Display strapi fields instead of id - node.js

I am developing one project using strapi.
I have created one dynamic component with the following structure.
I have added this component in one of my collections called "Markup" which is single-type collection.
When I add some data in markup collection like this:
Here, instead of id of component I want to display range.
for example,
In the above screenshot, strapi is displaying "1" in component header. I want to replace it with something like this: ${min}-${max}.
so, instead of "1" it should display "5-9.9" and instead of "2" it should display "10-24.99"
How can I change this?

Created one new field called displayName in the component and set it to ${min}-${max} when a user updates an entry in the component record and then sets the field displayName to display field from strapi view configuration.


How to display dynamic default value in field of Strapi collection page?

I want to display some read only URL in STRAPI collection page.
let's say I am at
now I have one field that need to display URL like this
is there is any way to get current url i.e. /admin/plugins/content-manager/collectionType/application::my-public-form.my-public-form/1
and in field I display https://myurl/1
This is going to be a lengthy answer, but let me try to simplify as much as possible.
To achieve this you need to simply create a field in the collection type and mark it as non-editable in the admin interface. This will make it a read-only property. Next, we need to override the afterFindOne from the lifecycle hooks of the model so that when it fetches the entry from the db, we can pre-populate the url for that particular entry, so that it's displayed in the read-only field in the UI.
Let's assume we are creating a collection-type called Student, which some basic field like first_name, last_name, dob and student_url. We are going to make the student_url field read-only in the following way:
Create the collection type Student as show in the screenshot.
Visit the newly created collection-type in the content-manager, click on Create new entry button, and then click on Configure view in the right hand panel.
Click on the small pencil icon which is besides the student_url field to open a popup, and then set the Editable property to False and click Finish.
At this point you're almost done, the only thing left to do is set the lifecycle hook to populate the student_url field when it's fetched from the database so that it's displayed correctly in our UI.
Create a lifecycles.js file in your model folder.
// src/api/student/content-types/student/lifecycles.js
module.exports = {
afterFindOne(event) {
const { result } = event;
// You can easily change this line to `/admin/plugins/content-manager/collectionType/application::my-public-form.my-public-form/${result.id}` in your project.
if (result) result.student_url = `https://example.com/${result.id}`;
And that's it. Now create an entry in the admin UI with the rest of editable fields and see entry being populated automatically with the student_url. Cheers!

displaying a list on screen with orchard

Using orchard cms 1.6 I have a table in my db 'cars'. I want to display the column 'CarName' from the table, as a list on screen with all the records from the table.
When the user clicks on their link it will bring them to that page.
I know how to do this from the view e.g.
but I would like to try and create a content type which shows this list.
Content type seems to be all UI related. Im not sure how to take a table and display a column as a list on screen through the content type...any idea on how to do this?
then I can choose to show the content type as a form and the user can view it from the main menu.
It looks like you want to create a content type called Car, possibly with a CarPart and a record class CarPartRecord (perhaps refactor your Car class to CarPartRecord to follow Orchard's naming conventions). Make sure CarPartRecord derives from ContentPartRecord.
To render a list of Cars, you could use a Projection that renders a list of cars. A Projection renders content based on a Query, which you configure using the dashboard.
Alternatively, you could create a controller that leverages IContentManager to query all Car content items, and returns a view to render them in a table.
For each Car content item, use Html.ItemDisplayLink to render a link to its details page.

Conditional Client Side Validation?

I have a radio button group that gets it's values using an #Dblookup. In addition to the name to appear in the radio button group, the document also has a field to determine if another field on the xPage should be displayed or not.
If the field is displayed then it should be required.
I can do the conditional validation just fine in SSJS using an #DbLookup to lookup the document selected in the radio button group.
But I would like to be able to do it CS so it is faster and so it looks like my other validations. Is there anyway to do this?
If a field is not rendered then the node will not exist in the DOM. Your CS javascript would need to examine the DOM and look for the node, normally by looking for a specific ID. As Xpages changes the ID's sent to the browser your validation function would either need to be computed so it would know what ID to look for or you would need to look for it in some other unique way ( like add a css class name to just that field and then do a DOM search for nodes with that class name )
Once you can determine if the field has been rendered then you can run your usual CS validation routine against the other field.
If you're using client-side validation throughout your app, setting the required property on the field should achieve what you need.
If not, it may be worth looking at the Extension Library Dojo Validation Text Box. All the Extension Library Dojo control run client-side validation, even if validation is set as server-side at application level. Bear in mind that for the Dojo Validation Text Box, just setting the required property is not enough. You need to add more specific validation.
After that, the key is to ensure the partial refresh event on your radio group is set to skip validation. I haven't tried, but I believe that should achieve what you need.

