Error matching types: using MultiParamTypeClasses and FunctionalDependencies to define heterogeneous lists and a function that returns first element - haskell

There is a relevant question concerning Functional Dependencies used with GADTs. It turns out that the problem is not using those two together, since similar problems arise without the use of GADTs. The question is not definitively answered, and there is a debate in the comments.
The problem
I am trying to make a heterogeneous list type which contains its length in the type (sort of like a tuple), and I am having a compiling error when I define the function "first" that returns the first element of the list (code below). I do not understand what it could be, since the tests I have done have the expected outcomes.
I am a mathematician, and a beginner to programming and Haskell.
The code
I am using the following language extensions:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, MultiParamTypeClasses, FunctionalDependencies, FlexibleInstances #-}
First, I defined natural numbers in the type level:
data Zero = Zero
newtype S n = S n
class TInt i
instance TInt Zero
instance (TInt i) => TInt (S i)
Then, I defined a heterogeneous list type, along with a type class that provides the type of the first element:
data HList a as where
EmptyList :: HList a as
HLCons :: a -> HList b bs -> HList a (HList b bs)
class First list a | list -> a
instance First (HList a as) a
And finally, I defined the Tuple type:
data Tuple list length where
EmptyTuple :: Tuple a Zero
TCons :: (TInt length) => a -> Tuple list length -> Tuple (HList a list) (S length)
I wanted to have the function:
first :: (First list a) => Tuple list length -> a
first EmptyTuple = error "first: empty Tuple"
first (TCons x _) = x
but it does not compile, with a long error that appears to be that it cannot match the type of x with a.
Could not deduce: a1 ~ a
from the context: (list ~ HList a1 list1, length ~ S length1,
TInt length1)
bound by a pattern with constructor:
TCons :: forall length a list.
TInt length =>
a -> Tuple list length -> Tuple (HList a list) (S length),
in an equation for ‘first’
Relevant bindings include
x :: a1 (bound at problem.hs:26:14)
first :: Tuple list length -> a (bound at problem.hs:25:1)
The testing
I have tested the type class First by defining:
testFirst :: (First list a) => Tuple list length -> a
testFirst = undefined
and checking the type of (testFirst x). For example:
ghci> x = TCons 'a' (TCons 5 (TCons "lalala" EmptyTuple))
ghci> :t (testFirst x)
(testFirst x) :: Char
Also this works as you would expect:
testMatching :: (Tuple (HList a as) n) -> a
testMatching (TCons x _) = x
"first" is basically these two combined.
The question
Am I attempting to do something the language does not support (maybe?), or have I stumbled on a bug (unlikely), or something else (most likely)?

Oh dear, oh dear. You have got yourself in a tangle. I imagine you've had to battle through several perplexing error messages to get this far. For a (non-mathematician) programmer, there would have been several alarm bells hinting it shouldn't be this complicated. I'll 'patch up' what you've got now; then try to unwind some of the iffy code.
The correction is a one-line change. The signature for first s/b:
first :: Tuple (HList a as) length -> a
As you figured out in your testing. Your testFirst only appeared to make the right inference because the equation didn't try to probe inside a GADT. So no, that's not comparable.
There's a code 'smell' (as us humble coders call it): your class First has only one instance -- and I can't see any reason it would have more than one. So just throw it away. All I've done with the signature for first is put the list's type from the First instance head direct into the signature.
Suppose you wrote the equations for first without giving a signature. That gets rejected blah rigid type variable bound by a pattern with constructor ... blah. Yes GHC's error messages are completely baffling. What it means is that the LHS of first's equations pattern match on a GADT constructor -- TCons, and any constraints/types bound into it cannot 'escape' the pattern match.
We need to expose the types inside TCons in order to let the type pattern-matched to variable x escape. So TCons isn't binding just any old list; it's specifically binding something of the form (HList a as).
Your class First and its functional dependency was attempting to drive that typing inside the pattern match. But GADTs have been maliciously designed to not co-operate with FunDeps, so that just doesn't work. (Search SO for '[haskell] functional dependency GADT' if you want to be more baffled.)
