Nodejs iconv-lite convert wrong SHIFT JIS Character - node.js

I'm having trouble converting UTF8 Japanese characters to SJIS
Library used for conversion: iconv-lite
const iconv = require('iconv-lite')
const japanText = 'でんぱ組 出会いの歌26 カミソヤマ ユニ';
const buffer = iconv.encode(japanText, 'Shift_JIS');
fs.writeFileSync('convertedFile.txt', buffer)
Result after conversion:
'て?んは?組 出会いの歌26 カミソヤマ ユニ'
Does anyone have the same problem or have a solution please help me!

Your .js file seems to saved in UTF-8 with NFD (Normalization Form D). Text editors on macOS often use this type of encoding.
iconv-lite cannot handle NFD, so you have to change japanText to NFC. There are two workarounds:
A) Save .js file with NFC
Check the feature of your text editor. For example, if you use Emacs, you can use ucs-normalize-NFC-region. If your text editor doesn't have such a feature, you can use a service to convert NFC/NFD like:
B) Canonicalize to NFC in your code
Convert the string with normalize() method before passing the text to iconv-lite like this:
const fs = require('fs')
const iconv = require('iconv-lite')
const japanText = 'でんぱ組 出会いの歌26 カミソヤマ ユニ';
const buffer = iconv.encode(japanText.normalize("NFC"), 'Shift_JIS');
fs.writeFileSync('convertedFile.txt', buffer)


Is it possible to load ansi encoded string using nodejs

I have large quantity of html files (around 2k).
These html`s are result of conversion from word documents.
The files have some hebrew text inside html tags. I can see the text perfectly using vscode or notepad++ editors.
My goal is to loop through the folder and insert the contents of files into some DB.
Since i have a little knowledge of nodejs - i decided to build the "looping" using node.
Here is where i finished so far:
fs.readdir('./myFolder', function (err, files) {
total = files.length;
let fileArr = []
for(var x=0, l = files.length; x<l; x++) {
const content = fs.readFileSync(`./myFolder/${files[x]}`, 'utf8');
let title = content.match(/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/g).pop()
fileArr.push({id:files[x] , title})
The problem is: although the text displayed correctly inside editors -when debugging - i can see that "title" variable get strings which consists of question marks
I guess the problem is with file encoding, am i right here?
If so - is there way to decode the string?
P.S. my OS is windows10
There are a couple of possibilities here, it may be possible that your input files are in a multibyte encoding (such as utf8 utf16 etc) and your debugger is simply not showing the correct characters due to font restrictions.
I would try writing the title variable to some test file like so:
fs.writeFileSync(`title-test-${x}.txt`, title, "utf8");
And see if the title looks correct in your text editor.
It may also be possible that the files are encoded in an extended ascii encoding such as Windows 1255 or ISO 8859-8. If this is the case, fs.readFileSync will not work correctly since it does not support these encodings (see node.js encoding list)
If the files are encoded using a single-byte extended ascii encoding, it should be possible to convert to a more portable encoding (such as utf8).
I'd recommend the iconv-lite module for this purpose, you can do a lot with it!
For example, to convert from a Windows 1255 file to utf8 you could try:
const iconv = require("iconv-lite");
const fs = require("fs");
// Convert from an encoded buffer to JavaScript string.
const fileData = iconv.decode(fs.readFileSync("./hebrew-win1255.txt"), "win1255");
// Convert from JavaScript string to a buffer.
const outputBuffer = iconv.encode(fileData, "utf8");
// Write output file..
fs.writeFileSync("./hebrew-utf8-output.txt", outputBuffer);

Groovy encodeBase64() returning unexpected result for PNG image file

I am trying to convert a PNG image file to Base64 encoding in Groovy.
Here is my code:
ImageFile = new File("D:/DATA/CustomScript/Logo.png").text;
String encoded = ImageFile.getBytes().encodeBase64().toString();
I get the following as result:
The same image when passed through gives this result:
I have tried to highlight some of the differences. It is clear that both encoded strings are different.
Problem is that I have to pass this image's Base64 encoding to another system and it is accepting the one from but rejecting the one generated by Groovy.
Any ideas what I am doing wrong here?
You are hiting an encoding problem here. Binary data is not character data; character data is effected by encodings. Instead of text use the bytes of the file. E.g.
def f = "/tmp/screenshot-000.png" as File
assert f.bytes.encodeBase64().toString()==("/tmp/encoded_20190208131326.txt" as File).text
Answer from user cfrick was extremely helpful. Unfortunately, it didn't solve my problem. I believe the reason was that I was on an older version of Groovy.
This code eventually solved my problem:
String base64Image = "";
File file = new File(imagePath);
FileInputStream imageInFile = new FileInputStream(file);
byte[] imageData = new byte[file.size()];;
base64Image = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(imageData);

