Azure devops artefact retention - azure

I’ve got a mono repo, which has 10 separate CICD pipelines written in yaml.
I’ve noticed lately that we’ve lost a vast number of runs, and some of them had successful production releases.
Am I right in thinking that the project rententiob settings applies to all pipelines? Rather than individual?
I’ve been reading on the ms website and I think in order to retain them going forward, I have to use the API via a powershell script.
I assume the said script needs to run after a successful deployment to production.
I’m quite surprised that there isn’t a global option to say ‘keep all production releases’

The project Retention policy settings will be applied to all pipeline runs not individual. So you could not use this setting to retention specific successful production releases directly.
To achieve this, you could use the PowerShell script to retention these specific runs with "Condition". Add the PowerShell script as the last task of your deployment to check if this one needs to be retained. Refer to this official doc:
Here is an example to retention forever based on condition:
- powershell: |
   $contentType = "application/json";
   $headers = #{ Authorization = 'Bearer $(System.AccessToken)' };
   $rawRequest = #{ daysValid = 365000 ; definitionId = $(System.DefinitionId); ownerId = 'User:$(Build.RequestedForId)'; protectPipeline = $false; runId = $(Build.BuildId) };
   $request = ConvertTo-Json #($rawRequest);
   $uri = "$(System.CollectionUri)$(System.TeamProject)/_apis/build/retention/leases?api-version=6.0-preview.1";
   Invoke-RestMethod -uri $uri -method POST -Headers $headers -ContentType $contentType -Body $request;
  displayName: 'PowerShell Script'
  condition: {Your customize condition}


Can part of the a Multi-stage yaml be classified as Release pipeline?

For my team where we have partner teams providing us SW pieces that need to be integrated on HW systems and tested together, our code footprint is small and hence churn is small, while number of changes from partner teams is frequent. In such a scenario, I see the need to trigger the release part of the yaml many more times than the build part. Is multi-stage pipelines the way to go? I want to trigger new release instances using RestAPI invoke only the Release stages on the YAML file, using AzureDevOps Rest API.
You don't have to use multi-stage pipelines to be able to trigger repeated releases, it just makes the management of the pipeline cleaner.
It's possible to create a pipeline that include a build stage and release stages for each of your environments, trigger the build stage (manually or based on a CI trigger), and then from that Pipeline "Run", deploy as many times as you see fit to whatever environments you like. That can be done from API or portal.
It's also possible to create a pipeline that is "release-only" - that is, it gets created manually, or as the result of seeing a specified build having been run.
Personally, I like the multi-stage build because it's a little easier to see what build created the release that you're deploying around. It's not a requirement, though.

Self hosted azure agent - how to configure pipelines to share the same build folder

We have a self-hosted build agent on an on-prem server.
We typically have a large codebase, and in the past followed this mechanism with TFS2013 build agents:
Daily check-ins were built to c:\work\tfs\ (taking about 5 minutes)
Each night a batch file would run that did the same build to those folders, using the same sources (they were already 'latest' from the CI build), and build the installers. Copy files to a network location, and send an email to the team detailing the build success/failures. (Taking about 40 minutes)
The key thing there is that for the nightly build there would be no need to get the latest sources, and the disk space required wouldn't grow much. Just by the installer sizes.
To replicate this with Azure Devops, I created two pipelines.
One pipeline that did the CI using MSBuild tasks in the classic editor- works great
Another pipeline in the classic editor that runs our existing powershell script, scheduled at 9pm - works great
However, even though my agent doesn't support parallel builds what's happening is that:
The CI pipeline's folder is c:\work\1\
The Nightly build folder is c:\work\2\
This doubles the amount of disk space we need (10gb to 20gb)
They are the same code files, just built differently.
I have struggled to find a way to say to the agent "please use the same sources folder for all pipelines"
What setting is this, as we have to pay our service provider for extra GB storage otherwise.
Or do I need to change my classic pipelines into Yaml and somehow conditionally branch the build so it knows it's being scheduled and do something different?
Or maybe, stop using a Pipeline for the scheduled build, and use task scheduler in Windows as before?
(I did try looking for the same question - I'm sure I can't be the only one).
There is "workingDirectory" directive available for running scripts in pipeline. This link has details of this -
The number '1' '2'...'6' of work folder c:\work\1\, c:\work\2\... c:\work\6\ in your build agent which stands for a particular pipeline.
The local path on the agent where all folders for a given build
pipeline are created. This variable has the same value as
Pipeline.Workspace. For example: /home/vsts/work/1
If you have two pipelines, there will also be two corresponding work folders. It's an except behavior. We could not configure pipelines to share the same build folde. This is by designed.
If you need to use less disk space to save cost, afraid stop using a Pipeline for the scheduled build, and use task scheduler in Windows as before is a better way.

