Can a digital signature change for the same input data PKCS7 / SHA256 - digital-signature

Conceptually, can a digital signature vary if it is generated multiple times for the same input data with SHA256 hashing and PKCS7 formatting.
Thank you for any help.

If data is same, SHA256 hash would be same and PKCS7 signature, using same private/public key pair, may be same unless it contains time stamping.


Storing encrypted password with fernet and key generated from any text,

I'm looking for a way to encrypt main password using short key/pin and decrypt it by this pin every time.
I tried to generate hash (sha256) from short key given by user and cut off the hash to desired length, decode it to bytecode and use as Fernet
Piece of code:
pin = self.pin_ent.get()
key: str = hashlib.sha256(pin.encode()).hexdigest()[10:-10]
f = Fernet(key.decode())
but python rise the error
ValueError: Fernet key must be 32 url-safe base64-encoded bytes.
It is unclear what you mean with "desired length". SHA-256 creates a 32 byte hash value (without the hex encoding that you added). You just need to base64url encode it, as the error description suggests.
A PIN is not suitable for encryption purposes as it is too easy to try all possible PIN values, and try to decrypt the stored password. If you'd use a normal-strength password to encrypt the other password (which seems counter-productive, but hey) then SHA-256 is not secure either, you'd have to use a PBKDF such as PBKDF2 to strengthen the password.

How do you decrypt a file that has been encrypted with openssl using nodejs javascript

I have a file that has been encrypted using openssl using the following command:
openssl enc -in data -out encrypted -e -aes256 -k myverystrongpassword
Where data is the original file and encrypted is the encrypted file.
I tried various ways using crypto library but nothing seems to work. I understand that the password needs to be converted into a key so maybe I am doing something wrong there. Looked all over for a solution but nothing seems to work.
The posted OpenSSL statement uses a key derivation function EVP_BytesToKey() to derive a 32 bytes key and a 16 bytes IV from the password in combination with a random 8 bytes salt.
The ciphertext corresponds to the concatenation of the ASCII encoding of Salted__, followed by the salt and finally by the actual ciphertext.
As you already know according to your comment, EVP_BytesToKey() uses a digest for which OpenSSL applied MD5 by default in earlier versions and SHA-256 as of version v1.1.0 (the default value can be overridden in the OpenSSL statement with the -md option).
Decryption is possible e.g. with CryptoJS: Due to its OpenSSL compatibility (s. sec. Interoperability) CryptoJS has a built-in implementation of an accessible EVP_BytesToKey() function and additionally allows to explicitly set the digest in the internal EVP_BytesToKey() call during key derivation. This makes it possible to decrypt encryptions that used SHA-256 or MD5 in key derivation.
The following data is the Base64 encoding of a ciphertext generated with the posted OpenSSL statement. The plaintext used was The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The OpenSSL version applied is v1.1.1i (i.e. SHA-256 is implicitly used in the key derivation):
This ciphertext can be successfully decrypted using the following CryptoJS implementation:
const password = 'myverystrongpassword';
const saltCiphertextB64 = 'U2FsdGVkX19W4wmC9dD35X4J66cSvaRaIQpvjDKHrLF9+qYg5VTo5urvExHLXhwf/bE8FXJTQZmKN8ITMJVdqQ==';
CryptoJS.algo.EvpKDF.cfg.hasher = CryptoJS.algo.SHA256.create(); // default: MD5
const decryptedData = CryptoJS.AES.decrypt(saltCiphertextB64, password);
console.log(decryptedData.toString(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8)); // The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
<script src=""></script>
Note that the digest in the code must be explicitly specified as SHA-256 since OpenSSL v1.1.1i was used for encryption.
If the encryption was done with an OpenSSL version that uses MD5, the digest in the code must be modified accordingly.
Edit: As noted in the comment, the crypto functions createCipher()/createDecipher() also use EVP_BytesToKey() as key derivation.
However, the following should be noted:
Unlike CryptoJS, it is not possible to specify the digest, i.e. MD5 is used unchangeably. Thus, encryptions that applied SHA-256 for key derivation cannot be decrypted (what applies to the encryptions here).
In contrast to CryptoJS, no salt is used by default. Therefore, salt creation and concatenation (Salted__|<salt>|<cipherext>) during encryption and separation during decryption would have to be implemented additionally. createCipher()/createDecipher() then has to be passed the concatenation of passphrase and salt.
Both functions are deprecated since version 10.0.0 and should actually not be used.
A more robust approach to decrypt encryptions (with arbitrary digests in key derivation) using the crypto module is to apply createCipheriv()/createDecipheriv() and a port of the required functionality of EVP_BytesToKey() to derive key and IV (various implementations can be found on the net).
Security: EVP_BytesToKey() is deemed to be a vulnerability these days. This is worsened by a low iteration count (like 1, which is used by OpenSSL), a broken digest (like MD5) or a missing salt (as is the default for crypto). Ultimately, this is why createCipher()/createDecipher() are deprecated. Instead of EVP_BytesToKey(), a more reliable key derivation function such as PBKDF2 or the more modern scrypt or Argon2 should be used.