Read .txt with emoji characters in python

I try to read a chat history with smilies in it, but I get the following error:
UnicodeDecodeError: 'charmap' codec can't decode byte 0x9d in position 38: character maps to
My code looks like this:
file_name = "chat_file.txt"
chat = open(chat_file)
chatText = # read data
I am pretty certain that it's because of elements like: ❤
How can I implement the correct Transformation Format // what is the correct file encoding so python can read these elements?
Never open text files without specifying their encoding.
Also, use with blocks, these automatically call .close() so you don't have to.
file_name = "chat_file.txt"
with open(chat_file, encoding="utf8") as chat:
chat_text =
iso-8859-1 is a legacy encoding, that means it cannot contain emoji. For emoji the text file has to be Unicode. And the most common encoding for Unicode is UTF-8.

Encode to Unicode UTF-8 not working

My Code -
var utf8 = require('utf8');
var y = utf8.encode('एस एम एस गपशप');
Input -
एस एम एस गपशप
Expecting Output - \xE0\xA4\x8F\xE0\xA4\xB8\x20\xE0\xA4\x8F\xE0\xA4\xAE\x20\xE0\xA4\x8F\xE0\xA4\xB8\x20\xE0\xA4\x97\xE0\xA4\xAA\xE0\xA4\xB6\xE0\xA4\xAA
Example Encoding using utf8.js
Output -
à¤à¤¸ à¤à¤® à¤à¤¸ à¤à¤ªà¤¶à¤ª
What am I doing wrong? Please help!
That code appears to be working. That output looks like UTF-8 bytes interpreted as some 8-bit character set, most likely ISO-8859-1, which is easily recognisable by the repeating patterns.
That example output is just how you would represent that string in source code.
Try this:
var utf8 = require('utf8');
var y = utf8.encode('एस');
You will probably see the same output twice.
You can easily write some code to get that hexadecimal forms back using a lookup table and the charCodeAt function, but it is a rather unusual way to represent a string in JavaScript. JSON for example either just uses the literal characters, or '\uXXXX' escapes.

Node Buffers, from utf8 to binary

I'm receiving data as utf8 from a source and this data was originally in binary form (it was a Buffer). I have to convert back this data to a Buffer. I'm having a hard time figuring how to do this.
Here's a small sample that shows my problem:
var hexString = 'e61b08020304e61c09020304e61d0a020304e61e65';
var buffer1 = new Buffer(hexString, 'hex');
var str = buffer1.toString('utf8');
var buffer2 = new Buffer(str, 'utf8');
console.log('original content:', hexString);
console.log('buffer1 contains:', buffer1.toString('hex'));
console.log('buffer2 contains:', buffer2.toString('hex'));
original content: e61b08020304e61c09020304e61d0a020304e61e65
buffer1 contains: e61b08020304e61c09020304e61d0a020304e61e65
buffer2 contains: efbfbd1b08020304efbfbd1c09020304efbfbd1d0a020304efbfbd1e65
Here, I would like buffer2 to be the exact same thing as buffer1.
How can I convert an utf8 string to its original binary Buffer?
You cannot expect binary data converted to utf8 and back again to be the same as the original binary data because of the way utf8 works (especially when invalid utf8 characters are replaced with \ufffd).
You have to use another format that correctly preserves the data. This could be 'hex', 'base64', 'binary', or some other binary-safe format provided by a third-party module. Obviously you should probably keep it as a Buffer if you can.
The accepted answer is misleading. Your main problem is that you're dealing with invalid UTF-8. If the data were valid, the conversion would not cause issues.
Specifically, take the first two bytes: e61b.
In binary, that's: 11100110, 00011011. This is invalid. Take a look at this diagram from the utf-8 wikipedia page.
This says that if a byte starts with 1110, the next byte must start with two bytes starting with 10 after it. This is not the case here.
Whenever js hits an invalid character, it replaces it with �, the unicode replacement character. The codepoint for that is U+FFFD, and the utf-8 encoding of that code point is efbfbd. Notice that this shows up in your output a few times.
