Why does this FTDI function return zero for the fthandle? - handle

I have a FTDI USB3 development board and some FTDI provided code for accessing it. The code works fine for things like the Device number, VID/PID etc. but always returns zero for the 'ftHandle'. As the handle is required for driving the board, this is not helpful! Can anyone see why this should happen?
static FT_STATUS displayDevicesMethod2(void)
FT_STATUS ftStatus;
FT_HANDLE ftHandle = NULL;
// Get and display the list of devices connected
// First call FT_CreateDeviceInfoList to get the number of connected devices.
// Then either call FT_GetDeviceInfoList or FT_GetDeviceInfoDetail to display device
// Device info: Flags (usb speed), device type (600 e.g.), device ID (vendor,
handle for subsequent data access.
DWORD numDevs = 0;
ftStatus = FT_CreateDeviceInfoList(&numDevs); // Build a list and return number
if (FT_FAILED(ftStatus))
printf("Failed to create a device list, status = %d\n", ftStatus);
printf("Successfully created a device list.\n\tNumber of connected devices: %d\n",
// Method 2: using FT_GetDeviceInfoDetail
if (!FT_FAILED(ftStatus) && numDevs > 0)
ftHandle = NULL;
DWORD Flags = 0;
DWORD Type = 0;
char SerialNumber[16] = { 0 };
char Description[32] = { 0 };
for(DWORD i = 0; i <numDevs; i++)
ftStatus = FT_GetDeviceInfoDetail(i, &Flags, &Type, &ID, NULL, SerialNumber,
Description, &ftHandle);
if (!FT_FAILED(ftStatus))
printf("Device[%d] (using FT_GetDeviceInfoDetail)\n", i);
printf("\tFlags: 0x%x %s | Type: %d | ID: 0x%08X | ftHandle=0x%p\n",
Flags & FT_FLAGS_HISPEED? "[USB 2]":
Flags & FT_FLAGS_OPENED? "[OPENED]": "",
printf("\tSerialNumber=%s\n", SerialNumber);
printf("\tDescription=%s\n", Description);
return ftStatus;

This is indeed not super straight forward, but a short peek in the FTDI Knowledgebase yields:
This function builds a device information list and returns the number of D2XX devices connected to the system. The list contains information about both unopen and open devices.
A handle only exists for an opened device. Thus, I assume that your code does not already include that step. If so you need to open it first, e.g. using FT_Open. There are plenty of examples available. You can check their page or stackoverflow for a working example.