What would work is putting an Associated Type inside class First; or building a stand-alone 'type family'. But I'm going to avoid leading a novice into advanced features.
Type Tuple not needed
As #JonPurdy points out, the 'spine' of your HList type -- that is, the nesting of HLConss is doing just the same job as the 'spine' of your TInt data structure -- that is, the nesting of Ss. If you want to know the length of an HList, just count the number of HLCons.
So also throw away Tuple and TInt and all that gubbins. Write first to apply to an HList. (Then it's a useful exercise to write a length-indexed access: nth element of an HList -- not forgetting to fail gracefully if the index points beyond its end.)
I'd avoid the advanced features #Jon talks about, until you've got your arms around GADTs. (It's perfectly possible to program over heterogeneous lists without using GADTs -- as did the pioneers around 2003, but I won't take you backwards.)

I was trying to figure out how to do "calculations" on the type level, there are more things I'd like to implement.
Ok ... My earlier answer was trying to make minimal changes to get your code going. There's quite a bit of duplication/unnecessary baggage in your O.P. In particular:
Both HList and Tuple have constructors for empty lists (also length Zero means empty list). Furthermore both those Emptys allege there's a type (variable) for the head and the tail of those empty (non-)lists.
Because you've used constructors to denote empty, you can't catch at the type level attempts to extract the first of an empty list. You've ended up with a partial function that calls error at run time. Better is to be able to trap first of an empty list at compile time, by rejecting the program.
You want to experiment with FunDeps for obtaining the type of the first (and presumably other elements). Ok then to be type-safe, prevent there being an instance of the class that alleges the non-existent head of an empty has some type.
I still want to have the length as part of the type, it is the whole point of my type.
Then let's express that more directly (I'll use fresh names here, to avoid clashes with your existing code.) (I'm going to need some further extensions, I'll explain those at the end.):
data HTuple list length where
MkHTuple :: (HHList list, TInt length) => list -> length -> HTuple list length
This is a GADT with a single constructor to pair the list with its length. TInt length and types Zero, S n are as you have already. With HHList I've followed a similar structure.
data HNil = HNil deriving (Eq, Show)
data HCons a as = HCons a as deriving (Eq, Show)
class HHList l
instance HHList HNil
instance HHList (HCons a as)
class (HHList list) => HFirst list a | list -> a where hfirst :: list -> a
-- no instance HFirst HNil -- then attempts to call hfirst will be type error
instance HFirst (HCons a as) a where hfirst (HCons x xs) = x
HNil, HCons are regular datatypes, so we can derive useful classes for them. Class HHList groups the two datatypes, as you've done with TInt.
HFirst with its FunDep for the head of an HHList then works smoothly. And no instance HFirst HNil because HNil doesn't have a first. Note that HFirst has a superclass constraint (HHList list) =>, saying that HFirst applies only for HHLists.
We'd like HTuple to be Eqable and Showable. Because it's a GADT, we must go a little around the houses:
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
deriving instance (Eq list, Eq length) => Eq (HTuple list length)
deriving instance (Show list, Show length) => Show (HTuple list length)
Here's a couple of sample tuples; and a function to get the first element, going via the HFirst class and its method:
htEmpty = MkHTuple HNil Zero
htup1 = MkHTuple (HCons (1 :: Int) HNil) (S Zero)
tfirst :: (HFirst list a) => HTuple list length -> a -- using the FunDep
tfirst (MkHTuple list length) = hfirst list
-- > :set -XFlexibleContexts -- need this in your session
-- > tfirst htup1 ===> 1
-- > tfirst htEmpty ===> error: No instance for (HFirst HNil ...
