Which nodejs v8 flags for benchmarking? - node.js

For comparison of different libraries with the same functionality, we compare their execution time. This works great. However, there are v8 flags that impact execution time and skew results.
Some flags that are relevant are: --predictable, --always-opt, --no-opt, --minimal.
Question: Which v8 flags should typically be set for running a meaningful benchmarks? What are the tradeoffs?
Edit: The problem is that a benchmark typically runs the same code over and over to get a good average. This might lead to v8 optimizing code, which it would typically not optimize.

V8 developer here. You should definitely run benchmarks with the default configuration. It is the responsibility of the benchmark to be realistic. An unrealistic benchmark cannot be made meaningful with engine flags. (And yes, there are many many unrealistic and/or otherwise meaningless snippets of code out there that people call "benchmarks". Remember, if you can't measure a difference with a realistic benchmark, then any unmeasurable difference that might exist is irrelevant.)
In particular:
Absolutely not. Detrimental to performance. Changes behavior in unrealistic ways. Meant for debugging certain things, and for helping fuzzers find reproducible test cases (at the expense of being somewhat unrealistic), not for anything related to performance testing.
Absolutely not. Contrary to what a naive reader of this flag's name might think, this does not improve performance, on the contrary; it mostly causes V8 to waste a bunch of CPU cycles on useless work. This flag is barely ever useful at all; it can sometimes flush out weird corner case bugs in the compilation pipeline, but most of the time it just creates pointless work for V8 developers by creating artificial situations that never occur in practice.
Absolutely not. Turns off all optimizations. Totally unrealistic.
That's not a V8 flag I've ever heard of. So yeah, sure, pass it along, it won't do anything (beyond printing an "unknown flag" warning), so at least it won't break anything.

Using default flags seems like the best way to me, since that's what most people will use.


When to use "cold" built-in codegen attribute in Rust?

There isn't much information on this attribute in the reference document other than
The cold attribute suggests that the attributed function is unlikely to be called.
How does it work internally and when a Rust developer should use it?
It tells LLVM to mark a function as cold (i.e. not called often), which changes how the function is optimized such that calls to this code is potentially slower, and calls to non-cold code is potentially faster.
Mandatory disclaimer about performance tweaking:
You really should have some benchmarks in place before you start marking various bits of code as cold. You may have some ideas about whether something is in the hot path or not, but unless you test it, you can't know for sure.
FWIW, there's also the perma-unstable LLVM intrinsics likely and unlikely, which do a similar thing, but these have been known to actually hurt performance, even when used correctly, by preventing other optimizations from happening. Here's the RFC: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/issues/26179
As always: benchmark, benchmark, benchmark! And then benchmark some more.

Node server: code weight and server performance

I would like to know how important could be the impact between using a 15.5k library just for doing very simple validations, and, using my own 1k super-simple validation class, in the time when I'll have more than 10k users on my system (Node + Mongo running on a super pentium 8 core 32gb ram).
Is it worst to care about this 14.5k of code?
I cant find any clue in my so bleak but always wondering mind.
I'll apretiate very much your opinion.
A nice thing about server development is that you usually have significant RAM available and the code is generally loaded just once at the startup of the server so load time is not part of the user experience.
Because of these, you'd be hard pressed to even measure a meaningful impact between a 1k library and a 15k library. You might care about 15k of memory usage per active user, but you will not care about an extra 15k of code loaded into memory one time and it will not affect your server performance in any way.
So, I'd say you should not worry about skrimping on code size (within reason). Instead, pick the tool that best solves your problem, makes your development quickest and the most reliable. And, where possible, use what has been built and tested before rather than build your own from scratch. That will leave you more development time to spend on the things that really matter to making your website better, different or great. Or, it will get you to market faster.
For reference, 15k is 0.000045% of your total computer's RAM.
I agree with #jfriend00. There's almost no impact on memory/performance for the code sizes you describe. You can always benchmark different modules according to your usage profile and choose by yourself. However, I think you should ask yourself some other (similar) questions -
Why the package I use is so 'big'? maybe there's a much 'smaller' one
that does the same job with the same performance. When I say big or small here I mean in terms of functionality. Most of the times you'd want to go with minimum functionality, even if its size might seem big. If you use a validation module that also validates emails, but you don't need it - doesn't mean that you shouldn't use it, just know the tradeoffs - it might get updated more frequently because bugs in the email validation that might cause other bugs in integer validations that you use, you have more code to read if you want your production code to feel more safe (explained bellow).
Does the package function as I expect? (read the tests)
Is the package I use "secured"/"OK for production"? Read the code of the packages you use, make sure there isn't something fishy going on - usually node packages are not that big because most are minimal (I never used it, but I know https://requiresafe.com/ exists for these types of questions - you might want to check it out). Note that if they are larger in size that might mean you would have to read more code.
Ask these questions (and others of you feel you should) recursively on the package' dependencies.

