Check if Workbook is opened by another user - excel

I have a drop-down menu assigned to a shape, i use it to open others workbooks, but these are shared workbooks, so i want VBA to tell me when the workbook i selected are being used by another user and dont open it, because I need it to be opened in edit mode.
My code so far:
Sub MenuSuspenso()
Dim cbc As CommandBarControl
For Each cbc In Application.CommandBars("cell").Controls
cbc.Visible = False
Next cbc
With Application.CommandBars("Cell").Controls.Add(temporary:=True)
.Caption = "AQUAS"
.OnAction = "AQUAS"
End With
End Sub
Dim book As Workbook
Set book = "\\T\Public\DOCS\Hualley\FLUXO CAIXA HINDY - 111.xlsm"
If book.ReadOnly = True Then
MsgBox ("Arquivo em Uso")
Workbooks.Open ("\\T\Public\DOCS\Hualley\FLUXO CAIXA HINDY - 111.xlsm"), True
End Sub
The book comes from a server drive, and have links ( true for UpdateLinks ) and macros.

Please, try the next function. It or its other versions exist on internet from some years. I mean, I am not the one designing it, but I do not know where from I have it:
Function IsWorkBookOpen(FileName As String) As Boolean
Dim fileCheck As Long, ErrNo As Long
On Error Resume Next
fileCheck = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #fileCheck
Close fileCheck
ErrNo = err
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case ErrNo
Case 0: IsWorkBookOpen = False
Case 70: IsWorkBookOpen = True
Case Else: Error ErrNo
End Select
End Function
Now, how to use it...
Firstly, this part of your code is wrong:
Dim book As Workbook
Set book = "\\T\Public\DOCS\Hualley\FLUXO CAIXA HINDY - 111.xlsm"
This should be declared as String, not being Set and check if the workbook is open in the next way:
Dim bookPath As String, bookWb As Workbook
bookPath = "\\T\Public\DOCS\Hualley\FLUXO CAIXA HINDY - 111.xlsm"
'check if its full name is correct:
If Dir(bookPath) = "" Then MsgBox "The supplied workbook name is wrong...": Exit Sub
If IsWorkBookOpen(bookPath) Then
MsgBox ("Arquivo em Uso")
Set bookWb = Workbooks.Open(bookPath)
Debug.Print bookWb.Sheets.count 'it returns the number of sheets for the open workbook...
'Here do whatever you need with the workbook.
End If
End Sub


VBA code stopping when secondary workbook manually closed (waiting for user to close second workbook)

I'm looking to have primary workbook (WorkbookA), open a second workbook (WorkbookB) and test for a value within it. Value to match is in WorkbookA, cell B3 and is the number 1. Range to test in WorkbookB is "A:A".
If the value is not found, WorkbookB is reopened for the user to edit (will optimize to reduce opening/closing, any ideas on getting user input to resume would be appreciated after editing Workbook B), and the code in WorkbookA loops and retests if WorkbookB is still open every 10 seconds.
After the user edits WorkbookB to ensure the value is present, they close it (any better way to signal they are complete is welcomed so I don';t have to close and reopen the files. They are small, so it's not an issue for speed, just seems inefficient).
The assumption I had was that the code would then detect the workbook was closed and then continue code execution, but the VBA is stopping as soon as I select the X in the top right corner of Workbook B.
Would prefer not having separate code in personal.xls file because of multiple users.