But you don't want to be building tuples with all those explicit constructors. Ok, we could define a cons-like function:
thCons x (MkHTuple li le) = MkHTuple (HCons x li) (S le)
htup2 = thCons "Two" htup1
But that doesn't look like a constructor. Furthermore you really (I suspect) want something to both construct and destruct (pattern-match) a tuple into a head and a tail. Then welcome to PatternSynonyms (and I'm afraid quite a bit of ugly declaration syntax, so the rest of your code can be beautiful). I'll put the beautiful bits first: THCons looks just like a constructor; you can nest multiple calls; you can pattern match to get the first element.
htupA = THCons 'A' THEmpty
htup3 = THCons True $ THCons "bB" $ htupA
htfirst (THCons x xs) = x
-- > htfirst htup3 ===> True
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms, ViewPatterns, LambdaCase #-}
pattern THEmpty = MkHTuple HNil Zero -- simple pattern, spelled upper-case like a constructor
-- now the ugly
pattern THCons :: (HHList list, TInt length)
=> a -> HTuple list length -> HTuple (HCons a list) (S length)
pattern THCons x tup <- ((\case
{ (MkHTuple (HCons x li) (S le) )
-> (x, (MkHTuple li le)) } )
-> (x, tup) )
THCons x (MkHTuple li le) = MkHTuple (HCons x li) (S le)
Look first at the last line (below the where) -- it's just the same as for function thCons, but spelled upper case. The signature (two lines starting pattern THCons ::) is as inferred for thCons; but with explicit class constraints -- to make sure we can build a HTuple only from valid components; which we need to have guaranteed when deconstructing the tuple to get its head and a properly formed tuple for the rest -- which is all that ugly code in the middle.
Question to the floor: can that pattern decl be made less ugly?
I won't try to explain the ugly code; read ViewPatterns in the User Guide. That's the last -> just above the where.


How to "iterate" over a function whose type changes among iteration but the formal definition is the same

I have just started learning Haskell and I come across the following problem. I try to "iterate" the function \x->[x]. I expect to get the result [[8]] by
foldr1 (.) (replicate 2 (\x->[x])) $ (8 :: Int)
This does not work, and gives the following error message:
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: a ~ [a]
Expected type: [a -> a]
Actual type: [a -> [a]]
I can understand why it doesn't work. It is because that foldr1 has type signature foldr1 :: Foldable t => (a -> a -> a) -> a -> t a -> a, and takes a -> a -> a as the type signature of its first parameter, not a -> a -> b
Neither does this, for the same reason:
((!! 2) $ iterate (\x->[x]) .) id) (8 :: Int)
However, this works:
(\x->[x]) $ (\x->[x]) $ (8 :: Int)
and I understand that the first (\x->[x]) and the second one are of different type (namely [Int]->[[Int]] and Int->[Int]), although formally they look the same.
Now say that I need to change the 2 to a large number, say 100.
My question is, is there a way to construct such a list? Do I have to resort to meta-programming techniques such as Template Haskell? If I have to resort to meta-programming, how can I do it?
As a side node, I have also tried to construct the string representation of such a list and read it. Although the string is much easier to construct, I don't know how to read such a string. For example,
read "[[[[[8]]]]]" :: ??
I don't know how to construct the ?? part when the number of nested layers is not known a priori. The only way I can think of is resorting to meta-programming.
The question above may not seem interesting enough, and I have a "real-life" case. Consider the following function:
natSucc x = [Left x,Right [x]]
This is the succ function used in the formal definition of natural numbers. Again, I cannot simply foldr1-replicate or !!-iterate it.
Any help will be appreciated. Suggestions on code styles are also welcome.
After viewing the 3 answers given so far (again, thank you all very much for your time and efforts) I realized this is a more general problem that is not limited to lists. A similar type of problem can be composed for each valid type of functor (what if I want to get Just Just Just 8, although that may not make much sense on its own?).
You'll certainly agree that 2 :: Int and 4 :: Int have the same type. Because Haskell is not dependently typed†, that means foldr1 (.) (replicate 2 (\x->[x])) (8 :: Int) and foldr1 (.) (replicate 4 (\x->[x])) (8 :: Int) must have the same type, in contradiction with your idea that the former should give [[8]] :: [[Int]] and the latter [[[[8]]]] :: [[[[Int]]]]. In particular, it should be possible to put both of these expressions in a single list (Haskell lists need to have the same type for all their elements). But this just doesn't work.