Memory map and Framebuffer after using ExitBootServices

I guess the question is pretty straight forward itself.
Is there any way of detecting the memory (or getting he memory map) and framebuffer (or Graphics Output Protocol) after using ExitBootServices in UEFI in 64-bit mode? If so then how and is there any documentation?
I know that after using ExitBootServices, you the the sole owner of the entire machine.
There are many ways of getting the memory map but they all take help of the bootloader. I want to get the memory map directly from the kernel. Many websites such as OSDev and github sources use bootloaders to get the memory map and framebuffer.
After using ExitBootServices, I'm left in 64-bit mode and the only page on OSDev wiki about getting the memory map works on 32-bit architecture.
I have no language preferences, it may be in C, assembly or whatever and please don't say that it's useless or complicated or difficult to do. I just want an answer.
First, (Probably in (U)EFI) U cannot call boot services which is the only way to get what you want, you can get the memory map & Frame Buffer before ExitBootServices() and pass them to the kernel, you're lucky cause I'm not always on this platform, I've a Hybrid Boot Mechanism with LEGACY BIOS & UEFI Support, and here is an example of how to do that (I'm working on EDK2 Which is the Official Implementation of EFI)
This is how you get the frame buffer from G.O.P ( UGA documentation is removed ):
FRAME_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR* GraphicsOutputProtocolInitialize(){
// First, we need to query the firmware of all G.O.P Protocol Instances
// (Each instance may represent a GPU or a monitor, GOP features multiple-screens
// U have asked for a simple implementation so we will use only 1 frame buffer
EFI_STATUS status = 0;
EFI_HANDLE* HandleBuffer = NULL;
UINTN NumProtocolHandles = 0;
ByProtocol, &gEfiGraphicsOutputProtocolGuid, NULL,
&NumProtocolHandles, &HandleBuffer
)) || !NumProtocolHandles) return NULL;
// Then u need to create a structure that you can pass to the kernel containing information about frame buffers
EfiLoaderData, sizeof(FRAME_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR), (void**)&FrameBuffer
ZeroMemory((void*)FrameBuffer, sizeof(FRAME_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR));
status = gBS->OpenProtocol(
HandleBuffer[0], // Get first Graphics Output Protocol Instance
if(EFI_ERROR(status) || !gop)
return NULL;
UINTN info_size = 0;
// if mode is not yet set by firmware, then set first mode
if(status == EFI_NOT_STARTED || !gop->Mode){
status = gop->SetMode(gop, 0);
if(EFI_ERROR(status) || !gop->Mode->Mode)
return NULL;
// Now we will ask firmware for the current Video Mode
status = gop->QueryMode(gop, gop->Mode->Mode, &info_size, &ginfo);
if(status != EFI_SUCCESS || !ginfo){
return NULL;
// You can also list availaible video modes
for(UINTN i = 0;i<gop->Mode->MaxMode;i++) {
status = gop->QueryMode(gop, i, &info_size, &ginfo);
if(status != EFI_SUCCESS || !ginfo){
return NULL;
// To set the mode :
status = gop->SetMode(gop, i);
return NULL;
FrameBuffer->FrameBufferSize = gop->Mode->FrameBufferSize;
FrameBuffer->HorizontalResolution = gop->Mode->Info->HorizontalResolution;
FrameBuffer->VerticalResolution = gop->Mode->Info->VerticalResolution;
FrameBuffer->FrameBufferBase = (char*)gop->Mode->FrameBufferBase;
ZeroMemory((void*)FrameBuffer, sizeof(FRAME_BUFFER_DESCRIPTOR));
return FrameBuffer;
This is how you get the memory map :
On the first Call you will get the size of the memory map (Status must be EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL)
Then you add 2 * descriptor size coz there is always 2 additional entries, then you allocate buffer for memory map
On the second call, you will get the actual memory map (Status must be EFI_SUCCESS)
Then u can list memory map entries normally
This is how u make a call to GetMemoryMap() :
UINTN map_size = 0, map_key = 0, descriptor_size = 0;
// Must return EFI_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL on First Call
// map_size will contain buffer size needed
EFI_STATUS s = SystemTable->BootServices->GetMemoryMap(&map_size,memory_map,&map_key,&descriptor_size,&descriptor_version);
map_size+=2*descriptor_size; // this padding must be added since there is 2 additionnal entries
However, u can always ask for a code sample, the previous code of (G.O.P) is just copy-pasted and modified to make it a little bit easier to understand, it is not compiled so it may contain some faults.

CBCentralManager ScanForPeripherals with empty CBPeripheral name

I need to solve this issue with my app.
I try to scan the peripherals (Bluetooth devices) using the CBCentralManager from the CoreBluetooth in Xamarin.iOS, but when a peripheral is discovered it has an empty name sometimes, when I do the same from the iOS settings then it has a name.
I'm not searching for a specific UUID.
CBCentralManager manager = new CBCentralManager(CoreFoundation.DispatchQueue.MainQueue);
manager.DiscoveredPeripheral += (sender, e) =>
if (e.Peripheral != null)
Debug.WriteLine($"DiscoveredPeripheral: {e.Peripheral.Name} - {e.Peripheral.Identifier} - {e.AdvertisementData}");
CustomDeviceDiscoveredAction(this, new CustomBTEDevice
DeviceName = e.Peripheral.Name,
DeviceAddress = e.Peripheral.Identifier.AsString(),
DeviceGuid = Guid.Parse(e.Peripheral.Identifier.AsString())
manager.ScanForPeripherals(null, new PeripheralScanningOptions
AllowDuplicatesKey = false,
Check property LocalName in the advertisement data package
Also, my suggestions, do not rely on the device name, better rely on data in advertisement data

