Windows command prompt quickly disappears - python-3.x

I installed Python 3.8.10 on my work desktop today, and I need to install some packages using pip. When I run the line that is supposed to install these packages, nothing happened, so to test if pip was working I typed in pip -h. The output I would expect from this command appears in another command prompt window for a split second and then quickly disappears. I typed in another command unrelated to pip (just checked my current directory), and the output appeared in the same window as it normally would. Does anyone know what is happening?
Picture of the window that pops up and disappears after a split second when using pip -h


How to open conda shell in mac

I am new to conda and mac (i mostly use Ubuntu and pip). Is there a conda shell on mac (I guess I read somewhere that there is none).
If that is the case, how am I suppose to run command like:
conda env create -f environment.yml
as asked here:
I opened Anaconda Navigator then > Environment > Create > import > and in Specification File gave path of above environment.yml file.
Is the above step correct?
Is there a way to do this via shell in Mac? (I am using macOS Catalina Version 10.15.3)
I am not a Mac user, but I think you can run anaconda commands directly from the terminal, just like in Ubuntu. There's no anaconda prompt in Mac.
I was having the same problem. I opened the Anaconda Navigator program. I clicked on "Environments." Under the working environment, I clicked the right arrow and one of the options was "Open Terminal." When the terminal opened using this sequence, I was able to use the conda commands. Like you I am using Mac OS Catalina.
if in case you have clicked no during conda installation when it asked if it should be added to path or you just can't access it on your terminal for any other reason:
Run this conda update anaconda-navigator in your terminal.
But most likely it won't work because you don't have access of conda in your shell. What you have to do is run one at time the following steps in your terminal.
nano ~/.bash_profile
export PATH=/usr/local/anaconda3/bin:$PATH
source ~/.bash_profile
Then try:
And finally make sure you exited your anaconda navigator, then run this:
conda update anaconda-navigator
This should do it, but if in case don't work out try to install homebrew in your Mac then repeat the steps.
On installing anaconda on mac it may install conda in the zsh shell. So you may want to test starting the zsh.
$ zsh
and it should start the terminal with the (base)
(base)$ conda --version
Never hurts to double check.

Can't install Spyder through Anaconda Navigator

I cannot install Spyder through Anaconda Navigator. I am a complete beginner when it comes to Python and I have no idea what's going wrong.
I have to create a new environment and open a project there.
What I did so far is: through Anaconda Navigator (1.9.7) I created a new environment (with Python 3.6). Then, for this specific environment I try to install Spyder. I click the 'install' button, a progress bar appears and then nothing happens.
I tried the same steps on friend's laptop and when I click install there, the progress bar also appears. When it's done the 'install' button changes to 'launch'. The only difference that I see between our computers is that I have Windows10 and he has a Macbook. I don't know whether this could be the problem somehow.
How can I install Spyder for a specific environment? What's going wrong with my installation in Anaconda Navigator?
Also, when I try to install Spyder through Anaconda Prompt (with Administrator privileges), I get the following error:
Preparing transaction: done
Verifying transaction: done
Executing transaction: failed
ERROR An error occurred while installing package 'defaults::openssl-1.1.1b-he774522_1'.
PermissionError(13, 'Permission denied')
Attempting to roll back.
Rolling back transaction: done
[Errno 13] Permission denied: 'C:\\Users\\eweli\\Anaconda3\\envs\\HAABSA\\Library\\bin\\libssl-1_1-x64.dll'
I managed to solve this by going to the directory where the file libssl-1_1-x64.dll is located (in your case, C:\Users\eweli\Anaconda3\envs\HAABSA\Library\bin\). Then, I removed the file (by cutting and pasting it to the desktop, just to be safe) and ran the installation command again in an Anaconda prompt (with admin rights):
conda install -c anaconda spyder
After that, the installation went smoothly and a new version of libssl-1_1-x64.dll was created in the corresponding directory (thus I deleted the one I moved previously).
To install spyder, go to the command line and to the directory where you work. Activate your virtual environment by typing
conda activate environment_name
Then once that returns just type
conda install spyder
This should install spyder in your virtual environment.
I had the same issue today, and weirdly a lot of versions didn't work out for me. However, what worked was to go to anaconda prompt, activate the environment and then type
conda install -c conda-forge spyder
Go the directory of your environement in terminal and type :
conda install -c anaconda spyder
it worked well for me.

