I was trying to collect the List of Deny Assignments present in a particular tenant, so I passed the required arguments here:
tenant_id = arguments['tenant_id']
client_id = arguments['client_id']
client_secret = arguments['client_secret']
I created ClientSecretCredentials here:
csc = ClientSecretCredential(tenant_id=tenant_id,
From some other code, I have received a list of subscription IDs:
for subscription_id in subscription_id_list:
resource_client = authenticate.resource_client(subscription_id)
resources_groups = get_all_resource_groups_detail(resource_client)
I am able to get resourceGroups in that subscription id using this code:
amc = AuthorizationManagementClient(csc, subscription_id)
for resource_group in resources_groups:
denylocks = amc.deny_assignments.list_for_resource_group(resource_group)
Here, it creates an error (denylocks); I am getting:
<azure.mgmt.authorization.v2018_07_01_preview.models._paged_models.DenyAssignmentPaged object>
When I loop over the list of that object, it gives the error
:ERROR 'ClientSecretCredential' object has no attribute
for locks in denylocks:
except Exception as exc:
'ClientSecretCredential' object has no attribute 'signed_session'
To resolve above error, according to documentation:
A client expecting an azure-common credential will raise an error like 'ClientSecretCredential' object has no attribute 'signed_session' when given an azure-identity credential.
So, try following code snippet according to documentation:
azure-common uses ServicePrincipalCredentials to authenticate a service principal:
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
credential = ServicePrincipalCredentials(client_id, client_secret, tenant=tenant_id)
Alternatively, you can upgrade azure.mgmt.authorization to the latest version and continue using ClientSecretCredential of azure-identity.
It's because of the azure.mgmt.resource package, its latest version have some issue.
Try the following command:
pip install azure.mgmt.resource==21.2.1
I am not able to start Azure Vm using python code without using clientId and Secrete Id.
Can we start or stop Azure vm in python without using client_id and secrete id.
Here is the code for reference.
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from azure.mgmt.compute import ComputeManagementClient,ComputeManagementClientConfiguration
credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(
client_id = '<client-id>',
secret = '<key>',
tenant = '<tenant-id>'
subscription_id = '<subscription-id>'
compute_config = ComputeManagementClientConfiguration(credentials, subscription_id, api_version='2015-05-01-preview')
compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(compute_config)
resource_group_name = '<resource-group>'
vm_name = '<vm-name>'
result = compute_client.virtual_machines.deallocate(resource_group_name, vm_name)
here we are using client Id and all... but I want to stop my Azure Vm without need of applications id/client id..
you can use azure-identity package for this and DefaultAzureCredential:
from azure.identity import DefaultAzureCredential
credentials = DefaultAzureCredential()
compute_config = ComputeManagementClientConfiguration(credentials, subscription_id, api_version='2015-05-01-preview')
compute_client = ComputeManagementClient(compute_config)
main advantage - you can use MSI authentication
credentials = ClientSecretCredential(
recoveryservices_client = RecoveryServicesClient(credentials, subscription_id)
list_vaults = recoveryservices_client.vaults.list_by_subscription_id()
list_vars returns <iterator object azure.core.paging.ItemPaged at 0x105377df0>
Iteration over itempaged gives this error:
in raise_from
azure.core.exceptions.ClientAuthenticationError: Authentication failed: Unable to get authority configuration for https://login.microsoftonline.com/xx-xx-xxx. Authority would typically be in a format of https://login.microsoftonline.com/your_tenant Also please double check your tenant name or GUID is correct.
Operations with api and the same service principal gives the list without error.
Any advice would be appreciated.
subscription_id = os.environ["AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID"]
tenant_id = os.environ["AZURE_TENANT_ID"]
client_id = os.environ["AZURE_CLIENT_ID"]
client_secret = os.environ["AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET"]
credentials = ClientSecretCredential(tenant_id=tenant_id, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret)
kv_client = KeyVaultManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)
I tried to authenticate using;
as well
but I got the following error:
'ServicePrincipalCredentials' object has no attribute 'get_token'. Did you mean: 'set_token'?
Could You explain what is the cause of the problem and how could it be resolved?
