Reinstall Shopify App Error: "The Page is not Avalaible - node.js

I am developing the shopify app according to the tutorial presented on the page (QR create code), however when I am doing tests, when I uninstall it and try to reinstall it I get the following message:
There is no page at this address
Please check the URL and try again, or use the search bar to find what you need. (Attached in the photo)
Photo 404
If you can help me, thank you very much, I feel that it is as if the authentication failed or I had already used the token, the truth is that I do not know about the subject
My project is in node, react
"#shopify/app": "3.3.3",
"#shopify/cli": "3.3.3"

This is a shopify_app bug
You need to delete the previous installation Shop from the database then try the install again and it will work.
If you have only one shop in the database quick solution will be the rails console
rails c
To resolve it permanently you have to register and handle the app_uninstalled webhook however it will not work 100% of the time due to delay. When the user removes the app the Shopify server trigger webhook with delay (2 seconds to 10 minutes)


Error when setting up webhook with Ngrok/WhatsApp

I am trying to setup a WhatsApp bot using voiceflow, based on the tutorial found here. I've set this up before and everything has worked fine, but now I can't seem to configure the webhook.
The steps I'm performing are as follows:
Clone the repo here
Checked ngrok is installed (version 3.0.7), and its location (/usr/local/bin/ngrok)
Created a .env file at the root with the VERIFY_TOKEN, PORT, and WHATSAPP_TOKEN
Started the app from root with npm start
Started ngrok with ngrok http 8000 (the same port as specified in my .env)
Checked the resulting address works in the browser
According to the documentation, I then configure the webhook by adding "/webhook" to the end of the URL, and adding the same VERIFY_TOKEN as specified in my .env file. This, however, gives me the following error:
The callback URL or verify token couldn't be validated.
Please verify the provided information or try again later.
I've had a look around at similar questions here, but could not find what was wrong. I have also spoken to others who encountered similar issues over the last few weeks. This process was working up until recently (Nov 2022).
The error msg: The callback URL or verify token couldn't be validated. Please verify the provided information or try again later. usually means you are not returning a 200 response to the webhook origin. I would make sure your code is returning a 200 to whatsapp.
As an alternative, try to set the webhook on glitch as explained here:
so that you can check if your meta account is valid.
From what I have found it seems that feature is now behind a paywall. It worked fine a few months ago on the free tier of ngrok. So you will need to upgrade your ngrok subscription for WhatsApp to start validating. You can read about it here. Try using Cloudflare tunnel.

How to get shop_url who install my shopify app first time

i am developing shopify app and it successfully work in my development store. but i have doubt that how i can get the shop url who will install my app from shopify app
following is url for install my app in particular shopify store
and this url call my callback url which generate permanent access_token
How to get this shop_url of shopify store who install my app very first time. can any one help me out with this
problem is how to set and where to get shop_url when my install app route call
? where to get this. Can any one please help. thank you
Whenever Shopify sends your App a shop, the shop parameter is filled in. So you never have to wonder who is knocking at your door. You always know, with the exception perhaps of when you offer clickable service inside your own App. At that point, you might want to include the shop as a parameter too, for cases when your session times out. You can re-auth that way.

Chimpified MailChimp Shopify Connector

I'm trying to connect a Shopify store to Chimpified (Mailchimp for Shopify). When the auth flow reaches this particular url: I get this warning.
"We're sorry, but something went wrong."
My client just gave me access to his Shopify store and I'm not able to figure out where the problem is.
Maybe because it's getting dropped by Shopify:
"The Mailchimp for Shopify app is going away on May 12. We recommend connecting your Mailchimp account to your Shopify store via a third-party integration or using a workaround. Learn more about these changes"
Honestly, it's a real pain. I mean site has been using Shopify/Mailchimp for years quite happily then that happens :(
Time to find a workaround me thinks ...
Shopify Mailchimp

Spotify Web API won't work for a specific user?

I'm trying to use the web api to query a user's playlists (using the spotipy Python library). I got the user to oAuth in, got an access token, made the request and got a 500 error:
SpotifyException: http status: 500, code:-1 - Server error.
I then tried the same request in Web API test console and it worked fine.
But then things get kind of weird. I tried running the cURL command the console generated in a terminal and got the same 500 error.
Then I tried running the same request using cURL but just changing the username in the URL and it worked fine (at least for public playlists) for both my username and a random friend's user ID number.
I thought maybe I'm having a token issue but the token I'm using seems to work fine with other usernames. It's just the one specific user for whom I'm getting the error.
I'd rather not post the user's ID on this public forum but I can email it to someone if it's relevant.
My best guess for what's wrong at this point is a bug on Spotify's side but I certainly could be doing something wrong.
Again, thanks for reporting this. This bug was fixed by Matt M. and was just deployed to production.
Please try it out in our API Console. (which Matt was also part of building!)

App-In purchase error -1001

II've been working on adding in-app purchases and was able to create and test in-app purchases using Store Kit.
Now I am unable to successfully complete any transactions and instead am getting only transactions with transactionState SKPaymentTransactionStateFailed.
The transaction.error.code is -1001 and the transaction.error.localizedDescription is "Cannot connect to iTunes Store"!
I have tried removing all products from iTunesConnect, and rebuilt them using different identifiers but that did not help. I have also tried using the App Store app to really connect to the real App Store and download some apps so I do have connectivity. Finally, I have visited the Settings:Store app to make sure I am signed out of my normal app store account.
you probably solved it by now but for others,
sometimes it takes time for apple to process new in app purchases. this is what the message -1001 actually saying
so, cross your fingers and wait for 24-48hours, dont change anything and you will probably be fine,
it will automatically start to work when they finish processing what is needed.