Code in Workbook A:
Global Const strWBb As String = "C:\Users\ashepherd\Desktop\WorkbookB.xlsx"
Global Const strRng As String = "A:A"
Sub Validate()
' ***************************** CHECK WORKBOOKB FOR 1 IN COLUMN A:A *****************************
' Verify presence on item in second workbook
searchItem = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B3").Value
Do While Verify(searchItem, False) = False
Call Verify("", True)
Do While IsWorkBookOpen(strWBb) = True
endTime = DateAdd("s", 10, Now())
Do While Now() < endTime
Debug.Print "Workbook closed"
Debug.Print "search item found"
End Sub
Function Verify(item, OpenOnly As Boolean) As Boolean
' ****************************************************************************
' Open workbook B and verify that presence of item
' ****************************************************************************
Dim wbVerify As Workbook
Dim rng1 As Range
' ************************** OPEN FILE ************************************************
If IsFile(strWBb) Then
Set wbVerify = Application.Workbooks.Open(FileName:=strWBb, UpdateLinks:=False, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True) ' Open WorkbookB
MsgBox " File path incorrect. Unable to open.", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
' ************************** TEST FOR ITEM ************************************************
If OpenOnly = True Then ' Only opening the file for read/write. Not testing values.
MsgBox "Opening workbook so values can be added. Close when additions completed."
MsgBox ("Workbook B opened. Testing value for " & item & " in column A:A in Workbook B")
Set rng1 = Range(strRng).Find(item, , xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
MsgBox item & " found !"
Verify = True
GoTo item_found
MsgBox (item & " not found in column A:A. Closing Workbook B. *****User will be promoted at this point to exit, or re-open the file to modify the values so search value is found in column A:A. Code SHOULD resume when Workbook B is closed. Currently VBA code execution in Workbook A is stopping when the 'X' is selected in top right window of Workbook B*****")
Verify = False
End If
End If
Exit Function
MsgBox "Verify code complete"
GoTo Normal_exit
End Function
Function IsWorkBookOpen(FileName As String)
Dim ff As Long, ErrNo As Long
On Error Resume Next
ff = FreeFile()
Open FileName For Input Lock Read As #ff
Close ff
ErrNo = Err
On Error GoTo 0
Select Case ErrNo
Case 0: IsWorkBookOpen = False
Case 70: IsWorkBookOpen = True
Case Else: Error ErrNo
End Select
End Function
Function IsFile(ByVal fName As String) As Boolean
'Returns TRUE if the provided name points to an existing file.
'Returns FALSE if not existing, or if it's a folder
On Error Resume Next
IsFile = ((GetAttr(fName) And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory)
End Function
Final code:
Global Const strWBb As String = "C:\Users\ashepherd\Desktop\WorkbookB.xlsx"
Global Const strRng As String = "A:A"
Global Complete As Boolean
Sub Validate()
' ***************************** CHECK WORKBOOK_B FOR 1 IN COLUMN A:A *****************************
' Verify presence on item in second workbook
searchItem = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B3").Value
Do While Verify(searchItem) = False
Complete = False
UserForm1.Show vbModeless ' USerform has a single button which changes the global "Complete" variable to true
Do While Complete = False
Debug.Print "Manual Edit Complete, retesting"
End Sub
Function Verify(item) As Boolean
' Modified to close only upon finding search item vs. reopening it.
' ****************************************************************************
' Open workbook B and verify that presence of item
' ****************************************************************************
Dim wbVerify As Workbook
Dim rng1 As Range
' ************************** OPEN FILE ************************************************
If IsFile(strWBb) Then
Set wbVerify = GetWorkbook(strWBb)
If Not wbVerify Is Nothing Then
Debug.Print wbVerify.Name
End If
MsgBox " File path incorrect. Unable to open.", vbCritical
Exit Function
End If
' ************************** TEST FOR ITEM ************************************************
Set rng1 = Range(strRng).Find(item, , xlValues, xlWhole)
If Not rng1 Is Nothing Then
Verify = True
GoTo item_found
MsgBox (item & " not found in column A:A. A pop up form will show. Edit document and then hit RESUME button to continue checking. DO NOT exit via the close icon in the top right window of Excel as the code will stop running.")
Verify = False
End If
Exit Function
'MsgBox (item & " found in WorkbookB, column A:A. Verify code complete")
wbVerify.Close Savechanges:=True
GoTo Normal_exit
End Function
Function IsFile(ByVal fName As String) As Boolean
'Returns TRUE if the provided name points to an existing file.
