Value doesn't live enough, but can't understand the reason - rust

Good day!
I'm struggling with a rust program due to a lifetime problem which I can't understand why it happens...It's a tokio thread trying to pass some data to another one using a mpsc. The argument is a &[u8], it's a buffer fulfilled by converting a String into a MessagePack with rmp. I've actually tried to refactor the code a few times, but I can't understand where to move the buffer to avoid to drop it. I can't move it outside from that scope, because it's the only part where it's required the buffer to be sent. This is the actual piece of code:
type Router<'a> = Arc<Mutex<
HashMap<u64, tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<&'a [u8]>
>>>; // <hash funzione>/<sender>
struct Mux<'a> {
routes: Router<'a>,
pub async fn init() -> Result<(), ()> {
let CONFIG_TOPIC = env::var("CONFIG_TOPIC").unwrap_or("config".into());
// Init router
let routes : Router = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
let multiplexer = Mux { routes };
// Init client MQTT
let mut client = client_factory().await;
let stream = client.get_stream(4096);
// Loop richieste
loop {
// Check connessione
if !client.is_connected() {
// Ricezione
let opt_message = stream.recv().await.unwrap();
if opt_message.is_none() {
println!("M:: None");
let message = opt_message.unwrap();
let dest_topic = message.topic().to_string();
// Estrazione contenuto
let payload = message.payload(); // it's a slice
let content = rmp::decode::read_str_from_slice(payload).unwrap().0.to_string();
// Lock del multiplexer
let mut routes = multiplexer.routes.lock().unwrap();
if dest_topic.eq(&CONFIG_TOPIC) {
// Configurazione di un nuovo topic
// Iscrizione
let _sub = client.subscribe(content.clone(), 0 as i32);
// creazione canale
let (mSender, iReceiver) = mpsc::channel::<&[u8]>(32);
// inserimento
let key = hash(&content.clone());
if !routes.contains_key(&key) {
routes.insert(key, mSender);
// spawn invoker
tokio::spawn(async move{
invoker::run(iReceiver, dest_topic).await;
// stampa stato
for (k, v) in routes.iter() {
println!("M:: |{:?}|{:?}|", k, v);
// Dispatching di una nuova richiesta
let key = hash(&dest_topic);
let sender = routes.get(&key).unwrap();
// preparazione MessagePack
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
rmp::encode::write_str(&mut buffer, &content.clone()).unwrap_or_else(|e|{
// -- UTILS --
// Funzione per calcolo di hash
fn hash<T: Hash>(t: &T) -> u64 {
let mut s = DefaultHasher::new();
t.hash(&mut s);
And this is the actual output message from cargo build:
error[E0597]: `buffer` does not live long enough
--> src/
86 | sender.send(&buffer);
| ^^^^^^^ borrowed value does not live long enough
87 | }
| - `buffer` dropped here while still borrowed
88 | }
| - borrow might be used here, when `routes` is dropped and runs the `Drop` code for type `std::sync::MutexGuard`
= note: values in a scope are dropped in the opposite order they are defined

You're creating buffer which is a Vec in line 82 inside an else block. buffer is going to go out of scope at the end of that block in line 87 and will be dropped. When it gets dropped, references to it won't be valid anymore because they'd be pointing to nothing. Because Rust doesn't allow invalid references, you can't send it across the channel.
The solution is most likely to change your Router type to accept owned Vecs instead of slices.
type Router = Arc<Mutex<
HashMap<u64, tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<Vec<u8>>
And pass your buffer in as such
// ...
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
rmp::encode::write_str(&mut buffer, &content.clone()).unwrap_or_else(|e|{
// ...
// ---------^^^^^^
// pass it by value
// ...
If you have another caller where it does make sense to pass a reference across the channel, you can use a Cow to allow for either:
type Router<'a> = Arc<Mutex<
HashMap<u64, tokio::sync::mpsc::Sender<Cow<'a, [u8]>>
In init:
// ...
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
rmp::encode::write_str(&mut buffer, &content.clone()).unwrap_or_else(|e|{
// ...
And somewhere else:


How do I tackle lifetimes in Rust?

