How to use service account to authenticate google workspace admin api? - node.js

I obtained a service account JSON file and also attached domain wide delegation permissions to that service account. Next I set the service account file path using the GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env variable. After that I tried to access google groups of the domain like this:
import { google } from 'googleapis';
const admin = await google.admin({
version: 'directory_v1',
const groupsResponse = await admin.groups.list({
domain: process.env.GOOGLE_DOMAIN,
This gives me the following error:
Request is missing required authentication credential. Expected OAuth 2 access token, login cookie or other valid authentication credential. See
What am I missing here?

You need to apply the client to the service object.
auth: client
you may want to check out using-the-keyfile-property
Try this
const google = require("googleapis").google;
const SRVC_ACCOUNT_CREDS = require('./keys.json');
const getClient = async (scopes: string[], user: string)=>{
const auth = new google.auth.GoogleAuth({
credentials: SRVC_ACCOUNT_CREDS,
scopes: scopes
const client = await auth.getClient();
client.subject = user;
return client;
const listUsers = async (query = "", limit = 500, pageToken = null, user, fields, getAll = false)=>{
const scopes = [""];
const client = await getClient(scopes, user);
const service = google.admin({version: "directory_v1", auth: client});
const result = {
users: [],
nextPageToken: ""
if(!fields) {
fields = "users(name.fullName,primaryEmail,organizations(department,primary,title),thumbnailPhotoUrl),nextPageToken";
const request = await service.users.list({
customer: "my_customer",
fields: fields,
orderBy: "givenName",
maxResults: limit,
pageToken: pageToken,
query: query,
viewType: "admin_view"
pageToken = getAll ? : null;
const users =;
if(users && users.length){
result.nextPageToken =;
} while(pageToken);
return result;


Add team with auth user

i'm trying to add team with auth user i have route with middleware('auth')
But i can't get auth user. I'm new in node.js so i think its really easy problem but really can't see how can i solve this problem...
public async store({ request, auth, response }: HttpContextContract) {
const user = auth.user
const validations = await schema.create({
name: schema.string({}),
size: schema.string({}),
const data = await request.validate({ schema: validations })
const team = await Team.create(data)
return response.created(team)
You need to be sure that the user is authenticated to use the auth.user object.
add this
await auth.use('web').authenticate()
public async store({ request, auth, response }: HttpContextContract) {
await auth.use('web').authenticate()
const user = auth.user
const validations = await schema.create({
name: schema.string({}),
size: schema.string({}),
const data = await request.validate({ schema: validations })
const team = await Team.create(data)
return response.created(team)

check MFA is enabled for a user using rest api

How do I check MFA is enabled for AD users using rest API loginWithServicePrincipalSecret
is there anyone who can help me out to do this....I want to do this using node sdk like this
const { UserAgentApplication } = require("msal");
const { ImplicitMSALAuthenticationProvider } = require("#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client/lib/src/ImplicitMSALAuthenticationProvider");
const { MSALAuthenticationProviderOptions } = require("#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client/lib/src/MSALAuthenticationProviderOptions");
const msalConfig = {
auth: {
clientId: "bec52b71-dc94-4577-9f8d-b8536ed0e73d", // Client Id of the registered application
const graphScopes = ["", "mail.send"]; // An array of graph scopes
const msalApplication = new UserAgentApplication(msalConfig);
const Options = new MSALAuthenticationProviderOptions(graphScopes);
const authProvider = new ImplicitMSALAuthenticationProvider(
const options = {
const Client = require("#microsoft/microsoft-graph-client");
const client = Client.init(options);
async function test() {
try {
let res = await client
console.log("res: ", res);
} catch (error) {
throw error;
This is possible with MS Graph API,
To Get information of users registered with MFA and hasn't, we can use isMfaRegistered property in credentialUserRegistrationDetails .
credentialUserRegistrationDetails help us to get the details of the
usage of self-service password reset and multi-factor authentication
(MFA) for all registered users. Details include user information,
status of registration, and the authentication method used.
This is possible programmatically with MS Graph where you will get a JSON reports an can be plugged into other reports or can be represented programmatically itself
sample output:
"id": "****************************",
"userPrincipalName": "",
"userDisplayName": "Nishant Singh",
"isRegistered": false,
"isEnabled": true,
"isCapable": false,
"isMfaRegistered": true,
"authMethods": [
Sample code for your Node JS,
const options = {
const client = Client.init(options);
let res = await client.api('/reports/credentialUserRegistrationDetails')
To implement your NodeJS code please go through step-by-step guide in MS Documentation