The point is that you don't really want a Haskell list type: you want to be able to have different-depth branches in a single structure. Well, you can have that, and it doesn't require any clever type system hacks – we just need to be clear that this is not a list, but a tree. Something like this:
data Tree a = Leaf a | Rose [Tree a]
Then you can do
Prelude> foldr1 (.) (replicate 2 (\x->Rose [x])) $ Leaf (8 :: Int)
Rose [Rose [Leaf 8]]
Prelude> foldr1 (.) (replicate 4 (\x->Rose [x])) $ Leaf (8 :: Int)
Rose [Rose [Rose [Rose [Leaf 8]]]]
†Actually, modern GHC Haskell has quite a bunch of dependently-typed features (see DaniDiaz' answer), but these are still quite clearly separated from the value-level language.
I'd like to propose a very simple alternative which doesn't require any extensions or trickery: don't use different types.
Here is a type which can hold lists with any number of nestings, provided you say how many up front:
data NestList a = Zero a | Succ (NestList [a]) deriving Show
instance Functor NestList where
fmap f (Zero a) = Zero (f a)
fmap f (Succ as) = Succ (fmap (map f) as)
A value of this type is a church numeral indicating how many layers of nesting there are, followed by a value with that many layers of nesting; for example,
Succ (Succ (Zero [['a']])) :: NestList Char
It's now easy-cheesy to write your \x -> [x] iteration; since we want one more layer of nesting, we add one Succ.
> iterate (\x -> Succ (fmap (:[]) x)) (Zero 8) !! 5
Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Succ (Zero [[[[[8]]]]])))))
Your proposal for how to implement natural numbers can be modified similarly to use a simple recursive type. But the standard way is even cleaner: just take the above NestList and drop all the arguments.
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat
This problem indeed requires somewhat advanced type-level programming.
I followed #chi's suggestion in the comments, and searched for a library that provided inductive type-level naturals with their corresponding singletons. I found the fin library, which is used in the answer.
The usual extensions for type-level trickery:
{-# language DataKinds, PolyKinds, KindSignatures, ScopedTypeVariables, TypeFamilies #-}
Here's a type family that maps a type-level natural and an element type to the type of the corresponding nested list:
import Data.Type.Nat
type family Nested (n::Nat) a where
Nested Z a = [a]
Nested (S n) a = [Nested n a]
For example, we can test from ghci that
*Main> :kind! Nested Nat3 Int
Nested Nat3 Int :: *
= [[[[Int]]]]
(Nat3 is a convenient alias defined in Data.Type.Nat.)
And here's a newtype that wraps the function we want to construct. It uses the type family to express the level of nesting
newtype Iterate (n::Nat) a = Iterate { runIterate :: (a -> [a]) -> a -> Nested n a }
The fin library provides a really nifty induction1 function that lets us compute a result by induction on Nat. We can use it to compute the Iterate that corresponds to every Nat. The Nat is passed implicitly, as a constraint:
iterate' :: forall n a. SNatI n => Iterate (n::Nat) a
iterate' =
let step :: forall m. SNatI m => Iterate m a -> Iterate (S m) a
step (Iterate recN) = Iterate (\f a -> [recN f a])
in induction1 (Iterate id) step
Testing the function in ghci (using -XTypeApplications to supply the Nat):
*Main> runIterate (iterate' #Nat3) pure True

Identifying recursive/nested types in Haskell (like type synonyms)

Short Question (edited):
Is it possible to define a function's type signature so that it accepts nested types with arbitrary depth? I am looking for the behaviour of type synonyms (NOT newtype) but identifying nested/recursive types.
For example a function defined as f :: NestedList a -> b should be able to be called with [a], [[a]], [[[a]]]... and so on.
Long Question (original):
Since it is impossible to use type synonyms in Haskell with recursive types, is there a solution for the following problem?
