Svelte store not updating subscribed value synchronously - store

I have a component with header which displays title. I want to update title when I change pages, so I've created a store:
export const sectionTitle = writable<string>('');
I set store value in component:
<script lang="ts">
import {sectionTitle} from "../lib/_store";
And then subscribe to it in header:
<script lang="ts">
let title;
sectionTitle.subscribe(value => {
title = value;
It does work, but seems it works asynchronously - when I switch pages, it updates after I leave page or refresh it. Like it updates after the mount and doesn't update the title property. What am I doing wrong and how to fix it? The behaviour I want is to update title prop when I load a page.

By updating the title from within the component you couple the title update to how long it takes to load the component. Depending on the router you are using, the component may be loaded asynchronously which then causes a delayed update of the title, so the problem is not Svelte itself (see this example where components are not loaded asynchronously).
I would recommend associating components/routes with titles elsewhere, e.g. in your header or a separate file, that way the title is known immediately and can be shown as soon as the route is changed.


I want to create an angular app to show live code preview like Jsbin

I'm creating the Angular app which lets user save his html code (maybe it has style and script tag to control the view) and there is a live preview next to it. User can save the code and other users can come to see the code and the preview. I also worry about the security because of script tag and I want the script to work only with the code that user provides (Not allow to control or get the data in the parent frame). So I need some suggesting of how to do it.
I have tried the preview with iFrame by giving the value through the 'srcdoc' property, but it looks like the security is bad.
You would not need to use an iframe in that situation, you can just render an HTML string inside of a div element using the innerHtml input like so:
<div [innerHTML]="htmlString"></div>
Where htmlString is a string containing the HTML code. You will have to sanitize the content of that variable with the DomSanitizer.
constructor(private domSanitizer: DomSanitizer){}
ngOnInit() {
this.htmlString = this.domSanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustHtml(yourHTMLString);

Select2 multi-value: How to refresh

I'm using ajax in Rails 4 to load this form. Using select2-rails gem, it renders properly when the document loads:
After I click update, it loads the view partial:
but when I click on edit, the styling doesn't show up, and only the default bootstrap styling shows up:
How do I get this last image to show the select2 styling from the first image? I think it has to do with how select2 styling is loaded when the document is first loaded, but would appreciate a solution. Here is my stylesheet below:
Hello again by the way...
I had a similar problem in rails 4 and it had to do with turbolinks.
In your JS file change your document ready to the function name below, then add the two commands just below the function, which are also below. This may be your issue as well because your page initially loads correctly, however when turbolinks is working, it tries to load only previously loaded files to quicken the load process and may skip your document ready function. Let me know if this helps... (Jake - DBC).
var select2Gem = function(){
$(document).on('page:load', select2Gem);

Meteor Iron-Router Layout Rendering

We have implemented a layout where the main content resides in dynamic sidebars. We defined following layoutTemplate:
<template name="layout">
{{> content}}
{{> leftbar}}
{{> rightbar}}
<nav class="navigation">
{{#if currentUser}}
{{> navigation_logged_in}}
{{> navigation_logged_out}}
We include e.g. the rightbar template in the layout template.
<template name="rightbar">
<aside class="rightbar">
<button id="closeRightBar" class="close-cross"></button>
{{yield 'rightbar'}}
The rightbar template includes the rightbar yield where we yield the specific content into.
We have implemented following RouteController:
UserShowRouter = RouteController.extend({
before: function() {
var username = this.params.username;
if(App.subs.user) {
App.subs.user = Meteor.subscribe('user', username);
waitOn: function () {
return Meteor.subscribe('user');
data: function() {
return Meteor.users.findOne({'profile.username': this.params.username});
action: function() {
this.render('profile', {to: 'rightbar'});
What we wanted to achieve is that for example the profile template is yielded into the rightbar yield and get's updated and re-rendered as the data changes.
The problem is now that the sidebars are dynamically animated, shown and hidden. Now every time the profile template gets re-rendered also the layout template gets re-rendered. Why is that? We thought one of the purposes of yield regions is that the whole site doesn`t need to be re-renderd. Now when the layout gets re-rendered the whole css of the animations are set back to the original values.
We now have tried several different approaches, but none of them seems to be a good and clean solution. Is there a way to keep the layout template from being re-rendered and just keep the yield region and template up-dated? Any suggestions or alternatives would be highly appreciated.
As I understand it, the behavior in which re-rendering of your templates "bubbles up" and causes re-rendering of their parent templates is not particular to iron-router or the way your code is implemented, but is inherent in Spark. Iron-router's {{yield}} pattern does not alter this behavior, as far as I can tell from its documentation.
The good news is that Spark is set to be replaced imminently with a newer, more fine-grained rendering engine, currently codenamed "Spacebars," which should alleviate the concern.
Here is a preview of the new rendering system:
This talk from a week ago is also excellent at describing the benefits coming through the new rendering engine (while fairly long, an overview is given in the first 5 minutes):
As for your options today, you can:
a) Use the {{#constant}} and {{#isolate}} parameters to try to limit re-rendering.
b) Work from a development branch as described in the link above:
You can play with the current work-in-progress version of the code using the template-engine-preview-4 release tag (run your app with meteor --release template-engine-preview-4), or by checking out the shark branch (it's an internal codename).
c) Best of all if the timeframe of your project allows is to allow the re-rendering to continue until Meteor 1.0 hits and "Spacebars" resides on the main branch - it sounds like this is 1-3 months away.
I think that the reason your layout template gets rerendered is because the data hook you implemented uses a reactive data source. If the current user object changes, the router probably decides to rerender the whole page because there is no simple way to decide which parts exactly depend on your reactive data.
If I'm right, a simple solution to your problem is to create a user helper that will fetch the necessary data only where they're actually needed, e.g.
Template.profile.user = function () {
return Meteor.users.findOne({/*...*/});
Then you can use it in your profile template along with the with helper (sic!), i.e.
{{#with user}}
to prevent multiple calls to the Template.profile.user function.
Also, if I were you, I would use the data hook only for data which is required by templates in my layout.