Linux kernel scheduling

I wish to know how Old Linux scheduling algorithm SJF (shortest job first) calculates the process runtime ?
This problem actually is one of the major reasons why it is rarely used in common environments, since SJF algorithm requires accurate estimate of the runtime of all processes, which is only given in specialized environments.
In common situations you can only get estimated and inaccurate length of process running time, for example, by recording the length of previous CPU bursts of the same process, and use mathematical approximation methods to calculate how long it will run next time.
If you have some bandwidth to burn, you might be able to find the actual code here. Start at 2.0, where I think you'll find it as experimental.
SJF was (IIRC) extremely short lived, for the exact reasons that ZelluX noted.
I think your only hope to understand the method behind its madness lives in the code at this point. You may be able to build it and get it to boot in a simulator.
I'm now not completely sure if it ever did go into mainline. If you can't find it, don't blame me :)

When must you use poor design to finish a project?

There are many different bad practices, such as memory leaks, that are easy to slip into a program on accident. Sometimes, they might even be able to jury-rig your program together.
I'm working on a project right now and it works if I deliberately put a memory leak in my code. If I take the leak out, the code crashes. Obviously this is bad, and needs to be (and will be) fixed soon.
My question is, when do you decide to deliver code in this state, if it's not possible to release code without these poor practices, in time?
If the problem's impact on actual usage of the system can be reasonably expected to be none or negligible, and the delivery date cannot be pushed back, and it can be fixed within a scope of time before the problem's impact becomes more than negligible, ship it.
Obviously this is not ideal or even recommended, but you're clearly pushed into a corner at this point. Sometimes there are no good choices, but pragmatism must win over formal correctness. If an application has a memory leak, but we can reasonably expect that the app will be recycled or machine restarted or whatever before the leak becomes a real problem, that can sometimes be better than delivering late. It depends on the conditions of the agreement and the customer.
It's always better to at least try to push back the delivery date, but I am assuming you've already tried that and it's not an option here.
It is typical once an application has been shipped to ignore technical debt and move on. It's the responsibility of the developers to clearly communicate to the stakeholders the importance of paying off some of that debt, especially in a case like this.
However, given that it seems the customer cares more about a delivery date than correctness, it's less likely anyone will be convinced to pay off any debt once you go live. This is a bad situation to be in. Only the person with all the facts can make the right choice.
"My question is, when do you decide to deliver code in this state, if it's not possible to release code without these poor practices, in time?"
What you do instead: prioritize and focus.
If what you're working on is really high-priority, and you've mis-designed it, something low- priority has to be sacrificed. Often, some feature(s) must be delayed to give you time to focus on the high priority feature that doesn't work.
If what you're working on is really low-priority, you have to ask why you're not working on something higher-priority. And you still have to focus and prioritize. Sometimes things which are very low priority must be sacrificed.
When you can't do "everything" you have to pick things you can do that will be reasonably bug-free.
You might be interested in the concept of technical debt.
You only have three knobs you can turn when shipping software, assuming a fixed number of developers: features, quality and ship date, and turning one up means the others get turned down.
One of the most difficult things to do in software development is to build your product with the knobs set just right. For example, the Duke Nukem Forever guys have turned the features and quality knob up to eleven and thrown the ship date knob out the window. Microsoft often seems to glue the ship date knob in place and turn down the feature knob as needed, then unglue the ship date knob, turn it up a bit, glue it back down and continue twiddling the other two. And there are seem to be an endless amount of products out there that ship all the time but never put in the features they need to be successful.
In the end, you don't get paid if you don't deliver. Having poor quality hurts you terribly in the long run; reputations are hard to rebuild. It has almost always been that the right thing to do is to cut features if you have too many bugs. Always.
