I am trying to build nrfsdk for the nrf52840 armgcc, running make gives following error.
su#su-desktop:~/nRF/nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/examples/peripheral/template_project/pca10056/blank/armgcc$ make
/home/su/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc: 1: cannot open ##P�#8: No such file
/home/su/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
Cannot find: '/home/su/gcc-arm-none-eabi/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc'.
Please set values in: "/home/su/nRF/nRF5_SDK_17.1.0_ddde560/components/toolchain/gcc/Makefile.posix"
according to the actual configuration of your system.
../../../../../../components/toolchain/gcc/Makefile.common:129: *** Cannot continue. Stop.
make sure you actually have the arm-none-eabi-gcc toolchain installed.
arm-none-eabi-gcc --version
if you don't have it, you can find it here: https://developer.arm.com/downloads/-/gnu-rm
if you do have it installed but are not sure of where to find it, run this
$ whereis arm-none-eabi-gcc
arm-none-eabi-gcc /opt/arm-none-eabi-gcc/bin/arm-none-eabi-gcc <-- this line can be different for you
then you can edit the Makefile.posix file (ex by opening it in a text editor)
go to the directory of your nrfSDK install, then components>toolchain>gcc>Makefile.posix
and edit the GNU_INSTALL_ROOT field (for me that was /opt/arm-none-eabi-gcc/bin) and GNU_VERSION field to whatever toolchain version you installed (9.3.1 in my case)
Hope it helps :)
I'm trying to get rust working on android. However, when I try to cross-compile to android I get the following linking error:
$ cargo build --target=arm-linux-androideabi
Compiling <project> v0.1.0 (<project>)
error: linking with `/opt/android-sdk/ndk/23.0.7599858/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/armv7a-linux-androideabi31-clang` failed: exit status: 1
(very long toolchain command from cargo)
ld: error: unable to find library -lgcc
clang-12: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
I have installed the ndk and changed the linker in .cargo/config to the android clang linker. I also tried the standalone toolchains with the same result. The guide I used was the following: https://mozilla.github.io/firefox-browser-architecture/experiments/2017-09-21-rust-on-android.html
Cross-compilation does work when using crate-type = ["rlib"] instead of crate-type = ["cdylib"], but I need an .so file not an .rlib file.
In case it's relevant, i'm using Manjaro Linux.
I found the following pull request: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/pull/85806 After switching to ndk22 it worked. I havn't tried if the pull request fixes the issue (probably does).
Without switching to an older NDK version, I found using the workaround provided by ssrlive to work for me. Here's their comment:
Fixing build error for NDK 23 and above
find out all the 4 folders containing file libunwind.a, in my PC,
and more. create 4 text files named libgcc.a in the same folders
with this contents
In macOS, the paths are
In Linux, the paths are
In Windows, the paths are
create file command in Linux/macOS
cat << EOF > libgcc.a
This is of course extremely brittle and not the "right" solution, but the workaround works fine as of 2022-10-12 with ndk version 25.1.8937393.
I'm trying to install the HDF4 library for GDAL using Cygwin, and the readme instructs me to configure the source code as such:
./configure <--disable-fortran>
However, I can't seem to get the <--disable-fortran> part right. It returns an error when executed:
-bash: --disable-fortran: No such file or directory
What am I doing wrong? I'm a novice to programming.
This is the link to the readme: https://support.hdfgroup.org/ftp/HDF/HDF_Current/src/unpacked/release_notes/INSTALL_CYGWIN.txt
as Dennis wrote, you are misunderstanding the meaning of <..> . In this context
they are optional not mandatory configuration
./configure <--disable-fortran>
so one possible way is to include the first and not the second:
./configure --disable-fortran
Has anyone been able to compile fluoride bluetooth stack separately for an embedded linux device?
There is a guide at https://android.googlesource.com/platform/system/bt/+/181144a50114c824cfe3cdfd695c11a074673a5e/README.md, but following these instructions gn gen fails without getting the common-mk folder and modding some build files so there are no missing variables, folders etc.
I have been able to generate Ninja files, but when building, there are missing gtest and modp_b64 headers. After getting them from Google's source search, Ninja seems to be able to run a bit without errors, but ultimately fails with:
In file included from ../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/message_loop.h:18:
../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/message_loop_current.h:209:3: error: static_assert failed due to requirement 'std::is_same<MessagePumpForUI, MessagePumpLibevent>::value' "MessageLoopCurrentForUI::WatchFileDescriptor is not supported when MessagePumpForUI is not a MessagePumpLibevent."
static_assert(std::is_same<MessagePumpForUI, MessagePumpLibevent>::value,
^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/message_loop_current.h:214:28: error: no type named 'Mode' in 'base::MessagePumpGlib'; did you mean 'MessagePumpLibevent::Mode'?