I need a synonym like NestedList a that would identify [a], [[a]], [[[a]]]... and so on, in function type definitions. An example of function needed to be implemented is:
flatten :: NestedList a -> [a]
This post shows a solution for flatten using the MultiParamTypeClasses language extension, but it does not particularly solve my problem. I need to define functions outside of a class.
flatten is just an example for a function definition, I am not interested in the function as such. I need a mechanism to define a function with NestedList a and call it with a parameter like [[a]] or [[[a]]], without the need of an additional type constructor, get methods, etc. As suggested in the title, I need something that behaves like a type synonym on nested lists, mainly for giving type signatures for functions that work on [...[a]...] while making sure the base type is a.
According to Haskell's strong-typed system this is impossible and this post sheds some light on the reasons why. I am just asking if there is a macro/synonym like mechanism or workaround, or a language extension that permits me to do that.
Are you looking for something like this?
data NestedList a = List [NestedList a] | Element a
flatten :: NestedList a -> [a]
flatten (Element x) = [x]
flatten (List xs) = concatMap flatten xs
As user2407038 has suggested, if you are interested in using the Foldable (include {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-} at the top of your file and import Data.Foldable) GHC extension, you can just do this
data NestedList a = List [NestedList a] | Element a deriving (Foldable)
And then there is a function called toList already defined in Foldable which will produce the same output as flatten from above.
Here is something else of interest concerning the updated question. Ideally, it would be nice to be able to define an instance of Foldable with
instance (Foldable t, Functor t, Foldable t') => Foldable (t . t')
where (t . t') a is a type synonym for t (t' a) (a sort of type level composition). This obviously doesn't work, and I'm inclined to think there is a logical explanation as to why introducing this would break Haskell in some fundamental way, but I can't think of it. However, there is a package called Control.Compose which defines something almost like that (except for the fact we would like a type synonym as opposed to a newtype).
newtype (g :. f) a = O { unO :: g (f a) }
This lets us write the following:
toList $ (O) [[1,2,3,4],[4,5,6]]
toList $ (O . O) [[[1],[2,3,4]],[[4],[5,6]]]
toList $ (O . O . O) [[[[1]],[[2,3],[4]]],[[[4]],[[5,6]]]]
Which is also of interest.

Why constraints on data are a bad thing?

I know this question has been asked and answered lots of times but I still don't really understand why putting constraints on a data type is a bad thing.
For example, let's take Data.Map k a. All of the useful functions involving a Map need an Ord k constraint. So there is an implicit constraint on the definition of Data.Map. Why is it better to keep it implicit instead of letting the compiler and programmers know that Data.Map needs an orderable key.
Also, specifying a final type in a type declaration is something common, and one can see it as a way of "super" constraining a data type.
For example, I can write
data User = User { name :: String }
and that's acceptable. However is that not a constrained version of
data User' s = User' { name :: s }
After all 99% of the functions I'll write for the User type don't need a String and the few which will would probably only need s to be IsString and Show.
So, why is the lax version of User considered bad:
data (IsString s, Show s, ...) => User'' { name :: s }
while both User and User' are considered good?
I'm asking this, because lots of the time, I feel I'm unnecessarily narrowing my data (or even function) definitions, just to not have to propagate constraints.
As far as I understand, data type constraints only apply to the constructor and don't propagate. So my question is then, why do data type constraints not work as expected (and propagate)? It's an extension anyway, so why not have a new extension doing data properly, if it was considered useful by the community?
Use GADTs to provide implicit data contexts.
Don't use any kind of data constraint if you could do with Functor instances etc.
Map's too old to change to a GADT anyway.
Scroll to the bottom if you want to see the User implementation with GADTs
Let's use a case study of a Bag where all we care about is how many times something is in it. (Like an unordered sequence. We nearly always need an Eq constraint to do anything useful with it.
I'll use the inefficient list implementation so as not to muddy the waters over the Data.Map issue.
