HashMap loop is printing values twice - hashmap

I'm very new to coding. I'm using simple code to print values from the cucumber feature file using HashMap
public void verifyIconText (List<MobileElement> element,List<List<String>> data) {
HashMap<String, String> key = new LinkedHashMap();
List<List<String>> datavalue = data;
for (List<String> param : datavalue) {
String paramvalue = param.get(1).toString().trim();
System.out.println("param is " +param);
System.out.println("datavalue is " +datavalue);
System.out.println("paramvalue is " +paramvalue);
The output is printing twice. I'm unable to get why it's printing twice. Thanks in advance
Feature file value
Then verify Enter your Mobile Number screen
|MobileNumber_Header_Text|Enter your Mobile Number|
|MobileNumber_Body_Text|You'll receive an access code through text. Standard message & data rates apply.|


WordProcessingDocument not preserving whitespace

I'm writing a C# program using XML and Linq that reads in data from tables stored in a word document and inserts it into an excel spreadsheet. The code I have so far does this, however it does not preserve any new lines (in the word doc the "new line" is done by pressing the enter key). Using the debugger, I can see that the new lines aren't even being read in. For example, if the text I want to copy is:
Something like this
And another line
And maybe even a third line
It gets read in as:
Something like thisAnd another lineAnd maybe even a third line
I can't separate the lines by a character as the words could be anything. This is what I have so far:
internal override Dictionary<string, string> GetContent()
Dictionary<string, string> contents = new Dictionary<string, string>();
using (WordprocessingDocument doc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(MainForm.WordFileDialog.FileName, false))
List<Table> tables = doc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Descendants<Table>().ToList();
foreach (Table table in tables)
TableRow headerRow = table.Elements<TableRow>().ElementAt(0);
TableCell tableSectionTitle;
tableSectionTitle = headerRow.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(0);
catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
List<TableRow> rows = table.Descendants<TableRow>().ToList();
foreach (TableRow row in rows)
TableCell headerCell = row.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(0);
if (headerCell.InnerText.ToLower().Contains("first item"))
contents.Add("first item", row.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(1).InnerText);
else if (headerCell.InnerText.ToLower().Contains("second item:"))
char[] split = { ':' };
Int32 count = 2;
string str = row.Elements<TableCell>().ElementAt(0).InnerText;
String[] newStr = str.Split(split, count, StringSplitOptions.None);
contents.Add("second item:", newStr[1]);
**continues for many more else if statements**
return contents;
I'm new to using XML, so any help would be appreciated!

StringBuilder cannot append new line

So whenever I try to append a new line using a StringBuilder, I can't get a new line whatsoever, I tried:
basically everything within the first 3 pages of google results, it's so frustrating. I am implementing it in a for loop like this : idk if it helps, but any suggestions are appreciated.
public String getIDs(HashMap<String,List<Integer>> errorMap ){
StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder();
for (String state:errorMap.keySet()){
List<Integer> listofId = errorMap.get(state);
if (listofId){
StringBuilder listOfIds = new StringBuilder();
for (Integer id :listofId) {
listOfIds.append(id.toString()+' , ')
errorMessage.append(state +" Trades: " +listOfIds.toString())
return errorMessage.toString();
Instead of
You should directly be using builder.append("\n"). \n is not a property.
Also append method returns builder object itself (Builder pattern). So you can easily do builder.append("\n").append("text1").append("\n").append("text2").....

How to print column values in Mutator before execute?