'Returns FALSE if not existing, or if it's a folder
On Error Resume Next
IsFile = ((GetAttr(fName) And vbDirectory) <> vbDirectory)
End Function
Public Function GetWorkbook(ByVal sFullName As String) As Workbook
', modified to add ignorereadonly and update links
Dim sFile As String
Dim wbReturn As Workbook
sFile = Dir(sFullName)
On Error Resume Next
Set wbReturn = Workbooks(sFile)
If wbReturn Is Nothing Then
Set wbReturn = Application.Workbooks.Open(FileName:=sFullName, UpdateLinks:=False, IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended:=True)
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set GetWorkbook = wbReturn
End Function

Adding new and removing old VBA to all workbooks in a folder

I have about 60 workbooks with several modules and I need to remove one sub routine in one module then add code to a specific worksheet.
I currently have code running every time you open the workbook asking to run and archive data to another worksheet, it works. Problem is we are in the workbooks several times, so every time we open them, we have to answer the question.
I found a more elegant way to ask to archive when I go to the first worksheet where we go to change data at the end of the month. Only when we open this are we needing to archive the old data. Some times we go here to look at the data, but it's not the usual. I have new code now for the specific worksheet using on select, that works.
I'm trying to update the code across all my workbooks without having to open them up 1 by 1 and make the changes, copy, paste, delete, save, open next file, repeat.
'code to remove from module named ArchiveHistoricalData
Sub Auto_Open()
End Sub
'Code to add to worksheet named Data Dump
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
End Sub
I'd like to remove the first sub, then add the second sub to a specific worksheet (Named the same across all workbooks). Then if I have changes in the future, I can easily update all my workbooks with other changes.
Posting another answer structured as generalized tools to delete and/or add or replace any number of procedures from any number of files. As mentioned earlier it is assumed that Trust Access to Visual Basics Project must be enabled.
In a new excel file with added reference to Microsoft Visual Basic for Application extensibility, add a module named “Copy_Module”. Specifically in your case, copy Worksheet_SelectionChange code in a module named “Copy_Module”.
Its AddReplaceProc function would copy any procedure from a module named “Copy_Module” in the source workbook while DeleteProc function would delete a procedure.
Sub test4()
Dim Wb As Workbook, ws As Worksheet
Dim Path As String, Fname As String
Dim Fno As Long
Path = "C:\Users\User\Documents\TestFolder\"
Fname = Dir(Path & "*.xlsm")
Fno = 1
Do While Fname <> ""
Set Wb = Application.Workbooks.Open(Path & Fname)
If Wb.VBProject.Protection = vbext_pp_none Then
Set ws = ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet
Fno = Fno + 1
ws.Cells(Fno, 1).Value = Fname
'ws.Cells(Fno, 2).Value = AddReplaceProc(Wb, "ArchiveHistoricalData", "DoStuff2")
ws.Cells(Fno, 2).Value = DeleteProc(Wb, "ArchiveHistoricalData", "Auto_Open")
ws.Cells(Fno, 3).Value = AddReplaceProc(Wb, Wb.Worksheets("Data Dump").CodeName, "Worksheet_SelectionChange")
Wb.Close True
Wb.Close False
End If
Fname = Dir
End Sub
Private Function DeleteProc(Wb As Workbook, CompName As String, ProcName As String) As Boolean
Dim Vbc As CodeModule, Vbcomp As VBComponent
DeleteProc = False
For Each Vbcomp In Wb.VBProject.VBComponents
If Vbcomp.Name = CompName Then
Set Vbc = Vbcomp.CodeModule
On Error GoTo XExit
If Vbc.ProcStartLine(ProcName, 0) > 0 Then
Vbc.DeleteLines Vbc.ProcStartLine(ProcName, 0), Vbc.ProcCountLines(ProcName, 0)
DeleteProc = True
Exit For
End If
End If
Next Vbcomp
XExit: On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Private Function AddReplaceProc(Wb As Workbook, CompName As String, ProcName As String) As Boolean
Dim Vbc As CodeModule, Vbcomp As VBComponent
Dim VbcSrc As CodeModule, StLine As Long, EndLine As Long
Dim i As Long, X As Long
'Check for older version of the procedure and delete the same before coping new version
AddReplaceProc = DeleteProc(Wb, CompName, ProcName)
Debug.Print "Old Proc " & ProcName & " Found and Deleted : " & AddReplaceProc
AddReplaceProc = False
For Each Vbcomp In Wb.VBProject.VBComponents
If Vbcomp.Name = CompName Then
Set Vbc = Vbcomp.CodeModule
Set VbcSrc = ThisWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents("Copy_Module").CodeModule
StLine = VbcSrc.ProcStartLine(ProcName, 0)
EndLine = StLine + VbcSrc.ProcCountLines(ProcName, 0) - 1
X = 0
For i = StLine To EndLine
X = X + 1
Vbc.InsertLines X, VbcSrc.Lines(i, 1)
Next i
AddReplaceProc = True
Exit For
End If
Next Vbcomp
End Function
Proper caution is a must for this type of remote changes. It is always wise to try the code first only to copies of target files and confirm proper working etc.