How to show list of custom objects in a page in Drupal

I want to create a page in Drupal 6 where I can show list of restaurants.When a user clicks on any restaurant page, I should be redirected to Restaurant details page.
For this :
1.) I created a new content type called "Restaurant" with some fields.
2.) Created 3-4 content items for Restaurant( Restaurant1, Restaurant2, Restaurant3)
3.) Created view called: RestaurantList, Added Fields for it. Then added Page Display and gave the path for it http://website/Restaurants
Now, when I browse to Restaurants page, I only get labels of my fields but no values. How can I get the values but not the labels? Also, I want to go to the RestaurantDetails page. How can that be achieved?
Well if I were to set up a page view this is how I would set it up:
Node type - Restaurants
Node published - Yes
Node title
check the option Link this field to it's node
leave the Label: field empty
check option Hide if empty
And if your view style is a HTML list, for extra you can go to Row style options and check the option: Hide empty fields
Make sure you click Preview to see if you get any values. If you don't then there's something wrong with the view settings, most probably the filters which are to restrictive. Start with something loose, like Node type - Restaurants.

Person & Group custom field type sharepoint

I have created a custom field type as it is there in sharepoint OOTB, the difference is only that the end user does not need to check the name i.e I have replaced it with DropDownList. The dropdownlist suggest the no. of users available in the web site for that I have created a FieldClass which inherits from SPFieldUser and a FieldControlClass which inherits from UserField. It is working fine in all conditions i.e when I create a List or Document Libarary it shows me the DropDownList
with respective users after saying OK it creates an item for me. I have overriden a Value property in FieldControlClass as follows,
public override object Value
SPUserCollection userscollection = rootWeb.SiteUsers;
//ddlInfoBox is a DropDownList to which I have Binded the collection of users in the form of string
SPUser user = userscollection.Web.EnsureUser(this.ddlInfoBox.SelectedValue);
SPFieldUserValue userval = new SPFieldUserValue(user.ParentWeb, user.ID, user.LoginName);
return userval;
SPFieldUserValue userval = (SPFieldUserValue) this.ItemFieldValue;
this.ddlInfoBox.SelectedValue = userval.Lookupvalue; //Here look up value is nothing but a Login name e.g In-Wai-Svr2\tjagtap
Due to above property the Custom Field's Value for this current ListItem will be stored as SPFieldUserValue e.g 27#;In-Wai-Svr2\tjagtap.
The main problem is here, when this particular ListItem is shown in the list page views e.g on AllItems.aspx or the custom view pages associated with it, it shows the
number as 27 as a FieldValue insted of HyperLink with text as "In-Wai-Svr2\tjagtap" and PostBackURL as "/_layouts/userdisp.aspx?ID=27".
When I edit this Item it makes the respective value selected in the dropdownlist, also while viewing this item i.e on DispForm.aspx it also shows the hyperlink. I have
acheived it by writting a custom logic in createchildcontrol() method i.e by using ControlMode if it is New or Edit then fill the dropdown list, if it is Display then get the ItemFieldValue Type Cast it into SPFieldUserValue and get corresponding lookupid and value for making the URL and showing Text of the HyperLink.
I have spent a lot of time on searching and bringing the HyperLink as the user name with navigation insted of UserID (27) as a string on the list view pages e.g AllItem.aspx but to no avail, then after a lot of research I found that there might be a way of achieving such kind of functionality by using field type definition xml file where there is a provision to define a DisplayPatteren as you wish by specifying the html code. But here is a problem How can I get the UserID (27) with respective UserName e.g In-Wai-Svr2\tjagtap inorder to make an anchor tag like In-Wai-Svr2\tjagtap which will solve my problem. I have hard coded this anchor tag within the Default case statement of a switch under DisplayPatteren but it shows me the field value on AllItems.aspx as
In-Wai-Svr2\tjagtap27 i.e the value defined in xml file is concatenating with the string value (27).
Please help me to resolve the above mentioned 2 issue. I am really in need of solving this problem ASAP.
Thanks & Regards,
Tejas Jagtap
Have u tried to override the GetFieldValueAsHtml() method in the the custom field class or maybe the RenderFieldForDisplay() method in the custom field control class.
Can you use the DisplayPattern CAML from the User field type?