ALSA Hooks -- Modifying audio as it's being played

I'm at a loss with this — I have several personal projects in mind that essentially require that I "tap" into the audio stream: read the audio data, do some processing and modify the audio data before it is finally sent to the audio device.
One example of these personal projects is a software-based active crossover. If I have an audio device with 6 channels (i.e., 3 left + 3 right), then I can read the data, apply a LP filter (×2 – left + right), a BP filter, and a HP filter and output the streams through each of the six channels.
Notice that I know how to write a player application that does this — instead, I would want to do this so that any audio from any source (audio players, video players, youtube or any other source of audio being played by the web browser, etc.) is subject to this processing.
I've seen some of the examples (e.g., pcm_min.c from the alsa-project web site, play and record examples in the Linux Journal article by Jeff Tranter from Sep 2004) but I don't seem to have enough information to do something like what I describe above.
Any help or pointers will be appreciated.
You can implement your project as a LADSPA plugin, test it with audacity or any other program supporting LADSPA plugins, and when you like it, insert it into alsa/pulseaudio/jack playback chain.
"LADSPA" is a single header file defining a simple interface to write audio processing plugins. Each plugin has its input/output/control ports and run() function. The run() function is executed for each block of samples to do actual audio processing — apply "control" arguments to "input" buffers and write result to "output" buffers.
Example LADSPA stereo amplifier plugin (single control argument: "Amplification factor", two input ports, two output ports):
///gcc -shared -o /full/path/to/plugindir/amp_example.so amp_example.c
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "ladspa.h"
enum PORTS {
typedef struct {
LADSPA_Data *c_amp;
LADSPA_Data *i_audio1;
LADSPA_Data *i_audio2;
LADSPA_Data *o_audio1;
LADSPA_Data *o_audio2;
} MyAmpData;
static LADSPA_Handle myamp_instantiate(const LADSPA_Descriptor *Descriptor, unsigned long SampleRate)
MyAmpData *data = (MyAmpData*)malloc(sizeof(MyAmpData));
data->c_amp = NULL;
data->i_audio1 = NULL;
data->i_audio2 = NULL;
data->o_audio1 = NULL;
data->o_audio2 = NULL;
return data;
static void myamp_connect_port(LADSPA_Handle Instance, unsigned long Port, LADSPA_Data *DataLocation)
MyAmpData *data = (MyAmpData*)Instance;
switch (Port)
case PORT_CAMP: data->c_amp = DataLocation; break;
case PORT_INPUT1: data->i_audio1 = DataLocation; break;
case PORT_INPUT2: data->i_audio2 = DataLocation; break;
case PORT_OUTPUT1: data->o_audio1 = DataLocation; break;
case PORT_OUTPUT2: data->o_audio2 = DataLocation; break;
static void myamp_run(LADSPA_Handle Instance, unsigned long SampleCount)
MyAmpData *data = (MyAmpData*)Instance;
double amp = *data->c_amp;
size_t i;
for (i = 0; i < SampleCount; i++)
data->o_audio1[i] = data->i_audio1[i]*amp;
data->o_audio2[i] = data->i_audio2[i]*amp;
static void myamp_cleanup(LADSPA_Handle Instance)
MyAmpData *data = (MyAmpData*)Instance;
static LADSPA_Descriptor myampDescriptor = {
.UniqueID = 123, // for public release see http://ladspa.org/ladspa_sdk/unique_ids.html
.Label = "amp_example",
.Name = "My Amplify Plugin",
.Maker = "alsauser",
.Copyright = "WTFPL",
.PortCount = 5,
.PortDescriptors = (LADSPA_PortDescriptor[]){
.PortNames = (const char * const[]){
"Amplification factor",
"Input left",
"Input right",
"Output left",
"Output right"
.PortRangeHints = (LADSPA_PortRangeHint[]){
{ /* PORT_CAMP */
0, /* LowerBound*/
10 /* UpperBound */
{0, 0, 0}, /* PORT_INPUT1 */
{0, 0, 0}, /* PORT_INPUT2 */
{0, 0, 0}, /* PORT_OUTPUT1 */
{0, 0, 0} /* PORT_OUTPUT2 */
.instantiate = myamp_instantiate,
//.activate = myamp_activate,
.connect_port = myamp_connect_port,
.run = myamp_run,
//.deactivate = myamp_deactivate,
.cleanup = myamp_cleanup
// NULL-terminated list of plugins in this library
const LADSPA_Descriptor *ladspa_descriptor(unsigned long Index)
if (Index == 0)
return &myampDescriptor;
return NULL;
(if you prefer "short" 40-lines version see https://pastebin.com/unCnjYfD)
Add as many input/output channels as you need, implement your code in myamp_run() function. Build the plugin and set LADSPA_PATH environment variable to the directory where you've built it, so that other apps could find it:
export LADSPA_PATH=/usr/lib/ladspa:/full/path/to/plugindir
Test it in audacity or any other program supporting LADSPA plugins. To test it in terminal you can use applyplugin tool from "ladspa-sdk" package:
applyplugin input.wav output.wav /full/path/to/plugindir/amp_example.so amp_example 2
And if you like the result insert it into your default playback chain. For plain alsa you can use a config like (won't work for pulse/jack):
# ~/.asoundrc
pcm.myamp {
type plug
slave.pcm {
type ladspa
path "/usr/lib/ladspa" # required but ignored as `filename` is set
slave.pcm "sysdefault"
playback_plugins [{
filename "/full/path/to/plugindir/amp_example.so"
label "amp_example"
input.controls [ 2.0 ] # Amplification=2
# to test it: aplay -Dmyamp input.wav
# to point "default" pcm to it uncomment next line:
#pcm.!default "myamp"
See also:
ladspa.h - answers to most technical questions are there in comments
LADSPA SDK overview
listplugins and analyseplugin tools from "ladspa-sdk" package
alsa plugins : "type ladspa" syntax, and alsa configuration file syntax
ladspa plugins usage examples
If you want to get your hands dirty with some code, you could check out some of these articles by Paul Davis (Paul Davis is a Linux audio guru). You'll have to combine the playback and capture examples to get live audio. Give it a shot, and if you have problems you can post a code-specific problem on SO.
Once you get the live audio working, you can implement an LP filter and go from there.
There are plenty of LADSPA and LV2 audio plugins that implement LP, HP and BP filters but I'm not sure if any are available for your particular channel configuration. It sounds like you want to roll your own anyway.

