How to load data from database to Spark before filtering - apache-spark

I'm trying to run such a PySpark application:
with SparkSession.builder.appName(f"Spark App").getOrCreate() as spark:
dataframe_mysql ='jdbc').options(
dataframe_mysql = dataframe_mysql.filter("date > '2022-01-01'")
And I found that Spark didn't load data from Mysql until executing the write, this means that Spark let the database take care of filtering the data, and the SQL that database received may like:
select * from my_table where id > ... and id< ... and date > '2022-01-01'
My table was too big and there's no index on date column, the database couldn't handle the filtering. How can I load data into Spark's memory before filtering, I hope the query sent to the databse could be:
select * from my_table where id > ... and id< ...

According to #samkart's comment, set pushDownPredicate to False could solve this problem


How do you setup a Synapse Serverless SQL External Table over partitioned data?

I have setup a Synapse workspace and imported the Covid19 sample data into a PySpark notebook.
blob_account_name = "pandemicdatalake"
blob_container_name = "public"
blob_relative_path = "curated/covid-19/bing_covid-19_data/latest/bing_covid-19_data.parquet"
blob_sas_token = r""
# Allow SPARK to read from Blob remotely
wasbs_path = 'wasbs://' % (blob_container_name, blob_account_name, blob_relative_path)
'' % (blob_container_name, blob_account_name),
df =
I have then partitioned the data by country_region, and written it back down into my storage account.
df.write.partitionBy("country_region") /
.mode("overwrite") /
All that works fine as you can see. So far I have only found a way to query data from the exact partition using OPENROWSET, like this...
TOP 100 *
BULK '**',
) AS [result]
I want to setup an Serverless SQL External table over the partition data, so that when people run a query and use "WHERE country_region = x" it will only read the appropriate partition. Is this possible, and if so how?
You need to get the partition value using the filepath function like this. Then filter on it. That achieves partition elimination. You can confirm by the bytes read compared to when you don’t filter on that column.
*, filepath(1) as country_region
BULK '*/*',
) AS [result]
Select * from MyView where country_region='Afghanistan'

Issue while writing sql query results in Spark SQL

I use Spark SQL v2.4. with the SQL API. I have a sql query, which fails when I run the job in Spark, it fails with the error :-
WARN SharedInMemoryCache: Evicting cached table partition metadata from memory due to size constraints
(spark.sql.hive.filesourcePartitionFileCacheSize = 262144000 bytes).
This may impact query planning performance.
ERROR TransportClient: Failed to send RPC RPC 8371705265602543276 to
The issue occurs when I am triggering write command to save the output of the query to parquet file on S3:
The query is:-
create temp view last_run_dt
select dt,
to_date(last_day(add_months(to_date('[${last_run_date}]','yyyy-MM-dd'), -1)), 'yyyy-MM-dd') as dt_lst_day_prv_mth
from date_dim
where dt = add_months(to_date('[${last_run_date}]','yyyy-MM-dd'), -1);
create temp view get_plcy
select plcy_no, cust_id
from (select
row_number() over (partition by plcy_no order by eff_date desc) AS row_num
from plcy_mstr pm
cross join last_run_dt lrd
on pm.curr_pur_dt <= lrd.dt_lst_day_prv_mth
and pm.fund_type NOT IN (27, 36, 52)
and pm.fifo_time <= '2022-02-12 01:25:00'
and pm.plcy_no is not null
where row_num = 1;
I am writing the output as :
df.coalesce(10).write.parquet('s3:/some/dir/data', mode="overwrite", compression="snappy")
The "plcy_mstr" table in the above query is a big table of 500 GB size and is partitioned on eff_dt column. Partitioned by every date.
I have tried to increase the executor memory by applying the following configurations, but the job still fails.
set spark.driver.memory=20g;
set spark.executor.memory=20g;
set spark.executor.cores=3;
set spark.executor.instances=30;
set spark.memory.fraction=0.75;
set spark.driver.maxResultSize=0;
The cluster contains 20 nodes with 8 cores each and 64GB of memory.
Can anyone please help me identify the issue and fix the job ? Any help is appreciated.
Happy to provide more information if required.