It only works with files with unprotected VBA projects. For files with protected VBA files refer SO post Unprotect VBProject from VB code.
Try the code from any workbook (not in the same target folder) module. Add reference to Microsoft visual basic for applications extensibility. and/or make vbext_pk_Proc as 0.
Sub test3()
Dim ws As Workbook
Dim Vbc As CodeModule
Dim Path As String, Fname As String
Dim Wx As Worksheet
Dim HaveAll As Boolean
Dim VbComp As VBComponent
Path = "C:\Users\User\Documents\TestFolder\"
Fname = Dir(Path & "*.xlsm")
Do While Fname <> ""
' Debug.Print Fname
Set ws = Application.Workbooks.Open(Path & Fname)
HaveAll = False
For Each VbComp In ws.VBProject.VBComponents
If VbComp.Name = "ArchiveHistoricalData" Then
'used erron handler instead of iterating through all the lines for keeping code short
On Error GoTo failex
If VbComp.CodeModule.ProcStartLine("Auto_Open", 0) > 0 Then
HaveAll = True
failex: Resume failex2
failex2: On Error GoTo 0
Exit For
End If
End If
Next VbComp
If HaveAll Then
HaveAll = False
For Each Wx In ws.Worksheets
If Wx.Name = "Data Dump" Then
HaveAll = True
Exit For
End If
Next Wx
End If
If HaveAll Then
Set Vbc = ws.VBProject.VBComponents("ArchiveHistoricalData").CodeModule
Vbc.DeleteLines Vbc.ProcStartLine("Auto_Open", vbext_pk_Proc), Vbc.ProcCountLines("Auto_Open", vbext_pk_Proc)
Set Vbc = ws.VBProject.VBComponents(ws.Worksheets("Data Dump").CodeName).CodeModule
Vbc.InsertLines 1, "Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)"
Vbc.InsertLines 2, "AskArchive"
Vbc.InsertLines 3, "End Sub"
ws.Close True
ws.Close False
End If
Debug.Print Fname, HaveAll
Fname = Dir
End Sub
However code will encounter error if the stated Worksheets, code modules and procedures are not available. Please take due care, if not confirmed about availability of the stated Worksheets, code modules and procedures in all the target files. (may use error handler or check for existence for the Sheets, code modules and procedures by iterating through after opening the target file and skip accordingly). Also Trust Access To Visual Basics Project must be enabled.

Accessing open workbook in a sub generates Error 1004 "Method of 'Sheets' of Object '_Global' not failed" sometimes

I am getting inconsistent results when I try to refer to an active workbook. About half the time I get the "Method of 'Sheets' of Object '_Global' not failed" error and other times the code works fine. I don't see a pattern.
The VBA code is part of a Word document that allows the user to open a template Excel file and select/copy text from the Word doc into rows on the Excel file.