Azure Data Factory V2 multiple environments like in SSIS

I'm coming from a long SSIS background, we're looking to use Azure data factory v2 but I'm struggling to find any (clear) way of working with multiple environments. In SSIS we would have project parameters tied to the Visual Studio project configuration (e.g. development/test/production etc...) and say there were 2 parameters for SourceServerName and DestinationServerName, these would point to different servers if we were in development or test.
From my initial playing around I can't see any way to do this in data factory. I've searched google of course, but any information I've found seems to be around CI/CD then talks about Git 'branches' and is difficult to follow.
I'm basically looking for a very simple explanation and example of how this would be achieved in Azure data factory v2 (if it is even possible).
It works differently. You create an instance of data factory per environment and your environments are effectively embedded in each instance.
So here's one simple approach:
Create three data factories: dev, test, prod
Create your linked services in the dev environment pointing at dev sources and targets
Create the same named linked services in test, but of course these point at your tst systems
Now when you "migrate" your pipelines from dev to test, they use the same logical name (just like a connection manager)
So you don't designate an environment at execution time or map variables or anything... everything in test just runs against test because that's the way the linked servers have been defined.
That's the first step.
The next step is to connect only the dev ADF instance to Git. If you're a newcomer to Git it can be daunting but it's just a version control system. You save your code to it and it remembers every change you made.
Once your pipeline code is in git, the theory is that you migrate code out of git into higher environments in an automated fashion.
If you go through the links provided in the other answer, you'll see how you set it up.
I do have an issue with this approach though - you have to look up all of your environment values in keystore, which to me is silly because why do we need to designate the test servers hostname everytime we deploy to test?
One last thing is that if you a pipeline that doesn't use a linked service (say a REST pipeline), I haven't found a way to make that environment aware. I ended up building logic around the current data factories name to dynamically change endpoints.
This is a bit of a bran dump but feel free to ask questions.
Although it's not recommended - yes, you can do it.
Take a look at Linked Service - in this case, I have a connection to Azure SQL Database:
You have possibilities to use dynamic content for either the server name and database name.
Just add a parameter to your pipeline, pass it to the Linked Service and use in the required field.
Let me know whether I explained it clearly enough?
Yes, it's possible although not so simple as it was in VS for SSIS.
1) First of all: there is no desktop application for developing ADF, only the browser.
Therefore developers should make the changes in their DEV environment and from many reasons, the best way to do it is a way of working with GIT repository connected.
2) Then, you need "only":
a) publish the changes (it creates/updates adf_publish branch in git)
b) With Azure DevOps deploy the code from adf_publish replacing required parameters for target environment.
I know that at the beginning it sounds horrible, but the sooner you set up an environment like this the more time you save while developing pipelines.
How to do these things step by step?
I describe all the steps in the following posts:
- Setting up Code Repository for Azure Data Factory v2
- Deployment of Azure Data Factory with Azure DevOps
I hope this helps.

Migrating existing (entire) Azure DevOps pipeline to YAML based pipelines (in bulk)

I would like to move the existing Azure DevOps pipelines to YAML based for obvious advantages. The problem is there are many of these and each one has many jobs.
When I click around in Azure DevOps, the "View YAML" link only appears for one job at a time. So that's gonna be a lot of manual work to view YAMLs for each pipeline x jobs and move that to code.
But for each pipeline there seems to be a way to "export" the entire pipeline in json. I was wondering if there is a similar way to at least dump the entire pipeline as YAML if not an entire folder.
If there is an API which exports the same then even better.
Until now, what we supported is what you see, use View YAML to copy/paste the definition of agent job. There has another workaround to get the entire definition of one pipeline is use the API to get the JSON from a build definition, convert it to YAML, tweak the syntax, then if needed, update the tasks which are referenced.
First, use Get Build Definition api to get the entire definition
of one pipeline.
Invoke JSON to YAML converter. Copy/paste the JSON of definition
into this converter.
Copy the YAML to a YAML editor of Azure Devops. Then the most important step is tweak the syntax.
Replace the refName key values with task names and version. For this, you can go our tasks source code which opened in github, built in tasks can be found there(note: please see the task.json file of corresponding task)
Noted: Use this method has another disadvantage that you need very familiar with YAML syntax so that you can tweak the content which convert from JSON successfully.
This is done and there is blog post about exporting pipelineas YAML on devblogs
It's it worth to mention that the new system knows how to handle every feature listed here:
Single and multiple jobs
Checkout options
Execution plan parallelism
Timeout and name metadata
Schedules and other triggers
Pool selection, including jobs which differ from the default
All tasks and all inputs, including optimizing for default inputs
Job and step conditions
Task group unrolling
In fact, there are only two areas which we know aren’t covered.
Variables defined in YAML “shadow” (hide) variables set in the UI. Therefore, we didn’t want to export them into the YAML file in case you need an ability to alter them at runtime. If you have UI variables in your Classic pipeline, we mention them by name in the comments to remind you that you need to configure them in your new YAML pipeline definition.
Timezone translation
cron schedules in YAML are in UTC, while Classic schedules are in the organization’s timezone. Timezone handling has a lot of sharp edges, so we opted not to try to be clever. We export the schedule without doing any translation, so your scheduled builds might be off by a certain number of hours unless you manually modify them. Here again, we make a note in the comments to remind you.
But there won't be support for release pipelines:
No plans to do so. Classic RM pipelines are different enough in their execution that I can’t make the same strong guarantees about correctness as I can with classic Build. Also, a number of concepts were re-thought between RM and unified YAML pipelines. In some cases, there isn’t a direct translation for an RM feature. A human is required to think about what the pipeline is designed to accomplish and re-implement it using new constructs.
I tried yamlizr
It works pretty well for exporting Release Pipelines, except it doesn't export out Pre/Post deployment conditions. We use these for Approval gates. So hopefully in a future release it will be supported.
But per Microsoft they won't support the export to YAML for Release Pipelines it sounds like.

Variable substitution in build pipeline

There are tons of resources online on how to replace JSON configuration files in a release pipeline like this one. I configured this. It works. However, we have multiple integration tests which reach the database too. These tests are run during build time. I haven't seen any option yet to replace config values in the build pipeline. Does it exist? Or do I really have to use this custom task (see screenshot below)?
There is an out-of-the-box task since recently by Microsoft. It's called File Transform. It's currently in preview but it works really well! Haven't had any issues whatsoever with it and it works the same as you would configure it in the release pipeline. Would recommend this any day!
Below you can see my configuration.
There is no out-of-the-box task only to replace tokens/values in files (also in the release pipline the task is Azure App Service Deploy and not only for replace json configuration).
You need to use an external extension from here or write a PowerShell script for that.