However, bug triage is just as important as feature development. What kind of leak are we talking about here? Are you leaking a byte? A small object? One thousand objects? Entire DLLs? There are scenarios where its probably better to leak a little than to fail to deliver the product.
And what do you mean by leak? Does your application have a well defined life cycle? Where you allocate something once at startup and then never free it until the process dies? Well how long does your process run? Do you expect to run multiple copies of your process?
Obviously you never want to leak, and you should work to develop best practices that minimize leaking, but in the end you have to make a judgment call. Maybe you can just explain the bug to your customers, explain the impact, and they'll buy it anyway. Maybe you can patch it a week later. Maybe you really do need to fix it. But we'd need to know more about it to give good advice.
I will say I have shipped known leaks in the past. I won't say what product or company, but I had a bug where DLL dependencies and insane lifetime management made it next to impossible to correctly free our references to a certain DLL once it was loaded, so in the end we just leaked it. And I still think it was the right thing to do. Other times I've seen things deliberately leaked to keep third party code that was written incorrectly from crashing (though that is a completely separate debate).
But in the end I believe such instances are rare and once you have identified the source of a memory leak, it shouldn't take much more than a day to fix it. It is rare indeed that I would ship with a memory leak that was known and a fix was known. It would have to be something that required a major re-architect involving changing a threading model, or refactoring huge swaths of code, and it would literally have to be a day or two before the product was to ship. At that point I might just leak the memory and promise a patch in a weak after proper testing could be done on the re-architect.
I would be very uncomfortable releasing with such a known bug. It is likely to occur in another way.
You have not specified your environment or language, but I suggest you look at using a memory checking tool such as:
Purify (trial available)
or even a free one, Visual Leak Detector
Perhaps, when you are not going to be around to maintain the code later, you don't care about your client/employer and none of the ramifications of your code could possibly affect you.
In other words, in your professional coding life, it's never a really good idea.
If you are working for someone that is less concerned about code quality than you are and simply wants you to finish the code at all costs, then I can see how you'd be in a difficult situation. Finishing faster but poorer will earn you some immediate reward. You should remember though that even if failing to meet your employer/client's expectation for a milestone bites you only once, your poor code may continue to bite you into the future, not only through the difficulties in maintaining it but also through the negative impression others may form of you down the track.
If its a single (or limited) memory leak, and it doesn't grow, and say it only causes a crash when shutting down (the most common case of stuff like this), then it depends. If its a client/desktop software and the users are going to crash every time on their way out, I'd make it an ultra high priority. If its server, and the only one running the server is you, and everything else works fine, I'd say its alright to enter beta. But if the leaks grow, or can cause crashes at "random" times they need to be fixed asap.
To get past an internal milestone, it's arguable, although still nothing to be taken likely.
To release, never. It always comes back and bites you. If your software is in such a bad space that a piece of poor design will get it over the line, you've got much bigger problems looming round the corner
Never, unless you don't care about the poor developer who is going to be maintaining your work afterwards.
Ultimately, a decision like this should be made by the customer or the project manager. Individual developers should not be making these kinds of decisions alone, or keeping this information to themselves.
Tell them what the problem is, and what the consequences will be for not fixing it. If they want you to ship it broken on time, that's their call.
If you don't want to work for people who accept shoddy products, that's your call, but it's a mistake to think that developers have some sort of professional responsibility to ignore their clients' and bosses' quality/cost/time priorities.
If somebody may actually die if you ship bad software, then don't do it, but if the worst-case scenario is that somebody is going to have to reboot a couple times per day, then do what you're told or find another job.