Beaglebone am335x accessing GPIO by mmap, set and clear pin

I'm writing a simple program to set and clear a pin (the purpose is to use that pin as a custom spi_CS).
I'm able to export that pin (gpio1_17, port 9 pin 23 bb white) and to use that trough the filesystem but I have to drive it faster.
This is the code:
uint32_t *gpio;
int fd = open("/dev/mem", O_RDWR|O_SYNC);
if (fd < 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open port\n\r");
gpio =(uint32_t *) mmap(NULL, getpagesize(), PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, fd, GPIO1_offset); // start of GPIOA
if(gpio == (void *) -1) {
printf("Memory map failed.\n");
} else {
printf("Memory mapped at address %p.\n", gpio);
#define GPIO1_offset 0x4804c000
#define GPIO1_size 0x4804cfff-GPIO1_offset
#define GPIO_OE 0x134
#define GPIO_SETDATAOUT 0x194
#define GPIO_DATAOUT 0x13C
#define USR1 1<<17
I'm able to outputenable that pin, beacuse if I put it high before running the program, that ping goes low. But I cannot set and reset it. Any ideas?
Why are you directly modifying the registers? It is way easier to just use it as a linux GPIO:
#define GPIO_1_17 "49"
int gpio;
status_codes stat = STATUS_SUCCESS;
//Export our GPIOs for use
if((gpio = open("/sys/class/gpio/export", O_WRONLY)) >= 0) {
write(gpio, GPIO_1_17, strlen(GPIO_1_17));
} else {
//Set the direction and pull low
if((gpio = open("/sys/class/gpio/gpio" GPIO_1_17 "/direction", O_WRONLY)) >= 0) {
write(gpio, "out", 3); // Set out direction
} else {
if((gpio = open("/sys/class/gpio/gpio" GPIO_1_17 "/value", O_WRONLY)) >= 0) {
write(gpio, "0", 1); // Pull low
} else {
Then just make sure it is muxed as a gpio in your inits.
As far as the mmap method you have above you addressing looks correct. The addresses in the ref manual are byte addresses and you are using a 32-bit pointer so what you have there is correct. However, this line: gpio[GPIO_OE/4]=USR1 makes every pin on GPIO1 an output except for 17 which it makes an input (0 = output and 1 = input). You probably meant this: gpio[GPIO_OE/4] &= ~USR1
Also i believe you meant to have gpio[GPIO_SETDATAOUT/4]=USR1; instead of gpio[GPIO_DATAOUT/4]=USR1; They will both cause GPIO1_17 to be set; however, using what you have will also set all the other pins on GPIO1 to be 0.
I would definitely recommend using the designed kernel interfaces because mmap'ing stuff that is also controlled by the kernel can be asking for trouble.
Good Luck! : )
EDIT: My bad just realized you said why you were not driving it directly through the file system because you needed to drive it faster! You may also want to consider writing/modifying the SPI driver so that the stuff is being done in Kernel land if speed is what your after. The omap gpio interfaces are simple to use there as well, just request and set : ).