GADTs - the solution to the data constraint "problem"
The easy way to do what you're after is to use a GADT:
Notice below how the Eq constraint not only forces you to use types with an Eq instance when making GADTBags, it provides that instance implicitly wherever the GADTBag constructor appears. That's why count doesn't need an Eq context, whereas countV2 does - it doesn't use the constructor:
data GADTBag a where
GADTBag :: Eq a => [a] -> GADTBag a
unGADTBag (GADTBag xs) = xs
instance Show a => Show (GADTBag a) where
showsPrec i (GADTBag xs) = showParen (i>9) (("GADTBag " ++ show xs) ++)
count :: a -> GADTBag a -> Int -- no Eq here
count a (GADTBag xs) = length.filter (==a) $ xs -- but == here
countV2 a = length.filter (==a).unGADTBag
size :: GADTBag a -> Int
size (GADTBag xs) = length xs
ghci> count 'l' (GADTBag "Hello")
ghci> :t countV2
countV2 :: Eq a => a -> GADTBag a -> Int
Now we didn't need the Eq constraint when we found the total size of the bag, but it didn't clutter up our definition anyway. (We could have used size = length . unGADTBag just as well.)
Now lets make a functor:
instance Functor GADTBag where
fmap f (GADTBag xs) = GADTBag (map f xs)
Could not deduce (Eq b) arising from a use of `GADTBag'
from the context (Eq a)
That's unfixable (with the standard Functor class) because I can't restrict the type of fmap, but need to for the new list.
Data Constraint version
Can we do as you asked? Well, yes, except that you have to keep repeating the Eq constraint wherever you use the constructor:
{-# LANGUAGE DatatypeContexts #-}
data Eq a => EqBag a = EqBag {unEqBag :: [a]}
deriving Show
count' a (EqBag xs) = length.filter (==a) $ xs
size' (EqBag xs) = length xs -- Note: doesn't use (==) at all
Let's go to ghci to find out some less pretty things:
ghci> :so DataConstraints
DataConstraints_so.lhs:1:19: Warning:
-XDatatypeContexts is deprecated: It was widely considered a misfeature,
and has been removed from the Haskell language.
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( DataConstraints_so.lhs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
ghci> :t count
count :: a -> GADTBag a -> Int
ghci> :t count'
count' :: Eq a => a -> EqBag a -> Int
ghci> :t size
size :: GADTBag a -> Int
ghci> :t size'
size' :: Eq a => EqBag a -> Int
So our EqBag count' function requires an Eq constraint, which I think is perfectly reasonable, but our size' function also requires one, which is less pretty. This is because the type of the EqBag constructor is EqBag :: Eq a => [a] -> EqBag a, and this constraint must be added every time.
We can't make a functor here either:
instance Functor EqBag where
fmap f (EqBag xs) = EqBag (map f xs)
for exactly the same reason as with the GADTBag
Constraintless bags
data ListBag a = ListBag {unListBag :: [a]}
deriving Show
count'' a = length . filter (==a) . unListBag
size'' = length . unListBag
instance Functor ListBag where
fmap f (ListBag xs) = ListBag (map f xs)
Now the types of count'' and show'' are exactly as we expect, and we can use standard constructor classes like Functor:
ghci> :t count''
count'' :: Eq a => a -> ListBag a -> Int
ghci> :t size''
size'' :: ListBag a -> Int
ghci> fmap (Data.Char.ord) (ListBag "hello")
ListBag {unListBag = [104,101,108,108,111]}
Comparison and conclusions
The GADTs version automagically propogates the Eq constraint everywhere the constructor is used. The type checker can rely on there being an Eq instance, because you can't use the constructor for a non-Eq type.
The DatatypeContexts version forces the programmer to manually propogate the Eq constraint, which is fine by me if you want it, but is deprecated because it doesn't give you anything more than the GADT one does and was seen by many as pointless and annoying.
The unconstrained version is good because it doesn't prevent you from making Functor, Monad etc instances. The constraints are written exactly when they're needed, no more or less. Data.Map uses the unconstrained version partly because unconstrained is generally seen as most flexible, but also partly because it predates GADTs by some margin, and there needs to be a compelling reason to potentially break existing code.
What about your excellent User example?
I think that's a great example of a one-purpose data type that benefits from a constraint on the type, and I'd advise you to use a GADT to implement it.