I am having issues with the concept of lifetimes in rust. I am trying to use the crate bgpkit_parser to read in a bz2 file via url link and then create a radix trie.
One field extracted from the file is the AS Path which I have named path in my code within the build_routetable function. I am having trouble as to why rust does not like let origin = clean_path.last() which takes the last element in the vector.
fn as_parser(element: &BgpElem) -> Vec<u32> {
let x = &element.as_path.as_ref().unwrap().segments[0];
let mut as_vec = &Vec::new();
let mut as_path: Vec<u32> = Vec::new();
if let AsPathSegment::AsSequence(value) = x {
as_vec = value;
for i in as_vec {
return as_path;
fn prefix_parser(element: &BgpElem) -> String {
let subnet_id = element.prefix.prefix.ip().to_string().to_owned();
let prefix_id = element.prefix.prefix.prefix().to_string().to_owned();
let prefix = format!("{}/{}", subnet_id, prefix_id);//.as_str();
return prefix;
fn get_aspath(raw_aspath: Vec<u32>) -> Vec<u32> {
let mut as_path = Vec::new();
for i in raw_aspath {
if i < 64511 {
if as_path.contains(&i) {
else {
else if 65535 < i && i < 4000000000 {
if as_path.contains(&i) {
else {
return as_path;
fn build_routetable(mut trie4: Trie<String, Option<&u32>>, mut trie6: Trie<String, Option<&u32>>) {
let url: &str = "\
let parser = BgpkitParser::new(url).unwrap();
let mut count = 0;
for elem in parser {
if elem.elem_type == bgpkit_parser::ElemType::ANNOUNCE {
let record_timestamp = &elem.timestamp;
let record_type = "A";
let peer = &elem.peer_ip;
let prefix = prefix_parser(&elem);
let path = as_parser(&elem);
let clean_path = get_aspath(path);
// Issue is on the below line
// `clean_path` does not live long enough
// borrowed value does not live long
// enough rustc E0597
//, 9): `clean_path` dropped
// here while still borrowed
//, 91): let's call the
// lifetime of this reference `'1`
//, 17): argument requires
// that `clean_path` is borrowed for `'1`
let origin = clean_path.last(); //issue line
if prefix.contains(":") {
trie6.insert(prefix, origin);
else {
trie4.insert(prefix, origin);
if count >= 10000 {
println!("{:?} | {:?} | {:?} | {:?} | {:?}",
record_type, record_timestamp, peer, prefix, path);
println!("Trie4 size: {:?} prefixes", trie4.len());
println!("Trie6 size: {:?} prefixes", trie6.len());
Short answer: you're "inserting" a reference. But what's being referenced doesn't outlive what it's being inserted into.
Longer: The hint is your trie4 argument, the signature of which is this:
mut trie4: Trie<String, Option<&u32>>
So that lives beyond the length of the loop where things are declared. This is all in the loop:
let origin = clean_path.last(); //issue line
if prefix.contains(":") {
trie6.insert(prefix, origin);
While origin is a Vec<u32> and that's fine, the insert method is no doubt taking a String and either an Option<&u32> or a &u32. Obviously a key/value pair. But here's your problem: the value has to live as long as the collection, but your value is the last element contained in the Vec<u32>, which goes away! So you can't put something into it that will not live as long as the "container" object! Rust has just saved you from dangling references (just like it's supposed to).
Basically, your containers should be Trie<String, Option<u32>> without the reference, and then this'll all just work fine. Your problem is that the elements are references, and not just contained regular values, and given the size of what you're containing, it's actually smaller to contain a u32 than a reference (pointer size (though actually, it'll likely be the same either way, because alignment issues)).
Also of note: trie4 and trie6 will both be gone at the end of this function call, because they were moved into this function (not references or mutable references). I hope that's what you want.

How do you pass a struct that contains a String reference between threads?