How to detect and debug multi-threading problems?

This is a follow up to this question, where I didn't get any input on this point. Here is the brief question:
Is it possible to detect and debug problems coming from multi-threaded code?
Often we have to tell our customers: "We can't reproduce the problem here, so we can't fix it. Please tell us the steps to reproduce the problem, then we'll fix it." It's a somehow nasty answer if I know that it is a multi-threading problem, but mostly I don't. How do I get to know that a problem is a multi-threading issue and how to debug it?
I'd like to know if there are any special logging frameworks, or debugging techniques, or code inspectors, or anything else to help solving such issues. General approaches are welcome. If any answer should be language related then keep it to .NET and Java.
Threading/concurrency problems are notoriously difficult to replicate - which is one of the reasons why you should design to avoid or at least minimize the probabilities. This is the reason immutable objects are so valuable. Try to isolate mutable objects to a single thread, and then carefully control the exchange of mutable objects between threads. Attempt to program with a design of object hand-over, rather than "shared" objects. For the latter, use fully synchronized control objects (which are easier to reason about), and avoid having a synchronized object utilize other objects which must also be synchronized - that is, try to keep them self contained. Your best defense is a good design.
Deadlocks are the easiest to debug, if you can get a stack trace when deadlocked. Given the trace, most of which do deadlock detection, it's easy to pinpoint the reason and then reason about the code as to why and how to fix it. With deadlocks, it always going to be a problem acquiring the same locks in different orders.
Live locks are harder - being able to observe the system while in the error state is your best bet there.
Race conditions tend to be extremely difficult to replicate, and are even harder to identify from manual code review. With these, the path I usually take, besides extensive testing to replicate, is to reason about the possibilities, and try to log information to prove or disprove theories. If you have direct evidence of state corruption you may be able to reason about the possible causes based on the corruption.
The more complex the system, the harder it is to find concurrency errors, and to reason about it's behavior. Make use of tools like JVisualVM and remote connect profilers - they can be a life saver if you can connect to a system in an error state and inspect the threads and objects.
Also, beware the differences in possible behavior which are dependent on the number of CPU cores, pipelines, bus bandwidth, etc. Changes in hardware can affect your ability to replicate the problem. Some problems will only show on single-core CPU's others only on multi-cores.
One last thing, try to use concurrency objects distributed with the system libraries - e.g in Java java.util.concurrent is your friend. Writing your own concurrency control objects is hard and fraught with danger; leave it to the experts, if you have a choice.
I thought that the answer you got to your other question was pretty good. But I'll emphasis these points.
Only modify shared state in a critical section (Mutual Exclusion)
Acquire locks in a set order and release them in the opposite order.
Use pre-built abstractions whenever possible (Like the stuff in java.util.concurrent)
Also, some analysis tools can detect some potential issues. For example, FindBugs can find some threading issues in Java programs. Such tools can't find all problems (they aren't silver bullets) but they can help.
As vanslly points out in a comment to this answer, studying well placed logging output can also very helpful, but beware of Heisenbugs.
For Java there is a verification tool called javapathfinder which I find it useful to debug and verify multi-threading application against potential race condition and death-lock bugs from the code.
It works finely with both Eclipse and Netbean IDE.
[2019] the github repository
Assuming I have reports of troubles that are hard to reproduce I always find these by reading code, preferably pair-code-reading, so you can discuss threading semantics/locking needs. When we do this based on a reported problem, I find we always nail one or more problems fairly quickly. I think it's also a fairly cheap technique to solve hard problems.
Sorry for not being able to tell you to press ctrl+shift+f13, but I don't think there's anything like that available. But just thinking about what the reported issue actually is usually gives a fairly strong sense of direction in the code, so you don't have to start at main().