(That said, sometimes I have a one-purpose data type and end up making it unconstrainedly polymorphic just because I love to use Functor (and Applicative), and would rather use fmap than mapBag because I feel it's clearer.)
import Data.String
data User s where
User :: (IsString s, Show s) => s -> User s
name :: User s -> s
name (User s) = s
instance Show (User s) where -- cool, no Show context
showsPrec i (User s) = showParen (i>9) (("User " ++ show s) ++)
instance (IsString s, Show s) => IsString (User s) where
fromString = User . fromString
Notice since fromString does construct a value of type User a, we need the context explicitly. After all, we composed with the constructor User :: (IsString s, Show s) => s -> User s. The User constructor removes the need for an explicit context when we pattern match (destruct), becuase it already enforced the constraint when we used it as a constructor.
We didn't need the Show context in the Show instance because we used (User s) on the left hand side in a pattern match.
The problem is that constraints are not a property of the data type, but of the algorithm/function that operates on them. Different functions might need different and unique constraints.
A Box example
As an example, let's assume we want to create a container called Box which contains only 2 values.
data Box a = Box a a
We want it to:
be showable
allow the sorting of the two elements via sort
Does it make sense to apply the constraint of both Ord and Show on the data type? No, because the data type in itself could be only shown or only sorted and therefore the constraints are related to its use, not it's definition.
instance (Show a) => Show (Box a) where
show (Box a b) = concat ["'", show a, ", ", show b, "'"]
instance (Ord a) => Ord (Box a) where
compare (Box a b) (Box c d) =
let ca = compare a c
cb = compare b d
in if ca /= EQ then ca else cb
The Data.Map case
Data.Map's Ord constraints on the type is really needed only when we have > 1 elements in the container. Otherwise the container is usable even without an Ord key. For example, this algorithm:
transf :: Map NonOrd Int -> Map NonOrd Int
transf x =
if Map.null x
then Map.singleton NonOrdA 1
else x
Live demo
works just fine without the Ord constraint and always produce a non empty map.
Using DataTypeContexts reduces the number of programs you can write. If most of those illegal programs are nonsense, you might say it's worth the runtime cost associated with ghc passing in a type class dictionary that isn't used. For example, if we had
data Ord k => MapDTC k a
then #jefffrey's transf is rejected. But we should probably have transf _ = return (NonOrdA, 1) instead.
In some sense the context is documentation that says "every Map must have ordered keys". If you look at all of the functions in Data.Map you'll get a similar conclusion "every useful Map has ordered keys". While you can create maps with unordered keys using
mapKeysMonotonic :: (k1 -> k2) -> Map k1 a -> Map k2 a
singleton :: k2 a -> Map k2 a
But the moment you try to do anything useful with them, you'll wind up with No instance for Ord k2 somewhat later.

Why can't I compare tuples of arbitrary length in Haskell?

I know that there are predefined Eq instances for tuples of lengths 2 to 15.
Why aren't tuples defined as some kind of recursive datatype such that they can be decomposed, allowing a definition of a function for a compare that works with arbitrary length tuples?
After all, the compiler does support arbitrary length tuples.
You might ask yourself what the type of that generalized comparison function would be. First of all we need a way to encode the component types:
data Tuple ??? = Nil | Cons a (Tuple ???)
There is really nothing valid we can replace the question marks with. The conclusion is that a regular ADT is not sufficient, so we need our first language extension, GADTs:
data Tuple :: ??? -> * where
Nil :: Tuple ???
Cons :: a -> Tuple ??? -> Tuple ???
