My office-Fritzbox connected via VPN and DynDNS with my home-Fritzbox vice versa
netmask office
netmask home
If if use terminal: traceroute to office from home i get:
traceroute to (, 64 hops max, 52 byte packets
1 ( 20.553 ms 0.973 ms 0.919 ms
2 ( 10.949 ms 10.393 ms 10.916 ms
3 ( 11.520 ms 10.980 ms 11.746 ms
but i want to know the ip-adress within the office-net e.g. 10.131.131.?
how can i get it (in Python)
i am using MacOS an Ubuntu
Support of AVM answers:
If a LAN-LAN connection is set up as described in this guide (set up VPN between two FRITZ!Boxes for individual LAN connections), your end device does not receive an IP address from the remote network. When there is a request to the remote network, the VPN connection is established automatically and the request is sent to the remote FRITZ!Box and forwarded to a device there, for example.
Recently I found that I was able to bind Apache on without to be present.
Only is present as normal.
I also spoke with a friend and he said that is "normal" on Linux and probably on Windows and not works on MacOS, but he has no idea why.
I can do following:
[nmmm#zenbook nmmm]$ curl
curl: (7) Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused
and it shows that whole A class network is available.
How this works?
I do not see anything special in ifconfig and ip, except lo interface has no broadcast. Is that the key point?
According to
IPv4 network standards reserve the entire address block (more than 16 million addresses) for loopback purposes.2 That means any packet sent to any of those addresses is looped back. The address is the standard address for IPv4 loopback traffic; the rest are not supported by all operating systems. However they can be used to set up multiple server applications on the host, all listening on the same port number. The IPv6 standard assigns only a single address for loopback: ::1.
Or from - This block is assigned for use as the Internet host
loopback address. A datagram sent by a higher level protocol to an
address anywhere within this block should loop back inside the host.
Even though you can't see anything from ifconfig or ip, you still can ping all the addresses in that block.
i use python 3.6 and windows 7
i try to use wmi but not working every time i try to change the ip address
no connection happen with the net
and give me this error DHCP is not enabled for local area connection
my code to change the ip address :
def change_ip_address():
nic_configs = wmi.WMI().Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration(IPEnabled=True)
raise Exception("error in change ip address")
ip= u''
gateway = u''
is there any library for windows to do that
I assume that your local network has a DHCP server. This server assigns your PC an IP adress, which it then routes packets to. If you change the IP adress of the nic in your PC, then your PC and the DHCP server no longer agree on the IP adress that you are using. Consequently, packets cannot be routed to your PC, and the PC will report that you do not have an internet connection. There are ways to negotiate a specific IP, assuming that it is available.
If your local network does not have a DHCP server, then there is a server-side configuration that specifies a static IP adress for your MAC adress or the ethernet wall port. In this case, the change must be made on that server.
What you are currently doing, is similar to making up an adress and putting that on your business card and front door. If you were to use a made-up adress, would you expect your mail to arrive to the right door? You would need to at least talk to some civil servant or government official to get it done.
I would like to install check MK Monitoring Server on an Ubuntu VM in Azure.
The query of the services to external works, however, not the ping.
(Ubuntu 14.04. LTS)
Which port or setting do I need to set in Azure?
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
--- ping statistics ---
99 packets transmitted, 0 received, 100% packet loss, time 98057ms
According to the present Network Security Group design - you would need to open all the ports to the VM to allow for pings. Link. There's no way to allow for ICMP only currently.
I am not finding this question in SF history, which was a surprise, so I'll go ahead and ask it.
I am working on an IoT Raspberry Pi project with Windows 10 and need to connect it to the internet via an Ethernet/USB adapter. The adapter itself is made by Belkin. Using this, I can see an ip of 169.stuff get generated for my Pi, which is a private ip. I can deploy code to that from my connected box, however other devices are not able to reach it, and it is not able to make connections out to any servers.
I'm wondering if anybody knows how to bridge the connection.
I am attempting to use the new Azure IoT Hub and the SDK with this in case that makes any differences as that is not a simple rest interface and I believe is some form of socket connection.
Additional Notes:
I have installed a DCHP Server and the Pi gets the ip address: assigned to it. Unfortunately the Pi still can not ping external sites, such as
Latest Discoveries:
I am on a corporate box, which has internet sharing disabled by the system admin. Following these instructions: Fails. It shuts down all connectivity to my box and I cannot ping anything or reach the internet or anything.
The 169 address means it isn’t getting a DHCP address assigned.
Since you don't have a router for the Ethernet, you can use Internet Connection Sharing, however we will need to run the following commands against the Pi to set a static IP, gateway, and dns server, since internet connection sharing botches this up a bit at times:
Set-Item WSMan:\localhost\Client\TrustedHosts -Value
Enter-PSSession -ComputerName -Credential\Administrator
set-executionpolicy unrestricted
netsh int ip set address "Ethernet" static
netsh int ip set dns "Ethernet" static
netsh interface ipv4 show config
set-executionpolicy remotesigned
You may need to reboot the Pi at this point then test pinging and to make sure resolution is working. You should be all set!
One other thing, if you have a group policy on the machine that is restricting Internet Connection Sharing then take a look at this article to fix the issue. Note if your organization is constantly sending down the policy then you may have to re-enable Internet Connection Sharing often which is aggravating but at least it will work.
I do this by creating a DHCP server on my laptop and connecting the Pi directly to it. I followed these instructions to get it working:
Download DHCP Server for Windows. It is a 100kB download.
Go to the IPv4 properties page of the Ethernet adapter and set a fixed IP address, say
Run the DHCP Server Wizard (downloaded above)
Select the Ethernet adapter from the list shown
Save the configuration file and start up the DHCP Server
Click the 'Continue as tray app' button in the server control panel.
Boot up the Raspberry Pi
A popup notification shows the IP address assigned by the DHCP server to the Raspberry Pi.
Use a SSH client, like PuTTy, to connect to the IP address shown
Hope this works!
I'm using Samba and windbindd on my linux boxes. Without a firewall up on the linux box I have no trouble resolving LAN machine names:
user#laptop-linux:~$ ping desktop
PING desktop ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=128 time=0.878 ms
when I start the firewall I get:
user#laptop-linux:~$ ping desktop
ping: unknown host desktop
I have opened up the Samba ports (137-139 445) as well as the mDNS port 5353 with no effect. WINS has been enabled in nsswitch.conf and I've also tried removing the mdns4 entries for host lookup. I can see the DNS query going out regular DNS with my ISP domain suffix attached which is not what I want. I want to use wins / NetBIOS to do the work. Do I have allow some form of broadcast port? Can this be done while maintaining security? I want to have a firewall running on my laptop because I access open hotspots on a regular basis. Thanks
Sorry for necroing this post, but i had considerable trouble figuring this out, and hence am putting it up for anyone else who might run into it.
Basically you have to enable incoming packets (NB response packets) coming from port 137/udp of the responding system. In ubuntu 11.04, using ufw, this can be easily done as:
ufw allow proto udp from port 137 to any
This assumes that your LAN is using the ip range.