Why does Cassandra Kerberos Connection to second keyspace fail? - cassandra

We are trying to connect to two keyspaces of Cassandra (3.x) in the same application with the same Kerberos credentials. The application is able to connect to one keyspace but no the other. Access to the keyspaces has been verified.
Error on connection:
2022-08-22 13:15:10,972 [cluster-reconnection-0] DEBUG c.d.d.c.ControlConnection [--]- [Control connection] error on connection, trying next host
javax.security.auth.login.LoginException: No LoginModules configured for CassandraJavaClient
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.init(LoginContext.java:264)
at javax.security.auth.login.LoginContext.<init>(LoginContext.java:417)
The ticket cache is :
CassandraJavaClient {
com.sun.security.auth.module.Krb5LoginModule required useTicketCache=true ticketCache="/var//krb5cc_userlogin";
The same ticket cache file is used by the first connection - which succeeds. While the second connection fails. I am not even sure as to how to debug it (tried remote debugging and since the initial control connection is an Async call, unable to get to the actual error).
We are using com.datastax.cassandra:cassandra-driver-core:jar:3.6.0
Any ideas/help to debug / resolve this will be highly appreciated


Could not get connection while getPartitionedTopicMetadata - io.netty.channel.ConnectTimeoutException: connection timed out

I have a basic Pulsar app, and when I try to connect to Pulsar, I get this exception:
2021-03-10 14:38:26.107 WARN 7 --- [r-client-io-1-1]
o.a.pulsar.client.impl.ConnectionPool : Failed to open connection
to my-pulsar-server-ms-tls.domain.com:6651 :
io.netty.channel.ConnectTimeoutException: connection timed out:
my-pulsar-server-ms-tls.domain.com/ 2021-03-10
14:38:26.212 WARN 7 --- [al-listener-3-1]
o.a.pulsar.client.impl.PulsarClientImpl : [topic:
Could not get connection while getPartitionedTopicMetadata -- Will try
again in 100 ms
My Pulsar client is pretty basic:
The producer is also pretty basic and looks like this:
I've verified that the token and TLS cert are correct. I've also tried connecting a consumer from this same environment and got a similar exception, and I know that others with the same code are able to connect to the same Pulsar cluster from other environments. What is the issue?
Your connection is getting blocked by a firewall or network issue.
Verify that you can establish a connection to your endpoint my-pulsar-server-ms-tls.domain.com:6651 from your environment.
If you're able to run a network packet dump (like tcpdump), that should make it obvious if you're not able to establish a connection.
You can also try running curl my-pulsar-server-ms-tls.domain.com:6651, and if you get back some html, that means you were able to reach the server. However, if you get Could not resolve host, then you were blocked by the network configuration (such as a missing route) or firewall.

CqlSession cannot connect to Azure Cosmos DB Cassandra

I have this code
public CqlSession getCqlSession() {
return CqlSession.builder()
.addContactPoint(new InetSocketAddress(cassandraHost, cassandraPort))
.withAuthCredentials(cassandraUsername, cassandraPassword)
The connection is failing with this exception:
Failed to instantiate [com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.CqlSession]: Factory method 'getCqlSession' threw
exception; nested exception is com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.AllNodesFailedException: Could not reach
any contact point, make sure you've provided valid addresses (showing first 1 nodes, use getAllErrors()
for more): Node(endPoint=tinyurl-cassandra.cassandra.cosmos.azure.com/, hostId=null,
hashCode=237f706): [com.datastax.oss.driver.api.core.DriverTimeoutException: [s0|control|id: 0xb89dacff,
L:/ - R:tinyurl-cassandra.cassandra.cosmos.azure.com/] Protocol
initialization request, step 1 (OPTIONS): timed out after 5000 ms]
I am new to Cassandra and have tried the following:
Validated that the credentials are okay.
Try with csqlsh - could not connect as well.
Check there's no firewall setup in my machine. Can telnet to host and port.
Can open Cassandra Shell from Azure Data Explorer.
What am I missing? I am new to this. Any help will be appreciated.
Looks like you are using the v.4x version of the Java Driver. The default load balancing in this driver mandates that you provide local data center, e.g:
.addContactPoint(new InetSocketAddress(cassandraHost, cassandraPort)).**withLocalDatacenter("UK South")**
.withAuthCredentials(cassandraUsername, cassandraPassword).build();
You could take a look at this getting started sample for further reference: https://github.com/Azure-Samples/azure-cosmos-db-cassandra-java-getting-started-v4

We are running a map reduce/spark job to bulk load hbase data in One of the environment

We are running a map reduce/spark job to bulk load hbase data in one of the environments.
While running it, connection to the hbase zookeeper cannot initialize throwing the following error.
16/05/10 06:36:10 INFO zookeeper.ZooKeeper: Initiating client connection, connectString=c321shu.int.westgroup.com:2181,c149jub.int.westgroup.com:2181,c167rvm.int.westgroup.com:2181 sessionTimeout=90000 watcher=hconnection-0x74b47a30, quorum=c321shu.int.westgroup.com:2181,c149jub.int.westgroup.com:2181,c167rvm.int.westgroup.com:2181, baseZNode=/hbase
16/05/10 06:36:10 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Opening socket connection to server c321shu.int.westgroup.com/ Will not attempt to authenticate using SASL (unknown error)
16/05/10 06:36:10 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Socket connection established, initiating session, client: /, server: c321shu.int.westgroup.com/
16/05/10 06:36:10 INFO zookeeper.ClientCnxn: Session establishment complete on server c321shu.int.westgroup.com/, sessionid = 0x5534bebb441bd3f, negotiated timeout = 60000
16/05/10 06:36:11 INFO mapreduce.HFileOutputFormat2: Looking up current regions for table ecpdevv1patents:NormNovusDemo
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RetriesExhaustedException: Failed after attempts=35, exceptions:
Tue May 10 06:36:11 CDT 2016, org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.RpcRetryingCaller#3927df20, java.io.IOException: Call to c873gpv.int.westgroup.com/ failed on local exception: java.io.EOFException
We have executed the same job in Titan DEV too but facing the same problem. Please let us know if anyone has faced the same problem before.
Details are,
• Earlier job was failing to connect to localhost/ Hence only the property hbase.zookeeper.quorum has been set in map reduce code with c149jub.int.westgroup.com,c321shu.int.westgroup.com,c167rvm.int.westgroup.com which we got from hbase-site.xml.
• We are using jars of cdh version 5.3.3.