In addition to the other good answers you already got: Always test on a machine with at least as many processors / processor cores as the customer uses, or as there are active threads in your program. Otherwise some multithreading bugs may be hard to impossible to reproduce.
Apart from crash dumps, a technique is extensive run-time logging: where each thread logs what it's doing.
The first question when an error is reported, then, might be, "Where's the log file?"
Sometimes you can see the problem in the log file: "This thread is detecting an illegal/unexpected state here ... and look, this other thread was doing that, just before and/or just afterwards this."
If the log file doesn't say what's happening, then apologise to the customer, add sufficiently-many extra logging statements to the code, give the new code to the customer, and say that you'll fix it after it happens one more time.
Sometimes, multithreaded solutions cannot be avoided. If there is a bug,it needs to be investigated in real time, which is nearly impossible with most tools like Visual Studio. The only practical solution is to write traces, although the tracing itself should:
not add any delay
not use any locking
be multithreading safe
trace what happened in the correct sequence.
This sounds like an impossible task, but it can be easily achieved by writing the trace into memory. In C#, it would look something like this:
public const int MaxMessages = 0x100;
string[] messages = new string[MaxMessages];
int messagesIndex = -1;
public void Trace(string message) {
int thisIndex = Interlocked.Increment(ref messagesIndex);
messages[thisIndex] = message;
The method Trace() is multithreading safe, non blocking and can be called from any thread. On my PC, it takes about 2 microseconds to execute, which should be fast enough.
Add Trace() instructions wherever you think something might go wrong, let the program run, wait until the error happens, stop the trace and then investigate the trace for any errors.
A more detailed description for this approach which also collects thread and timing information, recycles the buffer and outputs the trace nicely you can find at:
CodeProject: Debugging multithreaded code in real time 1
A little chart with some debugging techniques to take in mind in debugging multithreaded code.
The chart is growing, please leave comments and tips to be added.
(update file at this link)
Visual Studio allows you to inspect the call stack of each thread, and you can switch between them. It is by no means enough to track all kinds of threading issues, but it is a start. A lot of improvements for multi-threaded debugging is planned for the upcoming VS2010.
I have used WinDbg + SoS for threading issues in .NET code. You can inspect locks (sync blokcs), thread call stacks etc.
Tess Ferrandez's blog has good examples of using WinDbg to debug deadlocks in .NET.
assert() is your friend for detecting race-conditions. Whenever you enter a critical section, assert that the invariant associated with it is true (that's what CS's are for). Though, unfortunately, the check might be expensive and thus not suitable for use in production environment.
I implemented the tool vmlens to detect race conditions in java programs during runtime. It implements an algorithm called eraser.
Develop code the way that Princess recommended for your other question (Immutable objects, and Erlang-style message passing). It will be easier to detect multi-threading problems, because the interactions between threads will be well defined.
I faced a thread issue which was giving SAME wrong result and was not behaving un-predictably since each time other conditions(memory, scheduler, processing load) were more or less same.
From my experience, I can say that HARDEST PART is to recognize that it is a thread issue, and BEST SOLUTION is to review the multi-threaded code carefully. Just by looking carefully at the thread code you should try to figure out what can go wrong. Other ways (thread dump, profiler etc) will come second to it.
Narrow down on the functions that are being called, and rule out what could and could not be to blame. When you find sections of code that you suspect may be causing the issue, add lots of detailed logging / tracing to it. Once the issue occurs again, inspect the logs to see how the code executed differently than it does in "baseline" situations.
If you are using Visual Studio, you can also set breakpoints and use the Parallel Stacks window. Parallel Stacks is a huge help when debugging concurrent code, and will give you the ability to switch between threads to debug them independently. More info-
I'm using GNU and use simple script
$ more gdb_tracer
b func.cpp:2871
while (1)
The best thing I can think of is to stay away from multi-threaded code whenever possible. It seems there are very few programmers who can write bug free multi threaded applications and I would argue that there are no coders beeing able to write bug free large multi threaded applications.