In a previous sub I successfully open an Excel template file (I call it a RTM template). In the code below I want to activate the "RTM" worksheet, select the first cell where the template could already have data in it from a previous execution and if there is, then count how many rows of data exist. In this way the new data will be posted in the first row which does not have any data. I am using named ranges in my Workbook to refer to the starting cell ("First_Cell_For_Data").
When I run my code sometimes it runs without error and other times it stops on the "Sheets("RTM").Activate" and gives me the "Method...." error. The same result occurs when I change the variable definition of wb_open to Object. I have also tried using "wb_open.Sheets("RTM").Activate" with the same results.
As suggested in the comments below I added "If wb_open is nothing ...." to debug the issue. I also added the sub List_Open_Workbooks which enumerates the open workbooks (of which there is only 1) and activates the one that matches the name of the one with the correct filename. This is successful. But upon returning to Check_Excel_RTM_Template I still get the Method error on the "Sheets("RTM").Activate" line.
Second Update: after more time diagnosing the problem (which still occurs intermittently) I have added some code that may help getting to the root of the problem. In the "List_Open_Workbooks" sub I test for xlApp.Workbooks.Count = 0. So all references to an open Excel workbook will fail. At this point my template workbook is open in Windows. Am I drawing the correct conclusion?
Third Update: I tried Set wb_open = GetObject(str_filename) where str_filename contains the name of the Excel template file I just opened.
I get the following error message.
Also, I noticed that if I start with a fresh launch of Word and Excel it seems to run just fine.
Sub Check_Excel_RTM_Template(b_Excel_File_Has_Data As Boolean, i_rows_of_data As Integer)
Dim i_starting_row_for_data As Integer
Dim wb_open As Object
Set wb_open = ActiveWorkbook
i_rows_of_data = 0
If wb_open Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "RTM Workbook not open in Check_Excel_RTM_Template"
Call List_Open_Workbooks(b_Excel_File_Has_Data, i_rows_of_data)
' On Error GoTo Err1:
' Sheets("RTM").Activate
' range("First_Cell_For_Data").Select
If Trim(ActiveCell.Value) <> "" Then
b_Excel_File_Has_Data = True
Do Until Trim(ActiveCell.Value) = ""
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
i_rows_of_data = i_rows_of_data + 1
b_Excel_File_Has_Data = False
End If
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox getName(str_Excel_Filename) & " is not a RTM template file."
b_abort = True
End Sub
Sub to enumerate all open workbooks
Sub List_Open_Workbooks(b_Excel_File_Has_Data As Boolean, i_rows_of_data As Integer)
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Set xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
Dim str_filename As String
Dim xlWB As Excel.Workbook
If xlApp.Workbooks.Count = 0 Then
MsgBox "Error: Windows thinks there are no workbooks open in List_Open_Workbooks"
b_abort = True
Exit Sub
End If
For Each xlWB In xlApp.Workbooks
Debug.Print xlWB.Name
str_filename = getName(str_Excel_Filename)
If Trim(xlWB.Name) = Trim(str_filename) Then
If xlWB Is Nothing Then
MsgBox "Workbook still not active in List_Open_Workbooks"
b_abort = True
Exit Sub
' Sheets("RTM").Activate
If Trim(ActiveCell.Value) <> "" Then
b_Excel_File_Has_Data = True
Do Until Trim(ActiveCell.Value) = ""
ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
i_rows_of_data = i_rows_of_data + 1
b_Excel_File_Has_Data = False
End If
End If
End If
Next xlWB
Set xlApp = Nothing
Set xlWB = Nothing
End Sub
Function to extract filename from path/filename
Function getName(pf)
getName = Split(Mid(pf, InStrRev(pf, "\") + 1), ".")(0) & ".xlsx"
End Function
I am hoping I found the source of my problem and solved it.
I believe that referring to an open workbook in sub using Dim wb_open As Object & Set wb_open = ActiveWorkbook in the Check_Excel_RTM_Template sub is causing my inconsistent problems....perhaps this is an anomoly (bug) in the VBA implementation in Word.