Use fragments-like views in Symfony2

I have two tables in a database. One of them contains the users of the application, and the other one keeps some medical reports about them in a ManyToOne relationship, so every user can have a random number of medical reports in the info table.
On the left of the screen I want to display a list of the users' names, an easy thing to do. Every time I click on the name of one of them, I get to another page that shows the medical data, and I have to go back to get again the list of the users. However, I'd like to have this info in the same view, so every time I click on a name on the left I get his or her data on the right, and when I click on another user, the info of the previous user disappear and the new is shown. I mean, I want a similar behavior that the old HTML iframes had, or the new Android 4 fragments.
Is this possible in Symfony2/Twig?
Twig is just a template engine, it is parsed on the server side and raw HTML/CSS/JS is returned to the browser, you can't write interactions with the user in Twig.
Symfony is a server-side framework, which means it is parsed on the server side and raw HTML/CSS/JS is returned to the browser, you can't write interactions with users with Symfony.
You need to use a client side script lanuage, like JavaScript. You can create AJAX requests to solve your problem. AJAX requests a url and displays the content of the url on the page. As AJAX is one of the most not-crossbrowser things in JavaScript, it is recommend to use a library like MooTools or jQuery.
I recommend to create a RESTful API for the AJAX requests. Something like /users/{id} should show the user information. For that, create a controller that shows the user data and map it to the /users/{id} route:
// src/Acme/DemoBundle/Controller/UserController.php
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Sensio\Bundle\FrameworkExtraBundle\Configuration\Route;
class UserController extends Controller
// ...
* #Route("/users/{id}")
public function showAction($id)
// select user by id
$user = ...;
// renders the user data
$this->render('AcmeDemoBundle:User:show.html.twig', array('user' => $user));
And now you create an AJAX request to that url to get the user data:
<li><a class="js-show-user" data-id="1">Joren</a></li>
<li><a class="js-show-user" data-id="2">Wouter</a></li>
<!-- ... -->
<div id="js-user-data"></div>
<!-- ... include jquery -->
jQuery(function($) {
var output = $('#js-user-data');
$('.js-show-user').click(function(e) {
url: '/users/' + $(this).data('id'), // request the correct url
success: function (result) {
output.html(result); // output the result

How I do create a animated loading indicator spotify apps

How I do use the loading_indicator.png provided in the design resources folder to make it act like an ajax loader?
This is how I display a loading indicator when starting my app, taken from the 'home' application (What's New). In your index.html:
<div class="loading">
<div class="throbber"><div></div></div>
In you app.css:
#import url("sp://import/css/eve.css");
adam.css being the dark Spotify theme and eve.css the light. Then, when your application is finished loading, just remove the element. You can do it with the dom methods in the spotify dom.js. In your app.js:
var dom = sp.require('sp://import/scripts/dom');
var loadingEl = dom.queryOne('.loading');
I don't know if the dom.js will be in the official API or not. Otherwise you can remove it any other way (standard dom methods, other js libraries you're using, etc):
var loadingEl = document.querySelector('.loading');
Note that the above example does not necessarily use the loading_indicator.png but whatever images that are used by the adam.css and eve.css themes.
If you wan't to use the loader as a normal ajax loading indicator inside your app, then all the normal rules of web apps apply. Display loader when initiating ajax call, hide it in completed-callback, position it with css.
I realize this is an old topic, but with the 1.X API there is an easier way to do this by using the Throbber class which allows you to instantiate and hide fairly simply via JS.
var tracks = document.getElementById('tracks');
var throbber = Throbber.forElement(tracks);
// (wait for tracks to load and render)
Just make sure to include the Throbber class at the beginning of your JS:
], function (Throbber) {