Cassandra and defuncting connection

I've got a question about Cassandra. I haven't found any "understable answer" yet...
I made a cluster build on 3 nodes (RackInferringSnitch) on differents VM. I'm using Datastax's Java Driver to read and update my keyspace (with CSVs).
When one node is down (ie :, I've got this debug warning:
INFO 00:47:37,195 New Cassandra host / added
INFO 00:47:37,246 New Cassandra host / added
DEBUG 00:47:37,264 [Control connection] Refreshing schema
DEBUG 00:47:37,384 [Control connection] Successfully connected to /
DEBUG 00:47:37,391 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,395 Defuncting connection to /
com.datastax.driver.core.TransportException: [/] Channel has been closed
at com.datastax.driver.core.Connection$Dispatcher.channelClosed(Connection.java:621)
DEBUG 00:47:37,400 [/] Error connecting to / (Connection refused: /
DEBUG 00:47:37,407 Error creating pool to / ([/] Cannot connect)
DEBUG 00:47:37,408 / is down, scheduling connection retries
DEBUG 00:47:37,409 First reconnection scheduled in 1000ms
DEBUG 00:47:37,410 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,423 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,427 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,435 Shutting down pool
DEBUG 00:47:37,439 Adding / to list of queried hosts
DEBUG 00:47:37,443 Shutting down pool
DEBUG 00:47:37,459 Connected to cluster: WormHole
I wanted to know if I need to handle this exception or it will be handled by itself (I mean, when the node will be back again cassandra will do the correct write if the batch was a write...)
EDIT : Current consistency level is ONE.
The DataStax driver keeps track of which nodes are available at all times and routes queries (load balacing) based on this information. The way it does this is based on your reconnection policy.
You will see debug level messages when nodes are detected as down, etc. This is no cause for concern as the driver will re-route to other available nodes, it will also re-try the nodes periodically to find out if they are back up. If you had a problem and the data was not getting saved to Cassandra you would see timeout errors. No action necessary in this case.

WSO2 BAM wirh offset 1. Cassandra error

i have a problem on startup of BAM server.
My machine has the IP and hostname "srv-lc-presen".
I it have configurated using this document:
Monitoring and statistics.
I have modified the at carbon.xml. I have it set to 1.
I've modified the master-datasources.xml and set
WSO2BAM_CASSANDRA_DATASOURCE url = jdbc:cassandra://srv-lc-presen:9161/EVENT_KS
WSO2BAM_UTIL_DATASOURCE url = jdbc:cassandra://srv-lc-presen:9161/BAM_UTIL_KS
I have tried with localhost, and srv-lc-presen.
I always get the same error:
ERROR {me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager} - Could not start connection pool for host srv-lc-presen(
[2014-05-07 12:04:24,983] WARN {me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.CassandraHostRetryService} - Downed srv-lc-presen( host still appears to be down: Unable to open transport to srv-lc-presen( , java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused
[2014-05-07 12:04:24,987] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent} - All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HectorException: All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.getClientFromLBPolicy(HConnectionManager.java:393)
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.operateWithFailover(HConnectionManager.java:249)
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.ThriftCluster.addKeyspace(ThriftCluster.java:168)
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.createKeyspaceIfNotExist(DataSourceUtils.java:80)
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSConfig(DataSourceUtils.java:92)
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSDataSource(DataSourceUtils.java:96)
NEW information
i have tried to reconfigure and i don't find the problem.
I see in BAM console this error
[2014-05-08 09:10:57,531] ERROR {me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager} - Could not start connection pool for host
[2014-05-08 09:10:57,564] ERROR {org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent} - All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
me.prettyprint.hector.api.exceptions.HectorException: All host pools marked down. Retry burden pushed out to client.
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.getClientFromLBPolicy(HConnectionManager.java:393)
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.connection.HConnectionManager.operateWithFailover(HConnectionManager.java:249)
at me.prettyprint.cassandra.service.ThriftCluster.addKeyspace(ThriftCluster.java:168)
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.createKeyspaceIfNotExist(DataSourceUtils.java:80)
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSConfig(DataSourceUtils.java:92)
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.datasource.utils.DataSourceUtils.getClusterKeyspaceFromRDBMSDataSource(DataSourceUtils.java:96)
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent.initRecordStore(NotificationDispatchComponent.java:72)
at org.wso2.carbon.bam.notification.task.internal.NotificationDispatchComponent.activate(NotificationDispatchComponent.java:64)
And in API Manager console this
[2014-05-08 09:14:52,096] ERROR - ReceiverGroup No receiver is reachable at reconnection, can't publish the events
[2014-05-08 09:14:55,102] ERROR - AsyncDataPublisher Reconnection failed for for tcp://
Please use this command at startup or edit wso2server.sh if you are not using notification feature sh wso2server.sh -Ddisable.notification.task