Below is the code I going to insert into cassandra
Set<String> keys = MY_KEYS;
Map<String, String> pairsOfNameValues = MY_MUTATION_BY_NAME_AND_VALUE;
Set<HColumn<String, String>> colums = new HashSet<HColumn<String,String>>();
for (Entry<String, String> pair : pairsOfNameValues.entrySet()) {
colums.add(HFactory.createStringColumn(pair.getKey(), pair.getValue()));
Mutator<String> mutator = template.createMutator();
String column_family_name = template.getColumnFamily();
for (String key : keys) {
for (HColumn<String, String> column : colums) {
mutator.addInsertion(key, BASIC_COLUMN_FAMILY, column);
There are some cases where I don't know how many columns are inserted into the mutator. Is there any to print the data before/after the execution method.
I tried Mutationresult.tostring(). It gives the following response.
MutationResult took (3750us) for query (n/a) on host:
Also Mutator to String didn't give me desired result.
Please help.
Yep, try mutator.getPendingMutationCount() before executing the query.
Other than that, you'll have to push the logic of counting what columns you are adding to the mutator manually. The toString() doesn't give you what you want as you are supposed to bind the mutator.execute() to a MutationResult. E.g:
MutationResult mr = mutator.execute();
But the mutation result doesn't give you much more either. You can know these 3 things (2 really...)
// the execution time
long getExecutionTimeMicro();
long getExecutionTimeNano();
// host used for the exec.
CassandraHost getHostUsed();

Using label control inside foreach loop to display multiple value in a single label

foreach (Mutant mutant in mutants)
public abstract int dangerQuotient();
public String displayInfo()
return(codename + " " + dangerQuotient().ToString());
public override int dangerQuotient()
return level * IQ * strength;
public override int dangerQuotient()
return level * region;
Mutant is my base class and I have two derived classes physicalMutant and elementMutant. At final I'm getting the output for elementMutant class alone in label12. How to get output of physicalMutant too in the same label.
By using message box control inside foreach loop i can get values from the displayQuotient() in both derived classes but by using label i can able to display only the last iteration value.How to overcome this problem?
I am really not sure what you are wanting, but if it is to add all of your Mutants dangerQuotient to your label you will need to change your foreach statement to something like this. You are currently replacing the label's contents every iteration of your foreach loop.
label12.Text = ""; // or just delete the text in the designer
foreach(Mutant mutant in mutants)
label12.Text += mutant.displayInfo() + "\n"; // This will create a seperate line for each displayInfo
// label12.Text += mutant.displayInfo(); //This will add them on the same line

Automate Resharper's "to property with backing field" across many properties and classes?