MessagePumpForUI::Mode mode,
../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/watchable_io_message_pump_posix.h:55:8: note: 'MessagePumpLibevent::Mode' declared here
enum Mode {
In file included from ../../third_party/libchrome/base/run_loop.cc:10:
In file included from ../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/message_loop.h:18:
../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/message_loop_current.h:215:28: error: no type named 'FdWatchController' in 'base::MessagePumpGlib'; did you mean 'MessagePumpLibevent::FdWatchController'?
MessagePumpForUI::FdWatchController* controller,
../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/message_pump_libevent.h:28:9: note: 'MessagePumpLibevent::FdWatchController' declared here
class FdWatchController : public FdWatchControllerInterface {
In file included from ../../third_party/libchrome/base/run_loop.cc:10:
In file included from ../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/message_loop.h:18:
../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/message_loop_current.h:216:28: error: no type named 'FdWatcher' in 'base::MessagePumpGlib'; did you mean 'MessagePumpLibevent::FdWatcher'?
MessagePumpForUI::FdWatcher* delegate);
../../third_party/libchrome/base/message_loop/watchable_io_message_pump_posix.h:17:9: note: 'MessagePumpLibevent::FdWatcher' declared here
class FdWatcher {
4 errors generated.
All the errors and missing files are coming from third_party/libchrome
Any help would be much appreciated.
I followed instructions at https://cs.android.com/android/platform/superproject/+/master:system/bt/README.md
In addition to instructions there, I had to resolve issues in the build script manually. I was able to compile the bluetooth stack successfully in Ubuntu 21.04
Replace //bt with /home/udara/fluoride/bt in build files.
Used sed command. Change to your fluoride directory as appropriate.
for file in $(grep -r -l "//bt"); do sed -i 's/\/\/bt/\/home\/udara\/fluoride\/bt/g' $file; done
Copied common-mk symlink generated by bootstrap.py to the fluoride directory.
And replaced //common-mk with /home/udara/fluoride/common-mk.
for file in $(grep -r -l "//common-mk"); do sed -i 's/\/\/common-mk/\/home\/udara\/fluoride\/common-mk/g' $file; done
Installed few missing dependencies
sudo apt install llvm
sudo apt install libc++abi-dev
Copied /home/udara/fluoride/bt/output/out/Default/gen/ABS_PATH/home/udara/fluoride/bt/gd/dumpsys/bundler/bundler_generated.h to /home/udara/fluoride/bt/gd/dumpsys/
cp /home/udara/fluoride/bt/output/out/Default/gen/ABS_PATH/home/udara/fluoride/bt/gd/dumpsys/bundler/bundler_generated.h /home/udara/fluoride/bt/gd/dumpsys/
Created directory named output in the bt directory.
Set environment variables
# this is set by bootstrap.py
export STAGING_DIR=/home/udara/fluoride/staging
# you have to manually set this
export OUTPUT_DIR=/home/udara/fluoride/bt/output
Then compile the bluetooth stack with
./build.py --output ${OUTPUT_DIR} --platform-dir ${STAGING_DIR} --clang
Add the following lines to /etc/dbus-1/system.d/bluetooth.conf
<allow own="org.chromium.bluetooth"/>
<allow own="org.chromium.bluetooth.Manager"/>
Finally run fluoride with
cd /home/udara/fluoride/bt/output/debug
sudo ./btadapterd --hci=0 INIT_gd_hci=true
The reason the common-mk issues are coming up because between the instructions being written, and now, libchrome has added a BUILD.gn file - so it is being used, instead of the substitute one in build/secondary/third-party/libchrome as intended. To fix this part of the build, just delete third-party/libchrome/BUILD.gn - should prevent the need for a lot of build fiddling.
The second part is because of the configuration of libchrome. Once you remove the file mentioned, then you need to modify build/secondary/third-party/libchrome/BUILD.gn to add the following not just to the source_set (as is done in upstream) but also to libchrome_config for downstream users:
defines = [
This will affect the build config so it doesn't try to use glib.
My best work on getting this to build is here, though I haven't gotten it to work entirely. https://github.com/rpavlik/fluoride I did this mostly as an experiment, feel free to continue where I left off.