In the following code snippet I am trying to create a tuple that contains a String value and a struct that contains an attribute that is set as the reference to the first value (which would be the String) in the tuple.
My question is how do I make the String (which is the first value in the tuple) live long enough.
Here is the code:
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct RefTestStruct {
key: usize,
ref_value: Option<&'static str>,
fn init3<'a>( cache: &Arc<Mutex<HashMap<usize, (String, Option<RefTestStruct>)>>> ) {
let mut handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = vec![];
for idx in 0..10 {
//create reference copy of cache
let cache_clone = Arc::clone(cache);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
//lock cache
let mut locked_cache = cache_clone.lock().unwrap();
// add new object to cache
let tuple_value = (format!("value: {}", idx), None );
let mut ts_obj =
RefTestStruct {
key: idx,
ref_value: Some( tuple_value.0.as_str() ),
tuple_value.1 = Some(ts_obj);
locked_cache.insert(idx as usize, tuple_value);
println!("IDX: {} - CACHE: {:?}", idx, locked_cache.get( &(idx as usize) ).unwrap() )
for handle in handles {
fn main() {
// init
let cache = HashMap::<usize, (String, Option<RefTestStruct>)>::new();
let am_cache = Arc::new(Mutex::new(cache));
// change cache contents
let mut handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = vec![];
for idx in 0..10 {
let cache_clone = Arc::clone(&am_cache);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut locked_cache = cache_clone.lock().unwrap();
let tuple_value = locked_cache.get_mut( &(idx as usize) ).unwrap();
(*tuple_value).0 = format!("changed value: {}", (*tuple_value).1.unwrap().key + 11);
let ts_obj =
RefTestStruct {
key: (*tuple_value).1.unwrap().key,
ref_value: Some( (*tuple_value).0.as_str() ),
tuple_value.1 = Some(ts_obj);
// locked_cache.insert(idx as usize, tuple_value);
for handle in handles {
// display cache contents
let mut handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = vec![];
for idx in 0..10 {
let cache_clone = Arc::clone(&am_cache);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let locked_cache = cache_clone.lock().unwrap();
let ts_obj = locked_cache.get( &(idx as usize) ).unwrap();
println!("IDX: {} - CACHE: {:?}", idx, &ts_obj );
for handle in handles {
error[E0597]: `tuple_value.0` does not live long enough
--> src\
215 | ref_value: Some( tuple_value.0.as_str() ),
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| |
| borrowed value does not live long enough
| argument requires that `tuple_value.0` is borrowed for `'static`
221 | });
| - `tuple_value.0` dropped here while still borrowed
How do you pass a struct that contains a String reference between threads?
First I answer the question in the caption and ignore the program you posted (And I'll try to ignore my itch to guess what you really want to do.)
I'll assume, you want to avoid unsafe in your own code. (So dependencies with unsafe code might be ok.)
To pass a reference to a thread, the reference has to live as long as the thread will live.
Your options:
Have a 'static lifetime on your reference.
Use threads which have a non 'static lifetime.
Regarding 1. have a 'static lifetime on the reference.
So now the questions changed into, how to obtain a reference to
a String with 'static lifetime.
We can't use a constant, as we can't initialize it.
This leaves us with the possibility to Box the String and leak it.
But of course, this leaks memory, as the String can't be dropped any more. Also you get a &'mut String out
of it, so only one thread can have it at a time and after being
done with it, pass it on. So to me it looks like it is essentially
the same you could do with the owned value of type String too,
so why bother and risk the memory leak. (Putting a Arc<Mutex<..>> around it, is also "same you coud do with the owned value".).
Other methods might exist, which I am not aware of.
Regarding 2. Use threads which have a non `'static' lifetime.
These are called scoped threads and guarantee, that the thread exits,
before the lifetime ends. These are not in standard rust yet, but there
are crates implementing those (I guess using unsafe).
For example crossbeam offers an implementation of this.
Looking at your program though, I guess you want to have long lived
The program you posted and what you probably want to achieve.
The program you posted has a different issue besides.
You try to create a self referential value in your cache. As far as I know, this is not possible in rust, without using a shared ownership tool, like Arc.
If you try to use a plain Arc, the access would be read only and users of the cache could only change, which String the cache entry points to, but not the "pointed to" String itself.
So If one user replaced the Arc<String> in the cache, other threads would still have a reference to the "old" String and don't see the changed value. But I guess that is what you want to achieve.
But that is a conceptual problem, you can't have unsynchronized read access to a value, which can then be mutated concurrently (by whatever means).
So, if you want to have the ability to change the value with all prior users being able to see it, this leaves you with Mutex or RWLock depending on the access pattern, you are anticipating.
A solution using Arc<String> with the aforementioned defects:
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use std::thread::{self, JoinHandle};
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
struct RefTestStruct {
key: usize,
_ref_value: Arc<String>,
type Cache = HashMap<usize, (Arc<String>, RefTestStruct)>;
type AmCache = Arc<Mutex<Cache>>;
fn init3(cache: &AmCache) {
let mut handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = vec![];
for idx in 0..10_usize {
//create reference copy of cache
let cache_clone = Arc::clone(cache);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
//lock cache
let mut locked_cache = cache_clone.lock().unwrap();
// add new object to cache
let s = Arc::new(format!("value: {}", idx));
let ref_struct = RefTestStruct {
key: idx,
_ref_value: s.clone(),
let tuple_value = (s, ref_struct);
locked_cache.insert(idx, tuple_value);
"IDX: {} - CACHE: {:?}",
for handle in handles {
fn main() {
// init
let cache = Cache::new();
let am_cache = Arc::new(Mutex::new(cache));
// change cache contents
let mut handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = vec![];
for idx in 0..10_usize {
let cache_clone = Arc::clone(&am_cache);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let mut locked_cache = cache_clone.lock().unwrap();
let tuple_value = locked_cache.get_mut(&idx).unwrap();
let new_key = tuple_value.1.key + 11;
let new_s = Arc::new(format!("changed value: {}", new_key));
(*tuple_value).1 = RefTestStruct {
key: new_key,
_ref_value: new_s.clone(),
(*tuple_value).0 = new_s;
for handle in handles {
// display cache contents
let mut handles: Vec<JoinHandle<()>> = vec![];
for idx in 0..10_usize {
let cache_clone = Arc::clone(&am_cache);
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
let locked_cache = cache_clone.lock().unwrap();
let ts_obj = locked_cache.get(&idx).unwrap();
println!("IDX: {} - CACHE: {:?}", idx, &ts_obj);
for handle in handles {
I am sure it is not difficult to derive the Arc<Mutex<String>> version from that, if desired.
That would not be as pointless, as one might think. The Mutex around the cache protects the HashMap for insertion and deletion. And the Mutex around the String values, protects the string values themselves and can be locked indepently of the Mutex around the HashMap. Usual caveats apply, if you ever need both locks at the same time, lock them in the same order always, or risk a deadlock.

