Show item fulfillment and invoice if there is a different between amount - search

We have created a search where we compare the amount of an invoice and item fulfillment by showing the 'created from' (sales orders #) and the amount gross of both the IF and INV. Now, we would like to have only the INV & IF of the sales order visible when there is a difference between the amount. So, when 'created from INV' and 'created from IF' = equal and amount IF and INV is not equal, show the records. See the image below for the search.
Search to compare invoice and item fulfillment


Showing Last Sold Date In a Netsuite ITEM Saved Search

I've created a search that shows current inventory on hand, their purchase price, and a formula that multiplies the two to have current value.
In the results field I want to have a column that shows the last time an item was on a sales order. but i am coming up short. Is there a way to do this?
Filter Criteria
Results Criteria
Criteria -
Inactive - FALS
Type - Inventory Item
Transaction Field: Type - Sales Order
Available - Is greater than 0
Name - (Summary Type Group)
Description - (Summary Type Group)
Available - (Summary Type Count)
Transaction Fields - Date (Summary Type Maximum)
Did you create the saved search from the Item Record or Transaction Record?
If you created it from the Transaction Record then you will want to make sure to use the Date Field and Summary Type (Results tab) as Maximum.
Field = Date
Summary Type = Maximum
If you created the saved search from the Item Record you will need to use the Transaction Fields... table join to bring in the Transaction Date field.

Level of Detail on the primary data sources in tableau

I have one excel that contains the demand for each part by city:
e.g: the demand for part a for New york is 100 and 1+7=8 for Atlanta
I have another excel containing the inventory level for two warehouses: rural and urban:
e.g: Warehouse "Rural" stocks 50 for part a and warehouse "Urban" stocks zero for part c.
First I joined these two excels with the demand excel being the primary:
I googled about LOD (level of detail) in order to find out the inventory fulfillment for each warehouse by City
-- count the number of unique parts by each city for the demand:
calculated field [a] = { fixed [City]: countd([Part Number demand]) }
-- count the number of parts that are in stock (inventory level>0) by each warehouse:
calculated field [b] = { fixed [City],[Warehouse Location],[Part Number volume]: countd (if [Inventory Level] > 0 then [Part Number demand] end )}
-- calculate the inventory fulfillment %:
calculated field [c] = calculated field [a] / calculated [b]
and I got the following table and I think it is showing the correct fulfillment % by warehouse for each city: e.g: Warehouse "Rural" stocks 33% of unique parts needed by Atlanta.
Question 1: as I include more part numbers into the excel, I only want to consider the top 10 parts by volume needed for each city. I was trying to do the same thing with LOD to first find the total quantity needed per part per city:
{fixed [City], [Part Number demand]: sum([Part Number volume]) }
But it counts the quantity from both excels and I am just wondering if it is possible to only count the quantity from the primary excel (demand not the inventory),
Question 2: once I could count the total quantity needed, how do I transfer it into a filter so that I could only select top 10 parts by demand.
Apologize if these questions are dumb and appreciate for any advice!!

Populating text in report on promotional pricing if PO date falls in offer period

I need to populate a textfield in PO report with a plain text "Promotional" if PO Order Date falls between the Promotional Pricing period (Between Effective and Expiration dates, both inclusive).
For Example,
Promotional Pricing is
$0.50 between 8/16/2017 to 8/31/2017 and,
$9.30 between 9/4/2017 to 9/8/2017
PO Order is
Dated 8/23/2017 then text will NOT be printed
Dated 8/17/2017 then text will be printed
Dated 9/3/2017 then text will NOT be printed
Dated 9/6/2017 then text will be printed
I have included APVendorPrice table and joined with POLine on VendorID and InventoryID. I have Filtered with IsPromotional=1.
However, report considers only the first record of that particular Inventory while printing the text. Below is the code for printing text field.
=IIf(([POOrder.OrderDate] >= [APVendorPrice.EffectiveDate] And [POOrder.OrderDate] <= [APVendorPrice.ExpirationDate]), Trim('PROMO ' + [APVendorPrice.EffectiveDate] + ' ' + [APVendorPrice.ExpirationDate]),'')
Ideally, it should check for all the Promotional Pricing table for that particular inventory and print the text accordingly.
Please suggest.
Answer: Left Join POLine and APVendorPrice tables with InventoryID, VendorID and OrderDate GreaterOrEqual to EffectiveDate and OrderDate LessOrEqual to ExpirationDate. Add IsPromotional condition in visible expression of the textbox.

Count Index based on Multiple Conditions - Excel

I have a table with order records for each Product Type. The columns contain information like Order Number, Customer Name, Product Category, Product, and Order Receipt Date.
My goal is to find the quantity of orders that fall into the below conditions:
New Customers Ordering any Product Category for the First Time
Existing Customers Ordering from any Product Category for the First Time
Reorders from any Product Category
What would be the best way to go about this?
Think I figured it out:
I created two columns for records: "First Product Type Order?" and "First Order?"
"First_Product_Type_Order": IF(AND(Order2=Order1,Product_Type2=Product_Type1),First_Product_Type_Order1,IF(SUMPRODUCT(($Customer$2:$Customer2=D2)*($Product_Type$2:$Product_Type2=Product_Type2))>1,"Reorder","First Time Order"))
IF(Order2=Order1,First_Order1,IF(SUMPRODUCT(($Customer$2:$Customer2=Customer2)*1)>1,"Existing Customer","New Customer"))

Show all data in the same row in Framework Manager Cognos

I'm using IBM Cognos Framework Manager/Report Author 10.2.1
The Data looks like the following for two rows:
**Case ID Activity Date Updated**
11111 Bill Paid 09/25/2015
11111 Received Bill 08/01/2015
On my report, I need to show the following for the same exact Case:
**Case ID LAST Activity LATEST ACTIVITY Date Updated**
11111 Received Bill Bill Paid 09/25/2015
Received Paid needs to show in the same Row showing the latest
information with the 09/25/2015 Date.
Not sure how to do this in the report or even Framework Model?
This is tricky but a worthy question as you come across this type of data modeling regularly. I can give you a solution in the report.
The two bits you need to figure out is the maximum 'Date Updated' for each ID and the next to maximum 'Date Updated' for each ID.
Create a new data item called 'Max Date' with the following expression:
maximum([Date Updated] for [Case ID])
Create another new data item called 'Next Max Date' with the following expression:
WHEN [Date Updated] <> [Max Date] THEN [Date Updated]
ELSE null
for [Case ID])
Create another data item called 'Latest Activity' with the following expression:
WHEN [Date Updated] = [Max Date] THEN [Activity]
ELSE null
Create yet another data item called 'LAST Activity' with the following expression:
WHEN [Date Update] = [Next Max Date] THEN [Activity]
ELSE null
Set the 'Aggregate Function' property of both 'Latest Activity' and 'LAST Activity' to 'Maximum'.
We calculate the maximum date for each Case ID. Next we use a CASE statement to exclude the rows that correspond to the max date and then get a maximum for each Case ID of all other rows. We create a new data item that will spit out the Activity if the date matches the max date otherwise null is emitted. We create a second data item that outputs the Activity if the date matches the next to max date otherwise spits out null. We set the aggregate function for both to 'Maximum' which has the effect of getting rid of any null values in those columns through the auto-group and summarize process. This leaves us with two new columns on each row showing the activity of the latest and the one before that.