I am attempting to set up a new Stack project on NixOS with GHCJS as the compiler following the instructions at http://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/ghcjs.html
I have included in my stack.yaml file the following lines of code (all on one line because tab spaces seem to give issues):
# Compiler specifying the GHCJS compiler for this project (using improved base).
compiler: ghcjs-
compiler-check: match-exact
ghcjs: source:
url: "https://github.com/nrolland/ghcjs/releases/download/v."
and I have retrieved the following error message when I ran stack setup
Could not parse '/home/lorkaan/pandocJS/stack.yaml':
InvalidYaml (Just (YamlParseException {yamlProblem = "mapping values are not allowed in this context", yamlContext = "", yamlProblemMark = YamlMark {yamlIndex = 487, yamlLine = 12, yamlColumn = 17}}))
See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/blob/release/doc/yaml_configuration.md.
Additionally, I tried removing the setup-info field because Stack was complaining about it, leaving my stack.yaml file like:
# Compiler specifying the GHCJS compiler for this project (using improved base).
compiler: ghcjs-
compiler-check: match-exact
which produces this output with the stack setup command:
Warning: /home/lorkaan/pandocJS/stack.yaml: Unrecognized field in ProjectAndConfigMonoid: compiler
Preparing to install GHC to an isolated location.
This will not interfere with any system-level installation.
Already downloaded.
The following executables are missing and must be installed: make
Does anybody have any idea why this would be happening?
the first error is because of a basic syntax error in your YAML configuration. The correct version would be:
url: "https://github.com/nrolland/ghcjs/releases/download/v."
The second error is because of exactly what it says: you are lacking the make utility. You need to use your Linux distribution's package management system to install make. Since I don't know which distribution you are on, I can only recommend simply executing the $ make command and seeing if the environment is smart enough to point out which package it can be found in. Ubuntu typically does that. Then it's only a matter of apt-get install-ing the package, or possibly yum install-ing on e.g. CentOS and Fedora, etc.
P.S. questions like yours normally get a downvote for not having shown sufficient effort in diagnosing the problem (or for putting 2 totally separate problems under a single question) but I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt and just hoping you'll be tidier next time.
I was trying to compile libSDL-1.2.14 for my mips platform.
But it was not successful.
These were the steps that I tried out :
export PATH=/opt/mips-4.3/bin:$PATH
Went inside the libSDL-1.2.14 source folder.
Gave a "./configure --prefix=/usr/local/SDL_Lib --host=mips-linux-gnu"
Executed the "make" command
This was the error received :
cc1: warning: include location
"/usr/include" is unsafe for
./src/audio/dma/SDL_dmaaudio.c: In
function 'DMA_WaitAudio':
error: can't find a register in class
'COP3_REGS' while reloading 'asm'
error: 'asm' operand has impossible
constraints make: *
[build/SDL_dmaaudio.lo] Error 1
But then i reconfigured the make file by giving the following commands :
make clean
./configure --prefix=/usr/local/SDL_Lib --host=mips-linux-gnu CPPFLAGS=-I/opt/mips-4.3/mips-linux-gnu/libc/usr/include/
NOTE : /opt/mips-4.3/mips-linux-gnu/libc/usr/include/ - This is the path where you can locate the select.h file for the mips Platform.
It contains the definitions of the macros FD_ZERO and FD_SET.
Still I am getting the same error.
cc1: warning: include location
"/usr/include" is unsafe for
./src/audio/dma/SDL_dmaaudio.c: In
function 'DMA_WaitAudio':
error: can't find a register in class
'COP3_REGS' while reloading 'asm'
error: 'asm' operand has impossible
constraints make: *
[build/SDL_dmaaudio.lo] Error 1
Please help me with some valuable pointers.
First, don't set the path to the cross-compiler as the first part of your PATH, set it as last:
export PATH=$PATH:<path to cross-compiler>
It's safer this way. Second, run ./configure --help to get all the options. What that error message would say if it was smarter is the following:
You're trying to cross-compile since you're setting the --host flag
But you're not changing any of the other options for where to find includes and libs for the target environment
I'm going to use /usr/include by default
But that's for the host system which will not work when cross-compiling
Check what other configure options you need to set to tell the configure script where to find the .h files (includes) and the libraries for your target. These usually come with the cross-compiler that you download. Also, you should probably set the CROSS_COMPILE environment variable to the cross-compiler prefix before running configure. The prefix is the part before gcc in a cross-compiler, assuming you're using GCC as your cross-compiler.