PySpark Pushing down timestamp filter

I'm using PySpark version 2.4 to read some tables using jdbc with a Postgres driver.
df =, table="tablename", properties=properties)
One column is a timestamp column and I want to filter it like this:
df_new_data = df.where(df.ts > last_datetime )
This way the filter is pushed down as a SQL query but the datetime format
is not right. So I tried this approach
df_new_data = df.where(df.ts > F.date_format( F.lit(last_datetime), "y-MM-dd'T'hh:mm:ss.SSS") )
but then the filter is no pushed down anymore.
Can someone clarify why this is the case ?
While loading the data from a Database table, if you want to push down queries to database and get few result rows, instead of providing the 'table', you can provide the 'Query' and return just the result as a DataFrame. This way, we can leverage database engine to process the query and return only the results to Spark.
The table parameter identifies the JDBC table to read. You can use anything that is valid in a SQL query FROM clause. Note that alias is mandatory to be provided in query.
pushdown_query = "(select * from employees where emp_no < 10008) emp_alias"
df =, table=pushdown_query, properties=connectionProperties)

Apache Spark Query with HiveContext doesn't work

I use Spark 1.6.1. In my Spark Java Programm I connect to a Postgres Database and register every table as a temporary table via JDBC. For example:
Map<String, String> optionsTable = new HashMap<String, String>();
optionsTable.put("url", "jdbc:postgresql://localhost/database?user=postgres&password=passwd");
optionsTable.put("dbtable", "table");
optionsTable.put("driver", "org.postgresql.Driver");
DataFrame table ="jdbc").options(optionsTable).load();
This works without problems:
hiveContext.sql("select * from table").show();
Also this works:
DataFrame tmp = hiveContext.sql("select * from table where value=key");
And then I can see the contents of the table with:
hiveContext.sql("select * from table").show();
But now I have a Problem. When I execute this:
hiveContext.sql("SELECT distinct id, timestamp FROM measure, measure_range w WHERE tble.timestamp >= w.left and tble.timestamp <= w.right").show();
Spark does nothing, but at the origin databse on Postgres it works very good. So I decided to modify the query a little bit to this:
hiveContext.sql("SELECT id, timestamp FROM measure, measure_range w WHERE tble.timestamp >= w.left").show();
This Query is working and gives me results. But the other query is not working. Where is the difference and why is the first query not working, but the second is working good?
And the database is not very Big. For testing it has a size of 4 MB.
Since you're trying to select a distinct ID, you need to select timestamp as a part of an aggregate function and then group by ID. Otherwise, it doesn't know which time stamp to pair with the ID.

Having trouble querying by dates using the Java Cassandra Spark SQL Connector

I'm trying to use Spark SQL to query a table by a date range. For example, I'm trying to run an SQL statement like: SELECT * FROM trip WHERE utc_startdate >= '2015-01-01' AND utc_startdate <= '2015-12-31' AND deployment_id = 1 AND device_id = 1. When I run the query no error is being thrown but I'm not receiving any results back when I would expect some. When running the query without the date range I am getting results back.
SparkConf sparkConf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local").setAppName("SparkTest")
.set("spark.executor.memory", "1g")
.set("", "localhost")
.set("spark.cassandra.connection.native.port", "9042")
.set("spark.cassandra.connection.rpc.port", "9160");
JavaSparkContext context = new JavaSparkContext(sparkConf);
JavaCassandraSQLContext sqlContext = new JavaCassandraSQLContext(context);
String sql = "SELECT * FROM trip WHERE utc_startdate >= '2015-01-01' AND utc_startdate < '2015-12-31' AND deployment_id = 1 AND device_id = 1";
JavaSchemaRDD rdd = sqlContext.sql(sql);
List<Row> rows = rdd.collect(); // rows.size() is zero when I would expect it to contain numerous rows.
device_id bigint,
deployment_id bigint,
utc_startdate timestamp,
other columns....
PRIMARY KEY ((device_id, deployment_id), utc_startdate)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
What does your table schema (in particular, your PRIMARY KEY definition) look like? Even without seeing it, I am fairly certain that you are seeing this behavior because you are not qualifying your query with a partition key. Using the ALLOW FILTERING directive will filter the rows by date (assuming that is your clustering key), but that is not a good solution for a big cluster or large dataset.
Let's say that you are querying users in a certain geographic region. If you used region as a partition key, you could run this query, and it would work:
WHERE region='California'
AND date >= '2015-01-01' AND date <= '2015-12-31';
Give Patrick McFadin's article on Getting Started with Timeseries Data a read. That has some good examples that should help you.
