I have some .cer certificates (only public key) in my classic cloud service. I don't quite understand how am I supposed to migrate those to extended support.
.pfx certificates, I can pre-upload to Key Vault before executing New-AzCloudService with command az keyvault certificate import. That command does not work with .cer (it expects private key inside certificate).
If I don't upload the certificate, New-AzCloudService understandably fails because it can't find the certificate mentioned in .cscfg.
I have created an Azure App Service Certificate - Wildcard and have linked it to an Azure Key Vault, also done with Domain Verification. Now I want to export this certificate as PFX and use in other components.
However, If I go to the Key Vault secret it shows up as blank.
I have tried running powershell scripts to export/download the cert but doesn't work.
The powershell script to export the cert from Key Vault is taken from https://azure.github.io/AppService/2017/02/24/Creating-a-local-PFX-copy-of-App-Service-Certificate.html
As this used the retired AzureRM module, I found a more up to date code which uses Azure Powershell scripts # https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Anitalex/poshscripts/a7e6c8153ab9f9979792eb8c07497cd42e39778d/azure/ExportWebAppCertificate.ps1
But similar set of steps..
I have tried Re-Keying the certificate in the App Service Certificate and the problem persists ?
Here is the solution which doesn't seem to be documented anywhere..
I don't know if it's the only way, but looks like it - We have to
Create an Azure WebApp ( or an AppService)
Turn on TLS/SSL
Set an Identity - either System Assigned/User Assigned
Grant this Identity required permission to the KeyVault [ won't work with the Azure role-based access control (preview) ]
Go to the tab "Private Key Certificates (.pfx)"
Use the "Import App Service Certificate" - you will need to select your cert from the dropdowns.
Once the certificate is successfully imported, the pfx will be populated in the Key Vault certificate and now you can download.
Is there any limitation in importing pkcs12 into Azure key vault, basically I need to import a root CA cert, intermediate CA cert and a leaf cert and its private key in a single file. Is this possible with Azure key vault?
In Azure KeyVault, certificates can be imported in either PFX or PEM format, so the formats you mentioned won't work unless you convert them to PEM or PFX.
Here are some instructions for how to do that.
See more information about importing KeyVault certificates here.
I am trying to enable HTTPS traffic for my API service (using Dropwizard Java). However, I need to provide a keystore containing the SSL certificate for the Dropwizard configuration:
- type: https
port: 8443
keyStorePath: example.keystore
keyStorePassword: example
validateCerts: false
I have my .pfx certificate in a Key Vault in Azure, so I was wondering how I can also store a .jks keystore file in an Azure Key Vault?
I could alternatively just transfer the .jks keystore file directly to the virtual machine, but I am not sure if this would be very secure. How can I upload .jks files into Microsoft Azure Vault?
You can store a .jks (or any file) as a keyvault Secret if you base64 encode it and the total size is less then 25kb.
For example from the cli:
OUTPUT="$(base64 -w0 < test.txt)" & az keyvault secret set --name mysecret --vault-name myvault --value $OUTPUT
When retrieving the secret you can decode it and write the output to file.
In Azure Key Vault Certificate will be auto renewed nearer to expiry date.
would like to know how can renewed certificate be uploaded to App-Service/ Azure Functions.
Is there a hook available on KeyVault to listen for Certificate successful recreation. so Thumbprint and renewed certificate will be updated to App Service.
No, there is no such hook. You can use azure powershell\cli\rest api\whatever to retrieve the certificate and push it to the app service. You can configure Azure Function\Runbook to do that on a schedule, so you dont have to worry about it.
Rest Api: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/appservice/certificates/createorupdate
Powershell: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/scripts/powershell-configure-ssl-certificate
Azure Cli: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/scripts/cli-configure-ssl-certificate
I need to get SSH public key from the certificate which is store on azure portal and I have created workflow on azure automation and import the certificate to azure portal. Once we get the SSH public key, I have to create linux VM with this SSH public key(Ready this script from myend without add SSH key).
Based on my understanding, your certificate should be DER encoded X.509 certificate with .cer extension.
You can get the public key from your certificate using the PowerShell script below:
$certPath = "testcert.cer"
$x509Cert = [System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2]::CreateFromCertFile($certPath)
$pk = $x509Cert.GetPublicKeyString()
Hope this helps!