index = 1; index < numbers.Length; index++)
switch (numbers[index] - numbers[index - 1])
case 1:
// sequence continuing OK
case 2:
// gap we expect to occur once
if (found == null)
found = numbers[index] - 1;
// occured twice
return false;
// not the right sequence
return false;
if (found.HasValue)
missingNumber = found.Value;
return true;
return false;
This can likely be vastly simplified but during exploratory coding I like to write out clear and easy to understand code rather than trying to write it in as few lines of code or as fast as possible.

C++/CLI - Split a string with a unknown number of spaces as separator?

I'm wondering how (and in which way it's best to do it) to split a string with a unknown number of spaces as separator in C++/CLI?
Edit: The problem is that the space number is unknown, so when I try to use the split method like this:
String^ line;
StreamReader^ SCR = gcnew StreamReader("input.txt");
while ((line = SCR->ReadLine()) != nullptr && line != nullptr)
if (line->IndexOf(' ') != -1)
for each (String^ SCS in line->Split(nullptr, 2))
//Load the lines...
And this is a example how Input.txt look:
When I then try to run the program the first line that is loaded is "ThisISSomeTxt" the second line that is loaded is "" (nothing), the third line that is loaded is also "" (nothing), the fourth line is also "" nothing, the fifth line that is loaded is " PartNumberTwo" and the sixth line is PartNumber3.
I only want ThisISSomeTxt and PartNumberTwo to be loaded :? How can I do this?
Why not just using System::String::Split(..)?
The following code example taken from , demonstrates how you can tokenize a string with the Split method.
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Collections;
int main()
String^ words = "this is a list of words, with: a bit of punctuation.";
array<Char>^chars = {' ',',','->',':'};
array<String^>^split = words->Split( chars );
IEnumerator^ myEnum = split->GetEnumerator();
while ( myEnum->MoveNext() )
String^ s = safe_cast<String^>(myEnum->Current);
if ( !s->Trim()->Equals( "" ) )
Console::WriteLine( s );
I think you can do what you need to do with the String.Split method.
First, I think you're expecting the 'count' parameter to work differently: You're passing in 2, and expecting the first and second results to be returned, and the third result to be thrown out. What it actually return is the first result, and the second & third results concatenated into one string. If all you want is ThisISSomeTxt and PartNumberTwo, you'll want to manually throw away results after the first 2.
As far as I can tell, you don't want any whitespace included in your return strings. If that's the case, I think this is what you want:
String^ line = "ThisISSomeTxt \tPartNumberTwo PartNumber3";
array<String^>^ split = line->Split((array<String^>^)nullptr, StringSplitOptions::RemoveEmptyEntries);
for(int i = 0; i < split->Length && i < 2; i++)
Debug::WriteLine("{0}: '{1}'", i, split[i]);
0: 'ThisISSomeTxt'
1: 'PartNumberTwo'

Finding the number of permutations for a three letter string with ABC and 123

I know from Algebra class that with ABC and 123 we can make 216 different permutations for a three letter string, right? (6 x 6 x 6) I'd like to create a console program in C++ that displays ever possible permutation for the example above. The thing is, how would I even begin trying to calculate them. Perhaps:
This is really hard to ask, but what would I have to do to ensure that I include every permutation? I know there are 216 but I don't know how to actually go about going through all of them.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!!
If you need a fixed-number strings, you can use N nested loops (three in your case).
string parts = "ABC123";
for (int i = 0 ; i != parts.size() ; i++)
for (int j = 0 ; j != parts.size() ; j++)
for (int k = 0 ; k != parts.size() ; k++)
cout << parts[i] << parts[j] << parts[k] << endl;
If N is not fixed, you would need a more general recursive solution.
It's really easy to do using recursion. Provided you have an array of all six elements, here's java code to do it. I am sure you can translate it to C++ easily.
void getAllCombinations(List<String> output, char[] chrs, String prefix, int length) {
if (prefix.length() == length) {
} else {
for (int i = 0;i < chrs.length;i++) {
getAllCombinations(output, chrs, prefix + chrs[i], length);
This is not perfect, but it should give you the general idea.
Run it with parameters: empty list, array of available characters, empty string and length of desired strings.
With three nested loops (one per character position) iterating over each of the 6 allowed characters it's hard not to see that every possibly combination has a corresponding set of loop indices, and that every set of legal loop indices has a corresponding 3 letter string. And that 1-1 correspondence between loop indices and strings is what you're looking for, I gather.