In the revised code I posted below I am passing the o_Excel object from the calling routine and using to reference ranges and values.
Now I next problem is that I am having errors on the form control button code which also uses the Dim wb_open As Object & Set wb_open = ActiveWorkbook approach to referring to the open workbook. But I'll post that as a new question.
Thanks to all who commented and provided suggestions.
Sub Check_Excel_RTM_Template(oExcel As Object)
Dim i_starting_row_for_data As Integer
Dim str_filename As String
i_rows_of_data = 0
On Error GoTo Err1:
If Trim(oExcel.ActiveCell.Value) <> "" Then
b_Excel_File_Has_Data = True
Do Until Trim(oExcel.ActiveCell.Value) = ""
oExcel.ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
i_rows_of_data = i_rows_of_data + 1
b_Excel_File_Has_Data = False
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox getName(str_Excel_Filename) & " is not a RTM template file."
b_abort = True
End Sub

Excel VBA check if named range is set

I'm trying to determine if a named range has been set via VBA. The named range is called LoadedToken and essentially is loaded when a user clicks a particular button. I use this as proof that initialisation has taken place.
I have a function to check if this has taken place:
Function ToolIsEnabled()
' We check if the R2A add-in has been loaded by detecting the named range
If ActiveWorkbook.Names("LoadedToken") Is Nothing Then
ToolIsEnabled = False
ToolIsEnabled = True
End If
End Function
and I get an application error. Of course, the VBA is incorrect. However how can I actually accomplish this?!
Sub Test()
Debug.Print IsNamedRange("Bumsti")
End Sub
Function IsNamedRange(RName As String) As Boolean
Dim N As Name
IsNamedRange = False
For Each N In ActiveWorkbook.Names
If N.Name = RName Then
IsNamedRange = True
Exit For
End If
End Function
Usage in OP context could be
' ...
If IsNamedRange("LoadedToken") Then
' ...
End If
' ...
or - if a program specific Bool needs to be set
' ...
Dim IsTokenLoaded as Boolean
IsTokenLoaded = IsNamedRange("LoadedToken")
' ...
Both constructs make it pretty clear in the source code what you are aiming for.
You can achieve this by using error handling:
Function ToolIsEnabled() As Boolean
Dim rng As Range
On Error Resume Next
Set rng = ActiveWorkbook.Range("LoadedToken")
On Error GoTo 0
ToolIsEnabled = Not rng is Nothing
End Function
This will check either in ThisWorkbook or a named workbook and return TRUE/FALSE.
Sub Test()
MsgBox NamedRangeExists("SomeName")
MsgBox NamedRangeExists("SomeOtherName", Workbooks("Book1.xls"))
End Sub
Public Function NamedRangeExists(sName As String, Optional Book As Workbook) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
If Book Is Nothing Then
Set Book = ThisWorkbook
End If
NamedRangeExists = Book.Names(sName).Index <> (Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
A shorter version if it's only going to look in ThisWorkbook:
Public Function NamedRangeExists(sName As String) As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
NamedRangeExists = ThisWorkbook.Names(sName).Index <> (Err.Number = 0)
On Error GoTo 0
End Function
For the activeworkbook, you could also call the old XLM NAMES() function:
Function IsNameInActiveWorkbook(sName As String) As Boolean
IsNameInActiveWorkbook = Not IsError(Application.ExecuteExcel4Macro("MATCH(""" & sName & """,NAMES(),0)"))
End Function
As per Tom's answer these 2 line should do the trick:
On Error Resume Next
Set TestRange = ActiveWorkbook.Range("LoadedToken") 'if it does **not** exist this line will be ERROR

VBA module call in userform to diff sheets

new and would like to ask if someone could possibly check my code to see where i'm making a mistake.
first, i've created a form with two textboxes and two buttons that will go and get two different directories and the associated files. this is done through a call to a function that loads the dir to the textboxes.
