Send Video to end user using Microsoft Bot Connector - azure

My organization Bot which was developed some time ago requires some changes and need to send an video to user. Bot uses teams channel & developed in SDK 3. Bot is deployed in IIS in one of the hosted server and uses Azure Bot channel in Azure subscription.
I was following this document to send video to user :
I am little confused with Manifest reference here. Where can I configure this "supportsFiles property in the manifest to true. " In my Visual studio app or in Azure Bot channel in Azure . Any help here is appreciated.


Is it possible to create a MS Teams App incl. messaging extension without an Azure Bot?

I am building a Teams App which uses a search based messaging extension. As far as I understand, I need a bot for this, because the bot is basically posting the adaptive card created from the data on my external webapp to the chat.
Is it possible to create or host a bot somewhere else than in Azure? I do not have an Azure subscription. If so, how would I go about using a different Bot for my Teams App?
Thanks for helping in advance!
Teams bots rely on the underlying Microsoft Bot Framework - the same engine for building any kinds of bots in the Microsoft ecosystem (e.g. slack or web or facebook bots). The only way to register those bots in MS Bot Framework is, yes, via the Azure portal. However, you don't need to HOST your bot in Azure - the physical web endpoint can live anywhere that's publicly httpS addressable (e.g. AWS), as long as the registration for the bot is in Azure.
yes, you can create the Bot framework locally and run it using Visual Studio.
To debug Bot locally in teams you need to use a tunneling service like ngrok.
To install ngrok run the following command.
ngrok http <port> -host-header=localhost:<port>
Here is document related Bot framework running locally and the installation steps for ngrok.

Additional Steps to Deploy C# Teams Messaging Extension (Bot) to Azure?

I have used the Bot Builder Teams messaging extension sample and successfully debugged the project locally on my machine using ngrok. I then proceeded to follow the Azure deployment instructions, and successfully deployed my bot project to Azure.
However, I cannot find instructions regarding what values need to change within my project to now use the assets within Azure. I have enabled the Teams channel on the Bot Channel Registration resource that was provisioned, and I tried updating the botId value within my project's manifest file to match that of the newly provisioned app registration. But I'm still receiving an 'unable to reach app' message when sideloading the app in Teams.
Are there instructions regarding how/what to change within the project so it uses the Azure assets rather than my local ones?
To narrow down what's wrong, have you tried using the Web Chat to test the bot ? If this works, then the bot is working fine in Azure and the issue is for local teams to reach Azure.
Also verify that you are using the right AppID and Password.
Once you have verified that the bot is working in Azure, at the bottom of this page, you will see steps to get a url that you can paste to get the bot added in your local MS Teams instance. (quoting below for quick access)
Copy the https part of the code that is shown in the Get bot embed code dialog. For example,
In the browser, paste this address and then choose the Microsoft Teams app (client or web) that you use to add the bot to Teams. You
should be able to see the bot listed as a contact that you can send
messages to and receives messages from in Microsoft Teams.
I did finally get my bot working, but found several missing steps within the deployment documentation. I have reported them in a GitHub issue, associated with the relevant documentation article.

Is Microsoft Bot Framework in Teams free with my own endpoint?

I would like to understand how payments work as far as Microsoft Bot Framework is concerned.
This is my scenario: In Visual Studio Code I wrote an bot app using Microsoft Teams Toolkit to use it as a chatbot in Microsoft Teams. My company has an Azure Active Directory subscription, so my bot app appeared there. This app communicates with an endpoint which is NOT hosted on Azure.
So my question is - will it generate any extra costs? Should I worry about this 10000 messages per month limit?
As I understand I'm not using Azure Bot Services as I host my endpoint and I'm taking care of the logic, am I right?
My endpoint is written in .Net Core using Bot Framework SDK. So I use their classes and also MicrosoftAppId and MicrosoftAppPassword is also sent to the endpoint (obligatory to use with Teams).
Thanks for clearing it for me.
You can see in the link that the limit only applies to premium channels. Your Teams bot should be fine.

Cannot connect QnA maker into Bot Frameowrk Emulator

I am trying to load my QnA maker in addition to my QnA chat bot from Azure into Bot Framework Emulator.
I have been able to load my chat bot in successfully with it returning a response. I have entered the knowledge base data it required inside the Azure chat bot settings as well and the Visual Studio code (C#). But when I enter text into the chat bot inside of the bot framework emulator it replies with: Please set QnAKnowledgebaseId, QnAAuthKey and QnAEndpointHostName (if applicable) in App Settings. Learn how to get them at
Screen shot of what is displayed when I make contact with my chatbot inside of the bot framework emulator
Any help with resolving this issue would be greatly appreciated!
QnA Maker is generally available from May 2018. New architecture is built on Azure, where the runtime is now deployed on Azure App.
Now, if you are using new QnA Maker GA, it requires three parameters to get connect with Azure Bot Web App Bot. KnowledgebaseID, AuthKey & Host Name.
Host name is nothing but Web App URL deployed whiled creating QnA Maker service,
You have to provide this in Application Settings in Azure portal or alternatively in Constructor code part.

Bot service fails with status code:Forbidden

Looks like BOTS which are migrated to Azure as (Bot Channels Registration) are not working. I have hosted them on Azure app service and I see Forbidden while accessing from Cortana. However, there is no trace of error while calling bot from MS team. If I change the messaging endpoint to local ngrok I can work with BOT.
I see the following message in Bot Channels Registration in azure portal.
This bot is migrated from the old Azure Bot Service. You can rollback the migration in order to have access to your old bot before 03/31/2018. After 03/31/2018, the old service will be deprecated.
Is meaning of, old service will be deprecated as if Bot still exist on portal it will be retired? Then, in that case, Bot Channels Registration (migrated) Bot should work.
Any thoughts on why this started happing since last 2 days?
SDK Platform: Node.js
SDK Version: V3
Active Channels: MS Teams, Cortana
Deployment Environment: Azure App Service
