Dataflow Data Factury Azure - Exists - azure

I have been trying to create a dataflow to check “changed data” between two sources, the staging table and the target one. I want to clean all the possible duplicates from the staging table to sink it in the target one.
I have tried different ways, without success. I am wondering if there is a safe and efficient way to do what I want.
Source table is an external table with 77 columns
Target table is a physical one with 77 columns
Datatype of both columns are the same
First try:
I tried through “exists/does not exist” activity.
The first try, I set a “does not exist” activity with all the columns of the table (staging) equal all the columns from the target table. Therefore, I intended to sink all the cases that do not match the setting mentioned.
Result: It did not work and let all the duplicates get inside the target table. It seems that the comparison with columns not varchar is not that good. I tried to use coalesce and trim, but without success again
Second Try
Therefore, I tried to create a row signature with:
Derived column for both source (staging and target)
Result: Once again it did not work. My test was with more than 10k duplicated rows, and all of them got inside again.
Would anyone have a different approach?

The solutions are here:
Distinct rows:


Upsert Option in ADF Copy Activity

With the "upsert option" , should I expect to see "0" as "Rows Written" in a copy activity result summary?
My situation is this: The source and sink table columns are not exactly the same but the Key columns to tell it how to know the write behavior are correct.
I have tested and made sure that it does actually do insert or update based on the data I give to it BUT what I don't understand is if I make ZERO changes and just keep running the pipeline , why does it not show "zero" in the Rows Written summary?
The main reason why rowsWritten is not shown as 0 even when the source and destination have same data is:
Upsert inserts data when a key column value is absent in target table and updates the values of other rows whenever the key column is found in target table.
Hence, it is modifying all records irrespective of the changes in data. As in SQL Merge, there is no way to tell copy activity that if an entire row already exists in target table, then ignore that case.
So, even when key_column matches, it is going to update the values for rest of the columns and hence counted as row written. The following is an example of 2 cases
The rows of source and sink are same:
The rows present:
When inserting completely new rows:
The rows present in source are (where sink data is as above):

How to identify all columns that have different values in a Spark self-join

I have a Databricks delta table of financial transactions that is essentially a running log of all changes that ever took place on each record. Each record is uniquely identified by 3 keys. So given that uniqueness, each record can have multiple instances in this table. Each representing a historical entry of a change(across one or more columns of that record) Now if I wanted to find out cases where a specific column value changed I can easily achieve that by doing something like this -->
SELECT t1.Key1, t1.Key2, t1.Key3, t1.Col12 as "Before", t2.Col12 as "After"
from table1 t1 inner join table t2 on t1.Key1= t2.Key1 and t1.Key2 = t2.Key2
and t1.Key3 = t2.Key3 where t1.Col12 != t2.Col12
However, these tables have a large amount of columns. What I'm trying to achieve is a way to identify any columns that changed in a self-join like this. Essentially a list of all columns that changed. I don't care about the actual value that changed. Just a list of column names that changed across all records. Doesn't even have to be per row. But the 3 keys will always be excluded, since they uniquely define a record.
Essentially I'm trying to find any columns that are susceptible to change. So that I can focus on them dedicatedly for some other purpose.
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.
Databricks has change data feed (CDF / CDC) functionality that can simplify these type of use cases.

Azure Data Factory - Exists transformation in Data Flow with generic dataset

I'm having issues using the Exists Transformation within a Data Flow with a generic dataset.
I have two sources (one from staging table "sourceStg", one from DWH table "sourceDwh") and want to compare if the UniqueIdentifier-Column in the staging table is existing in the UniqueIdentifier-Column in the DWH table. For that I have a generic data set which I query with a SQL statement containing parameters.
When I open the "Exists settings" I cannot choose any Column from the source in the conditions since the source is generic and has no Projection until I run the data flow. However, I have a parameter which I get from the parent pipeline which provides me the name of the Column containing the UniqueIdentifier (both column names in staging / DWH are the same).
I tried to add following statement "byName($UniqueIdentifier)" in the left and right column field but the engine resolves them both as the sourceStg-Column since the prefix of the source-transformations is missing and it defaults to the first one. What I basically now try to achieve is having some statement as followed defining the correct source-transformation and the column containing the unique identifier with a parameter.
exists(sourceStg#$UniqueIdentifier == sourceDwh#$UniqueIdentifier)
But either the expression cannot be parsed or the result does not retrieve the actual UniqueIdentifier value from the column but writes the statement (e.g. sourceStg#$UniqueIdentifier) as column value.
The only workaround I found so far is having two derived columns which adds a suffix to the UniqueIdentifier-Column in one source and a new parameter $UniqueIdentiferDwh which is populate with the parameter $UniqueIdentifier and the same suffix as used in the derived column.
Any Azure Data Factory experts out there to help?
Thanks in advance!

Python - Join/ Merge Based on multiple column match

I would like to join two data frames based on multiple columns because there are duplicate IDs in the data sets.
I have tried a few ways, one of which is listed below.
However, I cannot get it right. The option below gives me all rows from both data frames. I figure this should be easy but for some reason, it is not working.
I checked the results. There are matches and instead of joining on the match, I just get both rows in the final data frame.
I am comparing two different data sets to ensure the same data exists in both sets.There can be more than one transaction with the same ID but I need to make sure that all that exists in one data frame, also exists in the other.
new_df = Enterprise.merge(Tableau,
right_on = ['ID','AID','Amount','Tax','CC'],

spark dataset : how to get count of occurence of unique values from a column

Trying spark dataset apis which reads a CSV file and count occurrence of unique values in a particular field. One approach which i think should work is not behaving as expected. Let me know what am i overlooking. I am posted both working as well as buggy approach below.
// get all records from a column
val professionColumn ="profession")
// breakdown by professions in descending order
// ***** DOES NOT WORKS ***** //
val breakdownByProfession = professionColumn.groupBy().count().collect()
// ***** WORKS ***** //
val breakdownByProfessiond = data.groupBy("profession").count().sort("count") // WORKS
println ( s"\n\nbreakdown by profession \n")
Also please let me know which approach is more efficient. My guess would be the first one ( the reason to attempt that in first place )
Also what is the best way to save output of such an operation in a text file using dataset APIs
In the first case, since there are no grouping columns specified, the entire dataset is considered as one group -- this behavior holds even though there is only one column present in the dataset. So, you should always pass the list of columns to groupBy().
Now the two options would be:"profession").groupBy("profession").count vs. data.groupBy("profession").count. In most cases, the performance of these two alternatives will be exactly the same since Spark tries to push projections (i.e., column selection) down the operators as much as possible. So, even in the case of data.groupBy("profession").count, Spark first selects the profession column before it does the grouping. You can verify this by looking at the execution plan -- org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset.explain()
In groupBy transformation you need to provide column name as below
val breakdownByProfession = professionColumn.groupBy().count().collect()
