How to match `<<` only at the beginning of every line? - vim

I want to search << at the beginning of the lines in the following text.
The result I expect are << in the first line and the 4th line , not include 3rd line .
I tried to use \<<< to match prefix . But it is useless . What should I do ?
Thank you .

To match the beginning of a line, use the atom ^. This should do what you want:


Keep just the last 10 characters of a line

I have a file which is as following
!J INCé0001438823
#1 PAINTBALL CORPé0001433777
$ LLCé0001427189
$AVY, INC.é0001655250
& S MEDIA GROUP LLCé0001447162
I just want to keep the last 10 characters of each line so that it becomes as following:-
: ex-commaned
% entire file
s/ substitute
.* anything (greedy)
. followed by any character
\{10\} exactly 10 of them
\( \) put them in a match group
/ replace with
\1 said match group
I would treat this as a shell script problem. Enter the following in vim:
:%! rev|cut -c1-10|rev
The :%! will pipe the entire buffer through the following filter, and then the filter comes straight from here.
for a single line you could use:
$ go to end of line
9h go 9 characters left
d0 delete to beginning of line
Assuming the é character appears only once in a line, and only before your target ten digits, then this would seem to work:
:% s/^.*é//
: command
% all lines
s/ / substitute (i.e., search-and-replace) the stuff between / and /
^ search from beginning of line,
. including any character (wildcard),
* any number of the preceding character,
é finding "é";
// replace with the stuff between / and / (i.e., nothing)
Note that you can type the é character by using ctrl-k e' (control-k, then e, then apostrophe, without spaces). On my system at least, this works in insert mode and when typing the "substitute" command. (To see the list of characters you can invoke with the ctrl-k "digraph" feature, use :dig or :digraph.

Partial replace with sed command

We have a filewith some utf-16 decimal characters and we would like to replace them in the following manner
Test Line in a file \u343- ? some random words \u1233? 300 \u241? \u208?\cell
The required out put is
Test Line in a file \u343- ? some random words UTF16-1233| 300 UTF16-241| UTF16-208|\cell
The requirement is to change \u[0-9]+? to UTF16-[0-9]+|
Replace the initial \u to UTF16- and the ending ? with a pipe |.
Please note if there is any non digit character between \u and ? it should not be considered
Using sed to modify the file in place, you can:
Match \\u([0-9]+)\?:
Match a literal \u, match and capture one or more digits, match a literal ?.
Replace UTF16-\1:
Replace with the string UTF16- followed by the captured group.
$ sed -i -E 's/\\u([0-9]+)\?/UTF16-\1|/g' file
$ cat file
Test Line in a file \u343- ? some random words UTF16-1233| 300 UTF16-241| UTF16-208|\cell

Replace specific string contains new line at end with new string in notepad++

In text file,
_MACRO_CALL (param)
I need to replace _MACRO_CALL(only First line) by _MACRO_CALL;
How to do this?
Find what: _MACRO_CALL\K$
Replace with: ;
CHECK Match case
CHECK Wrap around
CHECK Regular expression
Replace all
_MACRO_CALL # literally
\K # forget all we have seen until this position
$ # end of line
Screenshot (before):
Screenshot (after):

How to insert original line number in g/pattern/move

vim: insert original line number in g/pattern/move $
I'm debugging some event order in a log and like to check two set of events sequence by the line number of the showing log. Usually, I used g/pattern/move $ for some interesting info. But I cannot find a way to insert the original line number of them. Please help.
I tried :
g/pattern/move $; printf("%d",line("."))
but it does not work.
Can't help thinking of something very straightforward, for example:
g/pattern/call append(line('$'), line('.') . ' ' . getline('.'))
A slightly different way but I have following mapping in my _vimrc
nnoremap <F3> :redir! #f<cr>:silent g//<cr>:redir! END<cr>:enew!<cr>:put! f<cr>:let #f=#/<cr>:g/^$/d<cr>:let #/=#f<cr>gg
It opens a new buffer with all your search matches, including the linenumbers where the match occured.
I have figured out a way to insert at first the line number on the lines that have the pattern and after that moving the same lines to the end of the file:
:%s,\v^\ze.*pattern,\=line('.') . ' ' ,g | g/pattern/m$
We have two commands:
:%s,\v^\ze.*pattern,\=line('.') . ' ' ,g
, ....................... we are using comma as delimiter
\v ...................... very magic substitution
^ ....................... Regular expression for beginning of line
\ze ..................... indicates that all after it will not be substituted
\=line('.') ............. gets the line number
. ' ' .................. concatenates one space after the number
The second command is separated with |
m$ ....................... moves the pattern to the end of file

perl: print remaining string only if there is no character before the matched value.

The following prints the entire content of the line after "B. "
perl -ne'print if /B[.] (.*)/s' $string > file
How can I match/print the line only if there is no other character before the "B. "? In other words, if there is a character before the "B. " ie. "TAB." skip the line / do not print.
The correct "B." is always on a new line, the only correct line to match appears as follows:
B. some text here
A regex with a leading carat indicates that the expression should match only if it is the first item on the line. The pattern /^B[.] (.*)/s should get you the result you're looking for.
Put ^ in front of the B. It means match the word starts with B. So your regex should be /^B\. (.*)/. Then no need you s flag in your pattern match.