Understanding BCryptSignHash output signature

I have signed a hash value in windows using BCryptSignHash with ECDSA algorithm. The output signature buffer is of length 64 bytes. I also generated the public and private key blobs using BCryptGenerateKeyPair function (BCRYPT_ECDSA_P256_ALGORITHM algorithm) with which i signed the hash.
I have to verify this signature with this key pair in linux. I am able to decipher the public-private key pair that got generated, using the link "" and able to use the same in linux.
The 64-byte signature generated should ideally be signature pair (r,s) (
Is there a way to understand the 64-bytes signature generated so that i can map the signature blob contents to (r,s) pair in linux and verify it?
Or is there a simpler way to verify the generated signature in linux?
Is there a way to understand the 64-bytes signature generated so that I can map the signature blob contents to (r,s) pair in linux and verify it?
The r and s are in P1363 format, which is simply a concatenation of r and s in a 2's compliment format. That is, the signature is simply r || s.
You need to know the hash to use this format. For example, SHA1 will create a r of 20 bytes and an s of 20 bytes. If r or s is "too short", then it is padded on the left with 0's.
Java and OpenPGP are different than P1363. Java and OpenPGP use an ASN.1 encoding:
Depending what library you use on Linux, you may have to convert between the formats. Cryptographic Interoperability: Digital Signatures gives examples of signing and verifying using a few different libraries.
Or is there a simpler way to verify the generated signature in linux?
Try Crypto++. I believe Microsoft and Crypto++ uses the same signature format, so you won't need to convert. See Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm for details.

Space constrained asymmetric signature

I need to sign a small string with an asymmetric key encryption scheme.
The signature will be stored on a small chip together with the signed string. I have very little space to spare (about 60bytes for signature + string), so the generated signature should be as small as possible.
I looked around for how to do it, and what I found is that I could use RSA-SHA1, but the generated signature with a 512 bit key is 64 bytes. That is a bit much.
What secure algorithm could I use to generate a small asymmetric signature?
Would it still be secure if I store the SHA1 sum of the RSA-SHA1 signature, and later verify that instead?
What you're bumping up against here is one of the properties of a good hash function - the return value should be long to protect against birthday attacks (where two different inputs result in the same output hash). Generally 128-512 bits is preferred hence the SHA-1 signature gives you 512 bits.
As with all things in cryptography security is a trade off. As you are using asymmetric signing have you considered using RSA-MD5 as your signature option? This will give you a far shorter return of 128 bits but this comes with the caveat that MD5 is considered broken and is generally being moved away from.

How RSA algorithm encrypt and decrypt string text?

I need the algorithm about encrypt and decrypt using RSA algorithm. Now I have public key, private key, and string text. The questions are
I need to know how to encrypt it. Encrypt each character in text or encrypt whole text.
How to decrypt it when ciphertext has only number. How to divide number to decrypt.
p.s. Sorry about my bad English. = ="
The standard way is:
Generate a key of symmetric algorithm (for example, AES).
Encrypt the text with them.
Encrypt this key with RSA using, for example, PKCS#1 notation.
Compose an output structure containing ciphertext, encrypted key and other service information (symmetric algorithm identifier, recipient ID, etc.). Most used format is noted in RFC 5652.
You can take each character from the string take it ascii value encrpyt it and then again convert it into text and it for all characters.This will be your encrypted text.Like wise do it for decryption..
hope it helps
