How override a template? - twig

Following the documentation to override catalog.html.twig, I see that the "Hello World!" display does not work.
I cleared the cache.
I also tried to override view.html.twig with the following logic:
file path :
the content :
{% extends 'PrestaShopBundle:Admin/Sell/Order/Cart:view.html.twig' %}
{% block cart_summary %}
Hello world!
{% endblock %}
But unfortunately nothing works.
Do you have any ideas ?

overriding the admin templates require installed module.
Simply create and install your module via 'module manager' in admin panel, then inside of the module create this path "views/PrestaShop/Admin/Sell/Order/Cart/view.html.twig".
It should work now.

You have to create a module, I think that I have to put the file inside the override folder, but no.
You have to create a module whit that tools of prestashop and the create the path in views like the other answer say.
The module can be generic and doesn't matter the hook.


Drupal 8 Twig User ID?

I'm new to Drupal & Twig and all I need is in my custom theme a twig expression to output the current user's ID. I can't find anything in the template comments, only if a user is logged in true / false.
Is there a simple way to get the ID of the current user? I'm not sure how to implement custom methods in a theme.
Hello bobomoreno,
I would suggest you use the module Bamboo Twig.
The Bamboo Twig module provides some Twig extensions with some useful functions and filters aimed to improve the development experience.
You could then enable the sub-module Bamboo Twig - Loaders:
drush en bamboo_twig_loader -y
Finally, you will be able to use the Twig function bamboo_load_currentuser:
<!-- Get Current User -->
{% set user = bamboo_load_currentuser() %}
<div>{{ }}</div>
<div>{{ user.uid.value }}</div>
You can find the complete official documentation there.
In your theme find file yourthemename.theme and add following code:
function yourthemename_preprocess(&$vars, $hook)
$vars['uid'] = \Drupal::currentUser()->id();
now if you edit your twig template for html, page, region, block, field, form element... you can use 'uid' token in your twig. It works for all hooks
If you only need the ID in user.html.twig, it's {{ }}
Here's how D8 now works, in two lines of executable code:
// This code returns the current user ID.
$account = \Drupal::currentUser();
return $account->id();
The display name is not a field you can configure in {{ content }}. You can get it directly from the user entity:
{{ user.displayname }}
Reference for the php method: AccountInterface::getDisplayName
The Twig Tweak module is very small and yet very powerful. You can get the current user id with drupal_token('current-user:uid') I am using it to pass the current user id to a view like this:
{{ drupal_view('view_name', 'embed_1', drupal_token('current-user:uid')) }}

Symfony Server crashes when extending FOSUserBundle's default template layout.html.twig

I am trying to get the basic user login running from the FOSUserBundle.
I am using Symfony 3.0.6.
I followed the description to setup everything from the FOSUserBundle:
DB is up and running everything seems fine except I cant figure out how to override the layout.html.twig from the FOSUserBundle.
I followed this description for achieving that:
I now have a file "layout.html.twig" in the folder "Resources/FOSUserBundle/views" with the content being the same as in the last link provided above.
This leads to the following error:
Unable to find template "layout.html.twig" (looked into:
[somePathInfo]) in FOSUserBundle::layout.html.twig at line 1.
Now I changed the first line in the "layout.html.twig" Template to be
{% extends 'FOSUserBundle::layout.html.twig' %}
And this then leads to the symfony server to crash stating
>php bin/console server:run -v
[OK] Server running on
// Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
RUN "C:\xampp\php\php.exe" "-S" "" "[PATH]\myProject\vendor\symfony\symfony\src\Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Resources\config\router_dev.php"
RES -1073741571 Command did not run successfully
[ERROR] Built-in server terminated unexpectedly.
I am stuck here...
Any ideas are very welcome.
EDIT: The FOSUserBundle installed by the composer (which I use through the current PHP-Storm plugin) is installed at the path:
In the docu however allways "FOSUserBundle" only is mentioned and I don't know how to figure out if that mapping fits to the path in my project.
Any hints for this issue are very wellcome as well.
When you override standart FOSUser layout you need to place your layout into app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/views/layout.html.twig. great, you did this. it's just a layout, it should not extend standart FOSUser layout, so remove line {% extends 'FOSUserBundle::layout.html.twig' %}. But usually developers make one base layout, in my case it is \app\Resources\views\base.html.twig, so if I want to override fosuser layout I will have in app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/views/layout.html.twig something like this
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block title %}User Management{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{% block fos_user_content %}{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}
In first line you extend your base layout not FOSUser. You may not extend something, maybe you have separate complete layout for this template.
The crash does make sense.
When you write:
{% extends 'FOSUserBundle::layout.html.twig' %}
The Symfony will first try to load app/Resources/FOSUserBundle/views/layout.html.twig. Failing to find the file will revert to similar path but inside the vendor directory. And if you are trying to extend FOS's template from within your FOS overriden template, that would create recursive loop:
^^ extends
^^ extends
and so on...
So, this is not a way to solve the problem.
Make sure that your template is well placed in your app directory and not your bundle, as Denis Alimov suggested in a comment.

