Ignore points in Folium PolyLines - python-3.x

I am plotting a satellite ground track using Folium PolyLine.
Among the set of points (latitudes longitudes) I am passing to my map, there are two points in that set that I do not want a line drawn between. I do not want the horizontal line drawn (see screenshot below):
Here is the code that generates the map:
my_map = folium.Map(location=[0,0], height=1000, width=1000, zoom_start=2,
min_zoom=2, max_zoom=12, max_bounds=True, no_wrap=True)
map_name = "folium_1000_1000_map.html"
#add line to my_map
Where latlon_list is a list of 2000 tuples, with each tuple holding a latitude/longitude combination ([lat0, lon0],[...],[lat1999,lon1999]).
I do not want to start the line on the far left side of the map (it is important that I have precise representation of orbit, even if it means having the orbit starting on the right side of map, like it is on the example screenshot). How can I get rid of the horizontal line ?


Transform Plates into Horizontal Using Hough transform

I am trying to transform images that are not horizontal, because they may be slanted.
It turns out that when testing 2 images, this photo that is horizontal, and this one that is not. It gives me good results with the horizontal photo, however when trying to change the second photo that is tilted, it does not do what was expected.
The fist image it's works fine like below with a theta 1.6406095. For now it looks bad because I'm trying to make the 2 photos look horizontally correct.
The second image say that theta is just 1.9198622
I think the error it is at this line:
lines= cv2.HoughLines(edges, 1, np.pi/90.0, 60, np.array([]))
I have done a little simulation on this link with colab.
Any help is welcome.
So far this is what I got.
import cv2
import numpy as np
imgGray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
contours,hierarchy =cv2.findContours(imgCanny,cv2.RETR_EXTERNAL,cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)
for cont in contours:
if area >100:
#print(area) #prints all the area of the contours
#print(len(approx)) #prints the how many corner points does the contours have
if len(approx)==4:
rectCon=sorted(rectCon,key=cv2.contourArea,reverse=True) # Sort out the contours based on largest area to smallest
# Reorder bigCornerPoints so I can prepare it for warp transform (bird eyes view)
# Draw my corner points
##cv2.imshow('Corner Points in Red',img)
# Bird Eye view of your region of interest
pt1=np.float32(mynewpoints) #What are your corner points
Now you just have to fix the tilt (opencv has skew) and then use some threshold to detect the letters and then recognise each letter.
As for a general purpose, I think images need to be normalised first so that we can easily detect the edges.

Using RGB values control individual data points matplotlib

I'm trying to be able to control the colour of an individual data point using a corresponding rgb tuple. I've tried looping through the data set and plotting individual data points however I get the same effect as the code I have below; all that happens is it refuses to produce a graph.
This is an example of the data type I'm working with
Any tips?
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
for i in range(4):
plt.plot([1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,2],c=y)
One problem is that you are appending the list to the new list. Instead, try appending the tuple to the list. Moreover, you need to use scatter plot for the color argument which contains rgb tuple for each point. However, in oyur case, I see only a single color for all the scatter points.
y = []
for i in range(4):
plt.scatter([1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,2], c=y)
A rather short version to your code is using a list comprehension
y = [tup for _ in range(4)]
plt.scatter([1,2,3,4], [3,4,5,2], c=y)

How to remove the white border from my heat map using python

I've generated 2000 heat maps using seaboard in python3. The problem is that it makes a white border as well. I only want to save the heat map. I want to remove these white borders because I want to train my model based on these heat maps and I think having these borders might mess-up the result. Will having these borders matter since each heat map would have this border?
The code I wrote to generate these heat maps.
for i in range(len(h1)):
ax = sns.heatmap(h1[i], yticklabels = False,xticklabels = False, cbar = False)
fig = ax.get_figure()
Actual heat map
What I want:
If you really have same size heat map pictures, you can try trimming them by one more step.
Use PIL(pillow) module to do this work.
For example:
from PIL import Image
for i in range(len(h1)):
im = Image.open("neutral_{0}.png".format(i))
im = im.crop((left, upper, right, lower)) # You have to adjust parameter here
#im = im.crop((100, 75, 300, 150)) # ↓
# you will get an image which size is (width=200, height=75)
The coordinates of these parameters (left, upper, right, lower) are measured from the top left corner of your input image.

