How to make node.js spawn show text realtime with VT100 codes - node.js

I've written an Angular builder that dynamically sets up my jest command and then spawns it, as shown below. While I do get all the output, it's not showing the same way as if I were to run the child process directly from the command line.
For example, if I manually run the node command then I get VT100-like color coding, and a timer is shown as the jest tests are starting. With the below code, that doesn't happen, and the output just all comes out hodge-podge.
Is there a different way to handle running the command?
export async function runJest(options: Options, context: BuilderContext): Promise<BuilderOutput> {
const child = spawn('node', [
child.stdout.on('data', x => process.stderr.write(x))
child.stderr.on('data', x => process.stderr.write(x))
const exitCode = await new Promise((resolve) => child.on('close', resolve))
return {success: exitCode === 0}


Send text to .bat file that is ran from NodeJS

I want to start a .bat file from within NodeJS. With that, I would then be able to send messages to that running bat file.
My code:
const childprocess = require("child_process")
const mybat = childprocess.exec("start cmd /c my.bat", () => {
console.log("bat file has finished")
// some time later in another function
mybat.send("text to send")
// within the bat, it would use the new message "text to send" as if you typed and sent a message in the cmd terminal
// ...
// sending any key to complete a PAUSE command which will close the cmd
The .send() isn't a working function but hopefully it demonstrates what I'm trying to accomplish. Everything except the send functions works fine.
The following code uses #rauschma/stringio to asynchronously write to the stdin of a child process running a shell command:
const {streamWrite, streamEnd, onExit} = require('#rauschma/stringio');
const {spawn} = require('child_process');
async function main() {
const sink = spawn('cmd.exe', ['/c', 'my.bat'],
{stdio: ['pipe', process.stdout, process.stderr]}); // (A)
writeToWritable(sink.stdin); // (B)
await onExit(sink);
console.log('bat file has finished');
async function writeToWritable(writable) {
await streamWrite(writable, 'text to send\n');
await streamWrite(writable, 'a');
await streamEnd(writable);
We spawn a separate process, called sink, for the shell command. writeToWritable writes to sink.stdin. It does so asynchronously and pauses via await, to avoid requiring too much buffering.
In line A, we tell spawn() to let us access stdin via sink.stdin ('pipe'). stdout and stderr are forwarded to process.stdin and process.stderr, as previously.
We don’t await in line B for the writing to finish. Instead, we await until the child process sink is done.

Wait for all child processes to finish to continue

I would like to know if it is possible to wait for all child process created using the spawn function to finish before continuing execution.
I have a code looking like this:
const spawn = window.require('child_process').spawn;
let processes = [];
let thing = [];
// paths.length = 2
paths.forEach((path) => {
const pythonProcess = spawn("public/", ['-d', '-j', '-p', path, tempfile]);
pythonProcess.on('exit', () => {
fs.readFile(tempfile, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
console.log(processes) // Here we have 2 child processes
console.log(thing) // empty array.. the python processes didnt finish yet
return thing // of course it doesn't work. I want to wait for all the processes to have finished their callbacks to continue
As you can guess, I would like to know how I could get all the python scripts running at the same time, and wait for all of them to finish to continue my js code.
I'm running node 10.15.3
Thank you
ForEach to push Promise into an array of Promise and Promise.all()
Have you tried spawnSync ?
Is generally identical to spawn with the exception that the function
will not return until the child process has fully closed.
import { spawnSync } from "child_process";
spawnSync('ls', ['-la']);

How to mock test a Node.js CLI with Jest?

I'm stuck at the very beginning, simply requiring the CLI and capturing its output. I've tried two methods but both don't work.
This is my cli.js:
#!/usr/bin/env node
And this my cli.test.js:
test('Attempt 1', () => {
let stdout = require("test-console").stdout;
let output = stdout.inspectSync(function() {
test('Attempt 2', () => {
console.log = jest.fn();
Doesn't really matter which test is actually being run, the output is always:
$ jest
RUNS bin/cli.test.js
Done in 3.10s.
Node.js CLI applications are no different to other applications except their reliance on environment. They are expected to extensively use process members, e.g.:
If any of these things are used, they should be mocked and tested accordingly.
Since console.log is called directly for output, there's no problem to spy on it directly, although helper packages like test-console can be used too.
In this case process.exit(0) is called in imported file, so spec file early exits, and next Done output is from parent process. It should be stubbed. Throwing the error is necessary so that code execution is stopped - to mimic the normal behavior:
test('Attempt 2', () => {
const spy = jest.spyOn(console, 'log');
jest.spyOn(process, 'exit').mockImplementationOnce(() => {
throw new Error('process.exit() was called.')
expect(() => {
}).toThrow('process.exit() was called.');

