Combining two methods of MFA in Azure B2C - azure-ad-b2c

I'm interested in whether I can configure both methods of 2FA for my app in B2C? So that a user can then choose how he wants to sign in: with MFA via SMS or via authenticator app


Azure AD B2C MFA and remember device

How to login with MFA to a AZURE AD B2C App using the login url(URL given below) provided by microsoft?
Do we have any URL to validate users login with MFA Azure AD B2C?<tenant>/oauth2/v2.0/token
That URL is only part of the flow.
The whole flow is here.
The easiest way to achieve this is to use one of the MSAL libraries.
MFA is not part of the OpenID Connect flow.
You have to add it.

Has a way to enable Microsoft Authenticator in Azure AD B2C?

In my project, this a fundamental part of project. Windows Hello for Bussiness and MS Authenticator is secure and easily to use, the goal here is enable this in Azure B2C SUSI to increment safety and provide a fast way to SignIn for user.
The point is, has a way to do that in B2C? Replace normal password to a paswordless way authentiation
There is a possibility to achieve Multi factor authentication using Authenticator app. It is documented and a sample is provider here: Azure AD B2C: TOTP multi-factor authentication
With Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) B2C, you can integrate TOTP-based Multi-Factor Authentication so that you can add a second layer of security to sign-up and sign-in experiences in your consumer-facing applications. This requires using custom policy and custom REST API endpoint. If you already created sign-up and sign-in policies, you can still enable Multi-Factor Authentication.
Below is the user auth flow using TOTP:
At this time, MS does not support primary Auth using Authenticator for B2C. You can request this via the Azure AD B2C forum in
SMS and Phone verification are the options available as of now.

Use SMS feature of Azure AD B2C

We have a requirement wherein we need to send SMS using AAD B2C. We are not using AAD B2C pages. We understand that by using custom policies we can use the SMS feature but how to return the control to the application after SMS generation and validation is done by AAD B2C. The UI is rendered by application.
Please help.
AAD B2C does not provide capabilities to use SMS via an API. You must use the AAD B2C pages to perform MFA or Email verification.

Combine Azure ad b2c and Azure MFA

Is it possible to combine Azure ad b2c and Azure MFA so users can use push notifications and TOTP codes in the MS authenticator app? If so how?
Apart of enabling MFA that uses SMS and voice calls which is supported and doesn't require any additional development, you can integrate TOTP-based Multi-Factor Authentication with Azure AD B2C.
This involves an additional development:
Custom policy to support TOTP flow.
Simple web-client (for presenting a page with QR code and reading user's input).
Two custom REST API endpoints (for generating secret key, QR code and validating TOTP code).
flow with TOTP MFA:
For more details, please refer to Microsoft Azure AD B2C: TOTP multi-factor authentication sample implementation Github project.
Azure AD B2C supports MFA out of the box using voice calls and SMS.
Authenticator or TOTP is not currently supported but in the backlog.
I did not try AD B2C, but technically it seems possible refer to the links.
If you properly setup Azure AD B2C, you can add new account in Microsoft Authenticator App > Add account > (your AD url and code).
I’ve used AD with MS Authenticator App in my company and it worked well. So, Azure AD B2C could provide it also.

Azure AD B2C won't logout Facebook

When using Facebook as the IDP for Azure AD B2C, it appears that B2C isn't using the FB SDK correctly.
Using FB's guidelines found here, I would expect scenario 2 and 3 below to log out of Facebook:
A person logs into Facebook, then logs into your app. Upon logging
out from your app, the person is still logged into Facebook.
A person logs into your app and into Facebook as part of your app's
login flow. Upon logging out from your app, the user is also logged
out of Facebook.
A person logs into another app and into Facebook as part of the
other app's login flow, then logs into your app. Upon logging out
from either app, the user is logged out of Facebook.
When we log out of our application, Facebook is staying logged in, which is NOT the desired behaviour.
Similar question was asked previously on Technet.
Is there a way to make this happen, or is this feature on the B2C roadmap?
Azure AD B2C does not support signing you out from the external identity provider, be it Facebook, Google or a custom OIDC/SAML/WS-Fed identity provider. It only signs you out from Azure AD B2C.
Currently, Azure AD B2C does not disambiguate whether you were already signed-in to the external identity provider or signed in to it as part of signing in to Azure AD B2C, so it can only either always keep you signed in or always sign you out. The latter option is rather invasive, thus Azure AD B2C opts for keeping you signed in, which is in line with Facebook's #1 guideline.
You can request support for this more advanced detection and sign out logic via the Azure AD B2C feedback forum.
Note: This question is similar to: Azure AD B2C OpenID Connect single logout with WS-Federation and SAML claims provider