Distributing plots across a grid of variable axes length in python

I have written a few lines of Python 3 code to assist me in the automated analysis of data generated using a technique called calorimetry (for radiation dosimetry). In the enclosed example, the analysis of the input file returned eighth 'heating regions' (top panel), and in each region a pair of linear regressions (black segment, red segment) were made on portions of data to calculate the magnitude of the 'step', relative to the average value of my quantity of interest (the varying resistance of a thermistor), which is plotted in the bottom panel of the same figure.
automatic identification of 8 heating regions (top panel) and computed relative step magnitude (bottom panel)
Results of this type of analysis are summarized in a data frame (a ndarray from numpy at present) but, ideally, I would hope to produce also a graphical representation with some annotations in each subplot, including information from the corresponding line in the results dataframe:
Step analysis via a pair of linear regressions and further computation
The general output would look something like this last figure, with each subplot including the same essential information from the previous individual plot.
The output is, in this specific case, a grid (2,4) because there were exactly 8 regions to analyse
This was created by hand, without any iteration, using this portion of code in a Jupyter notebook:
%matplotlib inline
results_fig = pyplt.figure(figsize=(20,10))
results_grid = matplotlib.gridspec.GridSpec(2, 4, hspace=0.2, wspace=0.3)
results_fig.suptitle("Faceted presentation of calorimetric runs", fontsize=15)
ax1 = results_fig.add_subplot(results_grid[0,0])
ax1.scatter(time,resistance, marker ='o', s=20, c='blue')
ax1.plot(time[x1[0]:xmid[0]], line_pre[0], color='black', linewidth=3.0)
ax1.plot(time[xmid[0]:x4[0]], line_post[0], color='red', linewidth=3.0)
ax1.set_ylabel("resistance [Ohm]")
# [... continues for each subplot in the grid ... ]
Given that the number of 'heating regions' may vary considerably from file to file, i.e. I cannot determine it before analyzing each experimental output datafile, here is my pair of questions:
How can I produce a grid of subplots without prior knowledge of how many subplots it will show? One of the dimensions of the grid could be four, as in the example provided here, but the other is unknown. I could iterate over the length of one of the axes of the numpy results array, but then I would need to span over two axes in my plot grid.
Without re-inventing the wheel, is there a python module that can assist in this direction?
Here is how you create a grid of n x 4 subplots and iterate over them
numplots = 10 # number of plots to create
m = 4 # number of columns
n = int(np.ceil(numplots/4.)) # number of rows
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=n,ncols=m)
fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.2, wspace=0.3)
for data, ax in zip(alldata, axes.flatten()):
ax.plot(data[0],data[1], color='black')
# further plotting, label setting etc.
# optionally, remove empty plots from grid
if n*m > numplots:
for ax in axes.flatten()[numplots:]:

Creating a map with basemap, filling countries

I'm currently working in my final project for my Coding class (my first coding class, so kind of an amateur).
My idea is for a code to search every newspaper in the world for a specific word within the titles (using bs4) and then obtaining a dictionary with the average mentions by country, taking into account the number of newspaper in each country. Afterwards, and this is the part where I'm stuck, I want to put this in a map.
The whole program is already working properly, until the part where I have a CSV with the following form:
'Antigua and Barbuda',7
Now, I want to create a worldmap where the higher the number, the redder (or any other color) the whole polygon of the country. So far I've found many codes that work well placing points in space, but I haven't found one that "appends" the CSV data presented above and then fills each country accordingly. Below is the part of the code that currently created the worldmap:
# Now we proceed with the creation of the map
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(15,10)) # We define the size of the map
m = Basemap(resolution='c', # c, l, i, h, f or None
projection='merc', # Mercator projection
lat_0=24.20, lon_0=-6.67, # The center of the mas, so that the whole world is shown without splitting Asia
llcrnrlon=-180, llcrnrlat= -85,urcrnrlon=180, urcrnrlat=85) # The coordinates of the whole world
m.drawmapboundary(fill_color='#46bcec') # We choose a color for the boundary of the map
m.fillcontinents(color='#f2f2f2',lake_color='#46bcec') # We choose a color for the land and one for the lakes
m.drawcoastlines() # We choose to draw the lines of the map
m.readshapefile('Final project\\vincent_map_data-master\\ne_110m_admin_0_countries\\ne_110m_admin_0_countries', 'areas') # We import the shape file of the whole world
df_poly = pd.DataFrame({ # We define the polygon structure
'shapes': [Polygon(np.array(shape), True) for shape in m.areas],
'area': [area['name'] for area in m.areas_info]
cmap = plt.get_cmap('Oranges')
pc = PatchCollection(df_poly.shapes, zorder=2)
norm = Normalize()
mapper = matplotlib.cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
# We show the map
I opened the shapefile of the countries and the way to identify the countries is with the variable "sovereignty". There might be some non-sensical things within my code, since I've extracted things from many places. Sorry about that.
If someone could help me out, I would really appreciated.
