error trying to recreate php's dechex function in python3 - python-3.x

i have a php file that takes a simple 8 digit id and converts it to hex using
i am now trying todo the same thing in python i start by grabbing my list of ids from the web these are returned as strings such as
00274956 , 00002645, 00000217
i then convert them to intagers and hex them using
but i am getting the error
ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'init'
here is the code the id comes direct from a http get request
FILE_NEW = FILE_HEX + ".pdf"


Python : stripping, converting bytes type

Under Python 3.10, I do have an UDP socket that listens to a COM port.
I do get datas like this :
b'SENDPKT: "STN1" "" "SH/DX\r"\x98\x00'
The infos SH/DX before the "\n" can change and has a different length and I need to extract them.
.strip('b\r') doesn't work.
Using .decode() and str(), I tried to convert this bytes datas to a string for easier manipulation, but that doesn't work either.
I get an error "invalid start byte at position 27 for 0x98
Any guess, how I can solve this ?
For sophisticated input you can try ignoring errors while decoding:
b = b'SENDPKT: "STN1" "" "SH/DX\r"\x98\x00'
s = b.decode(errors='ignore')
res = s[20:s.find('\r')] # 'SH/DX'

Groovy - String created from UTF8 bytes has wrong characters

The problem came up when getting the result of a web service returning json with Greek characters in it. Actually it is the city of Mykonos. The challenge is whatever encoding or conversion I'm using it is always displayed as:ΜΎΚΟxCE?ΟΣ . But it should show: ΜΎΚΟΝΟΣ
With Powershell I was able to verify, that the web service is returning the correct characters.
I narrowed the problem down when the byte array gets converted to a String in Groovy. Below is code that reproduces the issue I have. myUTF8String holds the byte array I get from URLConnection.content.text. The UTF8 byte sequence to look at is 0xce, 0x9d. After converting this to a string and back to a byte array the byte sequence for that character is 0xce, 0x3f. The result of below code will show the difference at position 9 of the original byte array and the one from the converted string. For the below test I'm using Groovy Console 4.0.6.
Any hints on this one?
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
def myUTF8String = "ce9cce8ece9ace9fce9dce9fcea3"
def bytes = myUTF8String.decodeHex();
content = new String(bytes).getBytes()
for ( i = 0; i < content.length; i++ ) {
if ( bytes[i] != content[i] ) {
println "Different... at pos " + i
hex = Long.toUnsignedString( bytes[i], 16).toUpperCase()
print hex.substring(hex.length()-2,hex.length()) + " != "
hex = Long.toUnsignedString( content[i], 16).toUpperCase()
println hex.substring(hex.length()-2,hex.length())
Thanks a lot
you have to specify charset name when building String from bytes otherwise default java charset will be used - and it's not necessary urf-8.
Charset.defaultCharset() - Returns the default charset of this Java virtual machine.
The same problem with String.getBytes() - use charset parameter to get correct byte sequence.
Just change the following line in your code and issue will disappear:
content = new String(bytes, "UTF-8").getBytes("UTF-8")
as an option you can set default charset for the whole JVM instance with the following command line parameter:
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 <your application>
but be careful because it will affect whole JVM instance!

Pickle in python3, error on concating string to bytes

I am converting some code from python2 to 3 and saw an error that the 2to3 did not catch on a line:
pickle.dumps(('predskew', predskewData[0])) + pickleSep
That produces an error in python3:
pickledPredskewData = pickle.dumps(('predskew', predskewData[0])) + pickleSep
TypeError: can't concat str to bytes
I know from other posts on stack over flow I could perhaps use an encode? or a decode? I just wasn't sure where or what. So I did try this in python2:
pickleSep = ":::::"
pickle.dumps(('predskew',0)) + pickleSep
Which produces:
pickle.dumps(('predskew',0)) + pickleSep.encode()
Gives the same result.
Now if I try the same line in python3, I get what 'looks' like vastly different output:
pickle.dumps(('predskew', 0)) + pickleSep.encode()
Gives the output of:
So not sure my encode fix is the right approach as the answers seem different (unless it is the print just showing me the bytes itself?!)

Need to pass multiple variables to payload variables

I am trying to pass multiple variables to payload using format & +str(Var)+ but I am not getting the expected output. I have the hostnames in a file & get a password as input and want to pass it to the payload.
I am getting an error related to "Error while parsing JSON payload or an incompatible argument type for the requested resource"
for x in content:
payload=('{{"ip-address": "x.x.x.x","user-name": "john","password": "'+ str(Pass) +'","db-name": "'+ str(x.strip()) +'","service-name": "y","port": "y","connection-string": "y"}}')
response =,json=payload,headers=add_cookie,verify=False)
for x in content:
payload={"ip-address": "x.x.x.x","user-name": "john","password": "{}","db-name": "{}","service-name": "y","port": "y","connection-string": "y"}.format(Pass, x.strip())
response =,json=payload,headers=add_cookie,verify=False)
In first part your payload is a string and not a dict, it should be
payload={"ip-address": "x.x.x.x","user-name": "john","password": str(Pass),"db-name": str(x.strip()),"service-name": "y","port": "y","connection-string": "y"}
In the second one you're using the format function on a dict type which is wrong.

Encoding Not supported Execption while parsing HL7 message

I have a C#.NET application in which i am trying to construct an HL7 message and then send to other Application using NHAPI .The message is successfully constructed but it when i am trying to extract throws an error :Encoding NotsupportedException
.NET framework- 4
HL7 version-2.5
here is the piece of code
PipeParser ParserADT = new PipeParser();
IMessage ParsedADTmsg = ParserADT.Parse(ADTMsg);
string Msgstr = ParsedADTmsg.GetStructureName();
I get the exception immediately after the line above.
The constructed message:
PV1||Emergency –
Replace the space before EVN, NK1, and PV1 with a new line character, so that your message looks like this:
EVN||201405291223 PID|||102||Oberoi^Anjali^^^Ms||20140529|Female|||||^^PH|^^CP