Thanks in advance,
ServicePrincipalCredentials will give the same error as its deprecated version of Client Credential so instead of that you will need to use the ClientSecretCredential Only .
I tested the same from my environment using the below code:
AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET = '<Client_Secret>'
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID = '<Subscription_Id>'
from azure.identity import ClientSecretCredential
from azure.mgmt.keyvault import KeyVaultManagementClient
credentials = ClientSecretCredential(tenant_id=AZURE_TENANT_ID, client_id=AZURE_CLIENT_ID, client_secret=AZURE_CLIENT_SECRET)
kv_client = KeyVaultManagementClient(credentials, AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID)
kv_list= kv_client.vaults.list()
for item in kv_list:
Versions I am using are azure-identity == 1.7.1 & azure-mgmt-keyvault == 9.3.0.
I am trying to create dataset in ADF using azure sdk for python, unfortunately I am running into this error message. I am not sure what is wrong with my code below.
dsOut_name = 'POC_DatasetName'
ds_ls ="AzureBlobStorage"
output_blobpath = '/tempdir'
df_name = 'pipeline1'
dsOut_azure_blob = AzureBlobDataset(linked_service_name=ds_ls, folder_path=output_blobpath)
dsOut = adf_client.datasets.create_or_update(rg_name, df_name, dsOut_name, dsOut_azure_blob)
Error Message: SerializationError: Unable to build a model: Unable to deserialize to object: type, AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get', DeserializationError: Unable to deserialize to object: type, AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'get'
Help Please
I can reproduce your issue, this line ds_ls ="AzureBlobStorage" is wrong, it should be ds_ls = LinkedServiceReference(reference_name=ls_name).
You could refer to my complete working sample.
Make sure your service principal has an RBAC role(e.g Owner,Contributor) in the Access control (IAM) of your data factory and you have done all the Prerequisites.
My package version:
azure-mgmt-datafactory 0.6.0
azure-mgmt-resource 3.1.0
azure-common 1.1.23
from azure.common.credentials import ServicePrincipalCredentials
from azure.mgmt.resource import ResourceManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.datafactory import DataFactoryManagementClient
from azure.mgmt.datafactory.models import *
subscription_id = '<subscription-id>'
ls_name = 'storageLinkedService'
rg_name = '<group-name>'
df_name = '<datafactory-name>'
credentials = ServicePrincipalCredentials(client_id='<client id of the service principal>',
secret='<secret of the service principal>', tenant='<tenant-id>')
resource_client = ResourceManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)
adf_client = DataFactoryManagementClient(credentials, subscription_id)
storage_string = SecureString('DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=<storage account name>;AccountKey=<storage account key>')
ls_azure_storage = AzureStorageLinkedService(connection_string=storage_string)
ls = adf_client.linked_services.create_or_update(rg_name, df_name, ls_name, ls_azure_storage)
ds_ls = LinkedServiceReference(reference_name=ls_name)
# Create an Azure blob dataset (output)
dsOut_name = 'ds_out'
output_blobpath = '<container name>/<folder name>'
dsOut_azure_blob = AzureBlobDataset(linked_service_name=ds_ls, folder_path=output_blobpath)
dsOut = adf_client.datasets.create_or_update(rg_name, df_name, dsOut_name, dsOut_azure_blob)
I want to automate application creation in Azure with python. My goal is to execute it with AWS Lambda.
I have found ApplicationsOperations class, but I don't understand how to use it.
For the client part it's ok with a GraphRbacManagementClient object
But for config, serializer and deserializer parameters I don't know how to construct them.
Is someone here has code sample for ApplicationsOperations ?
You don't use it directly, you create a GraphrBac client and you use the "applications" attribute:
from azure.graphrbac import GraphRbacManagementClient
from azure.common.credentials import UserPassCredentials
credentials = UserPassCredentials(
'user#domain.com', # Your user
'my_password', # Your password
tenant_id = "myad.onmicrosoft.com"
graphrbac_client = GraphRbacManagementClient(
apps = list(graphrbac_client.applications.list(
filter="displayName eq 'pytest_app'"