Strange noise and abnormalities when writing audio data from libspotify into a file

Currently we're implementing Libspotify in a win 7 64 bit system. Everything seems to work fine except the playback. We get data from the callback , but even using audicity on the saved audio, is filled with abnormalities. So to research further we took the win32 sample (spshell ) and modified it to save the music data to file. Same problem, definitely music with these ticks in it. I'm sure there's something simple I'm missing here, but I'm at a loss as to what could be the problem. Any help would be great since as it stands our project is at a stand still until we can resolve this.
The audio saved can be viewed here
Below are the code changes I made to save the file ( for testing only )
static FILE *pFile;
int numBytesToWrite=0;
int SP_CALLCONV music_delivery(sp_session *s, const sp_audioformat *fmt, const void *frames, int num_frames)
if ( num_frames == 0 )
numBytesToWrite = ( num_frames ) * fmt->channels * sizeof(short);
if (numBytesToWrite > 0 )
fwrite(frames, sizeof(short), numBytesToWrite, pFile);
return num_frames;
static void playtrack_test(void)
sp_error err;
pFile = fopen ("C:\\zzzspotify.pcm","wb");
if((err = sp_session_player_load(g_session, stream_track)) != SP_ERROR_OK) {
test_report(&playtrack, "Unable to load track: %s", sp_error_message(err));
info_report("Streaming '%s' by '%s' this will take a while", sp_track_name(stream_track),
sp_artist_name(sp_track_artist(stream_track, 0)));
sp_session_player_play(g_session, 1);
void SP_CALLCONV play_token_lost(sp_session *s)
stream_track_end = 2;
info_report("Playtoken lost");
static int check_streaming_done(void)
if(stream_track_end == 2)
test_report(&playtrack, "Playtoken lost");
else if(stream_track_end == 1)
return 0;
stream_track_end = 0;
return 1;
It looks like this is the problem:
fwrite(frames, sizeof(short), numBytesToWrite, pFile);
The fwrite documentation states that the second argument is the "size in bytes of each element to be written", and the third is this "number of elements, each one with a size of size bytes".
The way you're calling frwritewill tell it to write numBytesToWrite * sizeof(short) bytes, which will run right off the end of the given buffer. I'm actually surprised it doesn't crash!
I'd suggest changing your fwrite call to something like:
fwrite(frames, sizeof(char), numBytesToWrite, pFile);
int numSamplesToWrite = num_frames * fmt->channels;
fwrite(frames, sizeof(short), numSamplesToWrite, pFile);
After looking at your audio in detail, I'm more convinced that this is the case. The song seems to be playing at half speed (i.e., 2x as much data is being written) and the artefacts seem to look like buffer overrun into random memory.
