QlikView File not found error Cannot open file - excel

I am trying to load data into QlikView Load Script.
The file is an Excel file.
First it loaded and then it returns the following message:
File not found error
Cannot open file:
System error: Filesystem::FindEx non existing dir C


unable to open for write unix error: No such file or directory. How to fix?

I'm trying to convert png to avif via Sharp, but I'm getting an error.
Code example
const image = sharp(`./images/img/original/image.png`)
.avif({quality: 70, loseless: true})
[Error: /images/img/avif/6znl4e0.avif: unable to open for write unix error: No such file or directory
How i can fix it?

Writing file denied

I am getting an error writing a file, that is driving me crazy.
I have an C# netcore 5 application running on RH Linux.
I mounted an shared folder (windows) using: sudo mount -t cifs -o username=MyDomainUsername,password=MyDomainUsernamePassword,domain=MyDomain,dir_mode=0777,file_mode=0777 //ipv4_from_destination/Reports /fileshare/Reports
Then I run the app, using just ./WebApi --urls=http://+:8060
The read/write test executes the following steps:
Create a text file.
Write the text file.
Delete de text file.
Creates a directory
Creates a text file inside that directory
Writes the text file
Deletes the text file
Deletes the directory.
Now the problem:
The text file is created
The write operation fails.
Where goes part of the log:
Creating file: /fileshare/Reports/test.616db7d1-07fb-4599-a0cf-749e6a8b34ec.tmp...Ok
Writing file: /fileshare/Reports/test.616db7d1-07fb-4599-a0cf-749e6a8b34ec.tmp...[16:22:20 ERR] ID:87988856-a765-4474-9ed9-2f04aef35771 PATH:/api/about ERROR:System.UnauthorizedAccessException:Access to the path '/fileshare/Reports/test.616db7d1-07fb-4599-a0cf-749e6a8b34ec.tmp' is denied. TRACE: at System.IO.FileStream.WriteNative(ReadOnlySpan`1 source)
at System.IO.FileStream.FlushWriteBuffer()
at System.IO.FileStream.FlushInternalBuffer()
at System.IO.FileStream.Flush(Boolean flushToDisk)
at System.IO.FileStream.Flush()
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush(Boolean flushStream, Boolean flushEncoder)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush()
at WebApi.Controllers.ApplicationController.TestFileSystem(String folder) in xxxxxxx\WebApi\Controllers\ApplicationController.cs:line 116
What I discovered so far:
I can create and delete the files and directories.
I cannot write to files.
Can someone give me an hint on this?
Solved using the cifs option nobrl

How to specify path to read a .txt file in assets directory

I want to get details about a selected harbour,by taking val s from a list extracted using readLines from a .txt file, where each harbour has a .txt file in the assets directory. I generate the file name but when the app is run in the emulator I get a file not found error.
In this case I am trying to get at a file called Brehatharm.txt
var portChosen = "Brehat"
//"tide2a/app/src/main/assets/"+//various paths to try
fileName = "assets/"+portChosen+"harm.txt"
val harmConsList:List<String> = File(fileName).readLines()
val portDisplayName = harmConsList[0]
val longTude = harmConsList[1]
val MTL =harmConsList[2]
The log cat reads :-
2021-01-10 15:40:34.044 7108-7108/com.example.tide2a E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: main
Process: com.example.tide2a, PID: 7108
java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.example.tide2a/com.example.tide2a.MainActivity}: java.io.FileNotFoundException: assets/Brehatharm.txt: open failed: ENOENT (No such file or directory)
The full windows path to the file is :-
C:\Users.......\OneDrive\Coding projects\tide2a\app\src\main\assets\Brehatharm.txt
I am sure the file is there, and spelled correctly, so I suspect I am specifying the path incorrectly. Please advise me.
Files in assets/ cannot be accessed using the File class. Use context.assets to get the AssetManager, and you can open InputStreams to the files.

Pywin32 opening excel files in the Office's network

I tried to open an excel file with pywin32 library, using the standard procedure, but i can't open when the file is the office's network:
import win32com.client as win32
import pathlib
'creating the PATH with a numeric adress'
path = pathlib.Path('//XX.XX.XX.XX/File1/SubFile1')
file = 'excel_file.xlsx'
PATH = path/file
'calling the excel and try to open the file'
excel = win32.gencache.EnsureDispatch("Excel.Application")
'trying to open the file'
wb1 = excel.Workbook.Open(rf'{PATH}')
when I do execute this code raises this error in the console:
com_error: (-2147352567, 'Exception occurred.', (0,'Microsoft Excel','It was not possible to find (PATH). Is it possible that he was moved or renamed or excluded?', xlmain11.chm',0,-2146827284), None)
And the file is in the path. It has not been moved, or deleted or either renamed.

Tuleap Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'pre.php'

I'm facing the same problem related in this question:
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'pre.php' in /usr/share/tuleap/src/www/index.php
I'm trying to run Tuleap from source code using Wamp Server.
I have installed Wamp on Windows and extract the Tuleap files into www folder.
When I access the URL, I'm getting the following error:
( ! ) Warning: require_once(pre.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp64\www\tuleap-master\tuleap-master\src\www\index.php on line 9
( ! ) Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'pre.php' (include_path='.;C:\php\pear') in C:\wamp64\www\tuleap-master\tuleap-master\src\www\index.php on line 9
I found the file pre.php inside the folder "www/include/". I put this path in the file index.php and the problem was solved, but another problem related to path files was raised:
Warning: require_once(common/autoload.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp64\www\tuleap-master\tuleap-master\src\www\include\pre.php on line 1
I would like to know if there is some approach to solving this problem.
If is possible to run Tuleap in this way.
You should use this troubleshooting checklist. The problem seems to be that you need to set your include path.