What's the proper way to use variables defined in the main thread in a child thread in Rust?

I'm new to Rust and still reading the Rust book. Below is my program.
use clap::{App, Arg};
type GenericError = Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync + 'static>;
type GenericResult<T> = Result<T, GenericError>;
fn main() -> GenericResult<()> {
let matches = App::new("test")
let latency_present = matches.is_present("latency");
let latency = matches.value_of("latency").unwrap_or("1000:10,300:30");
let latency_pairs: Vec<&str> = latency.split(",").collect();
let checker = std::thread::spawn(move || -> GenericResult<()>{
loop {
if latency_present {
for (i, latency_pair) in latency_pairs.iter().enumerate() {
// let latency_pair: Vec<&str> = latency_pair.split(":").collect();
// let latency = latency_pair[0].parse::<f64>().unwrap();
When I run it, it tells me this:
error[E0597]: `matches` does not live long enough
--> src\
14 | let latency = matches.value_of("latency").unwrap_or("1000:10,300:30");
| ^^^^^^^--------------------
| |
| borrowed value does not live long enough
| argument requires that `matches` is borrowed for `'static`
30 | }
| - `matches` dropped here while still borrowed
I don't quite understand the error messages here. But I guess it's because I use latency_pairs in the checker thread and latency_pairs could get dropped while checker is still executing. Is my understanding correct? How to fix the error? I tried for (i, latency_pair) in latency_pairs.clone().iter().enumerate() { in order to pass a cloned value for the thread, but it doesn't help.
latency_pairs holds references into latency which in turn references matches. Thus cloning latency_pairs just clones the references into latency and matches.
Your code would require that latency's type is &'static str but it's actually &'a str where 'a is bound to matches' lifetime.
You can call to_owned() on latency to get an owned value and split the string inside the closure or you can call to_owned() on each of the splits collected in latency_pairs and move that Vec<String> into the closure:
let latency_pairs: Vec<String> = latency.split(",").map(ToOwned::to_owned).collect();
let checker = std::thread::spawn(move || -> GenericResult<()>{
loop {
if latency_present {
for (i, latency_pair) in latency_pairs.iter().enumerate() {
// let latency_pair: Vec<&str> = latency_pair.split(":").collect();
// let latency = latency_pair[0].parse::<f64>().unwrap();
If you need to use latency_pairs outside of the closure, you can clone it before moving it into the closure:
let latency_pairs: Vec<String> = latency.split(",").map(ToOwned::to_owned).collect();
let latency_pairs_ = latency_pairs.clone();
let checker = std::thread::spawn(move || -> GenericResult<()>{
loop {
if latency_present {
for (i, latency_pair) in latency_pairs_.iter().enumerate() {
// let latency_pair: Vec<&str> = latency_pair.split(":").collect();
// let latency = latency_pair[0].parse::<f64>().unwrap();
println!("{:?}", latency_pairs);