I've got some C# code like this (class file = Status.cs):
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a status entity with the text specified
/// </summary>
/// <param name="someParameter">Some parameter.</param>
public Status(string someParameter)
SomeProperty = someParameter;
/// <summary>
/// An example of a virtual property.
/// </summary>
public virtual string SomeProperty { get; private set; }
And I want to do 3 things to it:
perform a Resharper "to property with backing field" on it
get rid of the "private set" and replace it with a regular "set"
change the constructor so it initializes the private field instead of the property
So the end result would look like this:
/// <summary>
/// Constructs a status entity with the text specified
/// </summary>
/// <param name="someParameter">Some parameter.</param>
public Status(string someParameter)
_someProperty = someParameter;
private string _someProperty;
/// <summary>
/// An example of a virtual property.
/// </summary>
public virtual string SomeProperty
get { return _someProperty; }
set { _someProperty = value; }
And my question is: Is there a way to automate this type of refactoring using, say, the Resharper API ?
For those who might wonder why I want to do this, it's because:
I'm upgrading NHibernate (old=, new= and Fluent NHibernate (old=, new=
I've got rid of the old NHibernate.ByteCode.Castle.dll and the corresponding line in the config file, so I can now use the default proxy that's built into the latest NHibernate.
Between the new implementation of NHibernate and the new version of Fluent, there seem to be two problems when I try to build and run unit tests (part of this is FxCop complaining, but anyway):
a) exceptions are thrown because of the "private set", and
b) exceptions are thrown because the virtual property is being initialized in the constructor.
So I found that if I make those changes, it compiles and the unit tests pass.
So that's fine for a class or two, but there are over 800 class files and who knows how many properties.
I'm sure there are lots of ways to do this (e.g. using reflection, recursing through the directories and parsing the files etc), but it seems like Resharper is the proper tool for something like this.
Any help appreciated, thank you, -Dave
--In response to the answer saying "just change it to a protected set and you're done":
Unfortunately it’s not that simple.
Here is the error that occurs on running unit tests (before making any changes to any class):
Test method threw exception:
NHibernate.InvalidProxyTypeException: The following types may not be used as proxies:
.Status: method set_StatusText should be 'public/protected virtual' or 'protected internal virtual'
..Status: method set_Location should be 'public/protected virtual' or 'protected internal virtual'
So if I change the class as suggested (where the only change is to change the “private set” to a “protected set”), the project will not build, because:
Error 2 CA2214 : Microsoft.Usage : 'Status.Status(string, StatusLocation)' contains a call chain that results in a call to a virtual method defined by the class. Review the following call stack for unintended consequences:
Status..ctor(String, StatusLocation)
Status.set_Location(StatusLocation):Void C:\\Status.cs 28
That is why it is also necessary to change any statement in the constructor which initializes one of these virtual properties.
The previous implementation of the NHibernate proxy (ByteCode.Castle) did not seem to care about the “private set”, whereas this one does.
And, admittedly, the second error is because of FxCop, and I could just put an attribute on the class to tell FxCop not to complain about this, but that seems to just be making the problem go away, and initializing virtual properties in constructors is, as I understand it, bad practice anyway.
So my question still stands. The changes I initially described are the changes I would like to make. How can I automate these changes?
I went ahead and wrote a C# utility to parse such a class file. The "protected set" idea is valid to a point (thanks Hazzik), but it still needs a backing field. The below code produces the output I described above (except uses a "protected set"). Regards, -Dave
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ConsoleApplication3
// TODO: write recursive algorithm to loop through directories
// TODO: handle generic collections as Fluent NHibernate treats those differently
class Program
public static string ConvertInitialCapitalToUnderscoreAndLowerCase(string input)
var firstChar = input.Substring(0, 1);
var restOfStmt = input.Substring(1);
var newFirst = "_" + firstChar.ToLower();
var output = newFirst + restOfStmt;
return output;
// this gets any tabs or spaces at the beginning of the line of code as a string,
// so as to preserve the indentation (and/or add deeper levels of indentation)
public static string GetCodeLineIndentation(string input)
var charArray = input.ToCharArray();
var sbPrefix = new StringBuilder();
foreach (var c in charArray)
// if it's a tab or a space, add it to the "prefix"
if (c == 9 || c == ' ')
// get out as soon as we hit the first ascii character (those with a value up to 127)
return sbPrefix.ToString();
static void Main(string[] args)
const string path = #"C:\pathToFile\Status.cs";
Console.WriteLine("Examining file: " + path);
if (!File.Exists(path))
Console.WriteLine("File does not exist: " + path);
throw new FileNotFoundException(path);
// Read the file.
var arrayOfLines = File.ReadAllLines(path);
// Convert to List<string>
var inputFileAsListOfStrings = new List<string>(arrayOfLines);
// See if there are any virtual properties.
var virtualProps = inputFileAsListOfStrings.Where(s => s.Contains("public virtual")).ToList();
// See if there are any "private set" strings.
var privateSets = inputFileAsListOfStrings.Where(s => s.Contains("private set")).ToList();
