Connecting to an Azure App Service via IIS Manager (inetmgr) - azure

Is it possible to remote-connect to an Azure App Service running on Windows with my IIS Manager?
This seems to have been possible according to this blog post by clicking in IIS Manager File -> Connect to a site.

I refer to the steps mentioned in the link shared by you and in the last step I got an error below.
I did some research on it and it looks like managing the App Service from IIS is not supported anymore. I have not got any official link but the below links might give you some information on it.
Microsoft.Web.Configuration.AppHostFileProvider not found after configured Remote IIS Administration for Microsoft Azure Web App
Can no longer manage any Web Apps with IIS Remote Manager - Could not load file or assembly - AppHostFileProvider

I'm not sure for what purpose why you want to. My thoughts is you shouldn't be doing that as it defeat the purpose of PaaS services. Cannot access the iis layer in app service however you can still configure in web.config of your web app.


How to setup iis in Azure web app service with Net Core 2 app?

I develop simple Web Api on Net Core 2 and add Angular app to it (inside wwwroot folder) and publish it from my VS 2017 IDE to Azure Web App Service. All work fine, but when I reload page of my app in browser, server can't find route. So It often happens when iis not setup for SPA, It's described in, I must configure the server to return the application's host page (index.html) when asked for a file that it does not have. How I can setup server node of iis in Azure Web App Service (web.config in Net Core 2 was deleted).
I am afraid you cannot achieve this.
Cause: Azure App Services runs IIS so it behaves mostly the same as local IIS, routing requests using a native module called AspNetCoreModule. So, it needs your published web.config file. Even though you deleted the web.config file, Azure would also generate a new web.config file to be used.(Though I don't understand why you delete the web.config file)
Even you can upload the web.config file to Azure again, I'm afraid of that it will be ignored and doesn't work. So, I suggest you redeploy your website which contains web.config file to Azure and configure it well.
Additional: Azure Web App service is a kind of PaaS. So, if you want to install IIS manually, you can choose to host your website on a Windows Azure VM.

How do I configure App Service Authentication on Web App Service for Linux

I do not see the option to easily configure App Service Authentication on Web Apps for Linux. I am using SSL and custom domain name.
If you are looking for an option through the Azure Portal, then this will help.
As per the Azure Web App on Linux documentation Limitations, The Azure portal shows only features that currently work for Web App on Linux and hides the rest. As Microsoft enable more features, they will be visible on the portal.
Some features, such as virtual network integration, Azure Active Directory/third-party authentication, or Kudu site extensions, are not available yet. Once these features are available, Microsoft will update the documentation and blog about the changes.

Asp.Net Web API and Azure Web Role

I created a web application using web api in azure and i want to consume it with a web role application ! what is the difference between web application and web role and what should i do ! thanks
An azure webapp is a website you host on azure as a normal website.
you don't really have a lot you can do with the machine. Just see it as normal website hosting.
A webrole is part of a cloud service. Which is a bit more flexible. Web roles allow you to install for example applications on the vm you are running your application. The state of the machine is not held so if the machine goes down you lose all data you stored on it. In fact you upload a sort of zip package with the application inside. This installs the app and when something goes wrong a new machine is started and the package is installed again on that new machine. This is also 'an issue' with azure websites.
Here is a good link with some more info + with info on virtual machines which is in fact a layer lower, meaning that you have more control over the machine.
In most of the scenarios Azure Web App is what you should use. It provides all the capabilities required for almost all websites.
However, Web App may not work in few scenarios e.g.,
When you have a dependency on software or library that you need to bundle with your code
You need to RDP into the machine for some purpose
In those scenarios you will have to depend on Web role.

Is it possible to connect do remote desktop with windows azure websites?

I have been doing this with webrole. But as I understand windows azure websites: multiple sites hosted in a single webrole.
Q.1. Is it possible to connect to webrole?
Q.2. Is it possible to atleast connect to Azure IIS management console?
Adding to Jeff's answer, while you can't remote debug your website, you can terminal connect to it by going to the scm endpoint of your site: http://{sitename} and selecting "Debug console".
More on this here:
It will give you a nice way for managing some aspects of your site (mainly file based) but will not let you do other things like install office for example.
No, with Windows Azure Web Sites it is a managed solution. You can edit web.config and use the management portal, but there is no more direct ways to access the underlying compute resource.

What is the exact difference between Windows Azure and Windows IIS?

I have finished developing a webapplication on Visual Studio 2012 along with Microsoft SQL 2008. I'm trying to make it a "live" webapp which can be accessed through the phone rather than a localhost.
I researched and found 2 solutions which are
I have been looking all over the net for various clear explaination of the main difference between IIS and Azure. From my understanding, IIS is a web server application that comes with Windows Server and is used to serve up web sites while Azure is a Windows hosting solution that utilizes IIS. In that case why do people still uses IIS while Azure provide both a cloud platform and IIS?
Which is also better to host any typical web-application that used to run on the localhost?
I can't seems to find any thread in SO or ASP.Net forum which can clearly explain the main difference between the two along with the advantage and disadvantage.
Here are some of the link1, link2 i have found that provide brief information about the two.
What you are looking for is actually a place to run your web application, Teo.
As you've found, you can do that in IIS if you have a server that is connected to the Internet. A way to get such a server is to either got to a hosting company or just use the Windows Azure cloud as you've found as well.
One of the simplest ways for you to do this right now and for free is to sign up for a Windows Azure trial account. As part of that account you get a basic, shared Windows Azure Website for free.
Here are the links you need:
I would strongly recommend that you go through the entire tutorial (1) step-by-step before trying to do this with your own application. Before you start, sign up for a trial account (2). You will not be charged in the first month and you will not be charged if you stick with the free website.
Comparing IIS to Azure is irrelevant. Those are two different concepts, which are vaguely related to each other. You lack some very basic understanding of what each one means, and I recommend you to go and read about each them from scratch.
IIS is indeed a web server application. That means, for example, that it can rout HTTP request and responds to and from the web site application that you have created.
To keep it simple, let's say that IIS can run on any Windows machine, which makes the machine a Web Server.
If you want to have your web site up and running, you need either have your own machine that acts as a web server, or either upload your web site application to some other machine.
Azure is a group of cloud services. One of the services is a Web Site Host, that allows you to use cloud computers to run the IIS that hosts your web site.
As part of the service, Azure will take care of installing and using the IIS server for you.
Bottom line, if you are going the Windows path, you will probably end up using Both Azure and IIS (unless you will want to self host your web site...)