Windows crashes whenever I run pip -V in the CMD

Whenever I run pip -V in the cmd my windows computer gets the blue frowny face appears.
I have previously run the python command and see that it is installed. Also, during set up of python 3.7 I installed pip. So naturally i uninstalled it and installed pip again using the script.
You say that python is in good shape, yet pip is not.
Simply run this synonym:
python -m pip -V
You may want to track down where the pip & python commands are coming from,
and how they managed to get out of sync.
From a cygwin bash prompt you can certainly do $ which pip.
On some win10 hosts you may be able to do C:\> where pip.
From Power Shell, PS\> Get-Command pip should display what you need to know.

pip not working in python 3.5 on Windows 7

I have installed python 3.5 on my Windows 7 machine. When I installed it, I marked the check box to install pip. After the installation, I wanted to check whether pip was working, so I typed pip on the command line and hit enter, but did not respond. The cursor blinks but it does not display anything.
Please help.
Add the Script folder of python to your environment path
or you can do this from command line:
python -m pip install package-name
go the windows cmd prompt
go to the python directory
then type python -m pip install package-name
run it at the cmd window, not inside the python window. it took me forever to realize my mistake.
I was having the same problem on Windows 10, This is how I fix it:
Click the search icon and type System Environment
In System Properties click on Environment Variables
In System Variables tab click New
Enter PYTHON3_SCRIPTS for the variable name and C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\Scripts for Variable Value. Don't forget to change (YOUR USER NAME) in the path with your user, And to change your Python version or just go to this path to check it C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python
Click OK
Click NEW again!
Enter PYTHON3_HOME for the variable name and C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38-32\ for Variable Value. Don't forget to change (YOUR USER NAME) in the path with your user, And to change your Python version or just go to this path to check it C:\Users\YOUR USER NAME\AppData\Local\Programs\Python
Click OK
Find Path in the same tab select it and click Edit
Click New and type %PYTHON3_SCRIPTS% Then click OK
Now, everything is set. Restart your Terminal and pip should be working now.
I had the same problem with Version 3.5.2.
Have you tried py.exe -m install package-name? This worked for me.
As soon as you open a command prompt, use:
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install <<package-name>>
If you are working in Pycharm, an easy way is go to file>setting>project interpreter. Click on the + icon you will find on right side probably and then search and install required library.
For those with several python versions of python 3 installed in windows: I solved this issue by executing the pip install command directly from my python35 Scripts folder in cmd...for some reason pip3 pointed to python 34 even though python 35 was set first in environmental variables.
I had the issue, and answered this same question sometimes ago. Do open a cmd if in windows OS or linux OS with admistrative privilege. Then python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install <>
Working on windows and above version than 3.0
First upgrade pip to pip3 by following command:
pip3 install --upgrade setuptools pip
Then install maximum package by following command:
pip3 install <package_name>
I never wrote all package because some package not support to pip or pip3 command.

How to install pygame windows 10?

I just tried to install pygame for python 3.4 my windows computer, but apparently I need to extract the whl file? I have seen other questions like this one on stackoverflow and it says to write in commant prompt:
pip install package-name.whl
However, when I tried this, I got in return:
'pip' is not recognized as an internal of external command, operable program, or batch file.
Is this because I have Windows 10? Please help!
For me this command works.->py -m pip install -U pygame --user
But first, make sure you properly configure your environment variables.
This tutorial will help you how to setup environment variables for python, make sure you do it correctly only step 2 ,no need to do any other steps from this tutorial, now you can follow my steps that were listed below. I will assume that you have already installed python in your computer
Search for cmd and Right click on cmd and do run as administrator.
Run the command, py -m pip install -U pygame --user, but before you run this command first of all make sure you configure your environment variables properly.
Type python in command prompt, this will take you to the python command line which will look like this ">>>".If not then you have a problem with your system variables.
Make sure you are in python command line and then type import pygame,and after this press ctrl+z and enter that will take you out from python command line.
Make sure you are not in python command line and then run this command py -m pygame.examples.aliens,if the game starts then congrats you are done.
It can be possible that the pip/ wheel is not installed
follow this link to install pip link
If already installed maked sure it is updated if not
You can use this code to update: python –m ensurepip –-upgrade or pip install --upgrade pip
To install wheel pip install wheel or upgrade pip install wheel --upgrade
once this is done you are good to install pygame
At the command line, make sure you’re in the same directory as the .whl file and run
pip install package-name.whl
The issue is your pip isn't working correctly. To make sure it works, go to this folder C:\Python34\Scripts in windows explorer, hold shift and then right click. press 'open command prompt' here and then try to run pip.
That error occurs when the command entered, pip in this case, isn't found.
I just got pygame working on Windows 10 with these steps.
Download pygame-1.9.2a0-cp35-none-win32.whl from UCI.
Run the cmd shell and enter
> cd C:\Users\<me>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\Scripts
> pip install C:\Users\<me>\Downloads\pygame-1.9.2a0-cp35-none-win32.whl
Start the Python 3.5 console. Therein enter
import pygame
No errors from either means that Pygame is ready for your command.
pip install pygame
that's all you need, just remember to use it correctly in your code
assuming that you have pip installed. You can run:
pip install pygame
in command prompt or a simulated terminal.
If you don't have pip already installed, please refer to this: (hope I helped!)
I updated my pip, then ran the command prompt (cmd) as adminstrator, then I issued a python command:
-m pip install pygame
And it installed pygame.