Yet we end up with question marks. Filling in the holes requires another two extensions, DataKinds and TypeOperators:
data Tuple :: [*] -> * where
Nil :: Tuple '[]
Cons :: a -> Tuple as -> Tuple (a ': as)
As you see we needed three type system extensions just to encode the type. Can we compare now? Well, it's not that straightforward to answer, because it's actually far from obvious how to write a standalone comparison function. Luckily the type class mechanism allows us to take a simple recursive approach. However, this time we are not just recursing on the value level, but also on the type level. Obviously empty tuples are always equal:
instance Eq (Tuple '[]) where
_ == _ = True
But the compiler complains again. Why? We need another extension, FlexibleInstances, because '[] is a concrete type. Now we can compare empty tuples, which isn't that compelling. What about non-empty tuples? We need to compare the heads as well as the rest of the tuple:
instance (Eq a, Eq (Tuple as)) => Eq (Tuple (a ': as)) where
Cons x xs == Cons y ys = x == y && xs == ys
Seems to make sense, but boom! We get another complaint. Now the compiler wants FlexibleContexts, because we have a not-fully-polymorphic type in the context, Tuple as.
That's a total of five type system extensions, three of them just to express the tuple type, and they didn't exist before GHC 7.4. The other two are needed for comparison. Of course there is a payoff. We get a very powerful tuple type, but because of all those extensions, we obviously can't put such a tuple type into the base library.
You can always rewrite any n-tuple in terms of binary tuples. For example, given the following 4-tuple:
(1, 'A', "Hello", 20)
You can rewrite it as:
(1, ('A', ("Hello", (20, ()))))
Think of it as a list, where (,) plays the role of (:) (i.e. "cons") and () plays the role of [] (i.e. "nil"). Using this trick, as long as you formulate your n-tuple in terms of a "list of binary tuples", then you can expand it indefinitely and it will automatically derive the correct Eq and Ord instances.
A type of compare is a -> a -> Ordering, which suggests that both of the inputs must be of the same type. Tuples of different arities are by definition different types.
You can however solve your problem by approaching it either with HLists or GADTs.
I just wanted to add to ertes' answer that you don't need a single extension to do this. The following code should be haskell98 as well as 2010 compliant. And the datatypes therein can be mapped one on one to tuples with the exception of the singleton tuple. If you do the recursion after the two-tuple you could also achieve that.
module Tuple (
) where
class (TupleClassInternal t) => TupleClass t
class TupleClassInternal t
instance TupleClassInternal ()
instance TupleClassInternal (TupleCons a b)
data (TupleClassInternal b) => TupleCons a b = TupleCons a !b deriving (Show)
instance (Eq a, Eq b, TupleClass b) => Eq (TupleCons a b) where
(TupleCons a1 b1) == (TupleCons a2 b2) = a1 == a2 && b1 == b2
You could also just derive Eq. Of course it would look a bit cooler with TypeOperators but haskell's list system has syntactical sugar too.

How do I implement this function without using mixed lists?

Let's say I have a function that takes a list of function-list pairs, and maps the function in each pair onto the list in the pair, for example:
myFunction [("SOME"++,["DAY","ONE"]), (show,[1,2])] == [["SOMEDAY", "SOMEONE"],["1","2"]]
Is there a way of implementing myFunction so that the code I provided above will work as is without any modifications?
My problem is I can't figure out how to implement myFunction because the types of each sub-list could be different (in my example I have a list of strings ["DAY", ONE"], and a list of numbers: [1,2]). I know that each function in the list will convert its list into a list of strings (so the final list will have type [[Char]]), but I don't know how to express this in Haskell.
You can do it with existential types
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data T = forall a b. Show b => (:?:) (a -> b) [a]
table =
[ ("SOME"++) :?: ["DAY","ONE"]
, (show) :?: [1,2]
, (+1) :?: [2.9, pi]
And run it as:
apply :: T -> String
apply (f :?: xs) = show $ map f xs
main = print $ map apply table
You want to use existential quantification to define a type that can hold any value as long as it is a member of the Show typeclass. For example:
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
data S = forall a. Show a => S a
instance Show S where
show (S s) = show s
f :: [S] -> [String]
f xs = map show xs
And now in ghci:
*Main> f [S 1, S True, S 'c']
You won't be able to run the code in your question without modification, because it contains a heterogeneous list, which the Haskell type system forbids. Instead you can wrap heterogeneous types up as a variant type (if you know in advance all the types that will be required) or as an existentially quantified type (if you don't know what types will be required, but you do know a property that they must satisfy).
