Is there any Bitbucket server REST API for folder /Sub-folder creation - bitbucket-pipelines

I found below documentation for Bitbucket Server API but it does not say anything about creation of Folder/Sub-Folder
We wanted to create Folder(which is the Project name) and Sub-folder(which is the Interface name) in Bitbucket dynamically for the 1st time while checking-in the code as part of DevOps automation process.
Folder structure expected
<Repository name>
**<folder name>
<sub-folder name>**
<list of objects/artifacts>


Azure DevOps Pipines - Git Respository local directory location

I have created a Pipeline in Azure DevOps and have associated a git repository.
It is cloned to my agent, but I can't get control over in which local directory the repository is cloned to. I am working with self hosted Agent.
The next task need to use a specific file in the repository to complete the task.
The last things tha should happen in the pipline, is push back changes made in the respository.
I think what you want is WorkingDirectory, the local path on the agent where your source code files are downloaded. For example: c:\agent_work\1\s

Error when deploying custom template in Azure from Azure DevOps repo ("deploy to azure" button)

I'm trying to use the "deploy to Azure" button, using a template stored in Azure DevOps Git repo.
I'm receiving the following error:
Error parsing template. Please ensure template is valid JSON. Invalid symbol at character position 4. (3 other errors).
I created the URL following what is described in
My structure is the following:
Azure DevOps organization = MyOrganization and project is myProject
Repo is myRepo, and the template file is on branch myBranch, located at myFolder/myTemplate.json.
At the end, the URL looks like{myOrganization}%2F{myProject}%2F_apis%2Fgit%2Frepositories%2F{myRepo}%2Fitems%3Fpath%3D%2F{myFolder}%2F{myTemplate}.json%26versionDescriptor.version%3D{myBranch}%26versionDescriptor.versionType%3Dbranch%26api-version%3D6.0
Copy/pasting this URL in a browser returns the above error...
I believe my JSON file is correct (no error) because it works fine in the following two situations:
if using the same JSON template file with Azure CLI (az deployment groupe create --template-file <myJSONtemplatefile> --parameters <myJSONparametersfile>
if copy/pasting the JSON template file in Azure portal for custom deployment at
I don't get what is the reason of the Error parsing template...
Issue was due to the fact that the AzDO repo is private, and not public.
This was clearly stated in Microsoft documentation, but I missed it... (bolding word is mine)
If you're using Git with Azure Repos instead of a GitHub repo, you can still use the Deploy to Azure button. Make sure your repo is public. Use the Items operation to get the template.
With a public AzDO repo, everything works like a charm.

Unable to locate the repository cloned from git using Azure cloud shell

I opened Azure Cloud Shell and once the command prompt was ready, I tried git clone and it was cloned successfully. However, i am unable to locate where the cloned files are. Need help with the process for locating using Azure Cloud Shell.
The Azure Cloud shell stores the files in a file share within a storage account that you either specified or Azure created for you.
When you use basic settings and select only a subscription, Cloud
Shell creates three resources on your behalf in the supported region
that's nearest to you:
Resource group: cloud-shell-storage-<region>
Storage account: cs<uniqueGuid>
File share: cs-<user>-<domain>-com-<uniqueGuid>

App Service Editor in Azure

The App Service Editor (Preview) in Azure
When I 'Initialize Git Repository', where is my git repository created? Is there a repository URL that I can use?
And if later, after finish changing my code, I want to export repository (e.g., get a copy to my local machine), how can I do that?
You can access the git repository through command line or via the URL given in your instance dashboard in properties
there should be a Git URL field there.

What needs to be done when changing a Bluemix Node.js app name?

I changed the name of a Bluemix Node.js app, but there are some manual actions:
update of route/URL
new Devops repo
update of manifest.yml
Still the GIT URL points to the old URL, which doesn't exist anymore. Clicking on EDIT CODE leads to this error:
The project that you specified cannot be found.
The project cannot be found because it was moved, deleted, or does not
exist. Verify that the URL is typed correctly and is case sensitive.
If you were sent the URL, contact the sender to confirm that it is
To change the Git URL associated to your Bluemix application, you can do the following:
Go to your Jazzhub project and click on Build&Deploy. Then you have to configure the stages for build (if needed) and deploy. When configuring the Deploy stage you can specify which Cloud Foundry application is the target of that stage, select the Application name of the Bluemix application that you want to bind (the one with the new name in your case). Then the first time you run the Deploy stage it will bind the Jazzhub project to the (new) Bluemix application. I've just tried and it updated the GIT URL of the renamed application within the Bluemix Dashboard.