child_process.execFile slow to exit

I have a Node script that calls an external program (PluginManager.exe) this way:
const util = require('util');
const execFile = util.promisify(require('child_process').execFile);
const process = execFile('PluginManager.exe', ['/install']);
.then(({stdout, stderr}) => console.log('done', stdout, stderr))
.catch(e => console.log(e));
PluginManager.exe takes 8 seconds to execute. My problem is that the Node script keeps running for another 10 more seconds after the child process has exited. I know when PluginManager.exe finishes because I can see it disappear from the Windows Task Manager Process List.
What keeps the Node process running for so long and what can I do to make sure it exits as soon as the child process exits?
Maybe it's waiting on input and timing out after 10s?
Try closing stdin with .end() as mentioned in
(in this usage, you'll need the original return value of execFile, so don't promisify, as per
const util = require('util');
const execFile = require('child_process').execFile;
const process = execFile(
'PluginManager.exe', ['/install'], (e, stdout, stderr) => {
if (e) {
} else {
console.log('done', stdout, stderr));
Have you tried by adding the killSignal option set to something a bit more aggresive?
const process = execFile('PluginManager.exe', ['/install'], {killSignal: 'SIGKILL'});

How to send input to child process created with spawn? nodejs

I'm running Windows 10, and I have a program, let's call it program, that can be run from the command line. When run, it responds to commands the user enters. The user enters a command, presses the return key, and the program prints a response. I did not make this program and do not have the source, so I cannot modify it.
I want to run this program from within Node.js, and have my Node.js program act as the user, sending it commands and getting the responses. I spawn my program like this:
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var child = spawn('program');
child.stdout.on('data', function(data) {
console.log(`stdout: ${data}`);
Then I attempt to send it a command, for example, help.
And nothing happens. If I manually run the program, type help, and press the return key, I get output. I want Node.js to run the program, send it input, and receive the output exactly as a human user would. I assumed that stdin.write() would send the program a command as if the user typed it in the console. However, as the program does not respond, I assume this is not the case. How can I send the program input?
I've seen many similar questions, but unfortunately the solutions their authors report as "working" did not work for me.
Sending input data to child process in node.js
I've seen this question and answer and tried everything in it with no success. I've tried ending the command with \r\n instead of \n. I've also tried adding the line child.stdin.end() after writing. Neither of these worked.
How to pass STDIN to node.js child process
This person, in their self-answer, says that they got theirs to work almost exactly as I'm doing it, but mine does not work.
Nodejs Child Process: write to stdin from an already initialised process
This person, in their self-answer, says they got it to work by writing their input to a file and then piping that file to stdin. This sounds overly complicated to send a simple string.
This worked for me, when running from Win10 CMD or Git Bash:
console.log('Running child process...');
const spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
const child = spawn('node');
// Also worked, from Git Bash:
//const child = spawn('cat');
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
console.log(`stdout: "${data}"`);
child.stdin.end(); // EOF
child.on('close', (code) => {
console.log(`Child process exited with code ${code}.`);
D:\Martin\dev\node>node test11.js
Running child process...
stdout: "Hello!
Child process exited with code 0.
I also tried running aws configure like this, first it didn't work because I sent only a single line. But when sending four lines for the expected four input values, it worked.
Maybe your program expects special properties for stdin, like being a real terminal, and therefore doesn't take your input?
Or did you forget to send the EOF using child.stdin.end();? (If you remove that call from my example, the child waits for input forever.)
Here is what worked for me. I have used child_process exec to create a child process. Inside this child process Promise, I am handling the i/o part of the cmd given as parameter. Its' not perfect, but its working.
Sample function call where you dont need any human input.
executeCLI("cat ~/index.html");
Sample function call where you interact with aws cli. Here
executeCLI("aws configure --profile dev")
Code for custom executeCLI function.
var { exec } = require('child_process');
async function executeCLI(cmd) {
console.log("About to execute this: ", cmd);
var child = exec(cmd);
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
child.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
child.on('close', function (err, data) {
if (err) {
console.log("Error executing cmd: ", err);
} else {
// console.log("data:", data)
Extract the user input code from browser and save that code into a file on your system using fs module. Let that file be 'program.cpp' and save the user data input in a text file.
As we can compile our c++ code on our terminal using g++ similarly we will be using child_process to access our system terminal and run user's code.
execFile can be used for executing our program
var { execFile } = require('child_process');
execFile("g++", ['program.cpp'], (err, stdout, stderr) => {
if (err) {
console.log("compilation error: ",err);
} else{
execFile ('./a.out' ,['<', 'input.txt'], {shell: true}, (err, stdout, stderr) => {
console.log("output: ", stdout);
In this code we simply require the child_process and uses its execFile function.
First we compile the code present in program.cpp, which creates a default a.out as output file
Then we pass the a.out file with input that is present in input.txt
Hence you can view the generated output in your terminal and pass that back to the user.
for more details you can check: Child Processes