Unable to regenerate storage key with Azure Management API

I can't use /regenerateKey [1] to regenerate keys for a Storage Account with the Azure Management API.
I'm using the following code in JavaScript (the resource has the subscription removed)
const { ClientSecretCredential } = require('#azure/identity');
const { SecretClient } = require('#azure/keyvault-secrets');
const MSRestAzure = require('ms-rest-azure');
const keyVaultName = process.env.KEY_VAULT_NAME;
const KVUri = `https://${keyVaultName}`;
const credential = new ClientSecretCredential(
const vault = new SecretClient(KVUri, credential);
function getCreds() {
return new Promise((res, rej) => {
(err, creds) => {
if (err) {
const getResourceUrl = (resource, action) => `${resource}/${action}?api-version=2019-04-01`;
const resource = "/subscriptions/00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/resourceGroups/myRg/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/MyStore
const creds = await getCreds();
const client = new MSRestAzure.AzureServiceClient(creds);
const regenUrl = getResourceUrl(resource, 'regenerateKey');
await client.sendRequest({ method: 'POST', url: regenUrl }).then(console.log);
I'm getting an UnexpectedException response -
"error": {
"code": "UnexpectedException",
"message": "The server was unable to complete your request."
The Client ID/Secret belongs to an app registration that has access to the storage account, as well as Contributor and Storage Account Key Operator over that subscription.
I'm lead to think that I've not formed the request properly.
I am able to reproduce the error if I don't specify the request body.
Please provide the request body in the following format:
keyName: "key1 or key2 (basically which key you want to regenerate)"

login to [sap] cloud foundry and get api response using nodejs wrapper

I have a scenario, where I am trying to fetch the API responses of the following host url of my account spaces and orgs in cloudfoundry SAP.
I am using nodejs (wrapper cf-client) script to authenticate but whenever I try to login it provides below error
Error: {"error":"unauthorized","error_description":"{"error":"invalid_grant","error_description":"User authentication failed: INVALID_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_LENGTH"}"}
Here is my nodejs script
const endpoint = "";
const username = "myusername"; //I have created a trial account
const password = "Password"; //I have created a trial account
const JsonFind = require('json-find');
const fs = require('fs')
const util = require('util');
const dJSON = require('dirty-json');
const CloudController = new (require("cf-client")).CloudController(endpoint);
const UsersUAA = new (require("cf-client")).UsersUAA;
const Apps = new (require("cf-client")).Apps(endpoint);
const Spaces = new (require("cf-client")).Spaces(endpoint);
const Orgs = new (require("cf-client")).Organizations(endpoint);
CloudController.getInfo().then( (result) => {
return UsersUAA.login(username, password);
}).then( (result) => {
return Orgs.getOrganizations();
}).then((result) => {
all_orgs = result.resources //returns api
get_orgs=util.inspect(all_orgs, {depth: null});
What I have seen is when I normaly login with cf client it requires sso passcode along with username password.
how can i provide that here or any idea how can I login here and fetch the data.
Since I did little more research on this and found out that a token generator can be used to overcome this, below code.
var totp = require('totp-generator');
const endpoint = "";
var token = totp('clientsecretidgoeshere');
const username = "myusername"; //I have created a trial account
const password = "Password"+token; //I have created a trial account
const JsonFind = require('json-find');
const fs = require('fs')
const util = require('util');
const dJSON = require('dirty-json');
const CloudController = new (require("cf-client")).CloudController(endpoint);
const UsersUAA = new (require("cf-client")).UsersUAA;
const Apps = new (require("cf-client")).Apps(endpoint);
const Spaces = new (require("cf-client")).Spaces(endpoint);
const Orgs = new (require("cf-client")).Organizations(endpoint);
CloudController.getInfo().then( (result) => {
return UsersUAA.login(username, password);
}).then( (result) => {
return Orgs.getOrganizations();
}).then((result) => {
all_orgs = result.resources //returns api
get_orgs=util.inspect(all_orgs, {depth: null});

Grant access to Common Data Service with adal-node

Cannot grant access to Common Data Service with NodeJS
I am implementing a simple Node function which will get some data from Common Data Service. I can get the accessToken already, but when I use this accessToken to access Common Data Service, the response is ‘Unauthorized’.
I followed the instruction here ( ) and is able to get it worked with simple page app.
I just want to port it to Node and have the app grant access to Common Data Service without requiring a user to login.
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
const AuthenticationContext = require('adal-node').AuthenticationContext;
module.exports = async function (context, req) {
context.log('JavaScript HTTP trigger function processed a request.');
const resource = "";
const clientId = 'my client id';
const clientSecret = 'my client secret';
const authorityHostUrl = '';
const tenant = ''; // AAD Tenant name.
const authorityUrl = authorityHostUrl + '/' + tenant;
const authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authorityUrl);
const tokenResp = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
authContext.acquireTokenWithClientCredentials(resource, clientId, clientSecret, function (err, tokenResponse) {
if (err) {
context.error("cannot get token: " + err.stack);
return reject(err.stack);
} else {
return resolve(tokenResponse);
context.log("tokenResp: ", tokenResp); // The tokenResp contains accessToken
const cdsHeaders = {};
cdsHeaders["Authorization"] = "Bearer " + tokenResp.accessToken;
cdsHeaders["Accept"] = "application/json";
cdsHeaders["Content-Type"] = "application/json; charset=utf-8";
cdsHeaders["OData-MaxVersion"] = "4.0";
cdsHeaders["OData-Version"] = "4.0";
const endpointUrl = encodeURI(resource + "/api/data/v9.0/accounts?$select=name,address1_city&$top=10");
const dataResponse = await fetch(endpointUrl, { method: 'GET', headers: cdsHeaders });
console.log("response: ", dataResponse); // The dataResponse is 401 Unauthorized
context.res = { body: "Done" };
I got the solution: I have to 'Manually create a CDS for Apps application user' in order for it to work, regarding this document:
Although the sample code is in C#, there are not too many differences between C# and Node.js clients.