How to fix use of moved value in Rust?

I am trying to convert a yaml file to xml using Rust and I am not able to figure out how to fix this error regarding the use of moved value. I think I understand why this error is coming, but haven't got a clue about what to do next.
Here's the code:
struct Element {
element_name: String,
indentation_count: i16,
struct Attribute<'a> {
attribute_name: &'a str,
attribute_value: &'a str,
fn convert_yaml_to_xml(content: String, indentation_count: i16) -> String {
let mut xml_elements: Vec<Element> = vec![];
let mut attributes: Vec<Attribute> = vec![];
xml_elements.push(Element {element_name: "xmlRoot".to_string(), indentation_count: -1});
let mut target: Vec<u8> = Vec::new();
let mut xml_data_writer = EmitterConfig::new().perform_indent(true).create_writer(&mut target);
let mut attribute_written_flag = false;
let mut xml_event;
xml_event = XmlEvent::start_element("xmlRoot");
for line in content.lines() {
let current_line = line.trim();
let caps = indentation_count_regex.captures(current_line).unwrap();
let current_indentation_count = caps.get(1).unwrap().as_str().to_string().len() as i16;
if ELEMENT_REGEX.is_match(current_line) {
loop {
let current_attribute_option = attributes.pop();
match current_attribute_option {
Some(current_attribute_option) => {
xml_event.attr(current_attribute_option.attribute_name, current_attribute_option.attribute_value)
None => {
// Checking if the line is an element
let caps = ELEMENT_REGEX.captures(current_line).unwrap();
let element_name = caps.get(2);
let xml_element_struct = Element {
indentation_count: current_indentation_count,
element_name: element_name.unwrap().as_str().to_string(),
xml_event = XmlEvent::start_element(element_name.unwrap().as_str());
attribute_written_flag = false;
} else if ATTR_REGEX.is_match(current_line) {
// Checking if the line is an attribute
let caps = ATTR_REGEX.captures(current_line).unwrap();
let attr_name = caps.get(2);
let attr_value = caps.get(3);
// Saving attributes to a stack
attributes.push(Attribute{ attribute_name: attr_name.unwrap().as_str(), attribute_value: attr_value.unwrap().as_str() });
// xml_event.attr(attr_name.unwrap().as_str(), attr_value.unwrap().as_str());
}/* else if NEW_ATTR_SET_REGEX.is_match(current_line) {
let caps = NEW_ATTR_SET_REGEX.captures(current_line).unwrap();
let new_attr_set_name = caps.get(2);
let new_attr_set_value = caps.get(3);
current_xml_hash.insert("name".to_string(), new_attr_set_name.unwrap().as_str().to_string());
current_xml_hash.insert("value".to_string(), new_attr_set_value.unwrap().as_str().to_string());
} */
if attribute_written_flag {
for item in xml_elements.iter() {
let event = XmlEvent::end_element();
let event_name = item.element_name.to_string();
println!("{:?}", target);
return "".to_string();
And here's the error:
error[E0382]: use of moved value: `xml_event`
--> src/
65 | let mut xml_event;
| ------------- move occurs because `xml_event` has type `StartElementBuilder<'_>`, which does not implement the `Copy` trait
77 | xml_event.attr(current_attribute_option.attribute_name, current_attribute_option.attribute_value)
| ^^^^^^^^^ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- `xml_event` moved due to this method call, in previous iteration of loop
note: this function takes ownership of the receiver `self`, which moves `xml_event`
--> /Users/defiant/.cargo/registry/src/
193 | pub fn attr<N>(mut self, name: N, value: &'a str) -> StartElementBuilder<'a>
| ^^^^
From XmlEvent::start_element() documentation we see that it produces a StartElementBuilder<'a>.
From StartElementBuilder<'a>::attr() documentation we see that it consumes the StartElementBuilder<'a> (the first parameter is self, not &mut self) and produces a new StartElementBuilder<'a> (which is probably similar to self but considers the expected effect of .attr()).
This approach is known as the consuming builder pattern, which is used in Rust (for example std::thread::Builder).
The typical usage of such an approach consists in chaining the function calls: something.a().b().c().d() such as something is consumed by a(), its result is consumed by b(), the same about c() and finally d() does something useful with the last result.
The alternative would be to use mutable borrows in order to modify in place something but dealing with mutable borrows is known as difficult in some situations.
In your case, you can just reassign the result of .attr() to xml_event because otherwise the .attr() function would have no effect (its result is discarded) and xml_event would become unusable because it is consumed; reassigning it makes it usable again afterwards (at least i guess, i didn't try).