a button to call a function to navigate dir and get the file
Private Sub CommandButton3_Click()
'call selectFile function to select file
End Sub
function to get workbooks into textboxes 1 and 2:
Public Function selectFile()
Dim fileNamePath1 As String
Dim fileNamePath2 As String
Dim workbookFilePath1 As String
Dim workbookFilePath2 As String
On Error GoTo exit_
If workbookFilePath1 = Empty And workbookFilePath2 = Empty Then
fileNamePath1 = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", Title:="Open Workbook 1", MultiSelect:=False)
workbookFilePath1 = Dir(fileNamePath1)
'TextBox1.Text = workbookFilePath1
TextBox1.Value = fileNamePath1
fileNamePath2 = Application.GetOpenFilename(FileFilter:="Excel Files (*.xls), *.xls", Title:="Open Workbook 2", MultiSelect:=False)
workbookFilePath2 = Dir(fileNamePath2)
TextBox2.Value = fileNamePath2
If fileNamePath1 = False Or fileNamePath2 = False Then
MsgBox ("File selection was canceled.")
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
up to here, the code is ok... can do better, but
here's where problems occur... i'd like to pass the directories as objects into the module to diff
button that executes module to diff:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
getTheWorkbooksToCompare(fileNamePath1, fileNamePath2)
End Sub
i know that i've changed myPath1 and myPath2 to Workbooks, where I've had them as strings before
diffing module
Public Sub gettheWorkbooksToCompare(myPath1 As Workbook, myPath2 As Workbook)
Dim myExcelObj
Dim WorkbookObj1
Dim WorkbookObj2
Dim WorksheetObj1
Dim WorksheetObj2
Dim file1 As String
Dim file2 As String
Dim myWorksheetCounter As Integer
Dim i As Worksheet
Set myExcelObj = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
myExcelObj.Visible = True
Set file1 = Dir(myPath1)
Set file2 = Dir(myPath2)
Set WorkbookObj1 = myExcelObj.Workbooks.Open(file1)
Set WorkbookObj2 = myExcelObj.Workbooks.Open(file2)
Set NewWorkbook = myExcelObj.Workbooks.Add
While WorkbookObj1 <> Null And WorkbookObj2 <> Null
'While WorkbookObj1.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.count = WorkbookOjb2.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.count
myWorksheetCounter = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.count
myWorksheetCount = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.count
If WorksheetObj1.Worksheets.myWorksheetCounter = WorkbookObj2.Worksheets.myWorksheetCounter Then
Set WorksheetObj1 = WorkbookObj1.Worksheets(myWorksheetCounter)
Set WorksheetObj2 = WorkbookObj2.Worksheets(myWorksheetCounter)
Set myNewWorksheetObj = NewWorkbook.Worksheets(myWorksheetCounter)
For myWorksheetCounter = i To WorksheetObj1
For myWorksheetCount = j To WorksheetOjb2
'If cell.Value myWorksheetObj2.Range(cell.Address).Value Then
If cell.Value = myWorksheetObj2.Range(cell.address).Value Then
myNewWorksheetObj.Range(cell.address).Value = cell.address.Value
myNewWorksheetObj.Range(cell.address).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
cell.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
End If
'if doesn't work... use SaveChanges = True
myNewWorksheetObj.Workbooks.Save() = True
MsgBox ("The worksheets are not the same worksheets." & vbNewLine & "Please try again.")
End If
Set myExcelObj = Nothing
End Sub
So my question is... can someone please assist in seeing where i'm going wrong? essentially, i'm having some issues in trying to get this working.
much appreciated
i've gone through and cleaned up some areas a little bit... but now have a: "run time error '438': object doesn't support this propety or method" at the while loop code that i've updated the post with
I see a typo on CommandButton1_Click
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
getTheWorkbooksToCompare(fileNamePath1, fileNamePath2)
End Sub
Public Sub gettheWorkbooksToCompare(myPath1 As Workbook, myPath2 As Workbook)
There might be something more, but your not capitalizing the "T" in getThe, but you call it that way.
