Conditional converting strings to integer - string

Hi I want to clean up my code where I am converting a list of items to integers whenever possible in the python programming language.
example_list = ["4", "string1", "9", "string2", "10", "string3"]
So my goal (which is probably very simple) is to convert all items in the list from integers to integers and keep the actual strings as strings. The desired output of the program should be:
example_list = [4, "string1", 9, "string2", 10, "string3"]
I am looking for a nice clean method as I am sure that it is possible. I am curious about what nice methods there are.

Alternatively, you do either one:
examples = ["4", "string1", "9", "string2", "10", "string3"]
# 1. Use for-loop to check
result = []
for item in examples:
if item.isdigit():
# 2. List Comprehension
ans = [int(x) if x.isdigit() else x for x in examples]
assert result == ans # silence, because they are same

Based on your previous question, I am assuming you are using python. You can use try ... except clause:
example_list = ["4", "string1", "9", "string2", "10", "string3"]
def try_int(s):
return int(s)
except ValueError:
return s
output = [try_int(s) for s in example_list] # or map(try_int, example_list)
print(*output) # [4, 'string1', 9, 'string2', 10, 'string3']


How do I delete an element from a list and then proceed to run it again without that element in a random choice selector?

What is wrong with this code? I want it so if "1" gets selected by random choice that it will re run the random choice code but without "1" in the list any longer.
import random
aList = ["1", "2", "3"]
bList = random.choice(aList)
if bList == "1":
if bList == "2":
if bList == "3":
Try a while loop:
import random
aList = ["1", "2", "3"]
while aList:
bList = random.choice(aList)
When you check a random value, it has been removed from your list. Try to print print(aList) instead of bList. It will return values without random value.
if bList == "1":
if you want to remove constantly random values,then you should use while loop.

How to convert an integer into a roman numeral?

I'm having trouble to make an integer into roman numeral for having an ouptut of integer with square brackets (I'm pretty sure it's a list, but what I want is to have an integer) and I couldn't find solution why I'm having 'None' on 'rom' value.
I'm using python3.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
def numToRom(number):
rom = ["", "I", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"]
if number in range(0, 9):
result = rom[number]
return result
num = sys.argv[1:]
rom = numToRom(num)
print(num, " is ", rom)
$ ./ 2
Old output:
['2'] is None
Desired output:
2 is II
Your problem stems from the fact that you're passing a list with a character inside to your function. And that function expects an integer (if number in range(0, 9)), so you need to convert it to the right integer.
import sys
def numToRom(number):
if type(number) is list: # If you know your number might be a list with only one str(value)
number = int(number[0])
rom = ["", "I", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"]
if number in range(0, 9):
result = rom[number]
return result
That will work specifically for your use case, if number is of the form ['{some digit}]. If you want to get fancier, you could use recursion to return a list with the roman number of each number in a list, like so:
def numToRom(number):
if type(number) is list:
rom = []
for value in number:
return rom
rom = ["", "I", "III", "IV", "V", "VI", "VII", "VIII", "IX"]
if number in range(0, 9):
result = rom[number]
return result
>>> num = ['2', '3', '5']
>>> numToRom(num)
['2', '3', '5'] is ['III', 'IV', 'VI']
Note that this function works even if the values inside the input list are not characters, but normal integers.
>>> num = [2, 3, 5]
>>> rom = numToRom(num)
[2, 3, 5] is ['III', 'IV', 'VI']
pip install roman
import roman

