Manjaro gnome app spawns new window instead of focus on existing - gnome

I have google chat app on mac and on manjaro. When I click on app button in mac's dock, it focuses on already opened instance and open new one only if none exists.
In manjaro, it opens new instance every time I click on it so I usually end up with tenths of chats after few hours of working. How can I set it to open new instance only if none exists yet?
Thank you


I want to make sure that windows that are not directly selected in Windows 10 are never TOP of ALL

I wonder if you have a Windows 10 setup or software.
While viewing a browser or another window, the window is forced to switch if one program installation is complete, or if one game is completely loaded.
Is there a way to set the window so that it never changes forcibly unless I choose it?
I can't find any solution.

Make electron window able to receive click event when above keynote app

I am working on electron app where i open a child window which i want to be above all the windows (not above fullscreen windows though), I managed to do it by using
win.setAlwaysOnTop(true, "screen-saver");
It now stays on top of all other open apps and keynote app presentation mode, i want user to be able to click buttons inside my window but now the issue is as soon as user clicks on button or just window in my child window, keynote window minimizes (as focus shifts to my window).
What i tried : I tried almost all available window option given in electron docs with different variations, I also tried playing with modals, but obviously modals stay in window itself, i want to keep main app minimized and keep child window on top of other apps. I also found electron-modal package, but that also behaves same.
working example
I was trying different application to check is any other application is able to do it, and i found that zoom app window (in screen share mode) is able to stay on top of keynote app and you can click buttons inside that app, you can move window, and keynote app keeps running in the background with no issues. I am trying to achieve exactly same behaviour.
This is something that you won't be able to recreate with electron currently, except through a native node module that manipulates your window related OS flags.
You can follow this issue on the Electron repository, since the flags introduced there should resolve your issue, or at least give you a point of entry to make your own PR or node_module.

Working with Mainframe application in Blue Prism.

I've been working whit Blue Prism on a project that was using at one point IBM mainframe application(ICBS). I've mange to get it working, but only problem that I had was Login in to therminal.
My robot lunched application as mainframe app, but after that therminal is asking me to login in, but its doing that in standard Win window - whit option to enter login and password.
Problem is that Blue Prism is not able to spy on thoes elements because it's launched as mainframe.
If I launch this app as standard win application, then there is no problem in login in, but after that working whit mainframe screen is imposible because I can't spy on specyfic elements of the green screens.
I was trying to launched as mainframe, then using another object(Win app) to logon and then go back to mainframe but I cant to Attach Win app Object to allready launched mainframe object. I get "could not be found" error when I'm tring to Attach.
Any idea how to get it working?
Well, there's no other way than having two different objects.
The first one should be the "Mainframe Application" object that is launching from executable file.
The second one should be the "Windows Applications" object that is attaching to appearing window.
I am guessing that you're having a problem with attaching the second object to the window.
The Blue Prism when trying to attach to the object is checking two things:
The name of the process - you can find that information using task manager.
The window title of the target Application - that's the title that is visible at the top of the window.
There is possibility to use *,# and others as wildcard characters.
You'll have to try there around there to get that working.
Below you can find a print screen of one of mine objects that attaches to windows photo viewer.

Chrome extension: open a new window in specific user agent

i'm trying to open new incognito window (after clicking something) in different user agent than default (an iPhone 4 user agent for example).
Is it even possible, and if it doesn't, how can I do it in another way?
Sorry for my poor English, and thanks in advance.

iPhone SDK: How to Kill my app?

I've been trying to create a proper Restart feature within my app, which doesn't work (Orientation is meshing up badly) so since this is a prototype I figure it will be easier if I just crash my app and the user taps again the icon.
Is there a way I could kill my application from code within 1-2 sec.?
Thank you!
You mean you want to quit your app when user taps on home button instead of going the app into background? If yes you can quit the app when user presses home button by adding a key into your info.plist file application does not run in background and set it's value to true. Here is the original key name UIKeySuspendOnExit I don't remember excatly but it should be like this. Find on google you will get easily.