rust - Send data from function argument (from a thread) into mpsc channel

I'm trying to handle TcpStream using threads in a Rust program (a tcp server). I want to keep tracks of currents clients connections in a HashMap using an Arc<Mutex<HashMap>>.
When a thread is finished, to remove the connection from the HashMap, I thought about using an uuid, passed to the function used to handle the stream. Like this it could be send inside a mpsc channel to the main thread and then remove the connection from the HashMap.
The code from the main thread :
let clients_streams = Arc::new(Mutex::new(HashMap::new()));
// Server thread. Create channel
let (server_sender, server_receiver) = mpsc::channel();
loop {
for stream in server_socket.incoming() {
let clients_streams = Arc::clone(&clients_streams);
let server_sender = server_sender.clone();
let mut cs = clients_streams.lock().unwrap();
match stream {
Ok(stream) => {
let mut cs = clients_streams.lock().unwrap();
let uuid = Uuid::new_v4().to_string();
cs.insert(uuid.clone(), stream.try_clone());
thread::spawn(move || {
handle_client(stream, server_sender.clone(), uuid.clone());
Err(err) => thread::spawn(move || {
println!("Connection failed : {}", err);
The handle_client function :
fn handle_client<'a>(stream: TcpStream, sender: mpsc::Sender<&'a [u8]>, uuid: String) {
let mut reader = BufReader::new(&stream);
let mut writer = BufWriter::new(&stream);
// Read from client
loop {
let mut resp = Vec::new();
let read_bytes = reader.read_until(b'\n', &mut resp);
match read_bytes {
Ok(read_bytes) => {
if read_bytes == 0 {
let msg = format!("end of {}", uuid);
println!("connection closed by remote");
Err(err) => match err.kind() {
io::ErrorKind::Interrupted => continue,
_ => break,
This code doesn't compile, it shows this error but I don't understand how to resolve it. The variable msg doesn't live long enough, because of the uuid inside of it, but why ? I had to add the lifetime because I'm sending uuid inside the channel.
fn handle_client<'a>(stream: TcpStream, sender: mpsc::Sender<&'a [u8]>, uuid: String) {
-- lifetime `'a` defined here
| |
| borrowed value does not live long enough
argument requires that `msg` is borrowed for `'a`
- `msg` dropped here while still borrowed
Uuid does not affect msg because format macro creates a clean new String. You are trying to send a &[u8] (this is what as_bytes() return). You need to find a way to remove this reference. (maybe this something like How to convert from &[u8] to Vec<u8>?) You can also share references with Rc.
PS: this more a comment than an answer but I can't post answers
