create-react-app ; aborting installation while creating react app in windows 11 after installing node js - node.js

I installed node js and create-react-app in my system and while performing the command to create the startup react project, i performed, npx create-react-app <projectname> command. But it failed all the time and i don't know how to proceed with this and i tried some of the already available solutions and nothing worked and i don't know how to proceed with this. I have attached the screenshot of the error. Have a look at it and help me with the solution.
Thanks in advance !!!


Node JS throwing Errors when trying to create new React JS project

Just starting to learn React and I stumbled with this issue, I tried clearing the cache and the issue persists, what could be the cause of the issue?
Thank you in advanced.
Firstly confirm you are typing npx create-react-app my-app without any spelling mistakes. I have researched and found people with similar issues had an outdated version of node. Try npm install -g npm#latest.

I cannot start my nestjs project after a reboot

I don't know what happened prior to this issue but after each reboot i have to fully remove npm and nodejs, reinstall both npm and nodejs in order to start my nestjs project.
After rebooting running the npm run start command in my nestjs project, npm stops halfway and exits without any error codes (Link below of the terminal output).
What could it be? Is there perhaps some system path that gets wiped on reboot?
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated
Turns out both my angular project and my nestjs project required me to run a very specific version of node. anything else resulted in a silently crashing nestjs application with no errors.
For anyone stumbling into the same problem try fiddling around with the node version you're running
npm install -g n
n 10

How to fix ENOENT Error while installing React in WSL

I am trying to create a react app via WSL(windows subsystem for Linux), I am new to this technology, I am trying to create app in my D drive(/mnt/d). I have installed node using NVM, and it is working. But when I try to create an app using npx create-react-app I am getting ENOENT error, I was have been searching all over the internet from last day no luck so far, can anyone have a solution or show me what I am doing wrong. Attaching the error screenshot:
npx can be a bit weird around getting correct working directory context right. Try installing create-react-app globally ( npm i -g create-react-app ). Then try running it without npx.

Getting started with Create React App - "Cannot find module"

I'm using the "Getting Started" guide because I've been experiencing endless errors trying to create a react app so far when following tutorials.
And straight away I'm running into a problem. When I run npx create-react-app my-app I get the following:
Cannot find module 'C:\Users\Aristophanes\node_modules\create-react-app\index.js'
Can anyone advise me what I'm doing wrong? Thanks.
This must be a problem related with your node installation (maybe you removed manually create-react-app package?). I'd recommend following these steps:
Uninstall node and npm
Delete the npm cache and npm modules in your machine (In Windows machine you can usually find them at C:\Users\ {username} \AppData\Roaming\npm-cache and C:\Users\ {user name} \AppData\Roaming\npm) respectively.
Install node and npm again
If you really don't want to delete node and npm, try step 2 and see if that works. Following these steps did the job for me, hope that helps you.
I think you might miss installing Node and npm in your machine.
I had same issue a few times. Every time I was searching thru net for a solution, and for every time i just typed in terminal
npm i node
and its just started working

React Native dependency error

I'm brand new to React Native, I wanted to install an UI toolkit to simplify my UI design process so I went ahead and installed #shoutem/ui. After the installation I ran my application and I got a dependency error:
I went ahead and installed string_decoder (npm install --save string_decoder) so it now shows as a module under my node_modules folder but I still get the same error.
I tried to troubleshoot this by following the steps the error message shows, still getting it. Any suggestions on this?
Maybe, it' from packager cache. start packager with this command:
npm start --reset-cache
React Native v40 had some breaking changes which caused Shoutem UI toolkit not to work. It will be solved in the following days. In the meantime, here is a temporary solution.