if (virtualProps.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Found " + virtualProps.Count + " virtual properties in the class...");
if (privateSets.Count > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Found " + privateSets.Count + " private set statements in the class...");
// Get a list of names of the virtual properties
// (the 4th "word", i.e. index = 3, in the string, will be the property name,
// e.g. "public virtual string SomePropertyName"
var virtualPropNames = virtualProps.Select(vp => vp.Trim().Split(' ')).Select(words => words[3]).ToList();
if (virtualPropNames.Count() != virtualProps.Count())
throw new Exception("Error: the list of virtual property names does not equal the number of virtual property statements!");
// Find all instances of the virtual properties being initialized.
// By examining the overall file for instances of the virtual property name followed by an equal sign,
// we can identify those lines which are statements initializing the virtual property.
var initializeStatements = (from vpName in virtualPropNames
from stmt in inputFileAsListOfStrings
let stmtNoSpaces = stmt.Trim().Replace(" ", "")
where stmtNoSpaces.StartsWith(vpName + "=")
select stmt).ToList();
if (initializeStatements.Count() > 0)
Console.WriteLine("Found " + initializeStatements.Count + " initialize statements in the class...");
// now process the input based on the found strings and write the output
var outputFileAsListOfStrings = new List<string>();
foreach (var inputLineBeingProcessed in inputFileAsListOfStrings)
// is the input line one of the initialize statements identified previously?
// if so, rewrite the line.
// e.g.
// old line: StatusText = statusText;
// becomes: _statusText = statusText;
var isInitStmt = false;
foreach (var initStmt in initializeStatements)
if (inputLineBeingProcessed != initStmt) continue;
// we've found our statement; it is an initialize statement;
// now rewrite the format of the line as desired
var prefix = GetCodeLineIndentation(inputLineBeingProcessed);
var tabAndSpaceArray = new[] {' ', '\t'};
var inputLineWithoutPrefix = inputLineBeingProcessed.TrimStart(tabAndSpaceArray);
var outputLine = prefix + ConvertInitialCapitalToUnderscoreAndLowerCase(inputLineWithoutPrefix);
// write the line (preceded by its prefix) to the output file
Console.WriteLine("Rewrote INPUT: " + initStmt + " to OUTPUT: " + outputLine);
isInitStmt = true;
// we have now processed the input line; no need to loop through the initialize statements any further
// if we've already determined the current input line is an initialize statement, no need to proceed further;
// go on to the next input line
if (isInitStmt)
// is the input line one of the "public virtual SomeType SomePropertyName" statements identified previously?
// if so, rewrite the single line as multiple lines of output.
// the input will look like this:
public virtual SomeType SomePropertyName { get; set; }
// first, we'll need a private variable which corresponds to the original statement in terms of name and type.
// what we'll do is, write the private field AFTER the public property, so as not to interfere with the XML
// comments above the "public virtual" statement.
// the output will be SIX LINES, as follows:
public virtual SomeType SomePropertyName
get { return _somePropertyName; }
protected set { _someProperty = value; }
private SomeType _somePropertyName;
var isPublicVirtualStatement = false;
foreach (var vp in virtualProps)
if (inputLineBeingProcessed != vp) continue;
// the input line being processed is a "public virtual" statement;
// convert it into the six line output format
var thisOutputList = new List<string>();
// first separate any indentation "prefix" that may exist (i.e. tabs and/or spaces),
// from the actual string of text representing the line of code
var prefix = GetCodeLineIndentation(inputLineBeingProcessed);
var tabAndSpaceArray = new[] { ' ', '\t' };
var inputLineWithoutPrefix = inputLineBeingProcessed.TrimStart(tabAndSpaceArray);
var originalVpStmt = inputLineWithoutPrefix.Split(' ');
// first output line (preceded by its original prefix)
var firstOutputLine = prefix +
originalVpStmt[0] + ' ' +
originalVpStmt[1] + ' ' +
originalVpStmt[2] + ' ' +
// second output line (indented to the same level as the original prefix)
thisOutputList.Add(prefix + "{");
// get field name from property name
var fieldName = ConvertInitialCapitalToUnderscoreAndLowerCase(originalVpStmt[3]);
// third output line (indented with the prefix, plus one more tab)
var thirdOutputLine = prefix + "\t" + "get { return " + fieldName + "; }";
// fourth output line (indented with the prefix, plus one more tab)
var fourthOutputLine = prefix + "\t" + "protected set { " + fieldName + " = value; }";
// fifth output line (indented to the same level as the first curly bracket)
thisOutputList.Add(prefix + "}");
// sixth output line (the "index 2" value of the original statement will be the string representing the .Net type)
// (indentation is the same as the "public virtual" statement above)
var sixthOutputLine = prefix +
"private" + ' ' +
originalVpStmt[2] + ' ' +
fieldName + ";";
// now write the six new lines to the master output list
isPublicVirtualStatement = true;
Console.WriteLine("Rewrote INPUT: " + inputLineBeingProcessed + " to OUTPUT: <multi-line block>");
// if we've already determined the current input line is a "public virtual" statement, no need to proceed further;
// go on to the next input line
if (isPublicVirtualStatement)
// if we've gotten this far, the input statement is neither an "initialize" statement, nor a "public virtual" statement;
// So just write the output. Don't bother logging this as most lines will not be ones we'll process.
// write the output file
var newPath = path.Replace(".cs", "-NEW.cs");
File.WriteAllLines(newPath, outputFileAsListOfStrings);