Python function removing items form list, dropping unexpected elements

It's a simple code practice challenge that asks that I make a function that takes a list of mixed types and returns only the integers
def return_only_integer(lst):
for i in lst:
if type(i) != int:
return lst
That's it, it seems simple enough but the tests are coming back negative:
return_only_integer([9, 2, "space", "car", "lion", 16])
Returns: [9, 2, 'car', 16]
return_only_integer(["hello", 81, "basketball", 123, "fox"])
Returns what it should: [81, 123]
return_only_integer([10, "121", 56, 20, "car", 3, "lion"])
Also returns what it should: [10, 56, 20, 3]
return_only_integer(["String", True, 3.3, 1])
Returns: [True, 1]
The code is so simple and straightforward, I have no idea why these 2 tests are failing.
Why would 'car' even be in the first list but the other strings not?
type(True) is bool, why is it there?
This is probably due to you modifying the list in the conditional. By removing an item from the list, you are likely shifting the iteration in that operation.
It may be worth looking into filter() instead.
You can create a temporary list inside your function to hold the items that are integers. Once you have processed all the items, you can return the temporary list as part of your return statement. If there are no integers, you can return None.
def return_only_integer(lst):
int_lst = []
for i in lst:
if type(i) == int:
return int_lst if int_lst else None
print (return_only_integer([9, 2, "space", "car", "lion", 16]))
print (return_only_integer(['ball', True, "space", "car", "lion", 'fish']))
This will output as follows:
[9, 2, 16]
def return_only_integer(lst):
for i in lst:
if type(i) != int:
return lst
consider this list [9, 2, "space", "car", "lion", 16]
when it had removed "space" then your i had directly reached to lion and it ignored car because your list is changed and your i index is not changed. so it is moving as it is.
after removing one non integer, you must make sure to change the index position of i. so try this code. it will work.
def return_only_integer(lst):
for i in lst:
if type(i) != int:
#print("flag this is not integer ",i)
print(return_only_integer(["hello", 81, "basketball", 123, "fox"]))
hope u understand. if you didn't understand then tell me .
Indeed you should not change the list you are iterating on, it produces unexpected results. Item deleted leaves room for the next, without the latter being picked in the iteration (so not being dropped in your example).
The possible choices to perform such task involve the usage of another list. A possible solution is very familiar to python developers:
def return_only_integer(lst):
return [i for i in lst if type(i) == int]

When utilizing a for loop what does each argument specify exactly?

I'm new to learning Python and have a clarifying question regarding for loops.
For instance:
dictionary_a = {"A": "Apple", "B": "Ball", "C": "Cat"}
dictionary_b = {"A": "Ant", "B": "Basket", "C": "Carrot"}
temp = ""
for k_a, v_a in dictionary_a.items():
temp = dictionary_b[k_a]
dictionary_b[k_a] = v_a
dictionary_a[k_a] = temp
How exactly is k_a run through the interpreter? I understand v_a in dictionary_a.items() as simply iterating through the sequence in whatever collection.
But when for loops have the syntax for x, y in z I don't quite understand what values x takes with each iteration.
Hope I'm making some sense. Appreciate any help.
when iterating over a dict.items(), it will return a 2 tuple, so when providing two variables in the for loop, each tuple elements will be assigned to it.
Here is another example to help you understand the mechanics:
coordinates = [(1, 2, 3), (4, 5, 6)]
for x, y, z in coordinates:
Edit: you can make even more complicated unpacking. For example, let's assume you are interested to collect only the first and last item in a long list, you can proceed as follow:
long_list = 'This is a very long list to process'.split()
first_item, *_, last_item = long_list
In Python you can "Cast" multiple variables from another iterable variable.
Let's use this example:
>>> a, b = [1, 2]
>>> a
>>> b
The above behavior is what is happening when you loop over a dictionary with the dict.items() method.
Here is an example of what is happening:
>>> a = {"abc":123, "def":456}
>>> a.items()
dict_items([('abc', 123), ('def', 456)])
>>> for i in a.items():
... i
('abc', 123)
('def', 456)

Dictionary using distinct characters as values

I need to make a dictionary using the string list as keys and their distinct characters as values.
I have tried some functions and ended up with the following code but I cannot seem to add the string key into it
value=["check", "look", "try", "pop"]
def distinct_characters(x):
for i in x:
yield dict (i=len(set(i)))
print (list(distinct_characters(value))
I would like to get
{ "check" : 4, "look" : 3, "try" : 3, "pop" : 2}
but I keep getting
{ "i" : 4, "i" : 3, "i" : 3, "i" : 2}
Well, string is itself an iterable, so don't call list on dicts instead call dict on list of tuples like below.
value=["check", "look", "try", "pop"]
def distinct_characters(x):
for i in x:
yield (i, len(set(i)))
{'check': 4, 'look': 3, 'try': 3, 'pop': 2}
Consider the simple dictionary comprehension:
value = ["check", "look", "try", "pop"]
result = {key: len(set(key)) for key in value}
Thanks for the replies
I needed to answer it as a function for a class exercise so I ended up using this code:
value=["check", "look", "try", "pop"]
def distinct_characters(x):
for i in x:
yield (i, len(set(i)))
Thanks again