symfony3 override fields theme from vich bundle

I have installed VichUploaderBundle into my Symfony app and would like to have better control of the appearance of the upload buttons. I have taken the contents of fields.html.twig located in the bundle itself, and copied them into the same file at the path app/Resources/views/myControllerName/fields.html.twig This is also where all the other twig templates are for that set of controllers.
I can not seem to affect anything on the page through this method. Yes I have cleared the cache, I have even removed the cache directory.
Am I placing the file in the wrong place?
You can override that form theme in many ways, just when you customize vich_file_widget and/or vich_image_widget e.g.:
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% form_theme form _self %}
{% block vich_file_widget %}
{# some content… #}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{{ form(my_form) }}
{% endblock %}
Thanks for the effort #jkucharovic, I was already using the 3rd method you were suggesting. My question was whether or not I put the fields.html.twig file in the correct place. Turns out I did not. For others that come along with this question, to override the fields file in the VichUploaderBundle for twig you must put a copy of the fields.html.twig file at the following path so that Symfony can override what comes with the bundle.
the fields file is found here and should not be edited...
a copy of that file should be placed here in Symfony 3. This file is editable.

Yii 2 registerJs in twig templates

In the Yii 2.0 guide it says you can register Javascript code in a twig template like this:
{registerJs key='show' position='POS_LOAD'}
$("").replaceWith('<div class="show">');
Tried this but it will simply output the whole snippet {registerJs ... as text on the page without adding it to the page's Javascript Code.
Similar commands like registerJsFile or registerCss aren't working either.
Am I missing something? Thanks!
As Mihai P. noted below, {registerJs} is syntax for Smarty templates. So, the question is: is there a similar way to register inline JS in Twig templates? The documentation only mentions registering assets.
You can use this in your Twig template, which is the current view, to call registerJs.
{% set script %}
var app = new Vue({
el: '#vue-widget',
data: {
message: 'Hello Vue!'
{% endset %}
{{ this.registerJs(script,4,'vue-widget') }}
The question is 3 years old, I put it here for someone runs into a similar problem.
You can use this in the Twig template with View constant like below:
{{ this.registerJs('$("").replaceWith(\'<div class="show">\');', constant('\\yii\\web\\View::POS_HEAD')) }}
And, you can also call registerJs inside the Yii2 controller, which I think it makes the code cleaner
$this->getView()->registerJs('$("").replaceWith(\'<div class="show">\');', \yii\web\View::POS_HEAD);
Your example is copied from the smarty section not the twig. There are some examples in the twig section that you might want to try.

Symfony2: How to hide link in Twig based on permissions

My application shows a list of projects, project detail pages and forms to edit these projects. These are the routes:
/ - list of projects
/project/42 - view project (project detail page)
/project/42/edit - edit project
Only its owner may edit a project.
I have implemented a Voter to prevent access to /project/42/edit for non-owners.
Now, I also want to hide the link "edit project" from the project detail page. What would be the way to do this? Ideally, in Twig, I would like to do something like
{% if may_access(path('project_edit', { 'id': })) %}
edit project
{% endif %}
I can implement this function as a Twig extension, but maybe a similar functionality already exists.
The function is_granted() actually has a second parameter that allows me to do just what I need:
{% if is_granted("MAY_EDIT", project) %}
edit project
{% endif %}
I use this in combination with a check in the controller action:
public function editAction(Project $project)
if (!$this->get('security.context')->isGranted('MAY_EDIT', $project)) {
$this->flash('You are not allowed to edit this project');
return $this->show($project);
// ...
This is actually very similar to the approach that nifr used in his answer to Sonata User - Security on custom field. I was hoping to find a way to have the voter be called automatically and avoid the call to isGranted().
If you want to have a look at the complete code, it is in the tutorial project I have published in github.
